Fallout Equestria: Apocalypse

by BioQuillFiction

Time To Work

"I think you cracked my beak…" Mom said.

"Sorry." Mom replied, wrapping some healing bandages around moms beak.

Well that sentence made little sense…

“So anyways…” I sighed. “We got the violence out of your system mom?”

"Yes." Mom said, turning over to me now. "Now… start from the beginning Plory sweetie, because While you were prying me off her neck I remember you saying something about her having been dead?"

“She’s been dead for twenty years.” I said. “She died protecting my egg and…you thankfully found me…and how she’s alive is…a whole other can of worms…” I said sheepishly.

"I see. Now, onto the more important topic." Mom said, pulling me right against her muzzle with her magic. "When were you gonna tell me you had eggs?!"

Wait what?! How did she? I didn't say anything yet?!

“Uh…how and why do you know that?” I asked in shock. “I didn’t say anything about it!”

"Sweetie when I found your egg I read up all about Griffin biology and health. I am a nurse. I can tell you've had eggs, and recently too because similar to pony births the Griffoness hips widen by a few millimeters and the plumage around your neck has grown larger and fluffier to help keep the eggs warm."

I gently brushed down my plumage in embarrassment…cause yes, it’s larger and fluffier. “W-well…” I said, also looking back at my hips and worried it would get bigger.

"So, who took my babies flower? Was it a one night stand or did some low life get to you at a bar?"

“This is where…the complications get it.” I said sheepishly. “Let’s go inside cause…you’re gonna need to sit down for this.”

"Sweetie, your birth mother has supposedly been dead the last twenty years and here she is, not to mention, I'm a nurse in the Hoof, I've seen and heard it all."

“So…” I trailed off, trying to figure out where to start…before just throwing caution to the wind and telling her everything that I needed to, especially Grunk and all that.

After that, she seemed to be processing that info. "Hmm… Aliens. Welp odds are it was gonna happen sooner or later." Mom shrugged.

"Wait, you mean you just accept that right off the bat? I've come back from the dead and I still don't know how much of it I believe." Birth Mom said.

"It's the Hoof, what other ponies largely consider weird or out of the ordinary we just consider it as another Tuesday." Mom replied, looking back at me. "So, Grunk. This ship built them to be your perfect partner?"

“Well…originally he was just a feral griffon that uh…took a mighty fancy to me…” I blushed brightly. “Then they decided to…make him perfect for me when they were giving him intelligence and the like…”

"I see. Well, perfectly made for you or not I want to have words with the Griffin who deflowered my Baby Bird and fathered her eggs."

I blushed at hearing mom's nickname for me.

“Mo~m!” I whined.

"Oh hush, you loved that nickname as a chick. Especially when I'd sing you that song and you'd coo along in tune." Mom said, making me blush harder.

"I missed so much being dead." Birth mom sighed.

"I have lots of photos and home movies." Mom said.

"I need to see them." Birth mom said with a smile.

I facepalmed. 

Several hours of embarrassing photo and video memories later, Mom joined me and Birth Mom in the ship heading back to the Eternity.

"So you used to be a unicorn but Poison Joke made you a Griffoness with a dick?" Mom asked.

"Yes. I worked at a brothel/strip club and, well, that's how Plory came along. I was always known for my flexibility~" Birth Mom replied.

"Explains why she looks exactly like you. And why her DNA tests always came back with errors. I guess it's lucky she wasn't born with genetic illnesses."

“Yes, it was very confusing and concerning when I originally found that out.” I said honestly. “But thankfully, the system’s here told me that there was absolutely no genetic problems.”

"Useful. So, what do you do on this ship Plory?"

“I’m a researcher.” I said honestly. “Doing tests, documenting things, and just all around trying to learn stuff from horror’s beyond comprehension, even to being’s that are well over a few billion years old.”

"Ah, so does that mean you aren't a historian anymore?"

“Well, technically I’m still a historian, just for…a lot of other races.” I said sheepishly. “I’ve learned…a whole lot…and I also learned that…Pre-Garden times are fucking awful.”

"Well, no offense sweetie but that was rather obvious." Mom said.

“Well, I was told from someone that the survivor’s didn’t want people to see how…extra terrible it was, and just focus on the kinda good bits.” I frowned. “Cause when you go into a dream world and talk to a mare named Plush that…went through it all…”

"The more I hear about these aliens and what they're doing the more I get confused."

"Ditto." Birth Mom said in agreement.

Eventually, we arrived at the ship and after parking this thing I brought them to my quarters. My eggs still floating in the incubator where I left them.

"Oh my gosh, Twins!" Mom cheered, looking at my eggs through the glass.

"Wow Plory, you must have been really flexible to pull that off. It's not often a Griffin lays more than one." Birth Mom said. "Only reason I know that is because some of my old coworkers were Griffins."

"She's right. Twins are often a one in five hundred chance." Mom added.

“Well…I’m a lucky griffon that’s for sure.” I said with some pride even with the embarrassment of both moms talking about how ‘flexible’ I am.

"You laid them recently?" Mom asked.

“Yeah, just shy of a week ago.” I said honestly.

"Well they're in good shape and this… incubator seems to be keeping them at proper temperature and humidity levels. Oh I can't wait til they hatch. So, where is your baby daddy?"

“These two are in the safest place in the universe from what I’m told.” I said, gently patting the incubator. “And Grunk? Um…Amanda? Where’s Grunk?” I asked my AI real quick.

"Grunk is on Security Detail for Level 3 Prisoners." Amanda stated.

“Right then, so Grunk is on security detail at the moment.” I said honestly.

"So, should we wait around here til he gets back then?" Birth Mom asked. Really need to figure out better names to refer to them by.

“Might as well, and while we’re at it I can give you a tour.” I said honestly.

"I already got a job as the ship's first brothel." Birth Mom said.

"So, will Plory be expecting siblings?" Mom asked.

"Maybe. If it happens it happens." Birth Mom shrugged.

“Considering how horny mom is…I wouldn’t be surprised if it happens soon…”

"How does being a brothel help this advanced alien ship and its crew at all?" Mom asked.

"It helps morale." Birth Mom said.

"Sadly I can't really argue with that."

I gave them both a tour, the ship, the storage bay, the cafeteria, all that.

At the end of the tour Mom ended up getting her own job. Also, a nurse for the med bay. 

"Say Spring, care to be my first customer~" Birth mom asked mom.

"Despite the fact you have the equipment down there I'll have to decline. No offense but learning you and Plory are basically genetically identical sits wrong with me when that is a factor." Mom replied.


"Speaking of, keeping that in mind wouldn't any siblings Plory has that you don't fertilize yourself be considered her kids also given you're genetically identical?"

"I dunno. Maybe? They'd be her sibling-children… okay yeah that sounds wrong." Birth Mom admitted. "Hm. Finding out Plory is basically my twin/clone despite me having given birth to her is… weird, family tree wise."


“It is very weird.” I nodded.

"Well, guess we should head back to Plory's quarters and wait for this Grunk to show up." Mom shrugged.

“Alright, and my room isn’t really anything special.” I shrugged, leading both my mom’s down to my room.

"It's a place to wait." 

Getting back to my Quarters, Mom and Birth Mom sat on the couch and talked while I went to my office and looked through some more files.

“Alright…” I muttered, going through my current work load here and wondering what was special.

Let's see… hmm…let's see here… deadly, deadly, deadly, can be deadly, deadly if used wrong. Nothing too unique or sticking out here.

Oh, here's something.

Prisoner 004321343213. 
Species: N/A.

Prisoner 004321343213 is not in nature organic. Prisoner appeared as a Terran Mask most often associated with classical plays for comedy or tragedy. Prisoner naturally through willful mental manipulation. The prisoner will force anyone weak-willed to want to put them on, and if success is achieved the victim is mentally killed, allowing the prisoner full control.

Bodies, organic or not, are degraded over time through a naturally produced corrosive substance the prisoner secrets, this will decay any host they acquire until nothing remains.

Prisoner in question when worn by a host body is described as a deranged, charismatic figure whose actions and goals appear to soly be a bringer of chaos and anarchy, leading all who he engages with dead.

Prisoner is kept in an anti-telepathic cell where his corrosive secretions are dropped into a contained tank where a solution is mixed in that nullifies the corrosive substance and renders it safe for disposal.

Interviews and visitations must be approved by level 4 Security and all in attendance are required to wear special helmets to render the prisoners mental abilities null.

“Well…that’s surprising…” I muttered to myself, surprised that they haven’t either figured out how to shatter the thing or to make the mask brain dead.

I decided to look into this mask some more.

Prisoner 004321343213 Logs.

File 1: Prisoner arrived after reports of a small Terran Colony Ship initiated it's self-destruct protocol. Prisoner was found wearing a host missing half their body mass, still 'alive', through perhaps animate would be a better term, under Prisoners controle.

Prisoner quickly tried to force Security Captain Ego Kither into wearing them.

Upon success late Captain Ego proceeded to draw weapons on fellow Eternity Guards.

First Mate Vision arrived shortly after confrontation started, their Mind Stone helping them resist Prisoners influence.

File 2: Prisoner interview as follows. Prisoner host is a mannequin made from corrosive resistant materials. Mannequin was reduced to nothing after four days.

Prisoner: I say what an amazing ship! The technology, the knowledge! Oh it's so wonderful.

Interviewer: Focus Prisoner. First things first, do you have a name?

Prisoner: Oh box I go by many names and titles depending on where I go and who I possess, but I have no name of my own. Never needed one. Don't care for one.

Interviewer: Alright then. So, what are you and where did you come from?

Prisoner: Well, I'm a mask, obviously, I just have more of a personality than most. As for where I come from, Earth, however, not this one in particular. I'm not to sure how I got here but I must say I am not disappointed. Aliens, space travel, all so much more entertaining than back home.

Interviewer: I see. Well, given your initial capture and the displayed abilities, you will be placed in a cell which will collect your corrosive secretions and block your telepathic influences

Prisoner: Well, you're no fun. No fun at all. 

End Logs.

That's it? Rather short…

"Well…best that thing stay locked up…" I frowned.

I browsed through more files, coming across another interesting Prisoner.

Prisoner: 1129731
Race: N/A

Prisoner 1129731, commonly referred to as Plague Doctor, or just Doctor, by faculty is a bipedal humanoid creature resembling a Terren dressed in what is known as a Plague Doctors attire.

Despite appearances, the Plague Doctors attire is not separate from their body. It's akin to a type of exoskeleton from beak to books, even the hood.

The Doctors touch is lethal, one touch and victims hearts stop immediately and no amount of resuscitation will start it beating again.

Despite this the Plague Doctor is rather cordial, kind and genuinely seems to desire aiding others regardless of species. They consider themselves a man of medicine, despite the heavily outdated medical practices, the Plague Doctor does have a hefty understanding of Human Medicine and anatomy.

The Doctor is contained in a Level 2 cell of which is outfitted with a laboratory of which he is given feral cloned human subjects to experiment with.

The subjects, after experimentation, revive in what is commonly referred to as Zombies. Biologically the subjects are dead despite the Doctors Insistence they are cured of an unknown disease he refers to as The Pestilence.

All subjects of his treatment are stored in Biological Hazards Specimens Lab 3.

All personal wishing to communicate with the Doctor must do so via the designated speaking chamber adjacent to their cell.

“Well…that kinda sucks.” I frowned. “But good to know.”

I made a mental note to visit this Plague Doctor later.

"Plory, I'm back!" I heard Grunk call out as I got out the chair and headed to the door. He was looking as mom and mom on the couch. "And… who are they?"

“Hey Grunk.” I smiled, walking over and nuzzling my mate. “I’d like you to meet my adoptive mom Spring Flower,” I motioned to the mare. “And this is my birth mother and…technically father, Melody Coos…she turned into a griffon due to Poison Joke.”

"Hello handsome~" Ma Melody… yeah that works, said at seeing Grunk.

"Pleasure. So, you're the father of my soon to be grand chicks." Mom said.

"Uh, yes ma'am." Grunk said with a gulp.

“Don’t worry, she won’t try to assault you.” I said to Grunk, giving mom a quick little glare to make sure she wouldn’t. “And Ma is…horny yes, but you’re mine.”

"Ma? Huh. I actually like that." Ma said with a smirk.

"In any case we both will be working and living aboard this ship as well so, treat our daughter well." Mom said.

"Yes Ma'am. I wouldn't be here if not for her so, I'll give her my everything." Grunk said.

Mom, seeming satisfied with that answer, got up. "Come on Melody, we best start our jobs."

"Alright." Ma said. "We'll visit often." She added before following mom out.

Once they left and the door closed Grunk exhaled. "Well, your Mom is terrifying… and your Ma… also scares me but in a different way."

“Mom can be very scary yes and…I believe you were worried about her jumping your bones or something?”

"That or trying something sneaky. You two look scary alike." Grunk said. "So, aside from your parents living and working here now, I miss anything else?"

“Well, why I look scarily like Ma is…because the Poison Joke and her being…stupidly flexible…” I shook my head. “Things happened when she was drunk and said ‘check this shit’...but besides that, nothing much.”

"Okay… how are the eggs?" Grunk asked, looking like he wanted a subject change.

“The eggs are doing good.” I said with a smile. “That incubator is a god send for us.”

"Great. So, want anything for dinner?"

“Sure.” I said with a smile. “I am getting kinda hungry.”

"Alright, let's go eat then, maybe spend some alone time together?"

“I would love some alone time.” I said, nuzzling Grunk happily as we headed off to the dining hall.

We ate our meals, chatting a little before heading back to our quarters, locking the door and enjoying some time as a couple.

I woke up how I've come to enjoy waking up. Grunk wrapped around me, a little sore and sticky down there, and feeling a mix of relaxed and tired that somehow complemented each other nicely.

I stayed there, enjoying the embrace for a while longer.

Eventually Grunk woke up, giving me a kiss before we both got up with a yawn and stretch.

I took my shower first, then once I dried off I checked on the eggs. The two little things looked just as they did last night. Good.

I pat the incubator and quickly left for the cafeteria and got breakfast. It was here I saw Ma, looking tired but drinking a large pot of coffee. And yes, I mean a whole pot.

"Morning Plory." Ma said.

“Morning Ma. How you doing this fine morning?”

"Sleepy." She replied.

“I can see that.” I chuckled. “Did you start working or did you need to go through orientation first?”

"Oh I started working. Lots of fun. Thought about going to sleep and suddenly a sense of dread hit me as I imagined going to sleep and not waking up again… so I spent the night with whoever kept their door open that late. Surprisingly, was a lot, and here I am now. Washed, sore, but here."

I moved over and hugged my Ma. “I’m sorry to hear you went through that…I would have offered at least emotional support so you wouldn’t have…gone through that.”

"I guess I'm still in shock. Or denial." Ma said with a sigh. "I… remember dying Plory. I remember feeling as my body was ripped apart. Getting tired despite all the pain. The cold creeping in as my eyes went dark… then, poof. I'm seeing you in that room where I was a digital ghost thing… and then I'm flesh and blood again, meeting the mare who raised you it… I haven't fully processed it all yet. Honestly I doubt I ever will."

“I understand ma.” I said softly. “It’s…it’s a lot to take in…I’m just happy you're here.”

"Thanks Plory." She sighed. "I guess I should get therapy or something huh?"

“Most likely yes.” I nodded. “Cause this…is still a lot to take in…”

"I guess if I can't sleep tonight I'll see that med bay, maybe take a sedative induced nap then get proper therapy when I don't feel like dropping head first to the ground."

“That’s fair.” I nodded. “Just take your time Ma…nobody’s expecting you to do a lot of thing’s day one.”

"Oh I dunno. Some of those storage room staff sure saw me do a lot of things. And that was just in an hour~"

My ears!!

“Lalalalalalala I can’t hear shit!” I whined, covering my ears as I pretended not to hear such horrid things.

"Oh please, with that stud in your bed I imagine you've done a fair amount yourself~" Ma teased, poking at my side.

I slapped her talon away with my wing, my face burning red as I pouted. “Ma~.” I whined.

"What? I've missed out on twenty years of your life. I have a lot of teasing to do, among other things, to make up for the lost time."

“I know but still…” I huffed. “I don’t need to hear how horny you are…which explains a little bit as to why I’m that horny…’

"Like mother like daughter." Ma said with a laugh.

I ate my meal, gave Ma another hug and left to meet this Plague Doctor I read about yesterday.

Finding his cell was easy, and entering the adjacent chapter to speak to them was also easy. Here, a large wall of easily six inch thick glass separated me and the cell/lab where the Doctor was. He was exactly like the file photo showed. Tall, maybe… five eight, a long bird like beak face mask all covered in black leather like cloak that was apparently part of his skin or exoskeleton.

He looked up from his book at me. His eyes two small orbs of faint light. "Ah, a visitor! It has been many, many years since I last had the pleasure of speaking to anyone." He said, standing and walking up to the glass. He gave me a polite bow. "I am honored to meet you miss?"

“Plory.” I nodded. “It’s nice to meet you Doctor.”

"The pleasure is all mine miss Plory. Tell me, are you in need of medical treatment? Or has something else brought you to my laboratory?"

“I’d like to talk to you since you seem to be one of the more…pleasant to be around out of the many being’s held here.” I said honestly.

"Ah yes. Many of the old scientists here told me of my fellow imprisoned. While I wish I could enjoy a less confining arrangement, I get to experiment freely and all my test subjects are safely placed in their own storage for recovery. I can not complain much. Definitely an improvement over my old captors."

“Old captors?” I inquired.

"It was many years ago. I was held captive by these… ah, it's been so long I forgot their name. I believe it started with an S… or was it an F? Regardless, they kept me prisoner as well but I was not allowed proper test subjects or patients to treat. Maybe an animal to experiment with but that was rare. Still, they gave me food, shelter and occasionally had me interact with my fellow… how did they call us? Anomalies? Yes, that is the word. Some I recognize as my fellow imprisoned."

“Well…that’s good to know.” I nodded. “So…mind if I ask what this ‘Pestilence’ is?”

"The Pestilence is my life long adversary. An enigma I have dedicated my life to eradicating. Some people are more affected by it than others, but it's a slow and patient illness. A person can go their whole life never showing symptoms but still spread it like wildfire to others. All in all, it is the thing that haunts me each day, and the reason I get up in the mornings."

“I don’t think turning people into Undead is…really solving anything.” I brought up nervously.

"Ah, but it is how they are cured." He replied.

Huh. File was right. He seems to mean no harm in his actions genuinely believing he is doing good.

Probably shouldn't poke the bear further.

“Right…” I muttered. “So, do you have any hobbies besides…well, being a doctor?”

"Reading, some light writing, a few times I picked up some instruments out of curiosity. I'll write out chemical equations and fiddle with my equipment from time to time or review older data." 

“That’s understandable.” I nodded. “Hmm…what do you remember in your long life?”

"Sadly, not as much as I'd like. Medical knowledge is always present but experiences and such have become fuzzy. Perhaps I am simply growing old." He chuckled. "I'd have to browse through my journals to remember finer details."

“I understand.” I nodded. “From what I have learned…it’s been a very long time for you and many others.”

"Yes. I guess in all these years I actually started to get old. Funny. Centuries pass in the blink of an eye and I've always stood watching over others, working to cure whatever illness rises time and time again. The idea I'm growing old is… welcoming."

“Why is it welcoming if I may ask?” I inquired.

"Because age, my young Plory, is a right of passage. In all my years, to grow old… I've nearly died many a time in my long life, but as they say, time catches us all eventually. Many people have treated aging as an illness, but that is not the case. It is just… part of living."

“So…you’re happy to still be a part of life?” I inquired.

"Of course. The duty of every physician is to heal and make better all around them, and ensure they live a long life. I took an oath to do no harm, and heal everyone who needs medical attention."

“Probably doesn’t realize that his touch actually kills people but…eh.” I thought to myself carefully. “I understand Doctor, you have your Oath and…it’s very admirable to see you still following it even after all this time.”

"Until I die, I shall obey it." He said with a nod. "Is there anything else you wish to discuss miss Plory?"

“Um…” I hummed, thinking about if there was any questions. “Did you…have any friends? Even among these…’Anomalies’ you said are your fellow…’passengers’?”

"Hmm… a few. There was an orange living ball of slime. I remember one day, he gave me ice cream when I was feeling sad. Such a kind creature. Other than him… there was the Giant, Ferdinand, and a unique small sea slug that seemed to be telepathic and have the memories of an old English adventurer. Or maybe he was the adventure. Whichever the case, he is unaware he is a sea slug, and bringing it up annoys him. He is completely ignorant to that major fact. Heh. Can you imagine being ignorant of such a critical fact of yourself."

I just… grinned and said nothing.

“Well, this was a rather nice talk Doctor.” I said warmly.

"Thank you for the conversation miss Plory. I look forward to another should you visit again." He said, giving me another polite bow.

I left, having that encounter be… really positive. All in all.

“That was nice…” I muttered with a smile, glad to have possibly made a friend here.

I was walking down the hall when-

"Meow." I looked down, seeing half a cat- Half a cat?! 

The cat in question seemed to be the upper torsos legs and head, and the rear legs, lower torso, and tail just… not there. Like just missing.

How are they standing?

"Meow." The cat meowed again, looking at me curiously.

“Uh…” I blinked, super confused as to what I’m seeing. “Uh…Amanda?” I asked nervously. “Who did this to the poor cat?”

"The cat in Question is Josie, Josie the Half Cat. Her lower torso down is completely absent from this dimension due to an unknown reason. Despite this she acts and moves around as if the lower half is still present and has no pain or negative side effects due to her condition. She is freely allowed to wander Eternity Levels, and enjoys cheese."

“Huh…okay.” I said honestly, carefully bringing up a talon for the cat to sniff so they get to know me.

She sniffed my talon and then licked them, and put her head into my palm demanding pets.

I smiled, gently petting the half cat. “Friendly aren’t ya?”

She meows, purring as she enjoys the attention.

Once she was satisfied she gave my talons another lick before walking off down the hall.

Well, that was adorable.

"Plory, Captain Death wishes to speak with you." Amanda informed.

I gulped.

“But I didn’t do anything…” I whined, fearing that I was in trouble for something I didn’t do.

I walked to the Captains quarters. I remember coming here. Back when I first helped wake them all up.

The door slid open. The room was largely the same, save screens on the walls and the dust that was here was now gone.

Captain Death sat at a table, the pale unicorn flipping through an old book. "Glad you made it here quickly, Plory." Captain Death said.

“Did I do something wrong Captain?” I inquired, wanting to know if I was in trouble out of nowhere.

"Nothing of the sort." He informed, flipping a page. "Just figured, given you set the ball in motion, if you were willing to assist in a few tasks?"

"What do you have in mind sir?" I inquired.

"As you know, my brother War is not an easily defeated person. Our last war lasted a few centuries and we imprisoned him after it ended. None of my siblings or I can die unless we all choose to die, but, there might be a means of bypassing that little issue."

“Like what?” I inquired. “Is there some secret super weapon in this place that can help us?”

"Not a weapon per say." Captain stated. "For eons my siblings and I have questioned how exactly we came into existence. We know what made us but the how is still a mystery. We are not like the Demons War uses, but not Gods. Well, not exactly. The point is we have tried and failed to recreate our own creation and failed each time. But perhaps the answer lies not in recreating what we are but passing it along."

“And…how do you plan to do that sir?”

"There are many rituals and artifacts that can transfer a god of divine beings power from one to another. None work on us but if we can craft our own artifact then maybe we can accomplish the task."

I blinked. “You’re…literally going to try and pass on your powers and abilities to someone else?”

"Yes. If successful my siblings and I can all die, ending War and hopefully whoever takes his place is not a psychopath."

“That is fair.” I nodded. “And good to know.”

"In order to craft such an artifact we'll need a few special materials and to locate one of a group of specific beings."

“And…who would those specific beings be?” I inquired.

"They refer to themselves as The Family. We don't know all that much about them but past interactions have always been short and interesting."

“Interesting how?” I inquired. “Also…The Family? That name sounds…vaguely familiar…” I frowned, trying to think of why that name gave me some small sense of deja vu, like one of those boring data slates I went through before all this shit happened.

"Well they reset a star, closed a tear in space time by pinching it shut, saw one eat a black hole on a dare, and they're one of the few beings I've ever met that can actually cause my siblings and I genuine pain aside from each other."

“Oh…” I muttered in horror. “That’s…uh…that’s not good…”

"For our purposes, it is. It means if anyone can craft such an artifact it's them." Captain Death said. "Problem is finding them."

“Ever tried calling them?” I asked. “Cause if they’re being’s that can just…do whatever the fuck they want, I don’t see how hard it is to go ‘hey, beings of unknown power, want to grab a bite to eat and talk?’.”

"It doesn't work like that. Well, unless you can catch their attention. People rarely just stumble upon the The Family, rather they are found by them and become part of their self entertainment."

“I mean…that’s fair.” I shrugged.

"So, the hard part is figuring out where they are and or how to get them interested in us to aid our purposes."

“Hmm…” I hummed. “Well…if a simple griffoness somehow finding and unleashing War itself in some accidental Daring Doo nonsense isn’t enough…” I frowned, thinking more about this. “Then what about something that, technically, shouldn’t be possible? At least with what we have at the moment?”


“That’s…going to be a  bit rough…” I said carefully. “Cause I have absolutely no idea who or what these people are or what they can do besides the vague thing you said…maybe…” I frowned, trying to think of what could be possible. “Again, The Family still sounds vaguely familiar…it should be from my work going through all those…oh so boring documents of Pre-War times…” I said, pacing back and forth as I tried to remember something so specific after all this nonsense. “Like…there was this…one patient at a Psych ward I had to read about…” I said carefully.

"Really? Have a name?"

I frowned, trying to think of a name. “Ugh, everything that’s been going on it’s kind of hard to remember something this specific, especially when it was just a one off thing I saw…” 

"Hm. Well in any case odds are the pony is long dead. So, time to explore Plan B."

“Well, I was going to bring up how they were dreaming about a Door, and talking about The Family in some way that was stopping him, but what’s this Plan B?”

"Hunt for them both the hard and easy way." He said simply. "Plory, you will have two goals, locate a member of The Family, and document the various dimensions you'll be exploring as well."

“Wait wait hold up…you want me to go dimension hopping?”

"Yes. Will that be an issue?"

“I mean…probably not but aren’t there many dangers to that?”

"No more than space travel really."

“Alright…” I sighed. “So, when do I start my traveling and…will this take much longer that I might miss my children hatching?”

"Shouldn't be an issue. Go to Laboratory 3 and speak to the head researcher, I'll send word of what you are to be given."

“Alright.” I nodded. “Anything else you want to talk about sir?”

"That will be all miss Plory."

I nodded. “Have a nice day sir.” I said, turning around and heading off to Lab 3 to get this whole…dimension traveling started.

Lab 3? Huh. Not sure if that makes it important being close to one or just another lab.

Either way I arrived at Lab 3 quickly, the door opening to reveal to me various objects and gadgets all around me. Woah. Neat.

"Hello there." Approaching me was a human, lab coat worn, tired eyes and smelling of burnt metal and oil. "You must be Plory, Correct?"

“Yes I am.” I nodded. “It’s nice to meet you and…you should get some sleep.” I said, seeing the tired eyes of the human and didn’t want them to do something silly while looking like they haven’t slept in a while.

"Heh. Later. Right now you need the Dimensional Wayfinder." He said, walking over to a table and picking up something small. He then handed me the small device.

It was barely the size of my palm and talons, looking like some kind of keychain rather than a device to travel dimensions. I could tell it was technology but nothing else. It did have a small loop on one of the points, five in total like a star. The metal casing it was a shiny silver color.

“So uh…what’s this thing?” I inquired.

"Well, as I said it is called a Dimensional Wayfinder. How it works is that it locks onto a dimension similar enough to our own. Breathable oxygen, ECT, and teleports you there. Then after twenty four to forty eight hours it teleports you back here, the dimension location is logged in your suit AI so if you wish to revisit that dimension you can easily with but a word."

“That’s fair.” I nodded. “Just have to wonder why it’s…shaped like a…keychain?” I asked, remembering seeing some of these in some shops that just sold some minor nicknacks.

"Making it small and easily carried on your person is better than lugging around a clunky machine. Plus it blends in. After all, who'd suspect a Keychain is a means of multiverse travel?"

“Eh, fair.” I shrugged. “So…just gonna hop from reality to reality huh?”

"Yes. I'd recommend gathering supplies and putting that on either a belt or string to act as a necklace or something."

I nodded, rushing back to my room and grabbed my guns, ammo, some bottled water and these special Survival MRE's. I still have those healing potions and… guess that's everything.

I looked over at my eggs, still floating in the incubator.

“Don’t worry you two…mommy will be back soon.” I said, gently putting a claw on the incubator as I didn’t want to leave them, but knowing this nest was the safest place they could be.

With a sigh, I quickly wrote down a note for Grunk, and thankfully Amanda had the suit, being made of technically I still don't understand, able to latch onto the Dimensional Wayfinder and dangle it down from my shoulder on my left arm.

Okay now how does this work?

"Operation of the Dimensional Wayfinder is as simple as holding the center button down until each point of the star shape is lit up fully, then release and transportation will be instantaneous." 

With a nod I did just that, each point of the star like shape lit up brighter and once all were lit I let go of the center button.

Ouch, shit that flash is bright as hell.

I blinked, rubbing my eyes as that flash was way brighter than I expected.

Once my vision returned I looked around… this is the… White tale Woods. Right, must have dropped me in the same location as where I was.

Looking around I immediately noticed the place didn't seem… mutated. Or dug up. It was just… a forest.

“Uh…huh…” I muttered. “What world am I in?” I wondered, carefully walking around the forest to see where I was.

"This dimension has been labeled A44. Scans detect no radiation of isotopic or necromantic nature anywhere on the planet." Amanda informed. 

I stopped at that…a world…without the bombs going off? "Wow…" I muttered…but I could tell, the air was so much…cleaner here.

It reminded me a lot of The Garden.

I spread my wings and took to the air, breaking up above the tree line, and saw it all.

Canterlot stood tall atop the mountain. In the distance a train was moving along the tracks, and I could make out a town nearby here.

"It's…it's beautiful…" I muttered in awe, tears forming in the corners of my eyes at the sight of everything.

I wanted to explore it all, see things. Maybe grab some souvenirs.

With a smile I flew over to a nearby town, the place was well off, ponies, a few zebra's, griffins, all walking around the down.

"Not…a single ghoul…no radiation…" I muttered with a giant smile.

I walked around. The sun seemed brighter, the energy in the air felt… so good.

"Excuse me!" A mare called out, bumping into and passed me. "Sorry!" They yelped back as she kept running.

“What’s the rush?” I called out, running after the mare as I was now interested in what the hell is going on.

I followed her to a store where there was a huge crowd gathered. Squinting ahead I saw the source of the commotion on a poster in the window.

One Day Only! Author Meet and Greet!

Writer of the hit series Fallout Equestria now signing autographs and answering questions!

I blinked. “Uh…excuse me…” I muttered, trying to see

"It would appear that in this reality, certain events from your home are considered works of fiction. This is actually a common occurrence across the multiverse. A phenomenon referred to as The Bleeding Data Principal. The concept that data and events from one reality can bleed through into other realities into the minds of those able to perceive and receive/interpret the data, often times in moments of dreams, inspiration, or sudden ideas."

“Oh…” I muttered. “That’s…something…”

"It is a very common occurrence. Expect this to happen every so often when dimension traveling."

“Alright…” I said carefully. “This…is kind of uncomfortable…” I muttered.

I walked passed the store. That's definitely a thing. I kept looking around, wishing I had some pre-war bits. Doubt this place takes NCR or Caps as currency.

“Really should have thought about this more…” I thought to myself bitterly, just moving along as I had a day or two to travel around and see these…marvelous sights.

As I walked along through town, I spotted a large building that looked like it was made from baked goods. As I was walking over to it, suddenly all my vision became pink. 

"Hi there!"

I squacked, jumping back in surprise. The mare was all pink, from mane to hoof, large blue eyes and had a few bits of white in her poofy pink mane. Holy crap! That's Pinkie Pie?!

Her posters still terrify people to this day back home. 

"Uh…hi there." I said nervously, backing away slightly from Pinkie. "Who are you?" I asked, not wanting to look weird and knowing who she was immediately.

"I'm Pinkie Pie, are you new in town? I don't think I've seen you around town before, let alone wearing a suit that that." She pointed a hoof at my suit. "Looks fancy. My friend Rarity will definitely want to meet you."

"Well…the suit is fancy, yes." I said sheepishly. "And…yes, I am new in town, my name's Plory."

"Ooh, well welcome to Ponyville Plory!" Pinkie said, reaching into her mane and pulling out a pink box, the lid opening up and revealing six cupcakes. "Here ya go." She said, giving me the box.

"Uh…thank you." I said sheepishly. "And…how much does this cost?"

"Oh nothing silly, it's your welcome to Ponyville gift!"

I blinked. "R-really?" I asked, seeing such generosity out of nowhere to a complete stranger felt…strange to me considering all the crap I've been through.

"Yes! Everyone gets one welcome to Ponyville gift. With all the constant newcomers to town I can't really throw them parties like I used to, especially with my foal, speaking of, I should get back in. Later!" And with a blur of pink she was gone.

Pinkie Pie… is a mom in this dimension?! Well, that's…a thing.

"Well…that happened…" I said, taking one of the cupcakes and eating it.

It. Was. Amazing. And I thought the Cafeteria food printers were a gift from the gods.

"Oh~ my Celestia…" I moaned happily. "This…so good…"

Before I knew it I had finished the whole box, blushing in embarrassment at my own gluttony before throwing the now empty box into a trash can.

With that pleasant event done I headed off, looking around more.

"Alright, so that was great…" I muttered, feeling so…welcome here, it felt so warm and friendly. "This…is so nice…"

I took a seat at a park bench and relaxed in the sunlight. This dimension is nice. Still, I can't just hang around and have fun. I need to try and find evidence one of these members of The Family is here.

"Now…how the hell am I supposed to bring up those people?" I frowned, thinking I can't just ask 'hey,do you know anything about this extra dimensional family?'.

"Scans indicate no beings of abnormal powers or extra Dimensional origin within the immediate area."

"Shit…" I muttered. "Well, that's gonna make things more complicated…"

"Our current odds of locating a member of The Family are .5%. Odds of this dimension having been contacted by a member of The Family might increase if we can research the planets history."

"Alright, time too look for a library…" I said, judging on distance it would be impossible to get to Canterlot in the time I have so…"Excuse me." I said to a passing couple, a Kirin and a Griffon. "Do you know where the library is? I'm kinda new here, so I don't know the layout." I said sheepishly.

"Huh? Oh, there's a library in Princess Twilight's old castle." The griffin said.

Princess Twilight. Wow. Definitely a different universe…

“Thank you…and uh…where would that be?” I asked, not sure if I saw anything ‘castle-like’ around here.

"There." The Kirin said, she and the Griffin pointing behind me.

Turning I saw it. A giant castle made entirely of crystal in a Tree Like shape, standing with the sun behind it shimmering bright.

How the Fuck did I miss that?!

“Uh…” I blinked. “Thank you…seriously, how did I miss that?”

"I know, I swear that thing should not blend into the background but, it does." 

With that I rushed to the giant crystal tree. Entering I followed signs and headed to the library. It. Was. Massive. The NCR national Library has nothing on this.

“Wow…” I muttered in awe, starting to vibrate slightly as I was so excited to just…learn all this ancient history! Even if some of it is Fiction but still!

"Would you like to utilize the Archive Data Scan?"

“Yes please.” I muttered, walking into the library as I was super excited to learn.

"Activating Archive Data Scan… Scan Complete. Six thousand, five hundred and thirteen books archived to Suits internal Hard Drive. Will sync to Eternity Servers upon return to home dimension."

“Awesome.” I muttered happily.

I looked through the shelves, figuring that I can revew-

"Data analyzed. No references to entities matching potential members of The Family."

Damn it! I wanted to read… eh, I can still read them all later.

“I feel blue balled right now…” I pouted. “Should we head out now?”

"Who are you talking to?" I squawked, jumping and turning to see a blue coated, silver-gray maned mare who wore a suit vest that matched her coat. "Oh, sorry for startling you."

“I-it’s alright…” I said carefully. “Sorry, just uh…” I tried to figure out what to say. “What’s your name?” I asked, immediately trying to dodge the question.

"Oh, my name is Trixie. I'm the Guidance Councilor at the school and what's with that look?"

I shook my head. Trixie… the same mare who became the Goddess and made all those Alicorns is standing in front of me?!

“Oh my god…I can’t believe I’m meeting Trixie herself…this must be…wait, no this timeline is way different given no bombs and Twilight being a Princess.” I thought to myself. “It’s nice to meet you Ms. Trixie, my names Plory.”

"Nice to meet you as well. Are you looking to enroll in the school?"

“No thank you, I’m actually doing a…pit stop during my explorations.” I said carefully. “Being a historian and all, a lot of traveling ya know?”

"Oh, yes I used to be a traveling show mare in my youth, I know when it comes to travel time is always a worry. Are you looking for something specific?"

“I suppose some light reading, maybe seeing if there’s anything about old Pony history in this giant library here.” I explained simply.

"Oh there is lots here, are you looking for a specific era or topic?"

“Hmm…” I hummed. “Got any recommendations?” I inquired.

"Well, I've always enjoyed Saddle Arabian and Geese Myths. But there aren't many here. The School's student library has more though."

“Sure, let’s start there and…where would the School be?” I inquired.

"Behind the Castle." Trixie said. I followed her and behind and to the side of the castle built partly into a hill was a large crystal building, waterfall and all kinds of amazing features decorating the outside.

How the FUCK did I miss that?!?

I blinked, rubbing my eyes as I looked again. “Okay, how the fuck did I miss that!?!”

"I know. It's weird how the school and castle just blend into the background unless you're looking for them. Something like these should be more of an eyesore than they are." Trixie said as I followed her into the school, through some halls and past some students and into the school Library. It was about as big as the one in the castle. Lighting her horn she levitated a few books down from the shelves over to me. "These are my personal favorites. Geese God's, the Myths and Legends, and The Legends From the Saddle Arabian Desert."

“Can’t believe Geese of all creatures have their own myth’s and legends.” I said honestly.

"Well the region was named Geese because of the large population of them that lived there, historically it was largely Griffin's and some split offs of the Pegasi Tribe." Trixie said.

“Oh~.” I nodded. “Thank you…cause for some reason my first thought was indeed that there was a pantheon of actual Geese…or at least a God of Geese that stared at you and honked menacingly.”

"Heh. Well, good luck." With that, Trixie left and I got to reading.

I nodded, grabbing the books and walking over to a chair with a table next to it and put them down. “Scan the library…” I muttered as I pulled up the Legends of Geese.

"Library Archiving… Library scanned. Data archived. Cross examining new data. Finalized. One potential match was detected."

“Where?” I asked, putting the book down and waiting to hear where to find the possible match.

"In Legends of Geese, Chapter 7, tale of a Centaur like creature, upper half similar to a female minotaur, but furless save for a long brown mane, and lower half all brown and akin to a dairy cow. Eternity Data records indicates a similar description fits a lesser known member of The Family called Lilly, the Life Bringer. 

"She is known to appear in times of great famine and hunger, giving the people she encounters her own milk to drink and produce cheese from. Samples analyzed by past Eternity scientists discovered her milk never expires and contains a full nutrition table and is suitable for any and all species.

"Last confirmed sighting of Lilly the Life Bringer was on Salvara, where she saved the last bastion of the residents from starvation after a climate crisis rendered all agriculture impossible for fifty years."

“Shit.” I thought to myself, cause while that is very amazing and I’m glad to hear it, that was fifty years ago in a place I’ve never heard of. “Fifty years ago…where’s Salvara?”

"Salvara is the former capital of the Geese Empire that lasted a hundred and ninety years. The event in question took place four thousand years ago on this dimension's recorded history."

Oh… double crap!

“OH COME ON!” I mentally shouted, rubbing my temples. “Ugh…that bites…” I muttered.

"This could, however, prove useful in our search."

“How so?” I whispered.

"Lilly the Life Bringer shows up to small, isolated populations when they are faced with starvation. This can play a possible factor in choosing potential locations to explore and dimensions where she or others might appear."

“Well that would have been fantastic back home.” I thought, rolling my eyes. “So…got a place in mind?”

"Not in this dimension. Scans and data indicates this dimension is in an era of prosperity with minimal risks to catastrophe. Best course of action is to wait til the Wayfinder recharges and return home to try again."

“That’s fair…” I mentally agreed. “So…got a day or two of some good old fashion reading and wandering.”

"Recharge time estimated at 19 hours remaining."

Cool. Got time to explore a bit. Hmm… wonder if I can reach Canterlot in that time frame and archive their royal library?