//------------------------------// // Gumball With the Crusaders // Story: The Cat and the Drone // by MetalBrony823 //------------------------------// The Chores were finally done at Sweet Apple Acres and Gumball was so relieved to have completed them. He admitted his hard it was to take care of a farm like this. Good thing he had his new friends to help him out, otherwise he would been through quite. a nightmare if he did all of this by himself. "Oh my hands." said Gumball in a complaining voice. He also collapsed on his belly, face-first on the ground with a muffled groan. "Aw come on, Gumball." aaid Fluttershy, "You did great out there. The animals are happy, the crops are harvested, now Applejack and her family are done for the day quicker than ever." "True." the cat admitted. "If Darwin were here, he would have loved it." "I'm sure he would have." Applejack said with a smile. "So you deserve a little reward fer helping us out." Gumball's eyes perked up with excitement. He loved rewards as much the next guy, and his heart was pounding. "Ooh! what is it? Is it a new car?" The others laughed. "No, that's ridiculous." Rainbow Dash. "I don't think there are cars here in Equestria anyway." "Oh. right... What is it?" "We're gonna get you an ice cream." Pinkie made a goofy smile. Gumball gasped and said: "Whoo! ice cream! Ice cream! ice cream!" "OK, OK, take it easy kiddo." Big Mac chuckled. "You can pick whatever flavors you want. "Can I get the biggest sundae?" "Yes, you can get whatever you want." Twilight noted. "And any kind of flavor for your sundae." "What about me?" the baby dragon asked. Twilight emitted a cute laugh and said to her little brother, "Yes Spike, you can get whatever you want, too. Just don't get a stomachache." "I won't, Twilight." said Spike. They all sat in the front booth together and ordered themselves some ice cream. In courtesy of Fluttershy; she bought a neopolitan sundae with chocolate syrup and sprinkles on it. Gumball loved the look on this kind of dessert. His eyes grew wide and immediately dug into the first three bites of his sundae. He could hardly describe the taste but something told him that: the ice cream here in Equestria was far better than any brand made in his homeworld. Yes, he fell in love with it. He had no problem just taking many more bites of his ice cream and he felt something sore rushing through his brain and sides of his neck. "Gaaaaahhhh!" he began squirming on the floor in a seizure-like manner, and flailing his arms and legs in a crazy manner. "Gumball!" Fluttershy gasped. "Are you alright?!" "gah! Brainfreeze!" the cat shouted as he was screaming like a girl some more, and flailing like a ragdoll. "So cold!" "He's fine." Twilight smiled. "He's just eating his ice cream too fast." "Oh." Fluttershy became less worried and Gumball got back on his feet, as if nothing happened at all. "Yeah Fluttershy, I'm just fine." he smiled and looked casual before sitting back on the stool to eat his treat some more. "Nothing but a little brainfreeze. Penny used to see me getting brainfreeze all time whenever we would go out for ice cream." "Who's Penny?" asked Rainbow Dash "My girlfriend. She used to be a peanut, but now she's like a golden fairy after I... accidentally cracked her shell open." "Yeesh." said Pinkie Pie. "That must have hurt." "Not really." said Gumball. "She's glad to have gotten out of her shell. It's like an inner beauty thing." "A peanut?" asked Rainbow Dash in confusion "yeah yeah i know, it's weird, but you would like her if you'd met her." Gumball rolled his eyes before taking another bite of his sundae. "You have other friends in Elmore?" asked Rarity. "Yep. And they're cool... kinda." "Kinda?" asked Applejack "I'm the best-looking out of all my classmates." Gumball boasted. "I can't help it if I'm so good-looking, or if the ladies find me too adorable." he lounged on the stool to prove his point. "I don't call myself handsome for nothing." "And trouble prone." said Twilight with a smirk "What? I'm not that trouble-prone." Gumball tried to defend himself. "I'm... adventurous. Besides, most people don't know how to have fun." "Not everything is fun and games, sweetie." said Rarity." "I know." Gumball sighed. "Like when my family's in danger and if someone's life is on the line." "Right." said Spike. "You don't know how many times these guys here save Equestria on more than one occasion." "More times than we can count." Fluttershy smiled. They all laughed and enjoyed their ice cream some more. As soon as they were done, the ponies were happy to give a tip to the owner of the parlor before heading off. Three fillies went up to the group to greet them. It was the three fillies that Gumball pranked and scared with his drone a few days before, and he remembered how scared and hysterical they were when they saw the thing. On one hand, it was a good scare. On the other hand, he was a little afraid that the three were going to be really peeved at him for causing that prank on them. "Hi Guys!" said Sweetie Belle "Hello Sweetie Belle!" said Rarity, happy to see her little sister. "What brings you and your cohorts here?" "Just wanted to meet thr visitor." said Applebloom. "Yeah, it's cool to have someone from another universe in our own." Scootalooadded. "Oh. You guys aren't mad?" asked Gumball "No. We were mad at first," said Sweetie Belle, "but we got over it because sometimes, pranks can be fun." "True." said Gumball. "So what's your name?" asked Scootaloo. "Gumball. Gumball Watterson." The three fillies made a small laugh, and Applebloom said: "you were named after a type of candy?" "I know I know, it's funny, but my real name is Zack. But... I chose Gumball because of a... gumball incident when I was a baby, having a gumball... stuck up my nose." Rainbow Dash couldn't help but snicker at hearing that. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." she giggled. "I know it sounds traumatic for you, but that just sounds hilarious!" "Rainbow!" Fluttershy scolded her.