//------------------------------// // Dressing with Rarity // Story: Pony Stimulation for Weary Travelers Season 1 // by KenDoStudios //------------------------------// Darling, hello! I am Rarity, Equestria’s most fabulous pony, well at least in Ponyville. I was wondering when you would show, come on in, I was just about to do some stitching!   Yes, please feel free to look around the boutique! To your right you will find my personal collection of dresses from all over the world; there are so many beautiful ones here it's hard to choose one or  another to wear . You would think with such a vast selection that they'd never get worn...  Actually it's quite funny because if ever something does happen, guess who gets called?  Yup me!  Not to brag or anything, but look at this stitching! It looks like nothing more than a simple pattern... Sometimes that's all you need. Have no fear though, I have made sure every stitch has been done by hoof, which means each piece truly represents our unique brand of fashion magic. Even better , since these pieces were created especially for the client, Which brings me to why I needed YOU!!!  See darling, while others may say "I don't care", trust me when I tell you, THEY DO CARE!! We pride ourselves on being very exclusive. Ponies really do understand the dress code, I've experienced it first-hand.  So how do you stand out? Well, the secret is... Nothing... Be yourself... You can't stand out if you're copying some other pony, granted copying is how you learn, but you got to do your own thing too...  Just imagine creativity as a light inside your head, wanting to illuminate into the things you make. I must ask darling, what dresses among these fabulous creations do you think is your favorite? Come on now let me know, I'm dying to hear YOUR opinion!   Oh indeed, you like that one? It is a good choice dearest, let's see if we can make a copy of that together, what do you say, would you like to stitch with me?  Well then maybe we should begin with getting started on those patterns shall we.. We will start out with this fabric, it makes it feathery soft on the inside, perfect for making the wearer comfortable... Now we are going to add this other far more fancy material. This will be worn outside, It’s pretty tough stuff, but still flexible enough for any occasion.  Ok darling! We just got to measure you before we get started, oh this won't take long at all dearie.  Just hop up onto this stool next to me where I'll place both hooves upon your shoulders. Yes, sit down nice and easy, hold still please, don't move!,  Oops sorry sweetheart, I'm afraid I might have fudged it... One more time... Hmmm, seems fine, what a perfect waist size you have! Now lean forward slightly and relax nicely.... Yep much better, thank goodness!. Ok now you ready?,  Marvelous! You will be the envy of all in  Ponyville! Well I have a sketch now of you, let us waste no more time and start cutting the material!  Would you grab the scissors for me please. No, not the industrial ones... Yah that's it! Thank you darling! That's exactly what I'm looking for. Are you excited?! I love seeing you this happy! Well aren't you glad you came in today!? Of course you're pleased, after all THIS is a MIRACLE in progress!  Too dramatic? Well I tend to be like that sometimes... Sorry.  Anyway Darling, don't worry, if everything goes perfectly according to plan you will be the best looking pony in all of Ponyville!  *cutting* Just listen to these cutters making progress to perfection! They sound almost magical!  Yes darling, just wait until everyone sees the finished product! Eh... Concentrate dearie! You almost made a mistake.  See, is it not exciting to sew? Sew what!? Oh! That was a joke!  Yes darling you doing a wonderful job!  Now dearest, I know you picked this color, but honestly I don't have to tell you that a dress does not make you beautiful. What matters is that you believe you're beautiful no matter how you look. Of course a dress doesn't hurt to impress a pony either! Ha ha... After all, these colors really do suit you beautifully.  Yes darling, I'm proud of you already... Keep working hard girl.  Hold on a moment darling, what cut is that? Huh? Expression…? Well if you say so! You should always experiment, right? Remember imitation is the highest form of flattery. But true creation requires mistakes and failures along the way. Failure breeds success and only through trial and error do we find new ways to express ourselves, creatively speaking.  I apologize dearest, I didn't mean to spout off metaphorical expose', but Ii just want you to know there is no right or wrong in making a dress, well to an extent.       There isn't anything else quite like living an artistic life, every day presents something completely new from sunrise till sunset. If you enjoy creating arts and crafts then go ahead my little friend, create away! It certainly never hurts anyone, and if they happen to dislike whatever you produce which is their problem not yours.  Oh look you're almost done just a few more cuts here and there.   Goodness gracious! Look at that ! Such lovely lines around the legs! How elegant! The hemline really brings attention to the whole ensemble! You look absolutely stunning! And we have not even begun sewing yet!!!!! My Little Friend, when people admire our work others often compliment them by saying "wow", while some may utter words less complimentary; nevertheless compliments come naturally whenever someone admires another persons' creative endeavor whether big or small.  So why shouldn't praise also flow freely between friends who share similar interests? Don't hesitate to give each other feedback about ideas and techniques used during  projects, since constructive criticism builds self-confidence and encourages growth within oneself.  Remember though, positive comments inspire confidence too therefore avoid harsh criticisms especially directed toward yourself. Also beware negative remarks regarding physical appearance since beauty comes in many forms including inner strength and character traits rather than outward appearances alone. Now let us see you demonstrate your talent and skill with needle and thread... Shall we begin then? Oh you want to use the sewing machine instead? Of course darling! Your choice!  Okay? Very good. So far things are going very smoothly indeed, although maybe you'd prefer embroidery over lace applique?  Yes definitely.   Ohh how cute!  Have  you ever considered designing patterns with shapes resembling animals or objects directly inspired by nature?  Perhaps pony ears shaped into flower petals or a mane styled into leaves might appeal to your sense of whimsy?  Hmm… Being imaginative has nothing to do with age, sweetheart. In fact imagination proves itself most valuable in young minds where creativity flows effortlessly. You should never give up imagining, the fact that adults tend to have artist block, or writers block is the fact that ones own parents pressured them into a life of less foolishness. The time when you were the most imaginative was the time you were the most foolishly free spirited child, playing games of pretend without fear of scrutiny or ridicule.  Those were the days weren't they? You remember the times you dressed up as a different thing everyday? Wearing hats, wigs, makeup and shoes... Those whimsy children shared with each other without fear of ridicule. So perhaps those experiences can help you shape what is true to you today. Remembering fond memories could spark inspiration towards any project or idea. Just a few more stitches dear and we shall try it on! Oh I can't wait for the grande révélation! This outfit is such an inspiration and it reflects your personality wonderfully!.  It's perfect! It's exactly you!  This will surely turn heads! Everything fits perfectly together! I love it when the creation speaks volumes of yourself. The best kind of creation is the one you put all your positivity in! Believe me darling, if you create something you don't enjoy, then it's not really worth making anyway now is it?!  You finished stitching! Oh it's absolutely stunning! Eeee! I cannot wait any longer! Put it on, put it on! Now gone on my dear, show your regality and put out your creation! I want to see it.. I MUST SEE IT!  Take your time darling, don't rush, true creation of expression comes from the heart, not the mind. Allow this piece to speak louder than mere words. Take your time getting ready, don't feel rushed. Wear it proudly.... Yes! Proud of all aspects of YOURSELF!!! Yes!!!!!! WELL DONE MY LITTLE PONY!!!!!!!! Come on out, show Rarity... *gasp* it... Is.... *chefs kiss* Magnifique! You my friend are the epoch of your own beauty. I am totally honored to witness your amazing talents unfold before me. You've made history tonight. History in my heart! And history is yours!  Breathe in your creation let it become you, yes... Breathe deep, inhale..... Exhale...... Exude... Mmm, perfection! Absolute royalty stands before me! Perfect in every way!  You want to know why it's perfect? Because you made it! You created it! No one else did, only you.  It's like magic isn't it? If you choose to accept it. Let go of everything holding you back and embrace all of the positives inside you.  Be confident in your creation and always trust your instincts.  Now take it in! All your work in one great item. Poured out passionately onto fabric creating yet again, beautiful designs which complimented both body form AND personality type at once. Just look at these elegant lines accentuating your legs whilst showing off that chest!  That face is radiating youthful innocence coupled with mature sensuality!showcasing that figure hugging bodice designed specifically for you makes me jealous!  The colors chosen, harmonize well with skin tone coloration. enhancing even further your natural glow, accentuating your flawless complexion, complete with soft curves in all right places adding sex appeal to your already attractive features.  It's absolutely gorgeous and everyone who sees it will admire your artistry and uniqueness!  Yes my friend, there isn't another pony anywhere here in Equestria quite like you or your creations. I think you deserve a little reward. A hoof rub mayhaps? Hmm? Would that make you happy? There we are… You know, at the spa they do something nicer than this, but I guess I'll have to do it for now... Hee hee hee. It's always important to be positive when you complete a work of self-expression whether big or small. So let's celebrate success. Rainbow dash for exsample would probably just do some heroic pose... Something like thiiiiss...  Oh goodness I look exactly like her. *giggle* How quaint!   She is not such an annoying pony despite what you may think... You should visit her sometime. She has lots of energy. And sometimes gets herself involved in things she has no business meddling with.  But then again, she does nothing wrong except being overly enthusiastic about stuff. Sometimes people need someone around to encourage them to follow through with ideas rather than stopping them cold. Do you know anybody like that dear? I hope so... I hope some pony will guide you down paths where dreams flourish into truth. Someone that brings light upon dark environments as opposed to bringing darkness unto bright ones. That sorta thing. Maybe someday soon you'll meet someone special who understands you better than anyone ever has. Who knows? Until then, être jovial, stay happy, and create with happiness.  We're all working towards common goals after all. True creation! You mustn't forget the importance of living life happily today instead of waiting until tomorrow. This world moves fast enough without us having to push ourselves forward against our desires. Share generosity and give others your creations along with encouragement and praise wherever possible. It might seem hard at first, but remember we live by example and those examples affect other ponies' lives more often than most realize.  All that being said, thanks for stopping by today, and you can keep the outfit.  If some pony asks, tell them  the element of generosity gave it to you! Ju… just don't let it get through your head. I may be generous but I must pay for this boutique somehow, the next dress you make in this shop, you have to pay for.  Deal? Oh and one more thing darling, despite whoever might have told you... I am NOT a DRAMA QUEEN! Well I'll see you soon,  Au revoir!