Supernatural: Day, Night, and Shadows

by BioQuillFiction

Chapter 13: Shadows Meet Illusions

Lilith and Ramsey breathed heavily. Lilith's host was stripped bones and mangled flesh while the demon within had nasty wounds never felt before to the princess of hell. Ramsey had wounds, but still managed to stand and chuckle. “Looks like I win.” Ramsey said.

“Heh. Seems you have sister.” Lilith huffed. “Every dog has their day.”

“Ha! Pay up bitch!” Sombra laughed, the two elder demon’s seeing Sombra on a pile of murdered Demons, but a few of them were still alive as they grumbled and gave Sombra their ends of the bargain. “I knew you could do it mom.”

“Thanks sweetie.” Ramsey said.

“As touching as your relationship is, it would appear you are more ready for the big leagues than I expected.” Lilith said, standing her mangled host up. “My people will contact you when it’s time.” WIth that, Lilith vacated her host body, leaving it to drop and splatter on the ground as Lilith's white smoke body left the building.

“Well, that happened.” Crowley said, walking over the corpses. “Now who’s cleaning this mess up?”

“Not it.” Sombra said quickly. “Cause I have things to do, like take care of my mother’s injuries and get prepared to actually find this mystery merchant that’s been selling monster slaying weapons.”

“And I must lick my wounds.” Ramsey said, taking off through the wall.

“Great…” Crowley huffed.

Sombra and Ramsey were both in hell, the kennels were finally being cleaned for the first time in… ever, and Sombra tended to his mothers wounds. “I always knew that stuck up brat was all talk.” Ramsey laughed.

“She still injured you.” Sombra brought up. “But it’s good to know who’s top dog between you two.”

“Damn straight.” Ramsey chuckled. “Been wanting to do that since Noah sailed the flooded coasts.”

“I can imagine.” He nodded, snipping off the last of the excess bandages as she was fully patched up. “Alright, now all you need is some good rest and relax before fighting the…third strongest demon in Hell?” Sombra said, now thinking of the strength of all the demons in Hell.

“Oh that doesn’t matter. I just wanted to make that slut hurt.” Ramsey said with a laugh. “So, you think these weapons are coming from a single source?”

"Most likely, cause if it was multiple sources then the weapons would be more rampant across the globe." Sombra said.

“Well… is it?”

Sombra paused…

"I need to go and check on it…" Sombra stated.

“Do you have any of these weapons with you?”

Sombra brought out the knife that one monster gave him. "It dropped from a monster that I killed, as well as a primal elemental gem." He answered.

“Hmm…” Ramsey hummed, sniffing the blade. “Hmm… Odd. I detect no magic at all from this weapon.”

"And yet it can hurt and even kill magical beings, even phoenix's couldn't survive such weapons…"

“Hmm…” Ramsey licked it. “Odd… What creature dropped this?”

"No idea, it was a lanky beat with only a mouth filled with so many sharp teeth I lost count, long thin arms that ended with these stupidly sharp claws…and their highly resistant to pain that being set on fire only pissed odd the primal beast."

“Hmm, well, it doesn’t sound like any demon or creature I know of, even back before… but it tastes… like primordial energy.”

“That…should be impossible.” Sombra said nervously. “Primordial energy is extremely rare to utilize right?”

“Only God himself has made it and these days the only entities that have any at all in them are God, the Arc Angels, Myself, and Lucifer.”

"And now there's just…monsters out there that are infused with this energy?" Sombra asked worriedly.

“This is as well.” Ramsey said, placing a paw on the blade. “That must be how they can kill demons, ghosts, and all that easily. The primordial energy within them is rich. Richer than even Lucifer back in the day. Whatever is making these weapons and new monsters is no mere deity. They’re on the same level as God himself, maybe even stronger.”

“And that should be impossible." Sombra stated. "Cause if there are more people like God…or stronger…"

"There are many beings that have similar or close to powers to God but… none I know of can do this. And if they could, why wait so long?"

"Maybe…they were waiting for some event to happen? Like…how I got here?" He suggested. "It would make sense…"

"Maybe, but still… in my experience all powerful beings are rarely patient."

“Which is why I should go out and find whoever is selling these Primal Weapons, cause they might be connected to these Primal Monsters…” Sombra said. “I…we need answers before it destroys us all.”

"Something tells me that might be the idea…"

“I thought Lilith was the biggest problem we would have…but this…” Sombra stared at the dagger, the new knowledge his mother told him shaking him to his core that there was…so much worse out there. “I…I’m concerned.” He said, not wanting to admit he’s scared cause he’s supposed to be better, especially after that fight.

"The unknown is always terrifying Sombra. There's nothing wrong in fearing the unknown. But to push past that fear we must learn of what we do not know, less we forever remain ignorant and fearful of it. These weapons and these monsters likely won't just be a problem for us or the humans, the other monster species that have called this planet home since time began likely are dealing with them as well."

“I’d believe that…if these beasts didn’t slaughter demons as easily as they did humans.” Sombra said. “The Russian Facility that held the Heart of Adam…no man, or demon, survived an encounter with them.”

"You did."

“I’m not your average demon.” Sombra chuckled. “Though I did learn that having a monster with the mind of a wild animal on fire running straight towards you is…not a pleasant experience.”

"Perhaps it is time to do as the humans, and use what we have and create something new."

"That would be for the best." Sombra nodded. "What do you have in mind?"

"Perhaps for now, we stay to the sidelines, learn and adapt. There are many souls that owe you much. Use them for intelligence and gathering resources."

Sombra nodded. "Your right mom…and it's best I stay here and make sure your recovering correctly."

"And modernize hell. I've been stuck in these kennels since Cain killed Able. Seeing it gets cleaned out is a miracle I imagine the Almighty himself never saw coming and modernizing hell is going to be very interesting."

"Yeah, I can imagine." Sombra chuckled. "I think there should be some cults or organizations willing to help."

"Probably. So, what foods have humans made? Before I ate all kinds of creatures and after, well… anyway, this is my chance to take you on your first hunt."

Sombra’s ears perked up. “Really? Going on a hunt with you mom?”

"Yes. Tell me, are Mammoths still around?"

“Unless you know some place I don’t, Mammoth’s have been extinct for thousands of years.”

"Oh, well, maybe I can contact my brother. I know the place he lives has Mammoths and other fun creatures to hunt."

"Really? Where is uncle?"

"One of the other universes. God created many out of boredom and when he began killing off his earlier works a few of us actually escaped to these other dimensions."

"Well, that's interesting." Sombra said honestly. "So, how are we supposed to get there?"

"I'll need a few things first. Essence of Ghost, Wendigo Blood, and a mummified cow liver."

“That all should be…simple enough.” Sombra said.

It took almost a day but once the items were gathered, Ramsey began to mix them into a spell, adding in her own blood as a form of kindling for the magic to become more powerful.

Before the two a swirling vortex of magic and darkness appeared, and walking form it was… a dog. Not a hellhound, but a seemingly normal looking mutt anyone would see in the streets or kennels.

"Ramsey! Long time no see sis!"

"Hello Barbas." Ramsey said with a nod. "Glad to see you appear in good health."

"Oh yeah, I got a pretty good setup with this one celestial being. Kinda a loon but fair. Always making deals and such with the mortals."

“Hello.” Sombra said to the…very average looking dog. “And what was this about ‘always making deals with mortals’?”

“Oh it’s my room mate… or owner. Eh, our relationship is weird but basically he’s like a Crossroads Demon but, stronger. Most mortals make deals and offerings to him in exchange for power or artifacts or something like that. This one group traded their mortality for Vampirism and honestly it did not work out for them. Whole lot of them was wiped out by this weirdo that helped me get back to the asshole after we got into an argument and I left. Unfortunately in physical form I’m quite mortal.”

“That’s…rather concerning.” He said worriedly. “But my name is Sombra…it’s nice to meet you Uncle.” He said, not having introduced himself first as he was more interested in this new ‘Dealer’.

“Uncle? Ramsey what and who the hell have you been sleeping with?”

“Oh hush.” Ramsey said. “Sombra might be adopted but as far as I am concerned he is still my puppy.”

“If you insist. So, why did you call me anyway?” Barbas asked.

“I’d like to take my son hunting and sadly it seems Mammoths and other such creatures have gone extinct on this planet.” Ramsey informed.

“Ah. Yes, that whole progress of technology thing and environmental issues does do that. Makes me glad things with the mortals are so stagnant back home. Only species that did anything advanced technology and magic wise went extinct back home.”

“Really?” Sombra asked in surprise.

“Yeah, had something to do with some other divine beings heart and honestly I don’t remember. Anyway, come on, there’s lots to hunt here. There’s even one being all about Hunting. Think he uses werewolves or something.”

“Interesting.” Sombra said. “But let’s get to hunting.”

“So, you can open portals to other realities?” Crowley asked, tasting some of the Mammoth flesh Sombra and Ramsey brought back from their hunts. As well as Mammoths they hunted the Giants that were often with them. Bears, SaberCats, Dragons, and various Elks and animals. “That can be… very useful… also how?”

“I’m a being made by god, forged from Primal energy. A little of my blood can improve any spell to beyond maximum effect.”

“And what’s worrying is that the monsters that are cropping up, especially the weapons, are made of Primal Energy.” Sombra added in.

“I see… Perhaps this is in equal opportunity fortuitous as well as cause for concern. Those Hunters delivered us useful weapons, and these beasts might not be intelligent but any beast can be tamed. Or at least, captured and used for experimentation."

“That is true.” Sombra nodded. “Though it will be tough to capture one of these beasts, they took down plenty of demon’s before I got to Russia…”

"Then we fight fire with fire. We kill as many of these new monsters as we can find, take what they drop and melt down anything made from metal to use for chains or a cage."

“That would make sense.” Sombra nodded. “Oh, and did you figure anything else out about that weird fire gem?”

"Yes, actually." Crowley said, pulling a new chain from under his shirt, the gemstone hung from it. He let it drop against his chest and with a flick of his wrist formed a burning flame in his palm. "It's like using pyromancy without the need to use any magic or spells. The fire responds to my will."

"So…the gems give you the prowess of powerful mages right off the bat?" Sombra asked.

"Every magic user needs magic. Whether it comes from hell or another source, everything needs magic, except this." Crowley said, the small flame spinning into an orb of flames before he grabbed it, snuffing the flame out. "No magic. It's pulling power from an unknown source different from magic, any magic we know."

“That…” Sombra took a deep breath. “Literally having every rule of magic thrown out the window…” Sombra rubbed his temples.

"I know. Oh if my mother saw this she'd have a heart attack." Crowley laughed. "This is going to be fun."

“Well…it’s going to be interesting to say the least.” Sombra nodded.

"We definitely should stock up on those." Ramsey said. "Gems that defy all laws of magic and bestow the user with elemental control, they'll be an Invaluable resource."

“Yes, yes they will.” The Umbrum nodded. 

"In the meantime, let us rest. Lilith sees these items and monsters as unimportant, so I'll send some demons out to collect as many as they can find and bring them here and to our other caches." Crowley said.

“Can’t wait to see her face when all her plans come crumbling down as we amass all this power and knowledge.” Sombra chuckled. “Though…I do have to wonder, if Lilith was just pretending to not care? Cause this would be a treasure trove of nonsense for anyone with half a brain…”

"While I doubt she personally will tend to these matters, she likely will assign some higher ranked demons to look into them." Ramsey said. 

“True.” Sombra nodded. “Hopefully while we’re doing our research we can learn who, or what, has caused all these new monsters and items to show up.”

"Might be worth making contact with that little Monster Group trying to "Start" their own kingdom or whatever. Bunch of weirdos but they have connections I'll give them that."

"I mean, is it any different than what we're trying to do?" Sombra pointed out, which was them all trying to create their own 'kingdom' with any and all demons that had nowhere else to go. "But alright…let's hope talks with them go smoothly."

Sombra sighed as he waited for this representative to appear. Making contact with one of the Codependency Alliance. Meeting with the founder was harder. Took a lot of trust gifts and work but he finally managed to get a meeting with the founder of the Codependency Alliance.

“This better be worth it…” Sombra grumbled, having to call in some favors he really didn’t want to just to get the trust gifts for this greedy bastard.

"Hello there." Sombra nearly jumped. Turning around he spotted a Vampire. An old Vampire with broken skin, a bald head, and wearing a high class suit and pants. "I hear you wished to see my daughter. She is busy at the moment, so I've come in her place."

Sombra sighed. “Well…I suppose you’ll do…” He said, straightening himself to try and act somewhat professional. “My name is Sombra, and I’ve come to talk about some…very important matters.”

"And pray tell, what does one of the Crossroad Princes wish to discuss with the Codependency Alliance? Last time we tried to incorporate Demons we received several foul worded responses and one attack on our early groups."

“A combination of me existing, and a lot of thing’s causing the world to turn upside down…also, possibly because my mom managed to bitch smack Lilith but that’s neither here nor there.” He shrugged, even though he probably shouldn’t broadcast that Lilith got beaten in a fight…well, fuck Lilith.

"Lilith? You're mother? Oh my this sounds exciting. Pray tell, in exchange for this news on the devil's little she demon, what do you want of me?"

“I’m here to learn some things that your organization might know about.” Sombra said. “Which would involve the influx of strange new creatures and weapons that, with the help from my Mother and Uncle, have learned are made out of Primordial energy.”

"Really?" The vampire asked, reaching into his vest and pulling out a familiar claw like knife. "Something like this then?"

Sombra blinked. “Y-yes…that’s…the same knife I have…” Sombra said, bringing out the exact same claw like knife to prove his point.

"I see. So I take it that Russian Prison was you?"

“The Prison was already burning and monster infested when I got there.” Sombra said. “But I did fight some of the monsters yes…how do you know this?”

"My daughter investigated it after the fact, but I have resources across the globe. Information is worth more than gold, but mortals happily trade it for gold." The vampire said with a smirk. "We even recovered a snake made entirely of silver, who's venom is a biological form of liquid silver. It was tormenting a werewolf den under the Codependency."

Sombra blinked. “Oh…that makes this much more complicated…” The stallion frowned. “First those beasts that can kill demons with ease…and now, basic animals that are born to counter specific species?” He shook his head. “Have you…learned who or what could be causing this? My mother and Uncle says it’s beings that are equal to God, if not stronger than him…”

"Hm, perhaps God simply abandoned us." The vampire shrugged.

“Do you think that was what that shift was?” Sombra inquired, still something about that nagged at the back of his mind.

"Maybe. Definitely was a large burst of sudden power. Something divine certainly happened. But you're a demon of deals. So, tell me, what are you offering?"

“Information.” Sombra said simply. “It’s the one thing that can help both of our causes immensely, both to strengthen it…and apparently to survive.”

"True but, information won't feed our members. Demons may never need food but Monsters require sustenance. Mainly, humans. Blood, flesh, organs, ECT."

“Well, if you need food…I can see what some of the local Cults have to offer, get some possession’s and basically turn it into a farm.” He brought up, thinking how gullible humanity can be, using demon cults to help feed the Monster tribes could be a good way to smooth things out.

"Hm, definitely would be useful. Alright, you want information. I'll provide. Simply put, God Died."

The poor Umbrun stallion choked on air as he heard that, coughing and pounding his chest. “Excuse me, but what in the everloving fuck do you mean by that!?” He asked incredulously.

"I keep tabs on many magically powerful people and monsters. That burst of magic felt around the world my daughter and I discovered the source, and recovering the only corpse present, a little necromancy, a dissection, and some experimentation and, well, turns out God was not in Heaven, but in a run down house under the name Chuck Shirley. I keep his head for information and the body has been a boon of information and use."

“Do you have anything alcoholic?” Sombra asked. “I…I need a drink…just…just…” Sombra groaned loudly. “What the actual hell! All the other shit me and others have figured out, sure, fine, breaks laws of magic but that can be figured out later…but GOD DYING is, would, and should be impossible without all of existence ending!” The poor stallion ranted as his patience for all this nonsense snapped.

"Well, it could be worse." The vampire shrugged.

“We could all be dead so technically yes.” Sombra said. “But if God is dead…then there’s a lot of horrible shit ready and waiting to happen.”

"I imagine so if what my daughter told me of his murderer."

“That was one of the questions I wanted to ask, if you knew anything about who or what was causing all this nonsense to happen.” Sombra said. “Who is our…great murder?”

"According to God, I mean, Chuck, she is a being known as an All Maker. In his own words, he prays to her and similar beings the way mortals pray to him."

Sombra looked at him, and took a deep breath. “Of course…” He shook his head. “So…I have to wonder, why she decided to keep our little merry go round we call a planet spinning when she can just…kill a Creator with ease…”

"We're I to take a guess, she wants us to struggle. In her own words she said she enjoys survival of the fittest. I expect the world to get very apocalyptic in the near future. That's when the Codependency will rise to power."

“Lilith breaking Lucifer out would put a bit of a wrench in that plan.” Sombra said.

"Even if she did, clearly, there are more powerful beings than the Devil. And clearly, if these can kill demon, one of these monsters will drop something that can kill a devil."

“Yeah…” Sombra sighed. “Everything just got a fuck ton more complicated, and I really wish that wasn’t the case…”

"I for one welcome the change. The coming days are going to be oh so interesting. Now, as a show of good faith, why don't you remove that illusion amulet?"

“Just…don’t be surprised if you don’t take me seriously after it…” He sighed, knowing this is for good faith, and that’s one of the few thing’s that’s honestly keeping his sanity going in all this brand new nonsense, as he carefully took off his illusion amulet.

As the illusion fell, the vampire smirked. "Oh Chrysalis is going to love this." 

“Who and why aren’t you surprised by me being a talking shadow unicorn?”

"My daughter is similar." He said, reaching into his vest and pulling out a photograph. It was old, black and white. It was a photo of an older painting. An image holding the vampire before him, holding a small, quadruped insectoid horse like being sat upon his lap. "I found her back in Africa, when man began making homes from mud brick and hay roofs."

“That’s…interesting.” Sombra said honestly. “So…while this new being is founded by an ancient Vampire…I was found by Ramsey.”

"I'm not just an old Vampire, I'm the Alpha- Did you say Ramsey? The Hell Hound Lucifer saved from God's wrath?"

“Yes.” Sombra said with a smile. “And she’s wonderful.”

"Huh. Would be interesting to meet my aunt."

Sombra looked at the vampire. “Who is your parent?” Sombra inquired. “Also, your an Alpha Vampire?”

"The Alpha Vampire. All vampires came from the ones I made back when the earth was a single continent. As for who made me, that would be the mother of all the Alpha Monsters, Eve. Not Eve the female human, mother took the name to spite God."

“Right, that makes sense.” He nodded. “Cause yes, my mom beat Lilith in a fight.”

"Oh now I wish I could have seen that. Last time I saw that white eyed freak she killed my second, first and fourth largest nests in that order."


"I'll get Chrysalis, you get Ramsey and we can all chat. I have a feeling this relationship is going to be extremely fortunate for both parties."

“Oh yes, this will be very fortunate.” Sombra said, raising his hoof for a handshake, or at least a hoof shake between the two that magically became fast friends over knowing Ramsey beat up Lilith.

"And then he chewed Palra's toe clean off!" Ramsey recalled and she and the Alpha Vampire laughed. The two had been sharing stories about their children since they group arrived.

"So, a demonic unicorn and a Pegasus that turns demons into butter." Chrysalis said, she, Sombra and Fluttershy sitting at the other end of the table.

"I wish I could have taken a photo of that!" Crowley said mid laughter.

“Yes…you would not believe how she get’s away with being the purest person I know, and yet has the hellstone balls to look Lilith in the eye, tell her to fuck off, and get away with it.” Sombra admitted to Chrysalis.

"But that didn't happen Sombra." Fluttershy said.

"Would have been cool if you did." Chrysalis said.

“It would have been really cool, and hilarious.” Sombra said. “But I’m serious with her being one of the purest people I know.”

"I can tell. How have you not corrupted her?"

"I swear her purines is infectious!" Crowley called from his the 'adults' side of the table. "She's got demons raising street puppies and kittens and they're enjoying it! Makes them all feel human again."

"Interesting." Alpha said in thought.

"I hope she and Sombra have adorable little pups." Ramsey said.

Fluttershy and Sombra turned a very dark red shade.

Crowley, Alpha, Ramsey all laughed.

“Mother~!” Sombra whined.

"Hm, they would look cute." Chrysalis said, teasing the two.

"Y- well, maybe little shadow-bug foals would be cuter!" Fluttershy said in meek retort.

Now Chrysalis blushed.

Crowley, Alpha and Ramsey laughed harder.

"I'm not some meat!" Sombra cried.

"Son, as your mother I have seen it and, yes you are." Ramsey said.

The 'parents' laughter was heard all night while all their children were red with embarrassment.

Sombra was trying his best not to slam his head into the table from all the embarrassment. “Why did I agree to this?”

"I'm wondering the same thing…" Chrysalis growled.

"Oh my…" Fluttershy said weakly.