Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Part 5 Act 1: Prologue

Part 5 Act 1


March 2nd 24 A.B.

I stepped through the front door of my house and flexed my wings, the morning sun glaring down on me. With a flick of my wings, I flipped my Pit Viper’s down, blocking out the sun's rays.

Stretching my back, I leap forward and take to the air, flying lazily towards the Mellowed Pie.

Now that I’d finished High School, I didn’t really know what to do with my time. I spent most of my time at the Dojo, but honestly that was getting repetitive and boring. My friends, or as we love to call ourselves, the Phantasm Troupe, have been trying to figure out if they’re going to college or not.

Me? Nah, college life is not for me. Which will suck, since my friends may end up leaving.

Secretly, I’m hoping they all get rejected and we all just continue going on adventures together. Can never outgrow adventures! I mean, look at my moms, they did all kinds of cool shit!

The sound of a sonic boom sounded above me, making me frown as I saw the local douche, Champion, land on the hill next to the Mansion that overlooked the town. 

That guy has an ego problem. But everyone loves him, since, ya know, he’s ‘The Hero of Equestria!’ and the royal prince. Bleh.

I could probably take him, if I had a cool Ego or Thorn like he had. But my moms forbid me from even leaving this dimension till ‘I’m ready’. No fucking idea when that’ll be though, since they won’t tell me.

As I neared the Mellowed Pie, I saw the one pony I didn’t want to see. Domitor. The little prick who just won’t quit. I’ve kicked his ass more times than I can count, but he just keeps getting back up. I don’t know what his fucking problem is at this point. 

I thought it was because he wanted to be friends with me and my friends, but one day he just sucker punched me, so nah, fuck 'em. 

He was walking down the street, kicking rocks out of his way, and appeared to be heading for the Mellowed Pie as well.


Landing at the door, I looked back and watched him walk my way with his head down.

He looked up suddenly and sneered, “Shayla.”

“Domitor,” I said back, squaring up with him. “We doing this? Because I just want to eat.”

He looked around, then turned to leave, “I wasn’t hungry anyways.”

I rolled my eyes at his overly dramatic ass and turned to head inside.

As usual, the place was packed, with the Pie family rushing around taking orders and throwing plates around.

“Ah, Shayla, the usual?” the owner Greg said, getting a smile out of me.

“You know it!” I yelled as I jumped over a booth and landed in the seat.

He laughed as he wheeled himself towards the kitchen.

Glancing around, I saw the usual crowd. A few of my friends were here, and they were quickly making their way over to me.

“What up, Shay?” Dude asked as we bumped fist to hoof.

“Food, that is what’s up,” I chuckled, smiling as they all took a seat in my booth. Looking at each of their smiling faces, I realized we weren’t kids anymore. We were all Highschool graduates and able to move forward with our lives. Damn, my parents were right, time really does fly.

“Any plans before the next college semester starts?” Summer Breeze asked, picking at her food.

“Nah, just hang with you fuckers,” Dude replied.

“Wait, you got into a college?” I ask, trying to not sound disappointed.

“I did!” Summer Breeze exclaimed happily. “I start in September!”

“Anyone else?” I ask, putting on a fake happy smile.

“Eeyep!” Nightstreak replied, beaming with pride.

“Me too,” Flippy Dew said, grinning as she picked at her food.

“Failed it all,” Dude laughed, just shrugging as he kept eating.

Roxxy shrugged, “I dunno if I want to go.”

I sighed in relief, at least she and Dude would still be around. 

But… that’s still half of my friends, gone at some point. What if college changes them?! Oh holy fucking shit, what if they find new better friends and DON’T come back?

“Shayla? You good?” Dude asked, raising an eyebrow at me. “You’re looking kinda pale. Which is saying something for you.”

I blink, realizing they were all looking at me. “OH! Eh, yeah, just sick as fuck I guess.”

“Ew, get the fuck away from me then,” Dude exclaimed, shifting over to the other side of the booth.

A smirk forms on my face as I fake cough right at him.

“Bro!” he yelped and fell out of his seat, causing all of us to start laughing hysterically.

Maybe it won’t be so bad… Plus, we still have MONTHS before college starts for them. A lot can happen, they may even change their minds!