//------------------------------// // Scene 2- The White Pegasus // Story: My Little Dark Knight // by Raot //------------------------------// Spitfire and Fluttershy walked through the lobby of the courthouse. “The fact that they tried to kill you means we’re getting to them.” Spitfire said nonchalantly Fluttershy squeaked in response, still a bit wide eyed from the experience in the courtroom. Spitfire laughed “You’re Ponyvilles new DA, if your not getting shot at, your not doing your job right…” Spitfire blinked her eyes seductively at Fluttershy “But if you really were rattled we could take the rest of the day off…” Fluttershy blushed immensely, and stuttered… “Oh, um, I can’t. I was going to meet Twilight here and…” “Twilight? Alright. Go ahead. I know you two are friends. I’ll see you later.” “I would really like it if you stopped playing games with me.” Fluttershy said, trying to be assertive. “The official policy is to arrest the vigilante known as Batmane on sight.” Twilight shrugged. Fluttershy sighed. “I just don’t like how you’re not telling me anything… can you at least tell me something before I sign off on the warrants you want?” “In this town, the less people who know, the better…” Twilight explained. “… I can tell you the names of the banks.” “Okay, that’s a start, but I want your trust.” “Don’t worry, we all know you are Ponyvilles white knight.” Twilight said. “But I heard they gave me another name after the gala.” Fluttshy weakly replied with a smile. Twilight smiled back before leaving. “Anything else you can trouble me for?” Rairty asked after Dash was done speaking business. “I need a new Suit.” “But I just made you a wonderful dress….” “I’m not thinking fashion rarity as much as I am thinking function.” Dash hinted. She then took out some diagrams and showed them to the unicorn. “Hmm, so you want to be able to use your wings…” “I’ll sure make going to the grocery store allot easier.” “I’ll see what I can do.” “Wow, I can’t believe we got into this place.” Spitfire admired the restaurant. “It took three weeks to get a reservation, AND I work for the government…” Fluttershy explained proudly. Spitfires attention was suddenly on something else behind Fluttershy. “What is it?” “Spitfire? Fancy that.” Rainbow Dash came in with a hoof around the shoulder of Soren. “Yes.” Spitfire said in a knowing annoyance. “Fancy that.” “Spitfire, Soren, Soren…” Dash started “We know each other.” Spitfire interrupted. “Hi! Nice to see you again!” Soren said obliviously. “Oh hi Rainbow Dash. It’s been a long time.” Fluttershy said. “Spitfire told me everything about you.” “I certainly hope not.” Rainbow Dash said, taking her seat*. “So… Soren.” Spitfire started. “Aren’t you…” “Captain of the Wonderbolts, that’s right. I have been since you and Dash left.” “Yea, Fluttershy said she taking me you a show next week.” Spitfire said. “You like that sort of thing?” Dash asked Fluttershy. Before she could answer, Spitfire answered for her, “No, but she knows I do…” After dinner, and after Soren finished his pie, he continued the conversation, “I mean, Ponyville has really gone to the diamond dogs. I don’t see why you should try to raise a filly here…” “Hey, I was raised here, I turned out OK” Dash said defensively. “Is your cloud mansion in the city limits?” Fluttershy asked. “Cloudsdale? Yea. As our new DA, you might want to figure out where your jurisdiction ends.” Dash defended herself. Soren continued his point, “I mean, the kind of city that idolizes a masked vigilante…” “Ponyville is proud of an ordinary filly standing up for what is right.” Fluttershy said. “Ponyville needs hero’s like you! Not some pony who thinks she’s above the law.” “Exactly.” Rainbowdash agreed with a smile. “Who appointed the Batmane?” “We did. All of us how did nothing to stop the diamond dogs taking over our city.” Fluttershy said with more aggression then she was used to using. Dash gave her a proud look. “But this is a monarchy Fluttershy.” Soren said. “there are rules.” Fluttershy answered, “Not too long ago, if you remember, Celestia suspended the powers of the royal guard and her own powers to appoint Twilight a as vigilante to find the Elements of Harmony and defeat Nightmare Moon in a time of need. It wasn’t an honor, it was a public service.” “But remember what happened the first time a pony tried to take power into her own hands?” Spitfire asked. “Luna tried to take power and start eternal night.” “Well, I guess you either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain. Look, Batmane doesn’t want to do this the rest of his life. He is looking for another Pegasus to take the job.” “A Pegasus like you?” Soren asked. Fluttershy blushed. “Maybe. If I’m up to it.” “What is this?” asked Gilda as two ponies carried a Television in front of the group of mobsters. Among the them where predominantly Diamond Dogs, as well as a Manticore, Zecora, and a few ponies and griffons. The TV screen flickered on and showed the face of a dragon. “As you are all aware” A dragon spoke in a deep earth shaking voice on the screen. “One of our banks was robbed. A relatively, small amount, 68 million bits.” “Whos stupid enough to rob us?” Gilda asked angrily. “I’m, told.” Responded the dragon. “The Pony who arranged the heist, calls herself Pinkie Pie.” “Who the hay is that?” Gilda asked again. Zecora answerd, “She’s just a purple suit, some paint and Pony Our problem is being tracked by the guards, pinkie pie is a nobody.” The dragon cooly continued, “I have already moved all our funds into my cave. The royal guard have no jurisdiction in Dragon lands. And the dragons will not let a pony take one of their own. Your bits are safe.” Suddenly, a laughter came from the back of the room, and all the mobsters turned their heads. “haha, ha, hehe, ho *snort* ahah, hum.” They all saw the horrible, mangled, painted face of Pinkie Pie and the trotted into the room. “And I thought I thought I threw bad parties.” The manticore stood up, “Give me one reason I shouldn’t have my diamond dogs rip you to shreds.” “How about a party trick?” she slammed a cupcake with a long candy cane ontop onto the table. “I’ma make this cupcake… DISAPEAR.” The Manticore nodded to one of his dogs, who dashed out at Pinkie pie. She sidestepped, and slammed the dogs head into the candycane in the cupcake. Red filling splattered all around the room, and the dog fell to the ground, limp. “And it’s GONE!” she said excitedly, some sugary red goop still on her cheery face. The Manticore angrily stood up, but Gilda stopped him. “I want to hear what she has to say.” Pinkie Pie cleared her throat, “A year ago, these royal guards wouldn’t cross any of you. What happened? Someone steal your royal jewels? See, a pony like me…” “A freak” the manticore added. He laughed and so did a few of the diamond dogs. “A…A pony like me…” Pinkie Pie tried to ignore the laughing. She shook her head and continued “I know why your throwing all your parties in the middle of the day. I know why you don’t have any sleep overs. Batmane. She is a party pooper, and Fluttershy is just the beginning.” She motioned to the dragon on the screen. “As for this little plan… Batmane has no jurisdiction.” “What do you propose?” Gilda asked. “Simple… Kill the Batmane.” There was a bout of laughter throughout the room. Zecora was first to speak, “If this task is so petty, why haven’t your killed her already?” “Grany Pie said if your good at something, never do it for free.” “How much do you want?” Gilda asked. “Half.” The room exploded into laughter again. “you don’t take care of this soon, the manticore here wont even be able to get a bit for his granny pie…” “Enough!” the manticore stood up. “Hey now,” Pinkie Pie unzipped her suit and put a wire in her mouth, revealing a vest filled with parasprites. “Lets not BITE off more then we can chew.” She said through the wire. “You think you can get away with this!” the manticore said angrily, “I’m paying 500k for this pony dead! A million alive!” “… well, let me know if you want to take things a bit more seriously.” She said as she backed into a door way and quickly made her exit. “They say they’ve killed Pinkie pie.” Said snips, walked beside snails as they led two other ponies inside towards the manticore. “They bring proof?” the manticore asked. “They say they brought the body.” Snails finished. The two ponys laid the body on a nearby table and the manticore looked at the bloodied face of the pink pony before looking back to the ponys. “So, dead, you get five hundred…” “How about alive!” suddenly, Pinkie Pies eyes opened, she took a knife from her suit in her mouth and she came up behind the manticore, putting the blades inside the creatures cheek, and her face beside his. He was too shocked and terrified to move. She pulled the blade taught against his cheek and spoke in his ear thought the handle of the blade, “Wanna know how I got these scars?” she started. “My father was… a rock farmer… and a fiend. One day I threw a party for him, but he got a little crazier then usual. Mommy gets a big, sharp rock from the ground to protect herself. He doesn’t like that. No, not one bit.” She tugged the blade tighter, “So, he takes the rock… with me watching… laughing wile he does it. Turns to me and says, ‘why so random?’ he comes to me with the rock, “why so random’ sticks the rock in my mouth… ‘lets put a smile on that face’ and…’” She looked up to the terrified ponies watching and finished. “Why so random?” she ripped her head to the side and all the ponies present flinched when the manticore hit the ground with a splat. “So,” she calmly put the knife back into her pocket. “Our party has only a few guests, but you know what they say, the more the merrier. So, would any of you gentlecolts like to join in the festivities?” Snips and Snails nodded quickly. “Well, I only have one invitation, so wer’re going to have try outs...” she took a pool cue from the side of the wall, broke it ion half and threw them at the feet of Snips and Snails. “Make it fast.” *(like lyra? Should their even be chairs… never mind doesn’t matter.) (Note: What sounds better? Flutterfire, of Spitshy?)