Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom


Chapter 59

June 11th 12 A.B.

I stared out of the window at all the new kids that wandered around the Dojo, mingling with my current students.

“Oh boy,” I mumbled, seeing all my students trying to line up, but the new kids kept getting in the way.

Stepping out I yell, “Lines!”

My students quickly got in their spots, but the other kids kept talking.

Shayla jumped out of the office and let out a scream that rattled the mirrors on the walls, causing every kid to jump in horror and look towards us.

With a happy little smile she sat on her flank and looked towards me with an expectant stare.

“That’s my girl!” I praised her as I turned back to the kids. “When I yell LINES you line up! Look at my students! Mimic them! MOVE!”

All of the new kids quickly got into sloppy lines behind my students.

“Alright! I know why a lot of you have joined us today. You saw the fight yesterday between Spark and those kids from Wolverine Kamae. You probably thought that was pretty fucking cool, right?”

A lot of them voiced their agreement.

“Well I’m going to burst your bubble! To get to his level will take MONTHS of work and dedication. It’ll be hard, but I promise all of you if you stick with Viper Claw, you’ll be on his level one day!” I yell, getting unsure looks from the kids.

“Any questions?!” I bellow, causing them to flinch back a bit.

One raises their hoof. I didn’t know them, but they had a strange haircut.

“Speak, Hairdo!” I yell, causing the filly in question to frown.

“I checked on Wolverine Kamae yesterday, they promise to have you in fighting form in a week. But you’re telling us it’ll take months.”

I eyed the filly, “here at Viper Claw, we do not take shortcuts! Wolverine Kamae can make that promise because they start combat training day one! But they’re sloppy! You’ve seen how they fared against one of my students! SIX! SIX Wolverine Kamea students lost to ONE Viper Claw student! That alone should speak volumes of the quality of Viper Claw!”

“But, can we use weapons?” another asked suddenly.

Pointing a hoof at the pony, I glare, “No speaking out of term!” Then I groaned loudly, “What is the obsession with training with weapons?! Here at Viper Claw we train the basics first, then we move on to the more advanced techniques. There’s no need to worry about weapons right now! You’re kids, you don’t need to know how to use weapons!”

Almost every single one of the new kids began to walk for the doors.

“STOP!” I bellow, causing all of them to come to a stop. “If you stay, I can promise you will not regret it! I will turn you into an amazing fighter who can handle anything life throws at you! If you leave, Wolverine Kamae will just ruin you! They take nothing but shortcuts, and that’s not how any of this should work!”

“Yeah, but, they got weapons,” a kid yelled, followed by all of the kids leaving.

Two stayed though, taking their place in the lines.

I gave a nod to the two who stayed and began to walk the lines. “Well, I can’t say I’m surprised. Most of those kids clearly are in love with the idea of being stronger… and weapons apparently. But we don’t need them!”

Shayla let out a scream, jumping up and down.

“Yeah!” I yell, “we are Viper Claw! Quality over quantity!”

“Hai!” they all yelled in unison.

“Pair up! Groups of three” I bellow. “Nose Ring, help get our two new students acquainted with how we do things here!”

“Yes, Sensei!” she yelled as everyone stepped back and began to pair up.

“I want everyone to spar using last week's techniques! Two on one, take turns. GO!”


“I don’t know if I want to do this,” Jelly Bean muttered as her group of friends ran for the Dojo’s doors.

“You saw the fight yesterday! That was the coolest thing ever!” her friend Yolonda exclaimed.

“Yeah! Plus the Sensei is supposed to be a badass!” Belmah said with an excited smile as they neared the doors.

“I don’t like fighting though…” Jelly Bean mumbled, but her friends didn’t listen as they all ran through the doors, followed by a reluctant Jelly Bean.

“This is not what I was expecting,” Yolonda said as they all looked around.

“I think it looks cool!” Belmah yelled as they saw what appeared to be the Sensei walking towards them.

“Hello, ladies, welcome to Wolverine Kamae!” Vicar said with a wide smile as he waved them in. “Come, let’s get you all set up!”

Then his eyes landed on Jelly Bean, “Ah! Greg’s daughter, Jelly bean! It is wonderful to see you decided to join us!”

“I’m still not sure…” she muttered quietly.

“Nonsense! You’ll love it here!” he exclaimed as he ushered them further into the building as students all around them spared and trained, yelling loudly as they did so.

“Ollie, take those two and get them started. I’m going to help young Jelly Bean here.”

“Yes, sir!” She yelled as she took the two fillies away.

Jelly Bean felt awkward now that her friends were gone.

“What are you interested in learning, Jelly Bean?” He asked, her reflection staring back at her in his sunglasses.

“I dunno,” she admitted, looking away from him. “I don’t like fighting.”

“Don’t you want to be able to defend your dad if someone tries to hurt him?” He suddenly says, causing her to look at him in confusion.

“But my Dad is in a wheelchair now, no one would try and hurt him. And everyone loves him! He’s a hero!” She exclaimed in a passionate voice.

“Exactly,” Vicar said as he stood above her, his smile fading to a look of concern. “What if his enemies come back? Who will protect him then? He’s weak and without magic now, anyone could hurt him now.”

“But…” she said, looking a bit tearful, “Dad’s a hero! He defeated his enemies!”

“But what if he didn’t, what if they return?” He pressed.

“Then Lance and Scamp will save him!” She yelled, tears running down her face.

“What if they can’t?” He counters. “It will come down to you! You need to know how to fend off evil doers who mean to do your family harm!” With a wave of his hoof, he smiles proudly at her, “that is the purpose of Wolverine Kamae! To prepare the youth to take on the threats of the future!”

Jelly Bean wiped her face and looked around, “does it have to be me? My baby brother probably will like fighting more than me.”

“Those who do not wish for conflict are exactly the ones who excel at it,” he says, picking up and holding out a black Gi for her. “Take up the mantle and protect your family.”

She looked very unsure, but she reluctantly reached out and grabbed the Gi.

“Excellent. Put the Gi on and go to Ollie, she will help you and your friends get started.”

Jelly Bean slowly trudged along as she walked towards the olive mare and her two friends.

Vicar just smirked as he turned and headed for his office.


“I thought you’d join those pussies over at Viper Claw,” Butch said as he stood over Jelly Bean as she sat on her flank resting after a few exercises.

She didn’t respond to him, just stared at her bottle of water.

“Hey, we’re on the same side, don’t act like an asshole!” He exclaimed in annoyance.

“I don’t want to be here,” she replies softly.

This caused Butch to frown, “then get the fuck out! We don’t want a foal like you here anyway!”

“Butch,” Ollie scowled as she stepped up to them. “We’ve spoken on this; do not bully newcomers. If you feel the need, then challenge them. No words, only actions.”

“Yes, Sensei Ollie,” Butch said with a bow as he glared at the young filly. “I’m not fighting a baby.”

“Then return to your work,” she said as she stepped up next to Jelly Bean.

As he left, Ollie gave the small filly a glare. “Stand up.”

Jelly Bean slowly stood up and turned to face the large mare.

“You’re weak, both in mind and body,” she said sharply, causing Jelly Bean’s head to lower. “But you don’t have to be. You’re actively making the choice to be weak. But if you allow yourself, you’ll be a top contender of this Dojo.”

“How?” She asked as she looked up at the mare. “The thought of hurting others makes me feel sick.”

“That’s a sickness deep inside of you. You are very capable, we just have to unlock the true you. If you’ll allow me, I’ll personally make sure you become someone others fear.”

“Like bad guys?” She asked, looking a little hopeful.

A smile graced the mare's lips, “yeah, like bad guys.” She placed a hoof on the fillies shoulder, “Ms Psalm excels at helping others reach their true potential faster. Do you want to meet her?”

Jelly Bean looked a bit unsure, but gave a nod.

“Follow me then,” she said as she led the young filly towards one of the ground offices.

Upon stepping in, Jelly Bean was met with an angry colt running around destroying the office. His dark coat caused him to blend into the dimly lit office, only his orange mane revealed his whereabouts as he zoomed around.

“Psalm! Control that thing!” Ollie hissed, then collected herself. “Erm, we have another student who needs her potential unlocked.”

The dark colored mare laying on the couch rolled over and stared at them with baggy eyes. “Okay.”

“Step up to her, Jelly Bean,” Ollie said sternly.

Nervously she stepped forward, but before she reached the mare, a tiny gator crawled out from under the couch and blinked at her with its docile eyes.

“Aw, we have a little gator like him at home,” she giggled as she reached out and gave the little guy a few head scratches. He seemed to enjoy it as he tapped his back leg in joy at the head scratches. “You look just like Gummy!”

“Jelly Bean, leave Jerry alone, we have work to do,” Ollie said sternly from behind her.

“I’m sorry,” she said as she gave the baby gator another head pat as she stepped past him and up to the tired mare. “Hi.”

“Yeah,” the mare drawled as she leaned forward and touched her horn to the fillies head. Her horn began to glow brightly as she cast a spell.

Jelly Bean felt something inside of her expand, like she’d just gained access to something she didn’t know she had.

“There,” the mare sighed as she turned over and faced the couch cushions again.

The little colt jumped on her a few times then jumped off, yelling like a monster as he did so. The mare simply did not react.

Backing up, Jelly Bean left the office as Ollie closed the door. The mare smiled down at the little filly.

“Now, we can start making real progress! Come with me,” she said as she led the filly back to the training mats.


“Repeat!” I yelled as I restarted the technique from the beginning. The lines up students resumed their previous stances as I slowly performed the technique again as they followed along.

Beside me my daughter also tried to mimic my movements, with little success, but she was trying. Her shredded chew toy hung from her mouth as she tried her hardest to copy me.

Momma’s little warrior! 

After running them through it a few times, I came to a stop, standing up straight. “Halt!” Everyone stopped moving and went to full attention. “Good work today! Tomorrow we will work further on this technique, and if you’re all able, add a few more steps. Dismissed!”

As I turned and walked for my office, my daughter sprinted ahead of me and dove through the door. Upon entering I found her attacking the arm of the couch again.

“Shayla, down,” I said sternly as I walked to my desk. She listened, but jumped forward and tackled a duffel bag. Ripping it open she climbed inside of it, her little wannabe evil eyes staring at me from the rip in the bag.

“Terrifying,” I said to her as I sat down and began checking my new computer for any notifications or updates.

“Sensei Scamp,” Spark said as he walked into the room.

“Yes, kiddo?” I asked, not looking up as he walked further into the room. “Oh, watch out.”

“Is she-“ he began but the little heathen let out a war cry as she burst from the bag and landed on his back, grabbing his ears in both claws as she screamed in victory. “Ah, yeah, she is on the hunt again.”

“What’d you need?” I ask, cracking a smile as I worked.

“I was wondering,” he began as Shayla pulled on his ears, trying to make him walk where she wants. He yelped a bit as he let her control where he walked. “If you wanted to come to dinner at my house tonight. Mom and Dad are wanting to catch up apparently.”

I chuckled as I watched my daughter lead him in circles, “sure. Mallogory will be busy, but I’ll be there with Shayla.”

“Great!” He exclaimed as she kicked his side, causing him to start running around the office as she laughed like a maniac. “Okay please help!”

“Shayla, Goku is on!” I yell as I pull up a video on the laptop and turn it to face her. The character on the screen was beating the snot out of a pink dude.

“Goku!” She screamed as she jumped from his back and landed on the desk, eyes now glued to the screen.

“Oh great, her second word is Goku,” I say as I sit back defeated, rubbing my face. “I just want to be acknowledged as momma! Is that so much to ask for, sweetie?!”

She looked at me and pointed at the screen, “Spark Goku!”

“I surrender,” I exhale and sink lower in the chair. “Yeah, Spark, tell them I’ll be there.”

He chuckles as he gives a bow and leaves the office.

Shayla puts her face against the screen as she watched the fighting.

“You can’t possibly be able to see anything that close,” I say, only getting a grunt in response.

“I guess whatever makes you happy,” I chuckle as I pull out my phone to text Greg, only to see a message telling me his daughter joined Wolverine Kamae out of nowhere.

That hurts a bit, as I thought for sure she’d join my Dojo. We get along so well! Why’d she choose them over us?

Groaning, I put the phone down and sat back, watching my daughter enjoy herself.

“At least you’ll never betray me, sweetie,” I say, getting a sweet smile from her as she starts to say something. I leaned forward, excited that this might be the moment.

She belches loudly, followed by her little demonic laughter as she goes back to watching the screen.

“That was cruel,” I mumbled as I sat back, crossing my legs with a huff. She just smiled in absolute joy.