"Lost Dog"

by Mockingbirb


The next afternoon, a tall, pale amazon knocked on Spike's front door again. She shouted, "I'm here to apologize!" Spike looked through the peephole.

"Sis!" he shouted. "It's that big weird lady who kidnapped our dog for three years!"

A minute later, the door opened. A teenage girl with purple skin and long dark hair (with one pink and magenta stripe) stood in the doorway. Behind her, a little purple dog growled.

"You!" the teenage girl said.

"Yes." Princess Celestia nodded. "Me. I'm so sorry. If only I had known." She looked the teenage girl up and down. "Now I understand. Everything I did was a huge mistake. But can I really be blamed? The two of you DO look almost exactly alike."

The princess continued, "Would you like to go to the very best schools? On a free scholarship? As a foreign exchange student?" Celestia held up a leash. "All this could be yours! Just let me put a collar around your neck so I can lead you to your new home."

The girl eyed the leash, and suddenly pulled an electric stun gun out from behind her back. "Surprise!" she shouted, as Celestia collapsed to the ground.