Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Queen of Lust

Chapter 6

“How are we going to handle her this time?” Greg asked, leaning forward in his wheelchair, “none of us, except Lance, are like we used to be. Last time it took all of us just to bring her down, and that was with Frederic and Peter helping us.”

“We’re going to use the elements,” Twilight stated, but Celestia shook her head. 

“I’m afraid those are in the possession of Anarchy.”

“How did she already get them?!” Lance yelled, standing up and stomping a hoof.

“Chaos magic is… complicated and impossible to predict. She went after them while we were teleporting in to stop her in New Ponyville. We’re going to have to deal with her on a more personal level,” Celestia said grimly.

“Don’t think we could just talk to her?” Rainbow Dash offered, but only got sad looks in response. “Didn’t think so…”

“We need Discord,” Jero stated as he went through a small computer that once belonged to Ominus.

“We’re trying to locate him right now,” Luna assured him. “But till we reach him, we need to act. The longer Anarchy is free, the stronger she’ll get.”

“Let’s just kill her,” Scamp offered. “No need playing around it. Sometimes the only way to fix a problem is to put it down, permanently.”

“I’m certainly open to it,” Lance muttered, sitting back down by his wife.

“We don’t need to kill her,” Spark interjected. “In the past we tried talking with her, and when that didn’t work we banished her. Maybe this time around, we can try and reason with her. Being up there on the moon for about twenty years must have done something to her, so maybe she’ll listen this time.”

“That’s wishful thinking, son,” Lance said as he patted his shoulder.

“We’ll consider all options,” Celestia announced.

“Any idea when Champion will finish with that guy up there?” Zorrow asked as he and Moxxi stood next to each other.

“It’s hard to say,” Luna replied with a grimace. “They have been fighting far longer than I’d thought possible, so all we can do is deal with this problem and hope he finishes soon.”

“Great,” Scamp muttered, clearly not happy with the situation.

Jero stood up suddenly, smiling, “I may actually have an idea.”


“I’m still not fully behind this idea,” Roxxy said as we all walked down the street together.

I just gave her a large smile and slugged her shoulder. “This’ll be worth it, trust me.”

Above us, the battle between the two titans raged on, not seeming to slow down at all.

“How are we even going to find her?” Nightstreak asked.

“Simple,” I reply, pointing to the forest. “We go to the house she and Discord shared.”

“How… do you even know where that is?” Roxxy asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

“You know me, I love to explore,” I say back, getting a few groans from the group. “I found it a few years ago, but it was really run down.”

“I don’t think she’d stay in a run down house then,” Dude said, but I just kept walking.

“I think she would, so let's go there first.”

“If I die today,” Flippy Dew said as she frowned at me, “I’m haunting you.”

“Deal,” I laugh, picking up my pace to almost a full gallop as they all tried to keep up.

I led them through the forest, dodging trees and jumping ditches. 

After a good amount of running, we came upon a cabin surrounded by bushes and trees, which completely hid it from view from above.

“That’s their old home?” Nightstreak asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Yep,” I say, walking confidently towards the front door. “The inside is pretty bland, since Discord took all of their things when he moved out.”

“I don’t think she’s here, Shayla,” Roxxy said as we approached the front door, with everything looking untouched, vines and bushes covering the exterior of the building.

I frown, as I was starting to think she was right.

Reaching the door, I gave it a hard shove, forcing it open. I squeezed in through the barely open door, followed by my friends.

A wide smile appeared on my face at what I saw.

“... Fucking damn it,” Dude muttered as we now found ourselves in a completely different location, one that resembled nothing but appsolute chaos.

“Found her,” I say, giving them a wink.

“Great, now what? Walk in and say hello?” Roxxy asked, looking very worried.

“Yep!” I exclaim, jumping forward and cupping my hands to my mouth, “Yo! Annabel the crazy bitch! Get out here!”

“Oh come on!” Roxxy yelped, grabbing my tail and pulling me back.

“Think before you act, Shayla!” Summer Breeze groaned, helping drag me back to the front door.

“Well well well,” a sultry voice said from all around us as the front door disappeared. “I didn’t think I’d be seeing you again, lizard mare. And you brought friends!”

“Yeah, so why don’t you stop hiding like a pussy and come out here!” I yelled, causing my friends to all facehoof.

Not too far away from us, on a floating couch, appeared the female Draconequus, wearing a very suggestive outfit. 

“My, such strong and confident words from one such as yourself,” she cooed, eyeing me with those predatorial eyes of hers.

“What? You coming on to me?” I say back, giving her a confident smirk.

This just caused her to laugh as she slithered over the back of the couch and appeared next to me. “So, you all come here to admire me? Or stop me?”

“Stop you,” I say, giving her a wink. 

“And how do you plan to do that? Hm?” she asked, slithering around me.

“Like this,” I say as I put two claws in my mouth and whistle loudly.

Without warning, my five friends jumped forward and grabbed hold of her, which just caused her to roll her eyes.

I flexed hard, breaking out of her snake-like embrace and slammed a fist right into her face.

“Oh, ouch,” she said in a dramatic and bored voice as she disappeared and reappeared near us. “Your grand plan is to attack me physically? That’s rather boring.”

“What? You don’t think you can fight me fairly?” I asked, standing on my hindlegs and getting into a fighting stance as my friends all did the same.

She sighed and snapped her fingers, causing all of us to get tied up with rope. “I’m not in the mood to play games like that. I’m just waiting for Lance and company to arrive so the real fun can begin.”

We all struggled against the ropes, but I found myself unable to break out of them or even cut them. 

“Way to go, Shayla,” Dude groaned, “I knew we should have come up with a better plan.”

Anarchy looked between each of us, tapping her chin, “hm… All of you but the lizard girl give off a familiar aura…”

Then, she smiled widely as she snapped her fingers, causing images of our parents to appear before us.

“Oh! You’re the kids of the Bronies!” she exclaimed, clapping her hands together in excitement. “This changes things!”

“What do you mean?” I ask, still struggling against my restraints.

“Silence you, I don’t know who your parents are, so you mean nothing to me,” she said, snapping her fingers. The scenery around me changed as I suddenly found myself high in the sky, still tied up. It appeared I was still in her weird alternate dimension as well.

My eyes went wide as I started to fall. “Ah shit!”

I started to fall towards the ground, picking up speed as I went.

“Come the fuck on!” I yelled, fighting against the restraints as hard as I could. All I could achieve was getting my wings free, which would have to be enough.

Flapping hard, I awkwardly slowed my descent, but I wasn’t able to completely stop as I slammed straight into the ground.

“And dead!” I heard her voice cheer from afar.

The ropes around me disappeared, allowing me to stretch out my limbs. Groaning loudly, I forced myself up and looked around. 

Nothing around me made sense, as there were lewd statues all around me mixed in with the scenery. I frowned at the overly erotic displays. Queen of Lust indeed…

Coughing loudly, I force myself up, holding my chest. Definitely something broken in there, but that fall could have been a lot worse. Having metal bones and a tough body definitely saved me there.

Walking forward, breathing a tad bit raggedy, I started heading for the only structure I could see in this endless expanse of erotic chaos. The building ahead looked to be a simple home, which could easily just be a trap.

In the distance, I could hear her laughing and the sounds of my friends screaming. This may have been a mistake…

Gritting my teeth, I continued forward, reaching the front door and slamming my head into it, knocking it off its hinges.

Stepping inside, I found myself in a museum of sorts. Or maybe a hall of memories would be a better word for it, as everything looked to be images and statues of Anarchy’s past.

Walking further in, I found myself looking at a particular display. It was a small TV playing what looked to be Lance and the Bronies in female bodies running from a massive crowd. 

“Huh…” I mumbled, moving to another display, this one showing Lance and co. running from a crowd of mares. She watched as a younger Zorrow got tackled by Pinkie Pie and his friends trying to help him.

They all ran except Lance, who kept trying to save him.

“Run man, save yourself,” Zorrow yelled, followed by Lance turning and running away without any hesitation.

“Thanks dude, I so owe you!" Lance yelled over his shoulder.

Zorrow looked extremely panicked and take aback by this, "What the fuck! I didn't fucking mean it! Get back here and save me!"

But his friends kept running away.

I couldn’t help but chuckle at this as I moved to another screen, this one showing Lance walking down the street with Twilight under him, holding on to him as a blanket covered them.

“What?” I muttered, not getting this one.

Moving on, I found myself looking at a video of Anarchy and Discord…


I jumped away from that screen, rubbing my eyes as I tried in vain to remove the horrible images from my mind. That’s going to be a core memory for sure. Meeeh!

Having my fill of videos, I moved through the hall, averting my eyes from anything that even vaguely looked sexual in nature. A door lay ahead of me, so I quickly moved for it, wanting to be out of this hall of pornagraphic material.

Jumping through the door, my eyes went wide as I found myself in a room filled with hyper realistic versions of all the Bronies. All nude.

“COME ON!” I screamed, looking around and seeing another door down the way. Closing my eyes, I sprinted at full speed towards the door and slammed into it. I rolled across the floor as I crashed through it, going head over tail.

As I came to a stop, I sat up, dreading opening my eyes. Reluctantly, I opened them, finding myself in a large bedroom. It was extremely messy, with items all over the room, and stains everywhere.

“Gross,” I muttered, standing up and looking around. This must be her bedroom.

A few things caught my eye, namely a box that was tossed onto the bed. But before I went near that, I saw something else that caught my interest.

On her dresser were a few pictures. I fully expected them to be erotic in nature, but upon stepping up to them, I found they were pictures of her as a human, and not in Equestria.

“These look like…” I muttered, looking closely at a few of them. “The Earth Dimension.”

I’ve seen a few of the memories of the Bronies when they’d copy them onto disk and show them off at parties, so it was easy to recognize the location the pictures were taken in.

One of the pictures showed Annabel standing with a few other human females, all laughing. Another showed her hugging some older guy, who looked to be her father.

But a few of the pictures were turned over, so I lifted them up to see them.

The next one I saw showed a close up of her as a very young teen, her makeup running down her face. Flipping up the next one, I saw it wasn’t a picture, but a newspaper clipping.

“Local’s in fear as Lakeside Stalker strikes again,” I read aloud, looking at the picture under the head, which showed a few paramedics tending to a shocked looking Annabel as she seemed to stare into the void. She looked way to skinny as she sat there. I read the rest of the article, a sick feeling filling my gut as I read one line in particular.

‘This marks the first time a victim has been rescued alive. She was found chained to a shipping container, barely alive. The Lakeside Stalker appeared to have-’ 

I couldn’t read anymore as I put it down and lifted the last picture frame. This one showed a slightly older Annabel as she stood among a few smiling people, but her face had a blank stare on it, almost appearing to be dead inside.

“Fuck,” I muttered, putting it back down and seeing a folder with her name on it. I really did not want to open it, but I felt I needed to.

Opening it revealed they were just documents. I do not want to read this shit.

But a few words stood out to me, prompting me to actually try and read it. The papers appeared to be from some kind of psychiatric hospital, listing details about her stay and diagnosis.

“Hypersexuality Disorder?” I read aloud, frowning. I had no idea what that meant, but it had sexual in it, so it made sense to me for her to have it. What with all the shit I just had to see out there.

Continuing to read the papers, I found out she’d been placed in this treatment facility for a few years, showing no sign that the treatments were working. It looks like she was there all the way up to the Rapture, as it said her next evaluation for release was in the year 2014. And I know the Rapture happened around the end of 2012.

“Huh,” I mumbled, placing the documents back down. “I feel like giving her all that power may have been a very bad idea…”

There was one last item on the dresser, hidden beneath a few papers. Lifting it up, I raised an eyebrow. It was a diary.

Opening it up, it looked to start in the year 2011. Most of the entries were just her fantasies, all sexual in nature it appeared. But there were a few normal passages sprinkled through it. Most just lamenting that she hated feeling the way she did all the time, and wishing she’d stop hurting others, but couldn’t control herself unless she was on her meds.

Getting to the entries after the Rapture, they changed to more upbeat entries. Her first entry she talked about how amazing it was to be in Equestria, and how she could finally stop being mentally screwed up. But the very next passage, she went back to her old ways, as she mentioned her meds wore off. 

She then goes into detail on how she was using her new chaos magic to screw with others as she slowly tried to turn this world into her own personal fantasy. The last entry just talks about how her friends are turning on her and she hates herself for not being able to control herself, but she then says she’s taking them all down with her if they try and stop her.

Well luckily for everyone, I know she was stopped and put into the moon. Till now that is.

I put the diary back down, looking over the dresser, but nothing else stood out to me. Now that I’d seen everything the dresser had to offer, I moved to the bed, where the decorative box sat.

It didn’t look that impressive, as it was just a simple wooden box. So I flipped a few switches and opened the box. My eyes went wide at what I saw.

This box may be bland looking, but its contents were anything but bland.

The Elements of Harmony.

“Ah shit, that’s cool,” I muttered, reaching out and rubbing my claw across one of them.

They lit up at my touch and one of them raised into the air and began to glow in front of me.

“Eh…” I took a step back as it suddenly shot at me, slamming into my chest and attaching itself around my neck.

I blinked a few times in confusion. “Wut?” Looking down, I frowned. “Oh no, no no no, I’m not playing this stupid game!” 

Grabbing it with my hands, I tried to pry it off of my body, but it held firm, like it was now apart of me. “No! I am not doing this!” I yelled, pulling hard.

Falling to the ground, I rolled around, fighting with the necklace to get it off, but it was stubborn and held tight.

After a few minutes, I gave it and lay on my back, staring up at the ceiling. 

“Fine, I’m a stupid bearer of an element, happy?” I said between ragged breaths, the pain in my chest still present.

As if to answer me, it glowed a few times.

“Fine, which one did I get?” I said, rolling to a mirror and standing up.

It was a gold necklace with a red ruby that was in the shape of a hissing snake with a jester hat, just like my cutie mark. “Oh great, Loyalty.”

I rubbed my face, groaning. “Now what? It’s not like I alone can…” I began, but then looked at the other Elements, each of them glowing like they were ready for something.

“Oh… you got to be kidding me,” I said in an exasperated voice.