Spider-Woman: The Setting Sun

by Spyder27

Prologue: One Normal Night

VOLUME 1: One Normal Night

The chilling air of the night is enough to make anyone shiver. Even if someone was wearing a full set of winter clothes, it wouldn’t be enough to make them warm. Due to this, everyone in Canterlot City rushes back and forth in an attempt to finish their business as quickly as they can. The most ironic part of this night is the fact that one person hardly has the luxury of a fur coat to warm them. Instead, the only thing protecting their skin from the elements is brightly colored spandex. This sort of clown outfit reflects red and blue on the surrounding snow, but that is the least of this person’s problems… 
Sprinting along the building wall, the sound of people screaming as bullets fly through the air makes her shiver. This is just the usual at this point. The adrenaline in her veins makes it hard for her to actually feel the cold. Every part of her is determined to stop these criminals before she calls it a night. With a quick breath, the masked woman jumps off the wall, barely avoiding the incoming fire. Shooting out a web line from her wrist, the woman quickly swings through the air, letting go at the right moment to land on the car. 
“Last time I heard, fireworks were supposed to be in July, not during Santa’s jolly season!” she exclaims before dodging another bullet, cracking open the windshield. In her mind, she couldn’t help but find it ironic that these criminals didn’t care for their own safety at all, recklessly shooting their own windshield. 
“It’s the Spider! I thought you said she wouldn’t be here!” one of the criminals yells at their associate, aiming their gun at the hero. Within a moment, Spider-Woman jumps off the hood of the car, landing on the roof and pulling off the passenger side door. 
“And miss my favorite baddies? I would never!” she exclaims in a teasing tone, pulling out one of the criminals and webbing them to a lamppost. The lights of the city zoom past the hero just as she punches through the windshield, pulling out the driver and delivering a similar fate to their ally. With no driver, the car swerves towards the sidewalk, making Spider-Woman’s eyes widen. Quickly, she jumps off the car, slinging as many weblines between the closest buildings in front of the car. 
Landing on the other side of the weblines, the hero finishes setting up the net just as the car smashes into it. For a brief moment, she can’t help but think how grateful she is for it being this cold in the city. If it was summer, there could have been lots of people on the sidewalk. Regardless, she isn’t given much rest time just as the final two assailants exit the back of the vehicle. One of them quickly throws a grenade towards Spider-Woman, making that special itch in her mind go haywire. 
“You got me a gift for the holidays? Aw, you shouldn’t have!” Despite the joke she casually spat out, a grimace lays under her mask, quickly shooting a webline at the grenade. ‘Grenades usually detonate within five seconds of the trigger being pulled,’ she thinks to herself, throwing the grenade towards the ground. With a desperate breath, Spider-Woman shields the grenade in as much webbing as she can, quickly jumping as far back as she can. The city would surely hate her for causing this damage again, but this is the best course of action she can take to protect everyone who could potentially be in harm’s way. 
A loud boom accompanies the burst of light, rubble being thrown every possible direction. Spider-Woman’s eyes narrow, seeing the rubble hit the last two criminals. It seems they already did her job for her… Regardless, she quickly sprints towards their bodies, making sure they still have a pulse as she webs them down. Despite how much she tries to help the city, they will surely hate her for this turn of events. She didn’t cause these criminals to be hit by the subsequent debris, but that sort of blame has become something she’s used to… 
“Now all you have to do is wait for the cops to come and you’ll have a nice, warm jail cell.” A feeling of envy comes to the forefront of her mind for a moment, wishing to get out of this cold. Taking a deep breath, Spider-Woman quickly leaps and sprints up a wall, swinging away from the vehicle and assailants as police sirens get ever closer. The cold wind races past her as the hero flies between the buildings, getting ever higher in the sky. This was her last outing for the night and a small part of her can’t help but feel relieved that she can finally relax. Her form of relaxing these days is just being able to sleep since every waking hour is spent worrying about her city. 
Throwing her weight forward, the hero swings upward quickly, letting go of the webline and landing on the roof of a sixteen floor building. Looking out towards the mass of city lights, she quietly takes off her mask, smiling at the city she fights so hard to protect. Sunset Shimmer’s life hasn’t always been like this. Conveniently, it’s nights like these that make her remember just how this exhilarating life of spectacle began…

Author's Note: As I said in the description of the story, I wrote this a while ago and I'm uploading it now since I recently burned my hand pretty badly. I know this is really short, but I promise other entries in this story won't be this short. I probably won't update this story for a little while since I want to focus my attention on writing A Dazzling Trio, but I do love this idea I have for this story and I hope to get back to it relatively soon! Stay special and warm, everyone!