Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Spark’s unlucky day

Chapter 20

Spark groaned as he stepped into the Beltosh household, seeing that they were both waiting for him in the living room. For some reason Roxxy was also here.

“What’s the problem?” He asked as they stared at him.

“Shayla,” Scamp deadpanned as he rubbed his face.

“What’d she do this time?” He asked, assuming she’d got in trouble and they needed him to work his police magic to get her out of it, again.

With a deep sigh, Scamp waved for them to swap places. Raising an eyebrow he walked over and sat down on the couch with the others as Scamp stepped up in front of them.

“So what happened exactly?” Mallogory asked, as Scamp wanted to wait for all of them to be together before she told them the bad news.

“Our beloved and oh so smart Shayla has made the amazing decision to take Kal and his cronies to Eris as of yesterday,” Scamp said in a way to calm voice, causing both of them to jump up.

“Shayla’s on Eris?!”  Mallogory yelled, extreme worry and anger flashing across her face.

“With Kal?!” Spark yelped, getting a sharp nod from Scamp.

“Of all people, huh?” She asked with a frown. 

“Well we’re going to get her!” Mallogory stated as she stood there, clenching her fist.

“That’s the plan,” she replied, then looked at Spark. “You’re coming with us.”

He didn’t look pleased with this, but for Shayla he’d do anything. “Okay.”

“But I’m going to need a favor,” she said with a small smile.

“Oh boy,” he murmured.

“I don’t have any special powers and Mallogory isn’t back to full yet. So Roxxy here is going to help us get you an Ego.”

“Please no,” he groaned, sitting down hard on the couch. “I’m happy being normal, I have a kid on the way, I don’t want to be all juiced up on an Ego as well.”

“Spark,” Scamp began as she stepped over to him. “Please, I know I’m asking a lot, but out of everyone here, you’re the only one who’s actually capable of handling shit like this. Shayla needs us, I can feel it. Something’s gone wrong and she needs us.”

Spark placed both hooves on his face and exhaled loudly. This went against everything he wanted out of life, he’d even promised his wife he’d stay out of things like this. But Shayla may be in trouble…

“When was she supposed to be back?” He asked, still holding his hooves to his face.

“Yesterday,” she answered, getting a whine out of him.

“Damn it,” he cursed. “Okay how do we do this?”

A relieved smile fell onto her face as she stood up and waved for Roxxy. 

Stepping up to him, she sighed and held up her coin, “okay, make a bet with me. Pick heads or tails and if you win I’ll temporarily give you my Enforcer status, till I ask for it back.”

“What?” He asked in complete confusion as he looked at her.

“It’s my Ego,” she sighed, “I can use it to take things from others if I win a bet. So heads or tails?”

“Tails?” He said slowly, still confused.

She threw the coin up and caught it, lifting her hoof to reveal tails, “lucky you, first try.”

As she spoke a small line of energy flew from her head and into his. He didn’t feel any different though.

“What’d that do?” He asked.

“You can enter the Enforcer’s Order Hall now,” she replied in an even tone. “There’s a guy there, Luzzumi, who’s waiting for you. I already filled him in on all this. He’ll get you your Ego.”

He just blinked at her as he looked at everyone, “uh… this is a lot to take in.”

“I know,” Scamp admitted. “But it’s super simple. Go in, get Ego, come out, we save Shayla.”

“It’s never simple,” he mumbled as he looked at Roxxy. “Now what?”

“Use my Order Hall Dagger, just stab the air and drag it down. It’ll open a portal for you,” she said as she handed him her dagger.

He frowned as he took it, then he looked at the other two, “I guess I’ll be right back.”

“Thank you, Spark,” Mallogory said as Scamp gave a smile.

With a quick stab, he drug the dagger downwards, causing a portal to appear before him. Reluctantly he stepped through it to find himself in a large room with a table in the middle. There was also a very messy couch for some reason.

“Ah ye must be Spark!” An overly cheerful and gruff voice said from behind him.

Turning around he saw a short and stout man with a large beard, a large smile on his face.

“Uh, hello,” Spark said with a weak wave.

“Luzzumi’s tha name,” he laughed, giving a bow. “I understand that you’ll be tha one helping save Lady Shayla?”

Spark couldn’t help but chuckle at this, “ain’t a thing lady like about her. But yeah, I’m helping.”

A loud bellowing laugh escaped Luzzumi as he grabbed his gut and leaned back, howling with laughter. “She bea bit rough an’ rowdy!”

The stallion just waited for the laughing to die down before continuing.

“So an Ego?” He asked once the stout man stopped laughing.

“O’ course!” He exclaimed happily as he stepped up. “I’ll have this done in just a moment, ‘em we’ll get your weapon!”

“Great,” Spark muttered.

Luzzumi held up his hand and focused on him.

Waiting patiently, he watched the man’s face slowly scrunch up.

“Everything okay?” He asked as the man grunted a few times.

“I can’t unlock your Ego, there’s a lock on it,” he said, still straining himself.

“What’s that mean?” 

But he didn’t get an answer as sweat began to form on the man’s brow. Then his eyes went wide as he stepped back.

“This be…” he then bowed quickly. “I’m sorry ta intrude, me Lord!”

This confused Spark greatly, but before he could ask any questions, the world around him suddenly shifted to a white void.

“Uh…” he mumbled, looking around at the whiteness around him. “Luzzumi?”

“Spark, child of Lance, child of mine,” a loud voice suddenly boomed from all around him.

“What?” Was the only response Spark had for this strange moment.

A large being made of light appeared before him, towering above him. 

As he stared at him it slowly dawned on him, remembering stories from his father, “you’re God?”

“Yes, my child,” the voice said calmly.

“Did I just die?” Spark asked with a grimace. “Sudden heart attack? Brain aneurysm?”

“No, Spark. You are very much alive. This moment has been in the making since you were conceived.”

Spark looked around, trying to make sense of what exactly was happening. 

“You are very special, my child.”

“Yeah, that’s what people keep telling me,” he replied with a frown. “I don’t know why though. I’m just an average guy wanting to live his life.”

“The challenges you have faced were tests, to test your will and resolve. You have remained constant and morally good through it all.”

“Okay?” He asked with a raised eyebrow. “Not to be rude or blunt, but this doesn’t make any sense to me.”

“Others have sensed your potential,” the being of light continued, “they have only caught glimpses of it; the power yet granted to you. You are destined for great things, Spark. Great evils are on the rise in a realm far above your own. And you, my child, will be pivotal in stopping the collapse of everything.”

“Can’t you just snap a finger and stop whatever it is?” He offered.

“I do not interfere with my creation in that way. I only guide and provide assistance, but I will never act directly.”

A sigh escaped his lips as he shook his head, “okay, what do I have to do?”

“As of now, not a thing, my child. You have other problems to deal with before the time of the collapse is upon you.” 

Spark did not like the sound of that, “that’s a bit ominous.”

“I will allow you access to your full potential,” the being continued, “and I will grant you access to your new form. Do not use it as your father uses his. Only when you know you need it.”

“Full potential? New form?” He asked, sounding very frustrated. “Can you please explain some of this to me?”

“In your base form, as you are now, you will be able to tap into your new form to a limited extent.”

“That… doesn’t help me understand this at all.”

“Bow so I may bestow my blessing unto you,” the being said, seeming to ignore him.

Deciding to listen, he bowed before the being of light.

Suddenly, a flash of very strong and deep energy washed over him, filling him a feeling of peace and love.

“Rise, Archangel Spark,” the voice boomed.

“You made me an angel?!” He exclaimed as he rose, a massive frown on his face. “Don’t I have to die first?”

“Unlike your father before you, there are restrictions,” the being continued without answering him. “Your Archangel form may only be used against those that will be a part of the collapse. While in your normal form, you may access a portion of the powers. Holy Instincts alone will carry you far, my child.”

Taking it all in, he just continued to frown. This was EXACTLY the kind of thing he wanted to avoid.

“Answer one question, please,” he said up to the being of light.

“Yes, my child?”

“Why is my dad so special? You granted him his Angel powers and he’s done so much with them. But he’s always wondered why him?”

The being was silent for a moment before speaking, “Lance is not the special one. It has always been you who was the special one, Spark. Lance became a Guardian Angel to protect you till you were ready for this moment.”

This did not sit well with him as he growled a bit, “my dad is special! He’s an amazing man who has gone through hell for his family!”

“And he has earned his place in Heaven,” the being responded calmly. “You are destined for greatness, my child. You only have to seize it yourself.”

The void began to fade away around him.

“Hold up, I have more questions!” He yelled as he reappeared before the still bowing Luzzumi.

“So ya met tha One Who Sits Above All?” The stout man asked as he stood up smiling.

“I guess so,” Spark muttered. “So let’s do this Ego thing so I can go.”

“That be nae possible with ye,” he responded, getting a groan out of the stallion. “Your soul be locked, so I can’t access it. Did ye get any kind o' blessing?”

“Something called Holy Instinct on top of being an Archangel,” Spark answered with a look of displeasure.

“Ya be an Archangel now?!” Luzzumi exclaimed, a look of awe on his face. “Do ye know what this means?!”

“No normal life for me?”

“Yes!” Luzzumi laughed, “ye must be destined for something great ta be granted those powers!”

“As I’ve heard,” he said, rubbing his face. “I’m free to go?”

“Sure be!” The short man replied as he bowed. “Me only advice with holy instinct be ta focus. It works better that way, but will do just fine if it has ta activate on its own.”

“What is Holy Instinct,” Spark asked as he raised the dagger.

“It heightens all o' your senses when activated! Even raises your speed an' reaction time as a bonus! When nae activated it will automatically cause ye ta dodge basic attacks. Honestly, very few Ego’s measure up ta it in terms o' defensive use.”

“At least it’s not a violent ability,” he conceded as he ripped open a portal and gave a wave to Luzzumi.

“Good luck, Archangel!”

“Ugh,” he groaned as he jumped through and landed back with the others.

As the portal closed, Roxxy stepped forward. “I want my Enforcer Status back.”

Just as before, a small line of magic moved between the two, returning to Roxxy.

“So, how’d it go?” Scamp asked eagerly.

Spark just shook his head, “apparently I can’t get an Ego or anything like that.” The two women deflated upon hearing this. “But I got pulled against my will to meet God and now I’m an Archangel.”

This caused them to recoil in shock.

“Like Lance?!” Scamp asked with a wide eye.

“Apparently a step above him if I remember the Hierarchy of Angels,” he replied. “Bet he’ll be super happy to hear this.”

“So do you get powers with that title?” Scamp asked with a hopeful smile.

“Yep, so we’re good to go,” he said, not able to not smile at her.

“Perfect!” She exclaimed, looking absolutely relieved.

“Just let me go tell my wife and job, okay? I can’t just up and leave without warning.”

She gave a nod as she stepped aside, allowing him to walk past her. “Meet us here when you’re ready to go, okay?”

“You got it,” he said over his shoulder, stepping through the door and closing it behind him. He exhaled loudly as he flared his wings.

This is definitely not what he signed up for.



“Almost done?” Floria asked as she watched him continue drawing as she sat there finished with hers.

“Close,” he muttered, focusing on shading in a few details.

She glanced around, seeing the staff were starting to set up for the night crowd.

“Finished,” he said as he placed the notepad face down on the table.

“Finally!” She exclaimed with an excited smile as she pushed her own drawing to him.

He pushed his drawing to her as he lifted hers. The image before him caused his eyebrows to raise.

It was a crudely drawn version of him standing on his hindlegs with a six pack and large muscles, a heroic look on his face as he pointed a sword to the sky. Right next to him was a crudely drawn version of herself, hunched over with an excited expression as she gave him two thumbs up.

“What do you think?” She asked eagerly, waiting for his reaction before she looked at his drawing.

“It’s…” he started, looking it over again. “It’s very interesting, that’s for sure… I don’t have muscles like that though.”

She just winked at him, “I drew the energy you give off, not your physical self.”

“Oh,” he said, now able to chuckle at the over the top image of himself. “Why’d you draw yourself like that?”

“Because it’s funny,” she giggled as she lifted his drawing of her. “Now let’s see me…”

He watched as her smile fell into an open mouth look of awe as she stared at the drawing.

“Well?” He asked expectantly, excited to finally get to show off his art to someone.

“Holy cheese apples,” she muttered, eyes tracing the image of herself. “It looks like a actual photo!”

“Yeah, it’s a hyper realistic drawing,” he said proudly. 

“I don’t even understand how you did this!” She exclaimed, a wide smile over taking her face. “I look amazing! Way better than the real life me!”

“It’s not that good,” he said sheepishly.

“Shut up,” she said as a jelly-like substance surrounded the picture and caused it to shrink and disappear. “That picture is amazing, don’t put yourself down. You need to be proud of that, own it!”

He smiled at her, then looked around her. “Wait…what just happened to the picture?”

“You mean my Vacuole?” She asked, but at seeing his confused look she grinned. “You know, my personal inventory? Don’t you have one?”

“Like a pocket dimension? I don’t have anything like that,” he admitted.

“That’s weird… everyone has one here,” she muttered, chewing on her claw tip as she looked lost in thought.

“I’m not from here,” Domitor said, deciding there was no reason to hide that fact from her. “Lenrick and I are from a world outside of this one.”

This caused her to roll her eyes, “sure you are. Just because I’ve never seen creatures like you two doesn’t mean I’ll believe you are from another world.”

He just shrugged at her, “I mean you don’t need to believe me. Just thought I should be honest with you.”

She eyed him hard, reading his expression, then she smiled. “Okay, I believe you.”

“Just like that? Why?” 

“You got honest eyes,” she said with a smirk. “So I’m going to believe you.”

Before he could react, Lenrick slammed his hands down on the table, scaring both of them.

“This place is amazing!” He said in an excited voice. “Kejtdra are so durable! I don’t have to be careful at all!”

Floria’s smile wavered as they looked at him. He was standing there in nothing but a bedsheet.

“Are we leaving?” Domitor asked, wanting to get out of this place.

“You kidding?! I’m just getting started! You two should grab one or two Kejtdra and have some fun!”

“I’m good,” Domitor replied.

“Well get comfortable, kid, because we’ll be here a while!” 

Before Domitor could protest, Lenrick spun around and basically sprinted back to the back rooms.

“Creep,” Floria muttered, getting a frown out of Domitor.

“He’s not a creep, he’s just… weird is all,” Domitor said, trying to defend his friend.

“Weird for sure,” she said, her mood seeming to be soured. “Why are you hanging around him? You two are so different.”

“He’s my friend,” Domitor said as he leaned back in the booth. 

“Is that the only reason?” She pressed.

“I guess we also work together,” he admitted. “We’re here with my father, who is our boss.”

“Ooo, family business stuff,” she chuckled as she leaned forward, fidgeting with the left side of her faceplate, where it looked like it’d been broken off at some point. “Sounds exciting!”

“It is actually!” He said with a wide smile as he leaned forward again, propping himself up on the table between them. “Can I admit something to you?”

“Do it,” she said with a grin.

“Don’t laugh, but Lenrick is my only friend.”

“Ooo, that’s just sad,” she said with a shake of her head. “That’s all you got for a friend?”

“He’s not that bad,” he said, defending his friend again.

“Tsk,” she rolled her eyes then leaned closer to him. “Let’s fix that right now then! I will be your friend.”

“You will?” He asked, chuckling at her eager face. “You sure?”

Floria gave him a reassuring smile as she nodded, “very sure. Who knows, we might end up being more than friends. Wink wink.”

He blinked at her then laughed a bit, “oh I’m sorry, I’m not actually sure I’m capable of handling a relationship.”

“Is that your nice way of saying I’m ugly?” She asked with a smirk.

His eyes went wide as he waved his hooves in front of himself, “no no! It’s nothing with you! I’ve just-“ he stopped himself, as he wasn’t sure if he could open up like this to someone else. No one had ever shown him any kind of support, so he didn’t want to run her off already.

“You just what?” She pressed, still smirking at him.

A frown appeared on his face as he stared at her, “it’s nothing.”

This caused her to drop her smirk and look a bit more concerned as she seemed to sense something was wrong here. “It’s not nothing. You good?”

Letting out an exhausted sigh he shrugged, brushing his mane back with a hoof, “I don’t know. I’ve never been able to talk about my feelings before so I don’t even know where to start. Or how to.”

Floria stared at him, trying to read him. “Everyone has baggage, Domitor. Me, you, probably even Lenrick. If you want, I’ll share some of yours.”

This at least brought a small smile to his face, “thanks. But I wouldn’t wish some of this on anyone.” He flexed his leg a bit, the memory of his father breaking it flashing through him.

She took notice of his pained expression, “want to change the subject?”


Her smirk returned to her face as she straightened up and pointed a claw at him. “Alright then! Tell me your current mission your father gave you and I’ll see what I can do to help!”

Seeing her look so determined and ready for anything caused him to chuckle. “Well we’re supposed to be hunting down this woman for my father, but we lost her way back in the forest.”

“Oh she’s gone then,” she said with a shrug. “Unless she came to this city, but even then, you’d never find her.”

“Yeah, we figured as much,” he admitted. “That’s why Lenrick has decided we’ll just kill time and play around a bit, so my father thinks we were looking for her.”

“Smart but risky move,” she said as she stroked her chin. “Why is he after this woman?”

“Long story,” he said with a sigh.

“We got the time,” she replied, leaning back and putting her hands behind her head.

“Well,” he began, getting comfortable. “Her name is Shayla Beltosh for one, and for two, her parents and my father have beef. Before I was born, according to Lenrick, my father’s old boss wanted him to deal with a problem, which ended up being Shayla’s pony mother. My father tried to handle her, but she had help and over powered him.”

“So far so good,” she commented with a chuckle.

“Yeah, well my father failed at the climax and his boss stripped him of his powers and put him in something called a Soul Jar to keep him as a part of some kind of collection. But then Shayla’s parents defeated his boss and released him and all the others in the collection.

“My father then went on to follow them to their home dimension because he knew one of her parents could get him to Eris to get a Thorn, which he needs in order to continue pushing towards his goals. He set up a rival company to theirs and tried to get them to agree to take him to this dimension. But they refused and got into a fight with him that killed a few of his men.”

“Honestly, it sounds like your father might be the bad guy of this story,” she said with a raised eyebrow.

He just shrugged at this, “he probably is, but he’s still my father. He raised me to be strong and capable, even if he…” he trailed off, not willing to go into any of that yet.

“So,” she said, sensing he was troubled, “what happened next?”

With a sigh he continued, “he swapped bodies with a subordinate and let the other guy get locked away in prison so he could try doing another plan.”


He chuckled a bit at this, “that’s my dad. According to Lenrick, my father decided to focus on their daughter next, knowing he could convince her to bring him to Eris. Which to be honest makes my whole life make sense. Now I know why he always showed her more love and attention than he ever showed me.”

A sad look fell across her face as she began to fidget with her broken faceplate again. 

“I mean,” he continued, mind racing, “that has to be why he always mistreated me growing up. Why he ignored me and beat me, because he had to focus on her. It wasn’t because he hated me or wanted to hurt me, it was because of her! She was the reason he hurt me!”

She just sat there, letting him vent as he slammed a hoof down hard on the table.

“It’s the only thing that makes sense! Why else would a father treat their son like trash?!” He grabbed his leg and held it close to him as memories ran through his head. “That’s why we’re after Shayla. My father got what he wanted and she’s going to oppose him. And I can’t let anyone stand between my father and his goals. Because he’s finally going to love me after all this is over.”

“Whoa, that’s some serious baggage,” she said evenly, still fidgeting with her faceplate. 

“Yeah, I guess it is,” he huffed as he sat back and shook his head. “Guess you’re gonna head out now?”

Floria just rolled her eyes, “nah, think I’ll stick around.”

“If you’re hanging around to fuck me, then just go,” he said rather harshly.

“Rude much?” She asked with a chuckle. “I think you just need a friend who’ll stick by your side. That can be me, if you’ll let me.”

He stared at her, trying to see the trick here, but her reassuring eyes calmed him a bit. “I’d like that…”

“Good, cause you’re stuck with me now!” She laughed loudly as she slammed her fist on the table. “Bar keep, two shots of whatever has strawberry in it!”

The bartender across the room gave a thumbs up as he began to work on some drinks.

Then she looked back at him, “besides, friends can always become more than friends.”

“Yeah, good luck with that,” he said with a grin.

A scantily dressed waitress placed two shots down between them.

“Yes!” Floria laughed as she drank the whole thing in one go, but then made a face and then spat it all back out onto the table. “That strawberry flavor is none existent!”

She jumped up on the table and pointed an accusatory claw at the bartender, “you’re a criminal! Serving crude like that to customers!”

“Hey, don’t like it? Go down the street, they’ll more than happily serve your picky ass!” He yelled back to her from behind the bar.

“Picky ass?!” She exclaimed, jumping off of the table and walking towards him. “Them’s fighting words!”

The bartender raised a rifle and glared at her. “You wanna die in a stripclub?!”

“It’s been my number one dream since I was a hatchling!” She yelled back as she pulled up her sleeves.

“One more step and I’m fearing for my life!” He yelled, pointing the gun at her.

“You don’t got the balls!” She exclaimed, throwing her arms out wide as she continued towards him.

The bartender fired his rifle at her.

At the same instant a tentacle grabbed her back and ripped her backwards just as a pink bullet flew through the air she’d just previously occupied.

Floria flew through the air and landed in the hooves of Domitor as he stood there with a dumbfounded look on his face.

She had the same look as she blinked in surprise at him, then ran her hands down her chest, “Holy Tintinnabulation! He actually had the balls to shoot!”

“Out, banned for life!” The bartender roared as employees rushed to push them out of the club.

They Were thrown out of the front doors and landed in the dirt. 

“Hey!” Floria yelled as she jumped up, squaring up with a few of the employees. “Don’t gotta be so rough! He’s the one who shot at me!”

“Just don’t come back, ya hear?” One said as they all returned inside.

“Fuck off,” she yelled after them as she made a crude jerking off motion with her right hand and cast her hand at them.

Domitor sat up rubbing his head, as he’d landed directly on it.

With a huff she turned to him and held a hand out to him, a smirk on her face, “I thought you didn’t have a Thorn?”

“It’s not a Thorn,” he said as she pulled him up. “It’s a totally different kind of power. Lets me do all kinds of things with it.”

“Whatever it is, it’s super cool!” Then she stood up straight and put her hands in her pockets, adopting a more serious tone. “For real though, thanks for saving me. I get a bit out of control sometimes.”

“Don’t mention it,” he said, looking at her broken faceplate. “Is that how that got broken?”

She smirked and shrugged. “Sure, I guess you could say that.”

He could sense there was something left unsaid in the way she said that, but chose to not press it.

“So what now?” He asked, not sure what they could do while waiting for Lenrick.

But she had an idea as she pointed behind him, “ever been to a fun palace?”

“A what?” He asked, turning and seeing what looked to be a building that looked like an amusement park billboard.

“A Fun Palace!” She laughed, grabbing his hoof and dragging him towards it. “It’s supposed to be for just kids, but screw it! They got wall to wall trampolines and all kinds of games!”

He blinked in confusion as she dragged him towards it. “Wait! This is right across the street from a seedy stripclub?!”

“Yeah!” She exclaimed gleefully. “Isn’t that awesome!”

“It’s so wrong on so many levels!” He replied back, causing her to laugh loudly.

“Just let loose! Come bounce with me!” 

He couldn’t help but chuckle as he rolled his eyes. “Fine.”

She squealed in delight as they reached the doors and she kicked them open, dragging him in behind her.

“Out of the way little shits!” She yelled as she pushed through what looked to be some kids' birthday party. As they reached the counter she pulled him up next to her and smiled at the employee before them as she put an arm around his neck. “Two please.”

“Oh not you again,” the employee groaned as they retrieved two wrist bands.

“Should I be worried?” Domitor asked as he watched the interaction.

“Nah!” Floria laughed.

“Very,” replied the employee.

“Wonderful,” he muttered as she dragged him further into the building.