Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Things come to a head

Chapter 68

July 4th 12 A.B.

Later that day, afternoon

“Yes, Sensei?” Star Chaser asked as he walked into the office.

“Ah, my star pupil,” Vicar exclaimed as he walked over to the young colt and clapped a hoof down on his shoulder. “I heard of your plans for tonight.”

This caused the royal colts eyes to go wide, “Oh, we aren’t going to-”

“I want to give you something to help,” Vicar suddenly said, catching the colt off guard.

“Like what, Sensei?”

A smirk crossed his face as Psalm entered the office behind the colt, holding a strange item. “Has anyone told you about Ego abilities?”


“Scamp?” Mr. Bleak called as he and his grandson stepped into the house.

“Ew, this place is a mess,” Starch commented, taking note of the bottles laying around the trashed room. Leaning down, taking a sniff, he frowns. “Ah, she’s been day drinking.”

“Wonderful,” Mr. Bleak sighed as they walked further into the house and down to the bedrooms. Opening the door to the master bedroom, they saw nothing but a destroyed bedframe and mattress. “Hm.”

Turning, they opened the nursery, finding the room a mess, but not destroyed like the rest of the house. There, on the little bed, was a passed out Scamp, a bottle held loosely in her paw.

“Oh, well she’s useless passed out like that,” Starch grumbled as Mr. Bleak walked into the room, pulling out a little glass capsule wrapped in cloth. Breaking the glass, turning the cloth a light pink around the center. Holding the Ammonia Inhalant under her snout, she suddenly jerked away and threw the bottle at them.

Mr. Bleak side stepped it, but his grandson did not as it smashed into his face. 

“AH SHIT!” he yelped, falling out of the room as he screamed in pain.

“What the fuck?!” Scamp yelled, looking around then at him. Eye wide and breathing heavily. Then she saw the little capsule in his wing. “Smelling salts?! WHY?!”

“You’re up now,” he laughed, then frowned as he held out a pill for her. “Take this, I can’t have you drunk right now.”

She took it and ate it, glaring at him. As the pill worked its magic, she stood up.

“Why are you two here?” the angry mare asked as she walked for the door, stepping over Starch as he pulled glass from his face.

“Because I’ve been looking into all this Dojo business,” Mr. Bleak said as he followed her, ignoring Starch as well. “Especially Vicar Belletor.”

“I don’t care anymore,” she muttered, opening her fridge, just to find everything inside of it destroyed, like the rest of the house. “Great.”

“You should care,” he said, standing in the walkway to the kitchen. “There’s a mind manipulator among his group.”

This stopped her as she turned to him. “Are you sure?”

“Positive,” he said as Starch stepped up next to him, wiping a bit of blood from his face.

“And most of this town is under their control,” Starch said solemnly. 

“Everyone?!” Scamp yelped, eye wide in shock.

“No, not everyone. Lance’s family is immune, and so is one of the kids in Wolverine Kamae.”

“Who?” she asked, taking a seat as the situation hit her.

“Greg’s daughter, Jelly Bean. I thought she was affected in the beginning, but after watching her, I just realized she was just being misled.”

“Which is the manipulator?” she asked evenly, seeming to think of a plan.

“We thought it was the one named Psalm for a long time, but it turns out it's not her. It’s Ollie,” Starch said, getting a nod from his grandfather.

“Yes. We were going to hold off and figure this out without involving you, but after last night, we don’t have a choice now.”

Scamp frowned, eyeing a bottle near her, “yeah, they turned my wife against me. Hey…” she said, starting to smirk, “if we kill this manipulator, would that fix everything?”

“I mean, yes, it would, but I’d rather we figure out what is happening first before going straight for the kill,” Mr. Bleak said, sighing. “I know you want your family back, but we need to play this smart. It’s better to cut the head off the whole snake, and not just the tail.”

She rubbed her face, but nodded.

Mr. Bleak gave a nod as well. “Now Scamp, we have a plan. But it relies on you not leaving this house till tomorrow.”

“What kind of plan?”

Starch cleared his throat, “the kind that’ll bring this all to a head and expose Vicar for what he is. We just can’t mess with anything else right now, and wait.”

“I want to see my daughter,” she said evenly, getting a grimace from both of them.

“I understand, but you just need to wait. If you go out there, there’s a chance Vicar will try and push you further. If he does, and you react, things will slip away and we will lose this one.”

“Well what are you two about to do?” she asked.

“We’re waiting on a spell to finish. Vicar and his crew are not from Equestria, and they are not in their true forms. Normal magic has not revealed their true forms, but we have a solution for this. Just wait for us, can you do that, Scamp?”

She chewed her lip, but nodded.

The two sighed in relief, as they were sure she’d argue with them.

But as they turned, they didn’t see her reach for a half full bottle of liquor.


“Easy plan,” Blitz said, getting nods from everyone around him. “Any questions?”

“Yeah, do we really gotta do the first part?” Jelly Bean asked, getting frowns from everyone else.

“It’s payback!” a kid yelled.

“But, it’s criminal,” she countered.

“Jelly Bean, stop being a baby and get on our level,” Yolonda said, patting her back.

“If it makes you feel better, you can go with the others,” Blitz said, not wanting to argue.

“Okay,” was her only response.

“Good! Any more questions? No? Then get to it!”



Spark sighed as he walked around the house, Shayla on his back, enjoying the ride as she acted like she was riding her own personal horse.

Walking through Adry’s and Mr. Bleak’s decently large house, he had to admit, it was easier to babysit Shayla here. Lots more room to run around and deal with her antics.

Mr. Bleak was… somewhere, and Adry and Mallogory had left to go relax and talk. Honestly, he hated this whole situation between Mallogory and Scamp, but at least Shayla was still young enough not to fully understand everything.

A knock at the door got his attention as he trotted through the house.

Already knowing who it should be, he moved for the door and opened, allowing Lilly and a few other Viper Claw members to come into the house.

“Thanks for coming guys,” Spark said as he ushered them into the house.

“What’s the occasion?” Duke Venture asked as he walked around, looking at the decor of the house.

“To talk about what’s happening with Sensei, duh,” Kelmoon said, getting a nod from Spark.

“Pretty much. Things are getting a bit too serious, and we didn’t have class tonight so we couldn’t talk about it,” Spark said as he led them into the main room of the house, which was another living room.

As they all found a place to set, he took note of who was all here: Azure Moon, Blaze, Duke Venture, Ezeria, Flashy Flash, Kelmoon, Lilly, Lightning, Lurka, Mango Loco, and Nova. That’s not all the kids of Viper Claw, but they were the ones who were there every night without fail.

“Now that we’re all here,” Spark began, Shayla letting out a cry and pulling on his mane. “Eh, one minute.”

He took her to her room and laid her in the crib next to Roxxy, who had gone to sleep hours ago on her own. Shayla rolled over on her and fell asleep instantly.

Returning to his friends, he took up his spot in front of them again. “Anyways, as we all know, Sensei Scamp and her wife have been having some… trouble.”

“Yeah, you can say that again,” Ezeria mumbled.

“And it came to a head last night,” he said grimly, getting solemn looks from everyone else. “So, things aren’t looking good right now.”

“Wolverine Kamae has also gotten more aggressive, so that’s not helping things,” Duke Venture added.

“We’re not going to worry about them right now,” Spark said, pacing in front of them. “This meeting is about our plans going forward. Sensei Scamp will probably be out of commission for a bit.”

“I’m sure she’ll give you the keys so we can keep using the Dojo,” Kelmoon offered.

“Maybe, but she could also be using it as a second home if things get bad enough, so we need to figure out a back up, just in case.”

“The park!” Ezeria yelled, getting a few nods.

“Good good, anything else? Anything less public?” Spark asked, looking around.

A knock at the door got his attention, as they weren’t expecting anyone else.

“I got it!” Ezeria yelled, running past Spark and down the little hallway to the front door.

“We could ask around, someone might let us use their-” Nova began, but the sound of a scream was heard as Ezeria came flying down the hallway and into the living room with the rest of them.

“Ezeria?!” Spark yelped, but as he moved to help him, a few other kids stepped out of the hallway, spreading out as they smirked. They all wore the colors of Wolverine Kamae.

“Hello, Spark,” Star Chaser said as he stood at the head of the group, looking absolutely superior as he and his group stared Spark’s down.

The members of Viper Claw jumped up, all shocked at this sudden intrusion.

“Thanks for grouping up, makes this so much easier,” Star Chaser said as he took a step forward, causing everyone else to step forward as well.

“Star Chaser,” Spark said slowly, eyes wide. “What are you doing?!”

“Finishing this,” he said, pointing a hoof at him. “This time there’s no teachers to break up the fight and save you.”

Seeing no way out, Spark and the others lined up, assuming a fighting stance.

“We don’t need to fight,” Spark offered, not wanting to fight.

“Shut up, Stripes,” Blitz laughed.

“Go,” Star Chaser said loudly, causing everyone to surge forward.


<So, we got some more damage fixed…>
[Bro, she’s too drunk to care right now.]
<... this is so sad…>
[Oh it’s so much worse when you know her background story!]

“Shut up,” I groaned, slamming a hoof into my head to shut the voices up. “Just let me…”

I tripped over myself as I walked into the living room, slamming into the shattered couch face first.

[Fucking hell.]
<Lance has NEVER done anything like this! So I don’t even know how to help!>
[Yeah! Lance drinks for fun! This is not fun!]

I groan as I sit up, the room spinning around me. “I’m out of alcohol…”

<Oh thank God!>

“To the store I go,” I mumbled, trying to stand up.

<Wait no! Stay down!>
[Get this mare some keys!]
<Break shut up! This is serious!>

Someone slammed into the front door, pounding on it and yelling my name.

“What?” I yell back, falling to the side as I tried to get up.

The door opened, since it was never locked, and a filly ran in.

“Jelly Bean!” I laughed, pushing myself back up.

“Scamp! Wolverine Kamae is burning down your Dojo and attacking some of the kids in Viper Claw, right now!” She screamed, panting as she stood in front of me.

I blinked at her for a moment, then my eye went wide, “They’re burning down my Dojo?!”

Trying to get up again, I just slammed face first into the wall.

“Yes! But they’re planning to really hurt the other kids! Star Chaser got something called Ego from Ms. Psalm, and now he’s all strong and scary!”

“Fuck,” I groaned, rolling over and holding up a claw at her. “One moment.” Using the tip of my wing, I shoved it down my throat and then began to vomit all over the wall and floor next to me.

“Oh… ew…” Jelly Bean mumbled, looking away in disgust.

“Yep,” I coughed, standing up and shakily walking to the kitchen, only to find myself lying on the floor again. “I’m out.”

“But they need you!” Jelly Bean yelled, running to me and trying to help me up.

My mind was too far gone at this moment, I couldn’t even get myself into bed in this state. 

<You drank too much, idiot!>
[Oh fuck, those kids are fucked!]

“They’ll be fine,” I mumbled, losing consciousness.

“No! The big kids want to put them in the hospital! They’re actually going to hurt them!” she yelled, looking panicked.

“Shit…” I muttered, attempting to get up again, and hitting the fridge.

<She’s passing out! She’s not in her right mind right now!>
[... Wait, she’s not in her right mind! Dawn, help me here!]


“Oh fuck! It worked!” Break yelled as he took control of Scamp’s body, pushing her mind back like he’d done with Lance many times in the past.

“Scamp?” Jelly Bean asked in a worried tone.

“Oh! Yeah no, I’m Break! I’m kind of in her head right now!” he laughed, causing her to back up. “Wait, I’m going to help! Take me to the kids!”

{Hey… Give me back my body!}
<Scamp calm down. Let Break handle this, he’s not drunk like you are when you’re in control of your body.>
{I don’t give a fuck, I don’t like not having control of myself!}
[I got this, don’t worry!]
{Just grab a pill and take it so I can not be drunk! Then give me control back!}

Jelly Bean watched as Break walked over to the table, pulled out a magic pill and took it, clearing the alcohol from Scamp’s body. But he did not give control back to her.

“Now, to the kids!”

{You asshole!}


Spark slammed through the wall, flying into the next room and landing on a bed.

Groaning, he jumped up as two kids followed him in as Star Chaser walked towards the hole in the wall, laughing. 

“How’d you like this Ego? They said it’s the Protagonist Ego, a transferable Ego that apparently only attaches to those it feels is worthy! And look at me! WORTHY!”

Spark dodged to the left as one of the colts reached him, bucking him across the face and knocking him out. The other colt jumped over his friend and began to exchange blows with Spark, but the striped colt's fighting technique was a bit too unorthodox for him to handle.

With a flurry of hooves, Spark dropped the other kid. Stepping over him, he squared back up with Star Chaser. 

Their fight had not been going well for him, as no matter what he did, Star Chaser just got stronger and kept having the upper hand.

Behind him, through the hole in the wall, the other members of Viper Claw were doing their best to handle the onslaught, but they were quickly losing the battle.

“Give up yet?” the royal colt asked in a mocking tone.

Spark spat out some blood, glaring back at him. It didn’t matter if he’d gained some strange power, Spark wasn’t going to just back down, especially when the others needed him.

“There’s the Spark I know,” Star Chaser said as the two approached each other slowly. Star Chaser standing tall and proud,  and Spark on his hindlegs, hooves at his side as he glared at his childhood friend.