//------------------------------// // Chapter 5 - The Island of the Blessed // Story: The True Story // by Visharo //------------------------------// ===16=== It took a mere half a day to arrive upon the shores of the golden island. It was pure bliss, many speculated we had truly died and this was heaven. I suspected much as well, how could I not? The vegetation was pure and untainted and the beach was pristine and clean. A marble walkway led up from the sand that radiated happiness to an architectural marvel. A parthenon of magnificent proportions, built with gold and marble, fit for kings and queens. Columns with impeccable detail decorated the walkways, mosaics of precise quality left the eyes aglow, and the stonework of the entire building was desirable in every sense. There was no doubt in out minds, this was the heaven that awaited us. In all of the glory, we had failed to see what was in front of us the entire time. Then, a bright voice, filled with mirth, spoiled our thoughts then increased the joviality of it, tenfold. A mare of untimely beauty stood in front of us with the brightest smile imaginable. It mattered not if you were a stallion or a mare, desire was written on each ponies face. Then the bizarre of the bizarre happened, the stupor was snapped as the pink mare leapt into the air and screamed. Before anypony could react in a behavioral means, the earth pony zipped off to who knows where. Our gaze could not help but follow as she disappeared around the corner. Nopony could tell us how long we stood there, shock and awe similar and perhaps, entirely the same. We stood there, that is until another earth pony wrecked our supposed tranquility. The new mare, orange of oranges, and the sweetness of an apple tart, and the hardiness of a farmer, introduced herself as Honesty. There is no shame among us as we all admitted later that paying attention to whatever the gorgeous mare was an effort of gargantuan proportions. She tipped her hat sometime later and trotted off, her perfectness, indescribable. It was then, that an infernal loud screech of pure joy was heard, none other than from our Starscout navigator. Comfort was given to the orange mare by her friends as I looked around and gazed with utmost respect and admiration, after all, this was the afterlife. ===17=== Loyalty was to be seen next by happenstance or by fate, that is undetermined. A perfect athletic blue pegasus with a shock of rainbow hair. The divinity of this one was indisputable. Tears were flowing freely from the navigator as she beheld the pegasus. The mare laughed jovially before zipping off, rainbows and sparkles was all that was left. Moments later, I found myself with a grin that could stop wars, and so was everypony else of the crew. A horrible shriek was heard many moments later, although it is hard to discern time when awe was commonplace amongst us. I turned around to face the voice that dared to destroy my perception of the gorgeous arcs of the doorway. The mare in question was the purest ebony unicorn did anypony ever laid their eyes upon. Breath was seen taken from ponies mouths, there had been witness to speak upon our behalf. Generosity, as it were, demanded why our attire had received such horrible treatment. Her scolding reached our tender hearts of within, there was no comeback from the emotional scarring of such a rebuke, thus our meek response as we followed her. Through the halls of never ending corridors and turns. It took an uncountable amount of time before our appearance was slightly better then previously. This, the mare said with earnest, with such intensity, that nopony denied her claim. Many deemed wisely that antagonizing a goddess of bountiful beauty, is the worst idea anypony could commit. The anypony part was heavily debated. After the dressing of our previously tarnished coats, the unicorn left with a dainty huff that made knees weak. Lost and confused, the crew trotted along the many passages of the large parthenon. Our newly freshened coats glistened in the glorious sunlight. It was then that we heard singing. This was no mere humming or lyrical melodies, neigh, this was an angelical hymn of bliss and peace. Our hooves led us forwards, control was the furthest thing away from our thoughts. The luscious grass parted to reveal a buttery pegasus of sublimity. The bliss upon the mare's face was enough for anypony present and watching, enough for them to lay to rest without waking up ever again. The magic was ruined when she noticed our minuscule approach. Stammering and apologies was given before she gave us her name, that of Kindness. Any other name and it would have been a disservice to the entire galaxy. There was no other action to take besides to let ourselves prostrate on the perfect grass floor. Our adoration was clearly too much for the poor pegasus, as she quickly ran away with adorable squeaks. Our shame was immense as we watched the pegasus disappear into the forest. There was no finding her now. Once again we felt lost, but soon after, a heavy presence fell upon our feeble and incomprehensible minds. A feeling of Chaos. Just a soon as it appeared, it disappeared. ===18=== The largest pony stood in front of us. Many hours of aimlessly wondering had led us to this room. Upon the dais, stood the most regal pony ever, she introduced herself as Magic and Friendship. The alicorn, a majesty of absolute divine power, and yet the easiest of every other holy soul met on this island. Yet as I lay on the floor, my head bowed in servitude, this was all I could think. The alicorn led us through many doors before reaching a double door of considerable size. The moment we stepped over the threshold, we were greeted with an overwhelming amount of noise and then color. Once our sense had recovered, our peace was interrupted by the pink mare from earlier. Through hyper speed, she told of us her life story and how Equestria came to be. I heard no nothing besides the name, Laughter. Once my visuals were no longer violated by the sugar-incarnated, no matter who divine, one needs to take a break from sugar every once and a while, I turned around in search of whatever catches my interest. I was immediately rewarded by creatures everywhere. Alicorns, as majestic as the Sun and the Moon, and as beautiful as the Heart and Soul. Ponies, as beautiful as the magic they inhibit, as tough as the land they toil, and as changing as the weather they manipulate. Kirin, as adaptable as the two-forms they bring forth. Dragons, as tough as the spikes they contain and the embers they spew. Creatures of other names, of names I not know. But I could learn. ===19=== A year of parties, of galas, of wrap-ups, of nights, and of celebrations. This was all and more. Our crew reveled in the life of the after, the beauty of the divine and the purity of the land. There truly is no better place. But as cruelty dictates, set by the unfortunates of life, everything no matter how good, shall come to an end. The end came in the form of bickering. An evening stroll, consisting of me and a friend of many talents, was interrupted by a flash of purple. Disorientation takes several seconds to disperse, but once that happened, I was greeted by the crew of yesteryear and the alicorn we had first encountered. There, in a room of tiny proportions compared to the behemoth of the parthenon, it was revealed a war of unsurmountable odds was being brewed. The two sides of the Heart coin was flicked upwards once again, much to the displeasure of the old guard. This was news to us, as our peaceful ways upon this island was soon to be violated. There was no time for us to gather our belongings, no time but to leave. As we made our way to the ship that we started our journey on, all those years ago, the alicorn explained some much needed information. We will return to this isle, once our candles have run out. The huge mare also gave us directions for us to be free back among our kin and fellows. Such a thought had not once been forgotten and our gratitude was beyond immense. Our speed increased as he hurried to the craft that had us sailing across many waters and non-waters. Farewells were in order and just as soon, as we casted off a large explosion rocked the waves and the sky. Ignoring the pain and panic of leaving pristine heaven behind, we toiled on the deck once more. To the third star of the first night we went, past the six isles of fortune was to be our next goal, then take the peninsula as the grand finale. Funny how that didn't work out. ===20=== A week of miserableness had passed slowly for those sentenced to the confines of this ship. I gazed through the fog, watching the shapes flow past. There truly was no greater sport amongst the ponies that had also signed up. Then the unthinkable happened. A storm of unforeseen consequences and unquenchable power wrecked havoc along our hull. Screaming and wetness came hoof to hoof in this grizzly stage. My hooves, used for the rough terrain of the outside, slipped on the slicked up wooden planks, landing me down in the brig. This was going to be a long night. Hours of an uncountable amount had us beached on rocks. Our backs in pain, hands blistered, souls weary, but before us lay an island and behind us lay a crippled boat. I almost laughed hysterically, but this wasn't a moment to lose everything that should hold morality. I smiled grimly as I looked back to the ominous island that brought our ship to the slaughter. But what befell us there I shall tell, if indeed I tell it at all, at some other time.