Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom


Yes, I watched the hangover part 2 XD

Chapter 34

I opened my eye's slowly, my head spinning slightly. I sat up and glanced around. My room? How did I get here? Last thing I remember was sitting down and drinking some punch that Greg had brought back from my house. I didn't even know he left the party.

I rubbed my head and looked my self over. My suit was a mess, the jacket gone and just the under shirt. The tie was undone slightly and a few buttons were broken.

I reached up to my face and sighed a sigh of relief. My goggles were still there and felt untouched. I climbed out of bed and grunted. Why do I feel like like I have a hang over? I didn't drink anything.

I stumbled over to the door and opened it. I held a hoof to my head and walked towards the stairs. When I reached them, I saw David slumped against the railing about half way down them.

As I walked down the stairs, I started to notice that his suit was also a mess. When I was next to him, I kicked at his side, "Come on dude, wake up."

When he didn't respond, I gave him a slight kick and he fell down the stairs.

He hit the bottom and groaned. He slowly stood and looked around, "What happened?"

I walked down the rest of the stairs, "I kicked you down the stairs."

He shook his head, "No, I mean what happened last night? Last thing I remember is Greg giving me and Rainbow Dash some punch, then nothing."

I nodded, "Same with me."

We walked into the kitchen and saw Greg, making himself breakfast.

He turned and smirked, "Interesting night?"

I walked up to him, "What did you do to us last night?"

He smiled proudly, "I just cast a spell on your drinks to make you more interesting and more of a party animal."

I shook my head, "Why would you do that?"

He shrugged, "Thought it would be funny, and it was."

I looked around, "Where's Twilight and Rainbow Dash."

He shrugged, "I don't know where Twilight is, but Rainbow Dash is on the couch."

David turned and ran for the living room.

I rubbed my head, "Why does it feel like I have a hangover?"

He laughed, "That shit was funny man."

I looked at him confused, "What do you mean?"

He grinned, "You and David got into a drinking contest here at the house. I kept giving you two beer and vodka, and you both drank till you passed out."

I shook my head, I'm not a drinker. "Where did you see Twilight last?"

He laughed, "You and her was going up stairs, but after that I don't know."

I sighed, and turned for the door.

As I walked up stairs, I began to feel sick to the stomach. Damn it Greg, let me drink alcohol! I can't take that much, it makes me sick.

I walked into my room and looked around more carefully. I couldn't see any sign of Twilight. But the closet door was slightly opened.

I walked over to it and opened it. The sight that greeted me made me jump back and chuckle.

Twilight was tied to the wall in a... position.

I must like it Kinky when I'm drunk. I quickly untied her and placed her in bed. Better not let any one find out about this.

I hope we didn't hurt the baby. That would be terrible, like super terrible. I pulled the covers up over her and left the room.

When I walked into the living room, David was sitting down next to Rainbow Dash, patting her back.

I walked up behind them, "What's wrong with her?"

He looked up at me, "Just a little headache, you know, hangover type headache."

I nodded, I remembered my first hangover. That was a crazy party that night.

Rainbow Dash looked up at me and chuckled, "You look horrible."

I smiled and looked her over, "Your don't look so good your self. Your mane is a mess."

She waved me off, "I don't care, I always look like this in the morning."

David nodded, "Its true, she does."

She slugged him in the arm playfully, "Quiet Whitemark, don't tell him about my mornings."

David smiled, "Sorry about that."

I shook my head while chuckling, "You two have fun, I think I should have a little talk with Gre... I mean Mellow Haze."

They both nodded and went back to talking.

I turned for the kitchen and prepared for a long speech.


Aaron lifted his coffee to his mouth and took another sip, glad that this place had it. He though they didn't have coffee, but they do.

He chuckled and finished off his coffee. As he made his way over to the sink to drop it off, Vinyl walked in. Looking like she had a fight in her sleep. Her mane was a mess and so was her tail. But to Aaron, she looked adorable.

She smiled when she saw him, "Morning Nightwing."

He smiled and walked over to her, "Morning Vinyl." He said as he kissed her on the cheek.

She walked over to the fridge and opened it. She pulled out a pre-made sandwich and sat down to eat it, "We was great the other day."

Aaron sat down across from her and nodded, "I think we were awesome, blew away the crowd."

She smirked, "I think we can do better."

He raised an eyebrow, "How?"

She sat back and grinned, "Its a secret."

He shook his head laughing, "So how am I suppose to do better if you don't tell me the plan?"

She shrugged, "I guess you'll have to wait for me to come up with it."

He began to laugh, "I see how it is."

She swallowed the last of the sandwich and stood, "I'm bored."

Aaron stood up and walked to the door, "I can fix that."

She raised an eyebrow and smiled, "Oh, and how will you do that?"

He reached down and picked up a basket, "Picnic?"

She smiled, "I've never been on a picnic before."

Aaron smiled, "Then this should be fun for you. And romantic."


Captain Barehoof stood out side of Princess Celestia's throne room. Wondering why she had called him there.

He took a deep breath and walked in. Upon entering, he saw the Princess sitting on her throne, a smile on her face. "Hello Captain."

He bowed, "Princess."

She waved her hoof, "Stand Captain. I have a task for you to complete."

He stood, "Yes Princess?"

She smiled, "I know about the mare named Dana you have been seeing."

His eyes widened, scared that she was mad.

Her smile stayed, "I want you to move out of the castle and move in with her in your new home."

He blinked in confusion, "What?"

"Think of this as a thank you for all your years of dedicated work for the Guard."

"But, I don't want to be kicked out of the Guard."

She chuckled, "Don't worry Captain, you will still be in the Guard, just not on duty."

"Thank you Princess. But where will we live?"

"I already have a house ready for you, right next to Lance's. I think she'll like that."

He smiled and bowed, "Thank you Princess, thank you so much."

She nodded, "Your welcome Captain. Now, go collect your things, I'll have a Royal Chariot go pick her up and take her to your new house."

He smiled and walked out of the throne room. He hadn't thought he would actually be able to live with her. This was unexpected, but a good thing.


Twilight sat up and rubbed her head. Why did she have a headache? What happened last night?

Her body was sore, and her hoofs felt sorta raw. Like she had been tied up.

She slowly crawled out of bed, groaning from the pain in her muscles. She's not a very athletic pony and not use to muscles being strained. It was very uncomfortable for her.

She staggered to the mirror and looked at her self. Her eyes were blood shot, like she hadn't had any sleep. Her mane and tail was matted, like she had been working out all night and had done nothing but sweat.

She looked down at her stomach and smiled. The thought of her having a baby always brought a smile to her face.

She took a few steps towards the door, but felt a pain in her flank. She winced and began to rub her flank. What happened last night?

The pain began to fad, so she opened the door and walked down stairs.

Once she stepped into the living room, she saw Lance laying on the couch, rubbing his face.

She smiled and walked around till she was behind his head. She put her hoofs on the arm of the couch and put her face above his.

He removed his hoofs from his face and smiled up at her, "Morning Twi."

She giggled, she liked it when he called her that. All her friends call her that, but when he says it, it has more meaning and love behind it. "Morning Lance." She leaned down and kissed him deeply.

He wrapped his hoofs around her head and pulled her closer.

When she broke the kiss, she was blushing deeply. No matter how many times they kissed, it always felt like the first time for her.

He smiled up at her sweetly, "You look cute when you blush."

She felt her blush deepen at his comment.

He kissed her cheek and slowly stood up from the couch. He walked over to her and smiled, "How would you like to go for a walk?"

She smiled, "I think I could use a walk."

He nuzzled her neck, "But first, you should comb your mane."

She laughed, "Yeah, I know." She said as she levitated a comb up to her mane. She began to comb it.

Lance chuckled and walked towards the stairs, "I'll be down soon, I need to freshen up." He said as he disappeared up stairs.

Twilight smiled and went back to combing her mane. She couldn't wait to take a walk with Lance. She had a idea of where to walk to.