Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

It begins here

Chapter 25

A loud knocking at the front door sounded through the house, getting everyone's attention.

“Lance, can you get the door?” Twilight yelled as she worked in the kitchen, making lunch for herself and her husband.

“Busy,” he muttered from the living room as he laid on the couch playing some kind of online video game.

The knocking resumed, louder than before.

“Lance Greenfield,” Twilight said sternly, causing him to sigh and put his computer down on the coffee table.

“Okay, going,” he said in defeat as stood up and walked to the front door.

He pulled it open and forced a smile, “Ah! Champion, what brings you here?” 

The costumed stallion stood there, a blank look on his face. An over the top beautiful mare stepped up next to him, smiling sweetly at Lance.

“Oh, who’s your friend?” Lance asked, holding a hoof out to the mare. “The name’s Lan-”

Faster than anyone could see, Champion swung his hoof forward, slamming it into Lance’s face and sending him rocketing backwards. The force of the punch alone blew the entire house away with him, leaving nothing in front of them but a pile of rubble and a three mile long trail of debris that stretched out before them.

“A lot of power just to knock him out,” Lilith said with a giggle.

“He’s unpredictable, I wasn’t leaving anything to chance,” Champion said as he walked forward, scanning the debris for Lance. He had to walk for a bit, following the trail of destruction as he looked for the distinctive stallion. 

The power of his punch had not only destroyed the Greenfield household, but also all of the houses behind it, so there was a lot of rubble to look through. Luckily for Champion, he could sense heartbeats, so it didn’t take him long to find the only heartbeat in the area, under a pile of broken wood and stone.

He slammed his hoof into the rubble and gripped something, and with a violent tug, he pulled Lance out of the debris by his back leg.

“Good work,” Lilith said happily as Champion turned and tossed the unconscious stallion to her. 

“I’m going to start on my part of the plan,” he said, raising into the air. “Don’t screw up and lose him. He’s slippery when he wants to be.”

A ball of crackling red magic formed around the prone stallion as she smiled up at him. “He’s not going anywhere.”

Champion gave a nod as he turned and stared at Canterlot in the distance. 

This was his time.


Domitor was the first to make a move as he exploded towards Shayla, attacking her as aggressively as he could. Yet she was easily keeping up with him as she blocked and deflected all of his attacks, a smug look on her face as she shifted and slammed an elbow into his face, sending him stumbling to the right.

Before she could capitalize on the moment, Floria appeared between them, slamming a closed fist into Shayla’s face. She’d used her Thorn to approach her unnoticed and was able to land a surprise attack.

Shayla growled as she dropped to the ground and swept the legs out from under the short Kejtdra, and then in one smooth movement, kicked her in the gut, sending her flying into Domitor. 

The two got tangled up as they tried to get up, causing Shayla to laugh.

“Come on, guys! Two on one, you’re supposed to win this!” 

“This bitch,” Floria muttered, standing up and helping Domitor stand up next. “We gotta work together.”

Domitor gave a nod, sensing something had changed in Shayla since their last fight. She was certainly faster and stronger. 

“Follow my lead,” he said, turning to the smug looking mare, who was just waiting for them to attack her again.

Wiping his nose, he smirked at her as he shot a tendril right behind her and zipped right past her. Her eyes never left him, following him as he was pulled along by his dark tendrils. As she turned with him, she winked at him. He was confused as he prepared to attack her, but she suddenly spun around and slammed a fist into Floria’s face as she tried to approach from behind.

He shot a tendril onto Shayla’s back and yanked her towards himself, catching her off guard. He slammed a hoof into the back of her head, sending her stumbling forward just as Floria returned and slammed her knee into the mare’s gut.

Shayla let out a gasp as she started to double over, but then seemed to move in a blink of an eye, slamming a fist into both of their faces in the same instant. Domitor and Floria stumbled away from her, the sudden attacks catching them off guard. 

She spun on Domitor and laid into him, getting two hard hits in before he was able to get his hooves back up and block her attacks. 

Mid block he suddenly zipped to her left, dodging one of her attacks as he grabbed her jacket and roared as he lifted her over himself and slammed her down onto the ground. Yet she didn’t slam into the ground as she threw her hands up and caught herself, then using her upper body strength, threw him over herself instead.

With a thud he crashed into the ground as she wrapped her back legs around one of his legs and grabbed it, trying to break it at the joint. Panic took over as he fought to save his leg, memories of his father flashing through his head.

“Let him go, ya damn bitch!” Floria yelled as she slid up behind Shayla and grabbed her in a headlock, trying to choke her out.

This got her to release Domitor, who rolled away as fast as he could. She then reached up, grabbing the other woman’s arm as she slowly began to pry it off of herself.

“How are you this strong?!” Floria yelled, struggling to maintain the chokehold she had.

“I’m just built differently,” Shayla grunted out as she was about to break free of the arm around her neck.

But just as she was about to break free, Domitor sprang forward, slamming his back hoof into her gut, knocking the wind out of her. Now that she wasn’t fighting as hard, Floria was able to get a better hold on her, squeezing as hard as she could.

Domitor grabbed her arms, trying to hold them down as she continued to fight them.

Then her eyes flared in absolute rage as her hand broke from his grasp and grabbed him by the face. He yelped as she almost effortlessly threw him to the side, then with a ragged roar rolled over, bringing Floria with her as she held tight.

Forcing herself to her feet, she reached over herself and grabbed the short Kejtdra by the edges of her faceplate and pulled hard, breaking her grip on her neck. With a loud battle cry, she pulled the woman over her head and slammed her into the ground in front of her.

Floria gasped in shock and pain as the ground knocked all the fight out of her momentarily. Her eyes went wide as Shayla raised her foot, wanting to knock her out of the fight as fast as possible.

But a dark blur tackled her just as she started to bring her foot down, sending both of them skidding across the ground. As they came to a stop, Domitor found himself on top for once. He straddled her chest and began to wail on her, trying his best to knock her out. But she just kept up her defenses, blocking his hits. 

A smirk appeared on her face as she bounced her back legs and raised them up, wrapping them around Domitor’s neck. He let out a yelp as she pulled him backwards and slammed his head straight into the ground. Once she unwrapped her legs from his neck, she jumped up, seeing Floria sprinting towards them.

She laughed as she jumped forward and kicked Domitor towards her, causing the other woman’s eyes to go wide as she stopped running towards her and stopped to catch the incoming stallion.

As she caught him, Shayla shot forward faster than her eyes could track and plowed her fist right into Floria’s unguarded face. This caused her and Domitor to go flying backwards, hitting the ground with loud grunts. But Shayla wasn’t done as she dashed forward and grabbed both of their legs.

“Get ready!” she yells as she tightens her grip on their legs as they both fight to break loose, “we’ll be spinning at high speeds!”

With manic laughter, she began to spin around, forcing her two victims to come along for the ride. She spun faster and faster, to the point both of them felt like their legs were about to rip off of their bodies. Then, laughing like a maniac, she began to slam them both up and down into the ground as she spun, even into a lamp post that was nearby. 

She didn’t let up, spinning faster and faster as she slammed them all around herself, her laughter reaching psychotic levels. 

Finally with one final slam, she released them, sending them flying in opposite directions. Domitor slammed through a building, crashing through the wall. If it hadn’t been for his magically reinforced body, he’d probably have died from that impact alone.

Floria collided with the side of a car, knocking it over as she was flung over it and into a building as well.

“Whew!” Shayla exclaimed, stumbling a bit as she regained her balance after that move. “You two down now?”

Domitor groaned as he pulled himself up and out of the hole in the building, staring at her with an intense look on his face.

“Ah, of course you’re still up,” she said as she rolled her shoulder. “Well come on, Domitor. Let’s get this finished.”

“Yeah,” he said, jumping down and walking towards her, a determined look on his face. 

“Can’t believe Lorenzo is your father,” she said as she glared at him.

“Trust me,” he said, spitting some blood onto the ground next to himself. “I can’t believe it either sometimes.”

“You assholes tried to kill me,” she said, slamming a fist into her chest. “Well I ain’t that easy to kill, fucker!”

“I didn’t know he was going to try and kill you,” Domitor admitted, stopping a few yards away from her. 

“Bullshit,” she spat out, narrowing her eyes on him. “If that was true, why are you hunting me?”

This caused him to pause, as he hadn’t actually thought about that yet. He was just following Lenrick and his fathers lead, but he wasn’t out here to get her killed. 

What was he doing here exactly? 

“Well?” she asked with a sneer. 

“I don’t actually know to be honest,” he conceded. “I won’t fight you anymore if you promise to stay out of my fathers way.”

“Fuck you,” she said as she raised her hand and flipped him off. “I’m killing that asshole for shooting me.”

Domitor closed his eyes, as he had hoped she’d see reason. “Fine then.”

They launched into each other, attacking more violently than before, emotions pushing them along. They were equal at first, neither able to land a hit, but that quickly changed as Shayla seemed to move faster than he thought possible, and rammed her hoof right into the underside of his jaw, sending him flying upwards and back. 

She grabbed his leg as he flew upward and yanked him back down hard, causing him to crash into the ground.

He groaned in pain as she stepped over him and put a foot to his throat, a range of emotions playing on her face as she looked down at him.

“I can’t believe you actually are helping him,” she said, eyes ablaze with fury. “I’ve never liked you, but I never pegged you for an evil piece of shit.”

“I ain’t evil,” Domitor spat out, choking a bit as she applied pressure to his neck.

“Coulda fooled me,” she deadpanned. 

“Get off of him,” Floria said from across the street, having trouble standing as she held her large rifle in her hands, struggling to keep it up and on Shayla.

“Yeah, you two aren’t evil at all,” Shayla hissed as she released her foot from Domitor’s neck and squared up with Floria. “Big gun for a little kid.”

“I’m not a fucking kid,” Floria said weakly, eyes locked on her.

Her eyes flickered down to Domitor, who was shaking his head at her. This caused her to growl as she stumbled back a bit, leaning against the overturned car for support.

“You think you can fire that and hit me before I reach you?” Shayla said as she took a step towards her.

“Just… stay right there,” Floria said as she coughed a bit.

A smirk played on Shayla’s face as she began to advance towards the hurt Kejtdra. 

“Damn it,” Floria said as she lowered the gun, deciding to listen to Domitor.

“What are you-” Shayla began to say, but a wave of tendril-like arms made of magic flew up at her from the ground, pulling her down roughly. “What the fuck?!” she screamed out, fighting against the now invisible bonds. But it was useless, as she couldn’t move at all now.

“Gotcha bitch!” Lenrick roared with laughter as he walked into the area, a little item in his hands. “Knew I saved this restraining magic for something.”

“Get this shit off of me!” she yelled, still fighting to get free.

“You good, Domitor?” Lenrick asked as he approached the restrained Shayla.

Domitor let out a sigh of relief as he rolled over and sat up, rubbing his neck. “I’m good. Thanks, Lenrick.”

“I told you, I got your back,” he said with a laugh, ignoring Floria as she leaned against the car, breathing heavily.

As he neared the prone Shayla, he pulled out the camera and set it up a few feet away from her. “Now, let’s get back to business,” he said as he hit the record button. “Gotta get that video recorded for mommy after all.”

“Damn it you pricks!” Shayla roared, her hate filled eyes locked on the man.

He walked over and stood over her, smiling down at her with a crazy look as he pulled out his sword.

She stopped fighting, glaring up at him. “Wanna kill me? Then do it, fucker! Right in the face!”

This caused him to laugh as he looked over to Domitor. “She’s just like her mother, isn’t she?”

Domitor just shrugged, not wanting to be a part of this part.

“Yeah, just like your mother…” he said as he stared down at her. A creepy smile suddenly appeared on his face. He turned his head to the camera, giving it a wave and putting his sword away. “Well well, Scamp, looks like you should have taken my offer all those years ago. Guess little Shayla here will just have to take your place.”

“What the fuck are you talking ab-” Shayla began to say, but the sight of him undoing his belt buckle caused her eyes to go wide. “Wait, what the fuck are you doing?!”

He smirked as he stared into her eyes, no longer talking.

“HEY! HEY! What the fuck are you doing! HEY!” she screamed in a panic, already knowing where this was going but not wanting to accept it.

With a bit of flair he threw his pants down and kicked them to the side.

“Lenrick, what are you doing?!” Domitor yelled, eyes wide as he watched his friend.

“If you don’t got the stomach for this, Dom, might want to turn away,” he said with a snicker as he kept his eyes on Shayla’s panicked face.

“But, all we have to do is kill her… not-”

“Shut up!” Lenrick suddenly snapped. “Just turn around, Dom. Walk away if you gotta, just shut up.”

Domitor looked to Floria, who was looking just as panicked as Shayla, as she looked to be in shock. Her eyes were locked on the scene before them, her eyes wide and her whole body shaking as she took deep breaths.

Lenrick pulled off his jacket and shirt next, never removing his eyes from Shayla’s.

“J-Just stop you fucking prick!” she roared, voice shaking for the first time in her life. But he didn’t stop as he grabbed his member, making a jerking motion as he prepared himself. “STOP!”

“Yeah, keep talking,” he said in a seductive voice as he kept going, getting the blood pumping.

Once he was ready, he licked his lips.

Domitor shook as he watched. This was… wrong. 

Lenrick went down to a knee and grabbed at her belts, undoing them.

“Please stop, just fucking stop!” Shayla screamed, fighting as hard as she could. 

He flung the belts open and grabbed the top of her pants, smiling at her as he yanked them down.

“HELP!” she roared, causing him to laugh as he kept yanking her pants down. Eyes tracing down her body as the pants went lower and lower.

Then without warning, something latched onto his back and slammed a blade into the top of his right shoulder, ramming it all the way down to the hilt.

Lenrick roared in shock and pain as he pushed himself away from the restrained mare and tried to grab at the person attached to his back. “One of you get this thing off of me!” he roared to his two companions.

Finally, the person on his back jumped away and landed behind him. With an angry sneer, Lenrick spun around, holding the sword still embedded in his shoulder and down into his chest.

“Who do you-” his eyes went wide as he saw his attacker. “Domitor?! What are you doing?!”

Domitor stood there, crying as she squared up with Lenrick. He didn’t know what to say, so he just stood there sobbing as he prepared to finish off his friend.

“You little ungrateful horse!” Lenrick screamed, ripping the blade out of his shoulder and stumbling towards him.

A massive boom filled the area as both of Lenrick’s legs turned to a pink mist, causing him to fall face first onto the ground.

Floria, who’d fired her rifle for the first time, was laying on the ground now, having been thrown back by the unexpected power of the weapon.

“Domitor, come on, this is stupid,” Lenrick said through clenched teeth, holding himself up with his elbows. “I need you to do me a favor, in my pants is a item that’ll stop the bleeding, please, get it before-”

“Shut up!” Domitor screamed, his face coated in tears as he walked forward and kicked his sword into the air, catching it with his hoof. Lenrick began to speak again, but he just screamed even louder, “SHUT UP!”

He looked over at Shayla, who looked scared and confused, her body shaking as her adrenaline crashed.

“You’re… a bad person, Lenrick,” Domitor said in a detached voice.

“We’re all bad, kid, even you!” Lenrick countered, trying to get the stallion to listen to him. “Now hurry, get my-”

He was cut off as Domitor’s sword pierced through his forehead and out the back of his head, cutting through his spine as well, the tip of the blade embedding itself into the ground below his chest. 

With the man now dead, he stumbled over to his pants and grabbed the little item that was being used to restrain Shayla. He fumbled with it for a moment before he figured out how to turn it off, and the moment he did, she curled in on herself, pulling her pants back up as she trembled.

“Shayla, are you… okay?” he asked, slowly approaching her. 

Her eyes snapped to him as she suddenly jumped up and slammed a knee into his snout, sending him flying backwards. She then turned around and sprinted away as fast as her legs would carry her, leaving the scene far behind her.

Domitor didn’t give chase as he lay there, looking up at the sky above him.

The gravity of the situation slowly dawned on him as he looked over to the nude body of Lenrick, his sword keeping his head up, staring up at the same sky as him.

He’d just killed someone.

He’d just killed his friend. 

It didn’t matter if that friend ended up being the worst kind of person, he had still been a friend. And Domitor had killed him. 

It was necessary, but that didn’t make him feel any better about it.

Floria stumbled over to him and fell to her knees next to him.

“Are you good, Dom?” she asked carefully, making sure she was between him and the body.

“No,” was the only thing Domitor said as he returned his gaze to the sky. “I don’t think I’ll ever be good again after today.”

She stared at him with a sad, yet knowing, look on her face. “Yeah, I’ve been there…”