//------------------------------// // Hard Times // Story: Frown // by Fugal //------------------------------// A cool wind blow's on this early dawn. The sun's slowly, but surely, making its way over the tree's. Bringing with it the strong warmth of the sun. The beautiful rays of sunlight start revealing the building's that where once only lit by the moon light. One building, an older building with aged wood panels and vines covering the house, slowly getting its daily morning sun, is were our story take's is first step's. In side of this older building lays a small sleeping colt. This colt has a very common gray coat of fur, with a yellow, almost orange mane. Limp also had no cutie mark. But his most noticing feature on his body is his left foreleg. It's covered with a long white bandage, hiding his hair less leg just above the hoof. Limp Foot. That is the young colt's name, or at least what hes called all the time. He cant remember his real name, for its been so long since he was called such a name. As the light from the sun came through the cracked window, onto the colt's face, it pierces his eyelid's and causes him to awake from his deep slumber. After a few moment's, his eyelid's open, reveling his admirable golden colored eye's. Then in no time at all, he's shaken himself awake and is out of bed. Limping across the splintery wooden floor, he made his was towards the front door of his house, plopping his flank onto the torn up carpet in front of the old door. Sitting there, looking up towards the door motionless, he waited. Only after a few minutes of sitting, loud thuds start occurring from the rickety stair case just out side the door, with a uninterpretable mumble. The door then swing's open. "There you are; my most precious pony." Overly sarcastically said by the pony standing in the door way. Auntie Plump looks bigger today. Limp Foot thought. Although she was a very fat pony to begin with. Auntie Plump, or Plump Berry as her full name, had a light purple coat of fur, as her mane held a dark purple. Her tiny eyes looked sharper than swords and sported very greedy green. Her enormous fat roles were her most noticeable feature, however. "Well!? Say something!" she yelled. But Limp Foot just sat there, still staring a her, not bothering to say a word. "Uhhh~..." she gowned; throwing a small paper envelope in front of Limp Foot. "Fine! Just take that, you ungrateful piece of trash!" she proclaimed as she stormed from the door way, out of the house. After watching her angrily walk off, he looked down at the paper envelope laying near his bad foreleg. He carefully picked up the envelope and pored out its contents onto the floor. Money. That mare... he thought to himself, Why can't I live at her house! Its not like I would do anything bad anyway. I'd be to happy about not sleeping in this cold house... Limp Foot was full of rage at this time, mumbling to himself and slamming his hind hoofs on the floor. She comes here, gives me money, and leaves me alone in this broken down house... and she wants me to respect her!? Never! Never ever! he said spitefully. Limp Foot's face has become red with anger now, as he gather's up the money that was scattered across the floor. Stashing most of the money away in a small drawer in a cupboard, Limp Food quickly got ready for school, and hobbled out of the door. The sound of Limp Foot's hooves clopping against the stone pathway was the only sound he could here in this early and peaceful time, just like every morning. "School, hu..." Limp Foot groaned. It's not that Limp Foot hated school; he loved to learn about new things. It was the people that was there that he hated. Limp Foot's school wasn't a big school at all. Their was a total of 10 pony's that go to the school, including Limp Foot and the teacher. In that group of pony's Limp Foot hated most of them. Limp Foot became lost in thought about how his life would be different if he was at a new school. "I wish I could just go to a different school." Limp Foot groaned once more. "Why can't their be another school in the town?" But 'Lovely Life', the town, has only one school. Love Life was a small town with few young pony's. A little over 70 pony's total and a very tight nit community too boot. Everypony knew each other and they all had a grasp of other's life's. It was all very... Peaceful? No, Dull? A very strange mix of both, perhaps? The town in general, at least. But as far as that went, for Limp Foot, it could have been the most exiting place in the whole world and it still wouldn't make him feel better. It was the pony's there that he hated, especially- WAMM! Speak of the Discord. Limp Foot, lost in thought about "this and that" had run head first into the last colt he wanted to see... "Zeu... Zeus Striker" Limp Foot muttered under his breath, as Limp Foot tumbles onto his flank. With his face planted into the ground after losing his balance from Limp Foot not paying attention to were he was walking, Zeus Striker swiftly pick's himself off the ground and stare's at Limp Foot. Zeus slowly makes his way over to Limp Foot, staring down at him as he was a few inches taller then him. There eyes lock on each other, neither saying a word. Zeus's dark grey eyes seem to tell exactly what he thought of Limp Foot. "Trash" his eyes where saying, and Limp Foot understood it. As Limp Foot opened his mouth to say something, his eyes windend and his body jolted back as a sharp pain appeared in his left foreleg... caused by a sturdy blue hoof. Zeus's hoof was now jammed onto the slick bandage's covering Limp's lower foreleg. Zuse's eyes changing with happiness, only to the joy about the pain he was giving. He slowly, started to twisted his hoof harder onto Limp's leg, causing Limp to gasp at the pain. "I'm-!... I'm-!... sorr-!" Limp Foot, trying to apologize, spoke with agony trying to get Zeus to stop, however the pain was to much and couldn't make out the word's. Just as Limp Foot was about to cry, the school bell rang, now welcoming young colts and fillies. Surprised by the bell, Zeus retracted his hoof, and in an instant was dashing towards the school, with his long dark red mane flowing in the cool morning breeze. Limp Foot still in pain, and realizing that he was already at school, looked down at his crumpled up bandage. In the spot where Zeus's hoof was, a small bit of red was mixed in with the once pure white bandage. Taking a deep breath, Limp Foot, hobbled in pain towards the school, ready to take on this bad day.