Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Let’s make a mistake

Chapter 65

June 24th 12 A.B.

Lilly nervously stepped through the doors of the Dojo, unsure if they’d welcome her the same way as they did Scamp the day before.

The moment she stepped in all eyes turned to her, causing her to freeze in fear.

“Well?” Vicar asked from the top of the stairs, already waiting for her as he’d apparently seen her coming.

“She…” Lilly began, gulping a bit. “She bought it.”

Vicar stared at her for a long moment, gauging her. She stood firm, doing her best to remain confident.

“Welcome to Wolverine Kamae!” He suddenly announced, followed by all the kids cheering and coming forward to congratulate her.

She smiled nervously as they all roughly shoved her around and slapped her back.

“Ollie, we’re going to hold off on unlocking her potential for now. Let’s see how Viper Claw training stacks up against ours,” Vicar called out as he stepped back into his office.

The olive mare smirked at Lilly as all the kids continued to give her their praise. 

This didn’t set well with the young mare.


Mallogory frowned heavily at me as I held our sleeping daughter. I just smiled back at her with absolute certainty and calmness I could muster.

“What you’re telling me goes against all the evidence,” she stated, the almost invisible black smoke still radiating from her.

“Yeah, I know. But Mallo, you know I’d never lie to you,” I say, rocking Shayla gently. “Vicar faked the video and they’ve done something to you. The black smoke coming from your head is evident of that.”

She rubbed her face, “I haven’t even spoke to or seen him in a long while, Scamp. There’s no way he could have done anything to me.”

I stared at her with sad eyes, causing her to sigh.

“You’ve suffered a head injury, and-“ she began but I cut her off.

“Stop, please,” I say, not able to hear it all again. “Let me just do what I do best.”

She stared at me hard, then sighed loudly as she stood up and hugged me and our daughter. “Okay. I don’t like any of this, but I trust you. Just don’t burn us, love.”

My eye widened as flashes of the past plagued my mind, causing me to lock up for a moment.

“Scamp?” She asked as she leaned back, seeing my expression.

“I’m good,” I lied. “I’m just so happy to have your support.”

She gave me a look that said she didn’t believe me, but she didn’t push it. “Just know; if you get hurt again, or endanger Shayla in anyway, then it’s over. There will be no more chances. You’ll have to choose between us or this damn rivalry.”

I blinked at her, taken aback by her words, but I give a sharp nod. “I won’t fuck this up.”

“I know you’ll try not to,” she said as she kissed me and gently took Shayla. “Now, enjoy class tonight.” 

With that she walked out of the office and past all my students as they slowly started to line up. In the back I saw Lance laying on a beanbag chair, playing on his computer. Twilight sat next to him in another chair, looking a bit displeased.

I meant for them to come after class, that way Spark could be here. Well shit.

Stepping into my doorway, I waved for them to come into my office. 

As they stepped into my office and I took my seat behind my desk, Twilight frowned.

“You need a favor?” She asked, seeming more upset than I anticipated.

“I do, and I need both of you to help with it,” I replied, gesturing for them to take a seat on the couch.

Once they were seated I continued, “as you both probably know, I’ve suffered a bit of brain damage and can’t remember a few days of my life.”

“Well you attacked them and brought that on yourself,” she said harshly, but sighed. “I’m sorry, Scamp. But it’s hard for me to feel sorry for you right now. We’ve all seen the video, and it’s clear who the aggressor was.”

I sighed and rubbed my face, “The video is a fake. It’s not actually me in it, and I'm going to prove it. But I need both of your help.”

“You got it,” Lance said before Twilight spoke her opinion. “What are you needing?”

“Break and Dawn,” I said grimly.

“What? Why?” He asked in confusion.

“Because they know how to navigate lost memories, and I'm desperate enough to deal with them,” I said, the grimace on my face only growing.

He rubbed his neck and sighed, “if you’re willing to go through it, then they’re willing to help.”

“Thank you, Lance,” I said as I turned to lavender mare. “Twilight, I need you to perform the swapping spell.”

She looked between us, a perplexed look on her face. “Scamp,” she finally said, “I trust you. If you’re saying the video is fake and think you can prove it, then I’m behind you.”

I jumped out of my chair and ran around the desk, pulling both of them into a tight hug, catching them off guard. “You two are amazing friends, thank you!”

They returned the hug.

“I just don’t envy you,” Twilight said as she sat back as we broke the hug. “Having those two in your head… things must be pretty bad for you to willingly wish this upon yourself.”

“Trust me, I know,” I chuckled as Lance just frowned a bit at us.

“Lance, are they ready?” Twilight asked as she stood up and took a stance facing us.

“Break is practically begging for this to hurry up,” Lance chuckled, causing me to frown.

“You sure about this, Scamp?” She asked, giving me one last chance to back out.

“Do it before I can change my mind,” I replied through gritted teeth.

Twilight’s horn began to glow as she pointed it at us.

As it grew brighter, my resolve wavered, “actually I change my min-“

Her horn flashed brightly as I felt a cold sensation slam into me.

[Fuck yeah! Scamp’s fucking mind!]
<Oh! It’s quite nice in here. Is that music I hear playing?>
[Is that fucking slow jazz?! What the fuck, Scamp! You’re the Death Metal singing mare and you have jazz music playing in your head?! Fucking gay!]

Oh I am regretting this already.

“You already look dead inside,” Twilight snickered, causing me to facehoof.

“How do you live like this, Lance?” I asked, looking to him for an answer.

“Eh you get used to it,” he chuckled.

<We’ll grow on you, Scamp.>
[Yeah! Like a cancer!]
<Break, try and behave yourself. We’re guests here.>

Twilight looked at Lance and made a gesture for the door.

“Oh, eh, we actually have somewhere to be. My stepbrother Jeff is having a baseball game, and we promised my Mom and Barehoof we’d be there,” Lance said as Twilight began nudging him for the door.

I blinked at them, and frowned, “yes, leave me alone with these two.”

“You got this!” Lance said as he was pushed through the door.


[Turn on some real tunes!]

I growled loudly as I thought inwardly.

{You both are only here to try and fix my memories. Can you do it?}
<We can try!>
[Yeah, just allow us full access and boom, we work like rats!]
<Are rats even good workers?>
[You ever see one of those fuckers clear a maze for some pussy?]
<I think it’s cheese, Break.>

I slammed a hoof into my face as I looked out and saw my students lined up and waiting.

{Stop. You have full access, just fix this.}
[Fuck yeah! The memory bank! I’m gonna watch some cool shit!]
<Break! Don’t watch her private memories!]

I let out a frustrated yell as I punched a hole through the wall with my metal paw, scaring the shit out of my students.

{Fuck it! Break, get it out of your system! Watch what ever you fucking want! Just do your damn job afterward!}

They both remained silent for a moment.

[Well if you insist!]
<I wouldn’t give him that much access, we’re able to view memories almost instantly. And actually be in a first person view and see and feel everything. He’s going to use it to see dirty things!>
{I don’t fucking care anymore. Just get it over with.}

Composing myself, I step out and look at my worried students.

“Jumping jacks! Move!”


As the last student walked out the door, I turned and walked into the locker room, still pissed off. They’d remained mostly quiet during class, but Break kept making comments about shit I was saying.

This is almost not even worth it at this point.

<Scamp, while Break is stuck in a memory, I’d like to apologize for him.>

I let out a ragged sigh as I turned on the shower.

{Dawn you’re the good one, so I’m sorry but you apologizing for him means very little to me.}
<… That’s fair.>

After a quick shower, I walked back to my office and plopped down on the couch, groaning into the pillow that lay on it.

<Break?! Are you… crying?>
[No fuck you! I’m just so pissed and sad at this shitty slow jazz!!]
<Break you were in those memories for a while, how many did you view?>
[I filtered them to show only the traumatic shit so I could see some badass fighting, but there was barely anything cool in there!!]
{Welcome to my life. Have fun getting tortured? Or how about giving birth to a dead foal in a dirty back alley bathroom?! Ya like that you prick?!}
[… no, I did not like that...]
{Yeah, fuck you. You got what you fucking deserved.}
<Scamp, I think you broke Break.>

This at least brought a smile to my face. 

{Good, now get to work.}
<Yes, ma’am!>

Now that everything was quiet in my mind, I closed my eyes to take a nap, not having it in me to go home right now.


The next morning

Groaning, I sat up and rubbed my sore back. Looking out the office window I saw the morning sun shining through the Dojo’s front windows.

“Shit, did not mean to sleep the entire night,” I muttered as I rolled off the couch and made my way to my mini fridge, pulling out a few burritos.

{Let me eat before I deal with you two.}

I threw them in the microwave and turned it on.

<I think you’re supposed to do them one at a time.>
{I don’t care.}

Once it was done, I pulled them out and began eating them almost whole. They were still cold in a few spots, as usual, but I didn’t care as I ripped through them.

<Oh my…>

Burping loudly, I shoved the plate into my full trash can and walked for the bathroom.

{Shut up till I’m ready.}

Once I finished in the bath room I walked for my desk and fell back in the chair, sighing.

{Now, go ahead.}

There was a pause.

[Scamp I’m sorry.]
{For what? Being a prick? Looking at my private memories? Being a creep? I can go on.}
[All of it. My whole thing is being the badass with an attitude, but holy fuck, the shit I had to experience as you was fucking horrible!!]
{No one made you, asshole. You honestly deserve to feel bad. I do not accept your apology by the way.}
<Wow, cold hearted, Scamp.>
[Eh, she’s right. Dawn, tell her what we found out.]
<Ah yes! So we think we can recover some of them here soon, but there’s so much damage in this part of the brain, that we’re not actually sure if we can get it all back.>
{Get what you can, it all helps.}
<We’re on it!>

With that settled, I jumped up and entered the Training Hall of my Dojo. Might as well do my morning exercises while I’m free.


The door to my Dojo burst open as I was mid push up, causing my head to snap up at the rude visitor. The sight of the stallion in my door brought a frown to my face as I glared at him.

It was one of the teachers from Wolverine Kamae, Lemon Tape.

“The hell you want?” I yell as I roll to the side and square up with him.

He looked straight at me, seeming to be thinking hard on something.

“Spit it out!”

“I don’t know what it is,” he finally said, grinning at me. “But you are a very interesting, woman.”

I raise my eye at his choice of words, “you and all your buddies at Wolverine Kamae are hiding something. I just want you to know that I know something is up. You’re all acting very weird every time I interact with you.”

He just chuckles, not acting like I’d expect. “There’s nothing to hide. You’re just as weird as we are, to be honest.”

“Why are you even here?” I ask, not letting my guard down.

“To check up on you,” he said, giving a small bow.

“Well, I’m alive. So go tell your Boss and leave me the fuck alone!”

[Yeah! You tell that bitch!]

“You misunderstand,” he chuckles, placing a hoof on his chest. “I came to check on you on my own accord, because I found myself worried about you.”

“Wut?” I said, completely taken off guard.

“I don’t know what it is about you, probably your determination and strong will, but I feel something towards you,” he said with a wide grin.

“Bruh, I’m married for one, and two, the only thing I feel towards your ass is hate,” I said, spitting onto the ground between us.

All he did in reaction was smile wider. “That’s exactly it! Your attitude, it’s so refreshing!”

[Oh fuck this weirdo.]

I frown, not wanting to get into a prolonged fight right now.

{So, can we transform?}
<What? Like Breaking Dawn?>
<Um… I don’t know. Break?>
[Fuck yes! Let’s give it a try!]

Lemon Tape stared at me, waiting for my response. Oh he’d get one, that’s for sure.

But after a second, nothing happened.

[Yeah we can’t.]
<Your mind is too strong, we can’t take control of you like we can with Lance.>
{Well how do you force Lance to transform?}
<We we pump his body full of built up rage and anger, then it just happens.>
{Well shit I got plenty of that in reserve. Watch this.}

Planting my hooves, I glare at Lemon Tape as I begin to force myself to think about all the bullshit I’ve been dealing with recently. It did not take long at all for me to start shaking with rage.

[Oh fuck… this shit feels more violent than Lance’s…]

It did not take long at all for me to feel both Break and Dawn suddenly slip deeper into my mind. The air around me seemed to explode as I felt energy erupt from my body, causing me to let out a roar in a deep guttural voice.

Once everything stopped, Lemon Tape stared at me in appsolute shock and terror.

“Get the fuck out of my Dojo!” I boomed, my voice sounding like it does when I’m singing Death Metal.

The music in my mind changed. Ooo! New theme song unlocked!

[Oh shit! Now this is what I’m talking about!]
<This song was basically made for us!>

Lemon Tape took a step forward, “wow… you are just full of beaut-“

My flaming hoof hit his face, sending him flying out my door as the midnight colored flames exploded around us from the impact.

He flew straight back and smashed through a tree, toppling it and the one behind it. I lost sight of him among all the trees and bushes of the forest beyond.

[Holy fucking yes! YES!]
<My God!>

I smirked and looked myself over. I looked nothing like Lance when he’s in Breaking Dawn, but I definitely look more violent than he does.

[You look like the fucking villain of comic book, bro!]

With a flash, I easily came out of the transformation and returned to normal.

<Scamp, you are scarily impressive sometimes.>

I just smiled as I pulled my Dojo doors closed and returned to my exercises.