Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

So that's it then?

Chapter 70

I watched as the police put Vicar into the back of a caged wagon and began to cart him off, leaving me standing there with the other cops walking around me, processing the scene.

I’d given my statement a few times, as there were three dead bodies and two destroyed buildings. Firefighter Pegagus had arrived and used a few rain clouds to put out the fire, leaving my Dojo just a smoldering heap of smoking wood now.

“Scamp!” I heard a familiar voice call, causing me to wince. Turning, I saw Mallogory sprinting towards me.

“Mallo!” I yelped as she neared me. “I had to! They!-”

She swept me off my hooves and pulled me into a tight embrace, “I am so fucking sorry!”

I blinked in confusion, then saw that the black smoke was no longer coming for her head. This caused me to relax and melt into her. “It wasn’t your fault…”

She pulled back and pulled me into a passionate kiss, causing me to fall away into bliss.

“I still said those things to you!” she cried softly as she broke the kiss.

“Shhh,” I said quietly, putting a wing tip to her mouth. “Shut up, love,” I pulled her back into another kiss, just happy and relieved to have her back.

“Ma’am, a few more questions, if you don’t mind,” another Officer asked as he walked up.

“Ah, yep,” I said, leaning back and giving a wink to Mallogory. “Coming.”


“What the hell did we just do?” Blitz asked as he and his friends sat around the table in the Wolverine Kamae Dojo, their celebration cut short as it felt like everything had lifted from them, clearing their minds. After that, they’d just sat around for a few minutes in silence, just looking at each other in shock.

“We’re going to jail, guys,” a colt muttered, looking at his hooves. “Oh Celestia…”

“Why did we do that?! Was something making us?!” Hardhoof yelled, jumping up and looking panicked.

They all groaned and whined for a few more minutes, asking the same questions over and over again.

Then, the doors to the Dojo burst open and someone walked in.

“Sensei Kal?!” Butch yelped, seeing the stallion rush in. 

“Why are you wearing Sunglasses suddenly? It’s night time?” Blitz asked, confused as he watched the Sensei run for the stairs leading to the Head Sensei’s office.

“Everyone leave, now!” Sensei Kal yelled, startling all of them as they got up and ran for the doors.

With a loud crash, Kal kicked the door open and rushed in, moving for the desk.

“Polmont?!” Psalm yelped as she lay on the couch in the office. Then she sighed and laid back down, “Oh, it’s just you.”

“That little cunt!” Kal roared, digging through the desk and picking up an item, pressing it to his body, causing it to fuse into him. Now with access to his personal pocket dimension, he opened it and reached in. 

“She finally beat you?” Psalm muttered, her back to Kal as she lay on the couch. Domitor rolled out from under the couch, forcing the docile gator Jerry to wrestle with him.

“Shut up!” he yelled, then glared at the colt and gator playing. “And get my kid back under control! Things are about to get complicated, and I don’t need him acting like this!”

“Yeah,” she mumbled, rolling over and snatching the young colt and hugging him to her body as she returned to facing the cushions of the couch. The young colt whined and screamed as he fought to get away, but eventually gave in and laid there, glaring up at the ceiling.

“I need to change my base form for a bit. All of ours,” he said, pulling out a few runes.

“Can I be a different species this time?” she asked, showing a bit more interest than normal.

Kal growled. “Sure, what do you want to be?!”

“A cat lady,” Psalm said in a quiet voice.

“... Sure, why not. Cat lady for you, and I guess to make it funny, I’ll be a damned MUTT!” he roared.

“It’d fit you,” she replied, no longer showing an interest in the situation.

He grumbled as he glared at her back, but then he placed the runes down as the other remaining members of his crew rushed into the office.

“Changing base forms?! I want to be-” Lemon Tape began, but was cut off by Kal. 

“NO! No one else is getting to choose! We’re all going to be damn cats, and you’re going to deal with it!”

“What about-”

“He’s staying as is, I’ve already fixed him before we even arrived here!”

Glaring at each of them, he flashed into his base form, followed by all of them.

“Excellent, let’s get this over with.”


July 5th 12 A.B.

The next morning

“That’s underwhelming,” I muttered as I held Vicar’s mugshot. His sunglasses were no longer on in this picture, with bland and tired eyes just staring back.

“Eh, maybe so, but with all the shit he’s done, he ain’t coming out of this in a good position,” Greg said, holding his daughter as she slept on him as he wheeled himself around the dinner.

It’d been a long night for everyone, as most hadn’t been able to sleep after having to deal with their kids and each other. The entire town had indeed been under some form of mind manipulation, with all of them coming to their senses at the same time. 

But something good came out of it.

I smiled as I looked around at all my friends, who were now no longer giving me side glances.

The best part, however… Mallogory and Shayla.

Snuggling into Mallogory, I let out a happy sigh, our daughter rolling around on the ground with Roxxy.

“I just can’t believe no one noticed,” Lance said, followed by Mr. Bleak chuckling.

“Oh, my boy, I noticed right after the school fight. Something felt off so I investigated,” he then looked at me. “I had a plan, but our good friend Scamp here seemed to have other plans.”

“Yeah, kinda couldn’t just let those kids hurt each other,” I chuckled, rolling my eyes. “But we won, so it doesn’t matter.”

“Hmm, quite,” he said with a nod. “Well, the good news is the spell will be ready today, so we can use it to reveal all of their true forms. Maybe then we can start making sense of all this mess.”

“I’m looking forward to it,” I mutter, laying my head under Mallogory’s chin.

Lance smiled at us, “It’s a relief to see you two back to normal.”

Everyone nodded in agreement, smiling at us. This just caused me to blush and pull the blanket over Mallogory’s legs up over my face. 

“Ah!” Spark yelled as he suddenly came to in a booth. 

“It’s okay, honey!” Twilight yelled as I pulled the blanket down and saw her rushing to his side, comforting him.

“What happened?!” he asked, looking around in shock. Then his eyes landed on me and Mallogory.

I smirked at him and gave him a thumbs up, “We got him kid.”

“... Vicar?” he asked, seeing all the smiling faces of everyone around him. “Oh thank Celestia,” he groaned as he laid back down, letting Twilight tuck him in.

“And someone will owe you an apology once I’m done with him,” Luna said as Star Chaser stood by her, still looking just as terrified as he had been the night before. He hadn’t spoken a word since we’d all arrived at the dinner, which was fine with me. 

I’m still not sure how much of his actions were his own and not mind manipulation. Because as far as we can tell, it was not mind control. All they did was block and change a few memories, and implanted a few thoughts to keep everyone playing their game.

The moment I killed Ollie, or Olivia as Vicar had called her, everyone regained control of themselves and their memories. The Sheriff’s Department immediately jumped into action, which was lucky for the one Deputy who was already enroute to the Dojo fire.

Which just left the rest of the teachers at Wolverine Kamae. Surprisingly, none of them ran. They all immediately went to the police and reported they’d been under mind manipulation.

Very likely story.

[They’re definitely just lying to cover their ass’s!]
<Of course they are! But it won’t work!>

It didn’t matter to be honest. Even if the police believed that lame story, I’d never let them get away with anything else again. Going forward, I’m done playing ‘nice’ or doing things the ‘right way’. If I see a threat that needs killing, then I’m doing it.

[Hell yes!]
<Well, I’d suggest you->
[Shut up, pussy! Let the Maestro of Death do her thing!]

I just rolled my eyes as I watched everyone talk.

Slowly my eyes drifted back to Vicar’s mugshot, causing a frown to appear on my face. 

“So is this the end of Viper Claw?” Kelmoon asked as she stepped up to me.

I looked at the little filly as she stood there, her confident face staring back at me expectantly.

A smile graced my face. “Hell no, kid, losing the Dojo didn’t kill Viper Claw. We’re going to resume classes somehow till a new Dojo is built.”

She smiled widely at me and ran off to tell a few others what I’d said.

“Can…” Jelly Bean began, rubbing the sleep from her eyes as Greg wheeled by us. 

“Can you join?” I ask, raising an eyebrow. She nods, so I just chuckle, “Of course, Jelly Bean. You’re welcome to join us.”

“Even after everything I did?” she pressed, ears flat.

Rolling my eyes, I just lean forward and ruffle up her mane, “forget about all that. It was Wolverine Kamae influence and peer pressure, you’d never have done those things otherwise.”

This seemed to relax her as she laid back down on Greg as he gave me a thankful smile.

“So the Equine Championship Tournament is still on for us?” Spark asked from his booth, looking across the room at me.

I just gave a sharp nod, “Yep! We’ll need to pick the two best students from Viper Claw to enter, so we’ll figure that out.”

He smiled back at me and gave a little salute with his wing.


October 10th 12 A.B.

3 months later

“Shayla! Stop that!” I yelled as I jumped from the park bench and ran towards my daughter as she ran from kid to kid, grabbing them and flipping them over her shoulder, laughing like a little maniac. “Stop!”

She sprinted off as I ran to each kid, helping them up, following after her.

Mallogory sprinted past me as I helped each kid and jumped for our daughter, catching her before she got to another kid.

“What have we told you?!” Mallogory scowled as she walked back towards me as I helped the last kid up.

“Young filly, I’m not teaching you things like that so you can go and use them on others!” I snapped, just getting a smile in response from my little hellion.

“Face it, Scamp,” Mallogory chuckled, holding the struggling filly, “she’s going to be like us and theres nothing we can do about it.”

“I wasn’t this bad as a kid,” I muttered.

“Oh I was,” she laughed. “I bullied all the other kids when I was young.”

“I’m not surprised,” I said with a smirk as Shayla broke from her grip and ran for the swing sets.

Mallogory nodded, then frowned, “hey!”

I stuck my tongue out at her and flew back to the bench where all of our stuff was set up.

As I landed, I pulled out my phone and began to scroll through a few notifications.

Mallogory plopped down next to me and threw her legs up on the bench, putting her back to my side as we both scrolled through our phones.

“Huh, looks like a new gang of Bronies got taken down in Manehattan,” she said as she read a news article.

“Ah, brings back memories,” I chuckled, swiping by news article after news article. Then one caught my eye. “Well shit.”


I read through some of it and rubbed my temple. “The court case is settled already.”

“Wow, that was faster than I expected,” she said, her frown clear in her voice. “Did he get charged?”

“Yep, he plead guilty to all charges and will be in prison for two life sentences.”

She chuckled, “at least they took it all serious. I was worried we’d have to be called as witnesses or something.”

“Things are pretty simple when they plead guilty on day one,” I muttered, not liking the situation. He has to have some kind of endgame here. Just getting arrested? Going to prison? Makes zero sense.

“I’m just surprised all of his teachers, outside of the ones you killed, were just cat people he’d enslaved,” she muttered, still reading.

“I still don’t buy it,” I said, getting her to look back at me.

“You heard Mr. Bleak, he said the revealed true self spell worked and when he used it on all of them, they were just simple cat folk. The spell is foolproof.”

“Fool proof according to him,” I said, looking at the picture of what was apparently Vicar’s true form; just a simple human with nothing remarkable about them. I just don’t buy it.

“Well you’ve looked into them, and all they’ve been doing now is ignoring us and continuing to run Wolverine Kamae. Just now, ya know, not like a cult that teaches the kids to attack others,” she said, returning to her phone. “Just let Mr. Bleak and Starch keep an eye on them, no need to worry yourself. Besides,” she leaned backwards, putting her head in my lap, “you promised you’d focus on your family going forward.”

I just smiled and bopped her on the face with my hoof, causing her to glare at me, “I can do both. I’m not going to let something like last time happen to us again.”

This caused her to look unhappy as the memories returned to her. 

“Sorry, babe,” I said, placing a hoof on her forehead and taking her hand in mine. 

We just smiled at each other as I heard a kid scream for help. Looking up, I saw Shayla throwing another kid over her shoulder.

“Damn it, Shayla!”