Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

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Chapter 62

June 20th 12 A.B.

I ushered my students into the movie theater as I looked back at the empty dark streets, narrowing my eyes as I looked for anything out of place. Satisfied, I followed behind them, pulling up my hood and adjusting my mask a little better so it hid everything but my right eye.

“Do we all have to wear these hoods and masks?” Ezeria asked, scratching at his hidden face.

“We do, it’s part of class today,” I answered as we walked through the lobby and I pushed the doors open to the actual theater.

“I think it’s cool! We look like ninjas!” Kelmoon said, looking a lot more energetic than usual.

“I can’t believe they let you use the movie theater!” Mango Loco yelled as I led them to the middle seats.

“Yep, I know the owner,” I chuckled as I flew up to the projection booth. Not sure how to actually work this thing.

But after looking it over, I realized they used a tablet to control everything. Nifty! And easy to use!

Snatching said tablet, I flew back down to the kids as they all talked amongst themselves. I frowned as I was missing a few, as their parents had pulled them from my Dojo. Spark was among the missing, which weighed heavily on me.

Tapping away at the tablet, I figured out how to turn everything on and dim the lights.

“What are we watching?!” Duke Venture asked as he stared at me with wide eyes.

“Yeah! We’ve never done a Dojo Field trip before! So it has to be an awesome movie!”  Flashy Flash exclaimed as I pulled out my computer and connected it to the tablet.

“No movie,” I said as the screen came on and showed my computer screen. Shayla’s happy face appeared on the screen, startling a few kids. My daughter MAY have given a few of them some form of PTSD… they’ll be fine.

“This is a Martial Art’s related field trip,” I say as I open a folder filled with videos I downloaded earlier. “Aright, eyes forward!” I yell as I walk to the front of the seats, right below the screen.

They all looked at me with their heads and faces covered, all looking very excited. 

“I just want to start off by saying I am very proud of all of you! I have spent the entire day going over the video’s that’ve been uploaded to the internet regarding the school fight yesterday.” As I said this, they all looked a bit unsure, as I had yet to even mention the fight, since we didn’t have class last night. 

“Don’t look so down!” I yelled, pulling my mask down momentarily to show I was smiling. “You all exceeded my expectations! You fought against overwhelming odds and held your own!”

Clicking a video, the screen filled with a chaotic scene of kids slamming into each other and screaming as they attacked one another.

“Pay attention to Mango Loco in this video,” I say as we see her little form rush between the legs of a larger colt and perform a perfect rising uppercut, jumping up and slamming a hoof into the colt's jaw. She followed it up with a spinning back leg, slamming her back hoof into his head and sending him stumbling back into another fight, knocking down a Wolverine Kamae member.

“I’m so awesome!” She screamed as she jumped up and down in excitement.

I let her have her moment as I pause the screen and point a hoof to it, “She dropped a much larger opponent by using her size and agility! Not only that, but she performed her attacks as fluidly as an expert!”

The kids congratulated her as she sat back down, very happy with herself.

I then began to show a video that displayed each kid fighting, pointing out their strengths and any weaknesses I could see. This got the kids all riled up as they got to see themselves fighting and getting critiqued on how to improve.

Then I got to Kelmoon.

“Now this is some cool shit,” I say as I click the video.

On the screen, we watched as Kelmoon was backed into the wall by four colt’s. As one of them attacked her, she blocked their hoof, only to be hit in the face by another. This sent her to the ground as her mane fell out of her face, her eyes were clenched shut. But before they could approach her, her eyes shot open, ablaze with fury!

She suddenly leapt into the nearest colt and head butted him, then using her momentum swung into the next one. What followed was both impressive and hilarious as she never touched the ground again as she kept jumping from kid to kid; punching, kicking, and even biting a few times.

I stood there watching Kelmoon’s little eye widen as she slowly pulled her mane away from her other eye so she could see the screen better.

Once it was over, I paused the video and pointed a hoof at her. “Kelmoon! You are an amazing fighter! You took down four ponies without even touching the ground once! Then you proceeded to take down two more ponies who were ganging up on one of your friends! And this is after just five months!”

She blushed and pulled her mane back over her right eye.

“You do not need to be so timid and scared!” I yelled, slamming a hoof into my chest. “You are a warrior! Just like the rest of us! Own it! Take control of the shit that is holding you back and stand above those who try to belittle you!”

Kelmoon nodded slowly, looking deep in thought.

“Now!” I yell as I click to a different file, “who wants to watch a movie with a shit ton of blood and over the top violence?!”

The kids all cheer as a movie begins to play.

“HEY!” a stallion yelled from above as he stared down at us from the projection booth. “How’d you all get in here?!”

“Uh…” I said as I stared up at the very angry Stallion.

“Stay right there!” he yelled as he disappeared.

“I thought you said you knew the owner?” Duke Venture asked.

“I lied, now flee!” I yelled as I began to wave for them to follow me as I ran for the exit by the screen.

“STOP!” the stallion yelled as I held the door open for the kids as they all ran out of the theater and into the night. I quickly followed, slamming the door and picking up the two slowest kids as I took to the air, flying away as the stallion blew through the door. 

Looking back I saw he was not giving chase. 

“Sensei Scamp,” Kelmoon asked as I held onto her and Ezeria as I flew above the town, heading for the Dojo. 


“Did we just do a breaking and entering?” she asked in an innocent voice.

“Oh big time,” I reply as I laugh loudly.

“Oh,” she says, “we’re criminals now… Cool!”

“Wait no, we’re not criminals!” I say as my eye goes wide, realizing I probably shouldn’t put that in her little head. 

“Aw…” the two young kids said, looking dejected that we were not in fact criminals.


Jelly Bean stood in line with the others as the Head Sensei walked down the stairs wearing his black and gold Gi, his sunglasses glinting in the overhead lights.

She glanced around quickly, seeing all the teachers lined up all around the students, standing at attention. They didn’t have class last night, so this was the first time the Head Sensei would be talking to them as a whole, and they were all nervous. 

Every kid had some kind of bruise or bump on them, with a few looking worse than others.

“A fight at school? Against Viper Claw? A Dojo we outnumber three to one in students. And you did NOT win?” Vicar exclaimed, his usually calm demeanor gone as he now stood before them as a completely different pony. “I’ve seen the videos, and I’ve heard first hand accounts. And I’m not happy. NOT HAPPY AT ALL!”

Everyone winced as he walked along the front roll, looking out over them.

“I have given you all the necessary components to win! I’ve trained you, I’ve unlocked your potential! I’ve even helped you overcome personal problems! Just for you to throw it all away and get beat by a bunch of…” he stopped himself and stepped up to Star Chaser.

“Star Chaser, the pride of Wolverine Kamae, beaten by a much weaker pony,” he lifted his head to look at all the kids again. “All of you, beaten by weaker and younger ponies! HOW?!”

“They fought so weirdly,” Blitz said from down the line.

Vicar sprinted down the line and stopped in front of Blitz, putting his face inches above the colt. “They fought weirdly?! That’s your excuse? I’ve trained you to handle ANY opponent, I do not want to hear excuses!”

“We would of won if we hadn’t been stopped,” Star Chaser said, getting the full fury of Vicar back on him. 

“It doesn’t matter. To everyone else, we lost. The ‘if’s’ mean nothing. We lost, and that’s all that matters!” he yelled as he stalked down the row of kids.

“Going forward, we’re doubling all classes. It’s summer vacation, so we’re going to extend class by three hours every day until I think you’ve learned your lesson!”

The kids knew better than to groan or voice their opinions, so they all remained quiet.

“Viper Claw has made fools of us, and it's because all of you are weak,” he spat out as he walked towards the stairs.

“No, we lost because they can fight on their hindlegs!” Jelly Bean yelled out suddenly.

Vicar stopped and turned to her, lowering his sunglasses and giving her an intense star that caused her and everyone around her to whimper. He pushed them back up and continued towards the stairs.

As he disappeared into his office, all the students relaxed.

“Those eyes…” a filly muttered, shaking a bit.

“PAIR UP!” one of the stallion teachers, Lemon Tape,  yelled, causing all the kids to rush around and get in pairs.

“Prepare to make up for missing yesterday!” Bombee screamed as she stomped towards a few students.

Jelly Bean couldn’t stop shaking as she squared up with another filly. Those eyes would be in her dreams tonight for sure.


“This is unfair,” Hardhoof growled as the group of students walked down the street, the street lamps casting shadows all around them. “We were going to win that fight if the adults hadn’t interrupted.”

“Yeah, if that fight had happened anywhere else other school, they’d be fucked,” the colt named Opelate said as he kicked a rock into a wall.

Jelly Bean nodded, just as upset. She’d been in the fighting, and had had trouble beating another filly about her age. All because she could move in ways that Jelly Bean couldn’t. She watched the much older kids around her complain about the treatment they were receiving from the Head Sensei.

“What if,” she suddenly says, getting them to all look back at her. “What if we just declare war on them?”

“This isn’t a fantasy book, kid, we need a real solution,” Blitz said with a frown.

She shook her head at him, glaring, “this is a real solution. Every time we see any Viper Claw, we text everyone and we group up and take them down. Make them regret fighting us yesterday.”

The older kids all look at each other, smiles slowly forming on all their faces.

“That’s actually a good idea, kid!” Hardhoof said, slapping her back.

“From now on, it’s open session on Viper Claw trash!” Star Chaser said as the others yelled their agreement.

Jelly Bean smiled widely at her idea being accepted. It felt good to have friends who actually listened to her for once.


“I’m home!” Jelly Bean yelled as she walked into the house.

“It’s late, where have you been, honey?!” Pinkie Pie asked as she rushed over and checked over her. “Not hurt are you?!”

“No, Momma,” Jelly Bean said with a touch of annoyance. “I was out with friends playing.”

“Ooo, good!” her Mom said in relief as she hugged her daughter. “Just let us know next time, please! I was so so worried! Especially after what happened yesterday!”

“It’s cool, Momma, I’m okay,” she said as her Mom fixed her mane for her. “Can I go up to my room?”

“Of course!” she said with a wide grin as she pounced to the kitchen. “I’ll fix you something to eat! I’ll bring it to you!”

“Thanks, Momma,” she replied as she walked up the stairs.

“Jelly Belly,” her Dad called to her as she walked past her parents room. 

A wide smile spread across her face as she turned and ran into the room, running up next to the bed where her Dad laid. “Hi, Daddy! I thought you’d be asleep!”

“I stayed up waiting for you, silly,” he chuckled as he struggled to move over and patted the bed next to him.

She hopped up in the bed and snuggled into his side.

“Want to tell me about your day?” he asked, a wide smile on his face as he reached up and adjusted his headscarf that covered his broken horn and mane.

At this, she clammed up a bit.

“Jelly Belly?” he asked, giving her a little shake. “All good?”

“No,” she finally admitted. “I went to Wolverine Kamae tonight.”

“Ah,” he said, a small frown on his face. “Didn’t we all agree to not go back there?”

“Dad, it’s helping me!” she exclaimed, but calmed down as she saw his gentle smile. “I like it there. I have friends who don’t push me around and listen to me.” She laid her head back on him, “and I’m learning how to protect you guys.”

“We don’t need protecting, sweetie,” he assured her as he rubbed her back. “We’re all safe now. All the bad guys are gone. Your daddy and his friends made sure of that.”

“But what if you didn’t get all of them?!” she asked in a desperate voice. “I got to be able to protect us!”

He smiled warmly at her as he pulled her into a hug. “Jelly Bean, you are an amazing daughter. I don’t deserve you. I promise, we got all the bad guys. Every single one of them,” he assured her as he held her tight. A look fell over his face as he realized something, but he didn’t say anything. “We got them all.”

“Can I please just stay in Wolverine Kamae?” she begged. “I don’t want to stop going.”

He let out a sigh as he thought it over. “Your Mother won’t like this.”

“Please…” she begged, her lip trembling.

“... I’ll talk with her,” he promised, causing her to hug him again, tighter this time.

“Thanks, Daddy!”

“Now off you go. Your old man needs to sleep,” he said as he patted her back. 

Jelly Bean jumped up and zoomed out of the room, looking extremely happy.

Pinkie Pie stepped up to the door just as she ran out, watching her run for her bedroom.

“She’s in a better mood than when I saw her!” she said with a happy grin as she balanced some food on her head.

Greg just smiled at his wife as he gave a nod. As she walked to their daughters room, he shifted himself down under the covers, grunting as he did so.

He frowned as he looked at the wall and his wheelchair that sat against it. He just hoped his daughter would never need any of this training. The only reason he was letting her even do it was because it made her happy, and her happiness was his biggest weakness.

A smile graced his face as he rolled over.