Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Ephemeris Island

Chapter 42

“Keep up, slow ass bitch,” I yelled back to Domitor as he struggled to keep up with me as we flew towards the floating island.

“I’m trying, asshole!” he snapped back as he grunted and flapped his wings harder.

Floria laughed loudly as she held her arms far above her head, “fly! Fly my magical flying pony!”

“Stop moving so much!” Domitor yelled back to her as she sat on his back, having way too much fun.

Despite myself I couldn’t help but chuckle at them as I stayed ahead of them, my eyes scanning the open air around us. Floria said there were giant avian animals that flew around the sky, but I haven’t seen any yet. It seems the presence of the massive island above us held by two suns is scaring off all the animals.

I wasn’t complaining, I’d rather not deal with an oversized bird.

We flew in silence for another twenty minutes before I let out an annoyed sigh. Despite this island being just above the tree, it was actually REALLY far away. Like, we’ve been flying for about half an hour and we’re just halfway there! 

Well I could’ve been there already for sure, but Domitor the Slow was causing me to fly at a slower pace. If I was the one carrying Floria, this would have been no problem and we’d already be there.

So instead of going fast, we flew at a leisure pace all the way to the island, which took a whole hour.

The moment we crested the ledge of the island we were greeted with a massive lake, with a decently sized city on the other side. But the main attraction of this place was the massive colosseum that sat right outside the city.

Quest complete! 5 skill points awarded!
Level up!
You have 29 unspent points!

“Fuck me,” I mumbled as I took it all in, as it was all a lot bigger than I thought it’d be.

Floria let out a whistle as she took out her binoculars and began to look the area over, “this place is so much nicer than people made it out to be.”

“So this Galben guy, he’s like what, a super powerful guy or something?” I asked as we slowly flew forward.

“The most powerful,” she replied as she leaned forward, propping herself on the back of Domitor’s head.

“Hey!” he complained, but she just laughed in response.

“Galben is a Zmeu, which is just a super powerful lifeform. Impossible to kill as far as I know,” she said as she looked her claws over, “yeah, he’s gone down the path of ‘look at me, I’m so important’ over the last few years, so he’s kinda been boring to hear about. But this tournament is supposed to be a big deal, since the reward is a favor from him.”

“The favor is useless to me since Rig has fucked me over,” I grumbled, rolling upside down as we flew, staring up at the sky above. 

Floria shrugged as she began to braid Domitor’s mane, “if you fight hard enough and win, I’m sure you can swing two favors or something like that.”

“What are you doing back there?!” Domitor asked as he tried to yank his head away from her.

“Stop moving,” she said as she kept braiding his mane. “Just be careful, Shane. Thorn users are unpredictable sometimes, especially the older ones. Young people like me, we’re cocky, so exploit that.”

I raised an eyebrow at her, as the level of self awareness she always had astounds me. It is really hard to get a read on her and her motives.

“I can handle anything,” I replied with a thumbs up. 


“There are too many people here,” I complained as we walked through the massive crowd of people, all standing outside the large colosseum.

“It’s been on the radio for like two months now, so of course a lot of chota’s would show up,” Floria said, still riding on Domitor’s back as we walked along, braiding away at his mane much to his annoyance.

To be honest, a lot of them looked a bit tough, like people even I’d have reserves about fighting. Nevertheless, I knew I could easily beat anyone here in a one on one match, which is what I’m hoping this tournament will be.

Up ahead, right on the side of the colosseum was a massive flashing sign that read ‘Sign-ups here!’ with an arrow pointing straight down to the ground below it. There was also a timer right above it that was counting down, with only about two hours left on it. That must be when the sign-ups end, I’d assume.

Heading in that direction we were greeted with a row of tables with a few lines of people waiting to sign up for the tournament.

“Great, lines,” I groaned as we stepped into one to begin the wait.

“Well at least it’s moving somewhat,” Domitor observed as we took a step forward every ten seconds or so.

I just shrugged as I started to shift from foot to foot, not liking just waiting around like this.

“So, the plan is,” I said aloud to them, having to do something to pass the time or I’d go crazy. “Win this tournament, then get that stupid favor for Rig. Then try and get this Galben to answer a few questions so I can figure out how to get the fuck out of this dimension.”

“It sounds so simple when spoken out loud,” Domitor said with a frown. “This whole thing banks on this guy actually wanting to help you, you know that right?”

“He’ll help me,” I replied confidently, “trust me.”

“Probably not, but we can hope,” Floria commented as she finished braiding Domitor’s mane. “There, all done, Dommy!”

“I don’t want to look at it,” he muttered, shaking his head about, causing the braids to flop all around him. “Oh I look stupid don’t I?”

“Like a little filly,” I mocked with a smirk, causing him to groan.

“So I have a question for you two,” Floria asked, suddenly looking a bit nervous as she started to fidget with her faceplate again. “When you two find a way to leave and get back to your home world, can I come?”

I frown at her, not sure how to answer that. I hadn’t planned on bringing anyone back with me.

“Home world? What do you mean ‘to return to your home world’?” someone asked behind me.

“It means mind your own business,” I snapped as I turned around to see a female Halwen had stepped up to us. She gave off a rich kid vibe, which just made me dislike her without even having to hear her speak again. “So scram, lady.”

“How rude,” she said in a refined voice as she put her hands behind her back, staring at us. Her eyes lingered on Domitor, “what is this thing?”

“A ugly creature, I’d stand back if I were you,” I said as my mask hid my smirk. “Otherwise he’d rub off on your nice clothes.”

Domitor rolled his eyes at this, apparently not up to dealing with me and my insults today.

“Hmm,” she said as she tapped at her chin, “I will say; I’ve never seen anything like it before. Willing to sell him?”

“How much ya got?” I asked with a laugh.

“I’m not for sale,” Domitor deadpanned.

“Oh it’s sentient,” she said with a look of surprise on her face. “Which now brings me back to my original question; What do you mean home world?”

Floria suddenly let out a gasp as she seemed to realize something. She stepped forward and japped a claw at the taller woman’s face. “You’re a fucking Cakehurst!”

“That I am,” the Halwen woman said, giving a half bow. “Vanilla Cakehurst to be exact. It’s good to know even lowly Kejtdra such as yourself can recognize excellence when you see it.”

“Oh hell nah,” Floria said as she turned to me, “we’re not entertaining this bitch at all. Cakehurst’s can NOT be trusted. All they want is money and power, and they will do anything, and screw over anyone, to get it.”

“While that is true,” Vanilla said calmly, hands still behind her back. “We’re not all like that. Have you heard the phrase: ‘don't judge a book by its cover’?” 

“Jokes on you, I judge all books by their covers,” Floria retorted, sticking her tongue out at the woman.

“Somehow I don’t doubt that,” she said back, a little sly grin on her face.

Floria’s eyes narrowed as she started to take a step towards the Halwen, “you little pompous rich girl, you wanna go?!”

“Whoa there,” I said, playing mediator for once as I grabbed Floria by her coat and pulled her back behind me. “Don’t get us kicked out.”

“Yeah, if anyone is going to get us kicked out it’s Shane here,” Domitor said, just having to throw in a little jab at me.

“Shut your horse mouth, Dom,” I growled, reaching over and flicking his braids.

With a groan Floria slide between us, holding us apart, “come on you two! Don’t start shit right now!”

Vanilla just watched us with a slightly confused look. “You three have a weird group dynamic going on, don’t you?”

“You wouldn’t believe it,” Domitor said, taking a step back and looking away from me.

I just took a breath and turned to face the Halwen. “Okay first up, I don't know shit about Cakehurst’s, but from the few things I’ve heard, I know you guys are to be avoided like a plague.”

“Damn right!” Floria agreed behind me. “They’re slimy little snakes in the grass!”

Instead of getting offended, the Halwen woman just shrugged, “I can’t argue that. The family over the years have gained quite the reputation for how we handle business. But as I said, we are not all that bad. You’re focusing on a few prime examples and disregarding all else.”

“Hey, if the shoe fits,” Floria said with a smirk.

“And two,” I continued, crossing my arms. “I do not like people who eavesdrop.”

She just gave a shrug, “to be fair, you were talking fairly loudly. I doubt I’m the only one who heard you.”

“Yeah you were talking pretty loud, Shane,” Domitor said in agreement.

“What? Me?! Floria is the one she heard, not me you idiot!” The two of us began to square up with each other.

“Guys!” Floria snapped, pushing between us yet again. “Stop making me do this shit!”

Vanilla just watched us with an amused look on her face, “you three are quite adorable together.”

“Adorable?” I asked in disgust, turning my back on my two companions. “Saying it like that ruins it. Thanks, bug woman.”

She looked past me and raised a hand, pointing behind us. “You’ve been cut in front of.”

“What?” I asked as I turned towards the line and saw the line had moved without us and others had moved in to fill the gap. “Oh fucking great! Thanks rich girl, way to distract us.”

I moved forward and took up my new spot in the line, determined not to lose it again.

“How about you take a hike, Cakehurst?” Floria said roughly as she and Domitor came up behind me.

“It’s a free state, I’m afraid,” she replied as she walked away, but still within sight as she stood there, watching us.

“Creepy ass bugs,” I muttered, shaking my head as I turned my head to look at the other two.

“That’s the Cakehurst’s for you,” Floria mumbled, keeping her eyes locked on the Halwen.

I also eyed the other woman, not liking that she was just hanging around us. Plus she was a Cakehurst’s, which according to my grandparents they’re the worst thing ever. Then again, I keep hearing they’re the worst, but I’ve gotten very few examples.

Only thing I know for sure is they’ve prevented my grandparents' business in this city from getting off the ground and have put them into poverty. Which is apparently a major contrast to how the family business was in the past.

“Should I go over there and wallop her good?” Floria asked, pulling up a sleeve.

“Just ignore her for now,” I grunted, wanting to at least attempt to avoid any more problems. 

“Someone is learning,” Rosemary commented from somewhere in the crowd, but I didn’t seek her out.

“That’s a bit out of character,” Domitor muttered.

“Yeah, it’s called doing better. You should try it, Dom,” I shot back, causing him to roll his eyes and look away from me.

He reached up with his hoof and began to try and undo the braids in his mane.

“Hey stop that!” Floria hissed as she slapped his hoof down. “Leave ‘em in, they make you look cute.”

“Ugh!” he groaned, a scowl on his face as he put his hoof down.

I made a whipping sound effect, causing him to kick some dirt at me.

Luckily before we got into it again we reached the front of the line.

Stepping up to the table I saw it was just a simple sheet of paper with places for others to put their names. A lot more simple than I’d thought it’d be.

Taking the pencil in my hand I carefully added my name to the list, watching as it shimmered a light yellowish color.

“Huh.” I turned to the other two and shrugged, “that’s it?”

“Move along, man!” someone in line behind us said.

Holding up my hand I move aside with the other two and walk into the crowd. Off to the side I could still see Vanilla watching us. She wasn’t trying to hide from us, just openly standing there watching us.

I’ll need to keep an eye on her for sure.


Two hours later

A loud horn sounded across the area as the timer hit zero, causing everyone to go silent and turn towards the colosseum where a massive door slowly swung open. The sounds of heavy footsteps could be heard approaching as the door creaked open.

From the sounds of it, something large was heading this way. 

A few people in the crowd around us began to look a bit nervous as the footsteps got louder and heavier.

Then the door was kicked open fully and a normal sized Halwen jumped out, holding a mic in his hand as he seemed to sparkle like a diamond in the sunlight.

“Hey hey now! How are you all doing on this amazing day?!” he proclaimed in a much too happy voice. No one in the crowd responded to him, but he continued anyways, “wow! What a turn out! Many more than was anticipated!”

“That’s Galben?” I asked in disbelief, causing Floria to laugh.

“Him? No. You’ll know him when you see him, trust me,” she replied as she leaned back with her hands behind her head.

“Since we have so many contestants, we’re going to have to do a little bit of a preliminary round before the actual tournament can start,” the flamboyant Halwen announced as he walked along the crowd, a wide smile on his face. “Is that shubdiggery with everyone?”

The entire crowd, myself included, just stared back at him, not one word was spoken.

“Belletastic!” he exclaimed as he did a spin and came to a stop giving a finger gun to a random person in the crowd. “Before we officially begin, I am Flavio, your slemdoobitly announcer for today’s events!”

“Is he going to talk like this the entire time?” I asked as I looked at the others.

“I hope not,” Domitor mumbled, looking just as annoyed as I felt.

“Aw come on, it’s not that bad,” Floria chuckled, looking to be having a good time.

“So what kind of preliminary should we have?” Flavio asked as he walked around, spinning the microphone by the wire. “Butotactular idea!” he suddenly yelled as she struck a goofy pose, head down as he held a hand above his head. “Do you all know how to play Black and White Boxing?”

This got most of the crowd to react as they all seemed to know what this was.

Flavio fist pumped at this, “Booyah! That’s what I like to hear! The Preliminaries will be a round of Black and White Boxing! To pass through this doorway you will need five victories! If you lose, you’re gonzo! Matches will be best of five!”

He threw his hand up, causing a little pin with his face on it to appear on everyone’s chest. “Collect five Flavio’s Groovy Pins, and you’re in the tournament!”

I tried to take the little pin that had appeared on me off, but it was really stuck on my chest plate. Not really sure how I’m supposed to take someone’s pin if they’re stuck on like this.

“Good luck and have fun, heepistial people!” he yelled as he ran backwards through the massive doorway as a yellowish wall of energy appeared over it.

New Quest! ‘Rank A: Pass Preliminaries!’ 

“Oh this’ll be easy for you,” Floria remarked as she stayed in her relaxed position.

“For sure,” I stated confidently as I turned to face her. “But what is Black and White Boxing?”

This caused Floria’s eyes to go wide, “wait you’ve never played that game before?!” I just shook my head in response as she suddenly looked very nervous, “oh no, you might be screwed here then.”

“It’s just boxing though, right? I kick ass at boxing,” I said as I flexed my arms for them.

“This game is not as barbaric or simplistic as boxing,” the Halwen woman from earlier said as she strolled up to us. 

I turned to her, taking notice that she did not have a pin on her chest, meaning she wasn’t participating in the tournament.

“It requires finesse and skill to win,” she stated, coming to a stop a few feet from me. “Both of which, a brute like you seems to lack.”

“Are you trying to get on my good side, or get your ass kicked?” I growled at her, eye twicthing.

“My point has been proven,” she said in a tone that made me want to just deck her right here. “Luckily for you, I actually know how to play this game.”

“Don’t need ya, I got my own expert,” I said, pointing over my shoulder to Floria.

“Actually, I know the street version of this game… which is not the same game,” Floria admitted, causing me to groan.

Vanilla smiled at me, waiting for me to say something.

“Fine, how do you play this game, lady?” I asked, crossing my arms in annoyance.

“Well, my muscled up meat head of a man, this game is quite simple,” she said, walking over and taking a seat next to Floria, who grunted and scooted away from her. “Both opponents will stand in front of each other and take turns attacking and defending. If you are attacking you have two ways to attack. Black fist and White Fist.”

“This sounds stupid and easy,” I commented, causing her to giggle at me.

“One such as yourself would think that,” she adjusted her dress a bit as she sat there. “If you put all of your force into a punch, that’s a Black Fist. If your opponent blocks it, they get a point. If you hold back and throw a punch, then it’s a White Fist. If they block this one, then you get a point. If you throw a Black Fist and they don’t block it, you get a point. And vice versa if you throw a White Fist and they don’t block it, then they get a point. Simple, yes?”

“No, not simple,” I frowned, barely understanding it.

“I’ll run you through it again, listen carefully this time,” she said as she stood up and began to pace around me. 

She retold the rules again, this time talking slower like I was an idiot. But I hate to admit I got it the second time around thanks to her slower talking.

“Better?” she asked, returning to her seat. 

“Yeah, I got it now,” I grumbled, looking around as the people around us were already engaging in their own matches.

“What if I throw a Black Fist and they don’t block, and I knock them out?” I asked, rolling my shoulders as I got ready.

“Then you win,” she chuckled, sitting there looking way to proper for my liking.

“You got this,” Floria said as she gave me a thumbs up.

“Just remember; the way to win is to read your opponent and not let them read you,” Vanilla added cheerfully.

“Don’t screw up and lose before it starts,” Domitor added, causing me to roll my eyes.

Turning around I scanned the crowd, looking for a worthy opponent.

“Hey there fancy boy, fight me,” a Kejtdra my size asked as he stepped up to me, already having two pins on his shirt.

I smirked at him as we squared up with each other, “Your funeral, bud.”

“I’ll go first, if that’s okay with you,” he said as he raised his fist into a fighting stance.

“Go for it,” I replied, getting ready as well.

We stared at each other intensely as I watched his movements, waiting to see how he’d throw his punch. Then his arm flinched, causing me to raise my guard, but he just slowly reached out and tapped my arm with his fist.

“Point,” he said in a smug tone as a little number one appeared on his chest.

“Oh she’s too fucking stupid to win this,” Domitor groaned as he flopped back onto the ground.

I narrowed my eyes at the man before me. This game might require more critical thinking than I thought.