Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

No more games

Chapter 69

With a loud crash, Spark flew through yet another wall, making that the tenth time that's happened since the fight began. Pushing through the pain, he stood backup, dry wall and debris falling off of him as he did so.

“Get it through your peasant head!” Star Chaser yelled as he slammed through the wall, shaking the house. “It doesn’t matter how good at Martial Arts you are, I’ll always be a step ahead of you!”

“I don’t care,” Spark spat out, squaring back up again, not backing down. 

“Don’t make me finish this,” the royal colt laughed, striking a confident pose. “Despite everything, I like you, Spark. If only you’d been born a royal like me, then we could have been real friends.”

Spark gritted his teeth, staring at his friend. He was used to overcoming obstacles and climbing mountains, but staring at Star Chaser standing there with a confident smirk, he felt he’d finally come to a wall. Something he could not overcome on his own.

But he had to try.

Raising back up, resuming a fighting stance, the royal colt could only laugh.

“Alright. Let’s end this,” Star Chaser chuckled as he shot forward and slammed into Spark, catching him around the midsection and knocking the breath out of him. With a triumphant cheer, he raised Spark into the air easily and then slammed him down onto the ground.

With speed that was impossible to keep up with, Star Chaser slammed both of his front hooves into Spark’s face, then with a laugh, slammed a back leg into his side, sending him flying through a hole in the wall. Yelping loudly, Spark crashed through three other kids and hit the ground, rolling to a stop in the middle of the main living room.

Coughing, he slowly stood up again.

“Spark! Just keep on keepin’ on!” Star Chaser mocked as he jumped into the room. 

Duke Venture tried to move on him, but without even looking at him, Star Chaser threw his hoof to the side and sent the young colt flying away.

“Star Chaser, stop this!” Nova yelled out, her body covered in bruises and cuts from the fighting.

“Stand back, Sister,” Star Chaser said, ignoring her as he advanced on Spark.

“This isn’t you!” She yelled, getting between the heavily injured Spark and her brother.

He just frowned as he came to a stop. “Move, or face me.”

With a sad look, she raised herself up, ready to stand up to her brother, “I don’t want to do this, Star.”

“Me either,” he replied with a scowl as he seemed to teleport as he dashed towards her, slamming a leg into her and sending her flying away. 

“Star Chaser,” Spark spat out, wavering as he tried to resume a fighting posture. “She’s right, there’s something wrong with you right now. You’d never hurt your sister!”

But the royal colt just rolled his eyes and dashed forward, going for a finishing attack.

“Everyone fucking stop! NOW!” a gruff voice suddenly yelled out, causing all the fighting to come to a grinding halt as everyone turned to see Sensei Scamp standing a hole in the wall that led outside.

“Sensei!” Spark yelled, relief flooding his body. Then he looked closer, then frowned, “Break?!”

“Yo!” Break called back as he jumped into the room, staring everyone down. “Alright little shits, this is over! Go home, now!”

Star Chaser looked around, then back to Break. “... No.”

“The fuck you say to me, little shit?” he yelled, glaring at the royal colt, narrowing Scamp’s eye.

But Star Chaser just smiled, squaring up with him. “How about you go home? You’re out of your league here, you drunk.”

Break growled and stomped towards him.

“Break no, he’s got an Ego that makes him the strongest in anything he does!” Spark warned, but as Break’s eye looked to him, Star Chaser disappeared. Reappearing as he slammed a leg into Break’s face and sent him flying away.

“I said, you’re out of your league, peasant!” Star Chaser laughed as he landed on his four hooves, looking very proud of himself.

“Sensei!” Lilly yelled as a kid tackled her. 

All the other members of Wolverine Kamae followed their lead and resumed attacking the other members of Viper Claw.

“Now, where were we, Spark?” Star Chaser said in a mocking tone as he turned back to the injured colt.

“That’s it,” Scamp muttered as she, now in control of her body again, walked back into the room, eye locked on the royal colt. “You want to play with the adults? Then let’s go!”

“You need to learn to-” Star Chaser started, but barely had time to react as she propelled herself into him and slammed a knee right into his snout.

He let out a panicked squeal as she caught his leg as he started to fly back and pulled him right back into her, slamming a mechanical elbow into his face. In one smooth motion, she spun her body and slammed a leg into his side, knocking the air out of him as he flew towards a wall.

Everyone watched in amazement as she shot past him and let him fly into her, his face hitting her fist as she threw a hard punch right for him as he approached. As the fist connected, his momentum carried him into it, causing him to flip over himself and slam straight into the ground next to Scamp.

With a grunt, she slammed a leg down on his chest, pinning him down.

“Stay down, kid!” she yelled, looking absolutely fed up with everything.

The royal colt however, did not stay down. His eyes flared open and he grabbed her hoof, and to her surprise, threw her straight up.

Flying up to meet her, he slammed a hoof into her as she raised her legs and blocked his hit. The power of his hit was still more than she expected and she crashed into the ceiling. As he tried to follow up with another hit, she twisted and caught him off guard with a sudden back leg to the face.

Then everything exploded as she swapped into her raging form and flew after the tumbling away royal colt.

But something strange happened as he righted himself and began to engage in a exchange of blows with the mare. The two blocked and dodged each other, neither landing a hit. The flames and energy bursting from Scamp seemed to increase as she began to break through his guard and get a few hits to his body and face.

Star Chaser yelled in anger as he pushed back, somehow starting to break through her guard and start returning hits of his own. 

As the kids watched, it was clear Star Chaser was slowly gaining the upper hand, no matter how much stronger Scamp got, he just followed.

A massive boom filled the room, blowing the roof off of the building as Star Chaser slammed a hoof right into Scamp’s chest, sending her flying straight into the ground and sending debris, furniture, and kids everywhere.

She elegantly jumped back up, preparing to jump back for him.

“ENOUGH!” a booming voice echoed through the area, shaking the house and causing everyone to cover their ears.

Princess Luna landed in the middle of the room, staring at everyone with appsolute fury.

“What do you think you’re doing?!” She bellowed, looking right at her son as he flew above them, looking stunned.

“I-I-” he started, but her magic flared and he appeared in front of her.

“Jelly Bean told me what you were doing tonight!” she yelled, causing everyone to shy away from the pair. “You let those teachers at Wolverine Kamae give you Ego?! What were you thinking?!”

“I-I…” he stammered, no longer looking like the confident colt he’d been earlier. “I had to! I deserved it!”

Luna flared her nostrils as she looked at all the kids, “I will handle all of you later!” With a flash of her horn, all of the kids of Wolverine Kamae were restrained in hoof cuffs.

Then she looked to Scamp and the kids of Viper Claw. “Are you all okay?”

“No!” Ezeria called out, laying on a pile of other kids as he was unable to move after getting a severe beating.

She frowned as she looked around, then looked at Scamp. “Scamp, Jelly Bean also said-”

“I know,” she said as she returned to her normal form. “I’ll handle it.”

Luna gave a nod, then looked back to the kids around her. “In the meantime, I’ll get Calypso and Doc here to help these children.” Her eyes then landed on her daughter, who was limping into the room, face covered in tears to show she’d been crying.

“Which of these fools hurt you, my darling!” she bellowed, her anger returning to its max.

Nova winced and didn’t say anything, but her eyes flicked to Star Chaser, who looked terrified.

Luna noticed the pony she glanced at, then began to shake as she spoke in a scarily calm voice, “what have you done?”

Scamp began to inch for the door, clearly not wanting to be here for this part.

“Scamp, go do what you must,” Luna suddenly said, her eyes locked on her son.

“Eh, yep, on it,” Scamp replied, flaring her wings and flying out through the missing roof.

As she flew away, Spark finally decided it was time, and he collapsed forward onto his face, unconscious.


I saw it before I was even near my Dojo; the distant glow of a fire.

[Ah, yep, shits fucked alright.]

Letting out a rough sigh, I picked up my speed.

Landing in front of my Dojo, the darkness around me being washed away in flickering flashes, I stared at the massive flames that covered the entire building.

Falling to my flank, I just watched, as there was not a damn thing I could do at this point.

The building groaned and popped as the flames slowly ate away at it. Not long from now, it’d collapse. Till then, I plan to just watch it. 

“Sad how you’ve fallen,” Vicar said as he stepped up next to me, staring at the fire as well. “From the hero who stopped the Watcher, to this, just a lonely and sad mare who can only drink away the pain.”

“Yeah, shit sucks,” I say in a bland tone. “You’ve played a good game against me, Vicar. I’ll give you that. Really beat me down to the lowest point in my life, that’s for sure.”

He chuckled, patting my back, “ready to consider the deal?”

“Nah,” I reply, eyes still locked on the flames. “That’ll never happen.”

“Hm,” he muttered, stepping away from me, walking out of my view on my left side. “I’ve never met someone who loves to lose everything over and over again. Bring her back to the mansion.”

{What can you two see?}
<It’s Ollie and Poppy.>
{Ah, that’s who I was hoping for. The Mind Manipulator and the one who can Paralyze.}

“You’re not that smart, Vicar,” I say, standing up and turning to face them as he walked past the two ponies.

“Oh?” he asked, glancing over his shoulder.

“Your overconfidence is a weakness,” I smirked as I locked eyes with him. “I know Ollie can manipulate others.”

A look of shock flashed across his face as the sunglasses caught a glare of light. 

“Yep, game’s over,” I say as Poppy’s horn flashed and a beam flew for me. I simply side stepped it and shot towards them.

As I neared them, I exploded as I shifted into my raging form and rocketed right for them.

“Ghala! Get Olivia!” he yelped in a panicked voice.

But I was faster as I flew past the olive mare and landed on the ground, sliding as I spun around and made eye contact with Vicar.

He looked completely taken off guard as he stared at me, then he noticed I was covered in blood, and so was he.

Looking to his side, he saw the now headless body of Ollie stumbling about before collapsing to the ground. Black smoke seemed to pour out of her wounds, raising to the sky slowly.


“Point, Scamp,” I said, a smirk on my face as I wiped the blood from my face.

Vicar looked back to me, still shocked.

Poppy tried to fire another beam at me, but I just dodged it and sprang forward, latching onto his face with my sharp teeth and ripped a chunk out of his face. 

He screamed in agony as he pushed away from me and took off sprinting away, but he didn't get far as he stumbled and collapsed onto the ground.

I was now standing side to side with Vicar as he and I looked in opposite directions.

“You fucked up, Vicar,” I said calmly, my deep guttural voice seeming to bounce around us. “You messed with my family.”

He didn’t respond right away, just frowned. “Well, this is a nice case of deja vu.”

“We’re not playing anymore. I’m going to kill you and every single one of your men,” I stated.

“Is that so?” he said as he turned his head to me, a smirk on his face. “Sorry, but that won’t be happening today.”

Before he could react, I slammed a hoof into his flank, sending him spinning away from me.

<There! Two buildings down on our left, second floor window, above the door!>

“Good, Dawn,” I say as I shoot straight into the sky, getting out of sight before anyone could trace my trajectory. Then, with speed to rival all others, I rocketed back down towards the specific window Dawn pointed out.

With a massive boom, I crashed through the window and through the entire building, coming out the other side of it holding a now badly beaten Bombee.

A look of shock and surprise was on her face, as it’d all happened in an instant for her. Before she could do anything else, I grabbed her head with my clawed hand and dug them in deep. Then with a roar of my own, I ripped her head from her body, tossing both aside. 

Growling, I shot myself backwards, exploding through the building again and coming out on the other side, and continuing till I landed near Vicar as he tried to stand up.

“Make that three points for Scamp,” I sneered, staring him down.

He stood up, looking absolutely enraged as he stared me down. His three most useful pawns were now dead, leaving him stuck with dealing with me with no real back up.

But he just smiled at me. “Good game ender, Scamp. But we’re not done yet.”

As I took a step towards him, he held up his legs. “I surrender.”

“Nope,” I say, glaring at him.

“Everyone freeze!” a voice called out from our left.

Looking over, I frowned as I saw a lone Sheriff's Deputy standing there, his hoof and hoof mounted gun pointed at us.

I look back to Vicar, who just watches me, waiting to see if I’ll do it. But I sigh and shift out of my raging form.

But then the cop turned his gun to Vicar and grabbed his radio, “24-90, I have Vicar Belletor at gunpoint.”

“Ah, looks like Ollie’s Ego has worn off,” Vicar laughed, hooves still up. “They reacted faster than I thought they would though.”

The officer moved forward, keeping his gun on Vicar, “You alright, ma’am?”

I blinked, but gave a nod. “Yeah, just watch him. He’s a tricky bastard.”

“Yes, ma’am,” the Officer said as I heard more sirens in the distance coming our way. “He had all of my department under his spell. We tried to arrest him some time back, but he used some kind of mind control magic on us.”

“That was actually Ollie over there,” Vicar said with a smile, nodding his head to the corpse of said pony.

The Officer looked in that direction, and then Vicar suddenly bolted.

“Suspect fleeing, Officer in pursuit!” the Officer yelled as he and I took off after Vicar.

The tall coward ran around the corner of a building.

“Let me go ahead, just in case!” I yelled as I sprinted ahead, rounding the corner.

Just to find Vicar standing there, hooves up again. “I surrender.”

I glared at him, looking around, but seeing nothing out of place. “Why’d you run just to surrender here?!”

He just smiled at me and held out his hooves.

The Officer quickly moved forward and placed hoof cuffs on him, then pushed him to the ground roughly.

As the cop began to read him his rights, patting him down, I looked around again. Something felt… off. 

More cops arrived, moving towards us quickly.

“Just know,” Vicar laughed, “I used Ollie to control the other members of Wolverine Kamae, as well as the teachers.”

“I don’t believe you,” I say, shaking my head at him.

But he just smiled at me, looking at the body camera of the Officer. 

[That’s game, bitch!]