The True Story

by Visharo

Chapter 3 - Back to Equus


For many hours sailed we, guided by our navigator, the Scout amongst the Stars. The bountiful expanse of the spatial plains lay before us, given the crew many the sights to gaze upon. Creatures of peculiarity flew alongside us, leathery wings gliding on space eddies, fangs glinting in the light of the stars, and slitted eyes ever watching. Their presence caused many a disturbance amongst the crew of this vessel. However many concerns, none were acted upon per the kindly bosun's request.

The journey back was halted, if only momentary, when we stumbled upon an island of candles. Floating in the vastness of nothingness, we docked beside an outward dock. A troop of small proportions were chosen to embark upon the island, that included the ever passive me.

The courtyard, floored with cobblestone, was immense. Candles of various sizes floated everywhere, most hanging low while some preferred the upper heights. A sense of wonder filled the intrepid explorers, gazes flitting from candle to candle. My thoughts were of belonging, a particular pull from off leftwards.

Need is not present, but want persists. Want found myself in front of a candle of unique scale. Burning brighter then those around as well as hovering with a strength a few posses. Moments pass with myself confused before the dawning of realization set into my consciousness. This particular candle, with it's intricacies and personality, was of my life. The span of my life was indicated by this curious candle. Any lesser mind would be broken by the possibilities of such a place.

A call, from way back, echoed amongst the stony-not-stone walls, reaching my ears. A cry of retreat by a mare of panic, a pony who knew of this place's purpose. Happiness flickered with myself as I followed instructions and found myself on the ship of the many.

Questions were asked, few were answered as we casted off, the hope of never seeing that particular isle was immense.


The cloud layer of Equus was spotted on the 4th day of spatial travel. This is where our lunar escort bid their 'fare thee wells' and disappeared. Despite looks and thoughts, the density of such a cloud layer prevented out passage through. Thus we had to sail atop our rightful place.

Places seen as we sailed by. The famous town of clouds and clocks. The isle of avian creatures, led by a king so noble, none could oppose. The sun even sailed overhead, greetings were called out by both the residents of the surface and those of the crew. An interesting colony of which held many a water that received much gratitude.

Many a day later before we spotted our salvation, an opening between the clouds. Our descent was that of a quick one, relief evident in all faces. Yells of relief and pride rang out as the heel of our ship collided with the water below. A spatial journey is a treat in itself and yet, nothing beats the filled vastness of the empty sea.

Catching the winds of our fair planet, we set sail towards the rising sun. Morale was high and shanties of all sorts were played amongst the crew. Our attention on pleasure and not of the immediate sea betrayed us. One moment, peace a shipful of crew like ours could have, then the next, where a giant maw of outright terror grew out of the salty waves.

A whale, no bigger then a continent, rose up. Waves of immense size splashed about in the never ending ocean, sending our vessel on a trip of many bounces. This surely was the end of our merry band, and we said our goodbyes. Hugs and salutes were shared around, tears and sorrowful smiles portrayed on the canvases that were our faces.

The monstrosity of a mouth bore on us and the whale swallowed us whole. Shock was an understatement as we traveled through the innards of the beast. Liquids of unknown quantity sloshed past our barge of wood. Fear had us scrambling for cover and places to hold our bodies. Those with lesser quickness faced oblivion, their faces filled with fear as they whipped off board. Terror had consumed our souls, my hooves barely gripping the crate that held me so.

The winds of speed died down, the screeching stopped, and the creaks went without loudness. Moments were needed for our wits to gather and force us upwards to the light that beheld our ship. The belly of the beast was no mere organ, neigh, it held a wilds like no other.

Jagged peaks of mountain ranges were visible on the fleshy horizon, a shapely lake of pure crystalline water to the left, and a forest of exuberant magic and wildlife. Fires of civilization were spotted in the distance, the smoke, a peculiar purple wafting through the air. All this, underneath a sphere of pure light that hung in the air, suspended beyond belief.


My gaze traveled the landscape, the unnaturalness of it all held a certain allure. A band consisting of a small amount went off into the forest. We, the rest, stayed aboard and took stock of everything. Our mast was broken as well as the bow. Supples were scattered if not missing. Our numbers had dropped by a few and morality was a case for concern.

My task, however mundane, was to sweep the deck. Hours were passed through the air of the whale before the party returned. Tales of various tribes were shared, however, pony they were not. Creatures with fluff around their necks, tails of intricacy, and horn like no other. Creatures of plant and fire and to be not reckoned against.

Time flew like the birds of freedom and the globe of light went dark. Whispers and shouts were the reactants of the entire event. Then just as suddenly, the world glowed dimly. Insects of various shapes rose high and lit themselves up. Flashes of other sources were seen across the entire stomach.

That night, as it were, was spent in huddled fear. No matter the member, as one, we huddled beneath the decks. Sleep was barely found nor comfort. As the hours flicked by the day clicked back, giving us the needed relief of relative safety. Our ascent to the upper decks was a slow and cruel process.

Once made, we stared at the fleshy horizon once more. It was decided by all that something must be done. A party of five were chosen, myself included. We made our way out of sight of the ship, through the brush of the wilds. Fauna nopony had seen before was a potential hazard as well as the various cries of no doubt vicious beasts.

Many hours had passed for us, our hooves hurting like no other. Eyes drooping and pelts slick with sweat. That was when we stumbled into a camp. A camp of ponies. Hostility was met with weariness of our exhausted limbs. Collapsing was the alternative we chose in place of surrendering. Confusion rippled through their ranks before we were hauled to our hooves and dragged to a nearby tent.

We were greeted by the Mistress, a peculiar pony who didn't bother telling us her name. We were questioned and we answered as best one could do. Berries were fed to us and we took it no questions asked and after our story, it was our turn. Questions about this place were scoffed at and the locals were answered.

Tribes of kirin, that was what the Mistress said. They burn and yet the forest does not. They grow and yet the lake does not drown. The various clans had clashed for centuries and they continue still, there is no stopping it. They also let slip that they had been in the belly of the beast for years upon years after getting swallowed themselves.

Armed with information, we trudged back. The knowledge we had gained was met with uncertainty. However it was ultimately decided that we were to stay and survive as best as possible until an opening should present itself.


It was the morning, 2 years after our landing, and it was still alluring as well as despicable. Time is a funny thing, a concept nopony truly understands and after days spent traversing the mystical land and fighting the kirin wars in the belly of a whale can expand the mind.

It was that particular morning that a sudden brightness of the natural kind suddenly enveloped paradise. Perched in the pegasus' nest, I saw the mouth open wide. And just as quickly as it opened, a great snapping boom echoed everywhere. A quick relay was done and soon the remains of the crew gathered once again at the ship that brought us here.

A plan was formulated and consensus was universal. We've had enough of this nonsense. Another few more weeks were spent gathering wood and food. Climbing atop the mountain closest to the throat, there it was placed the wood. Making sure the crew was ready as well as the repaired ship. On the count of three, the wood caught fire. Hours it took for it to take effect much to the runners' relief.

Excitement grew amongst the ranks, today was the day! 31 days since the opening and the smoke from the mountain was too much. Agonizing wails from the wilds echoed through the crew's heads but nopony cared. We've had enough. The fog reached the head of the whale and there it clouded till the organ perished. The monstrosity had died.

We felt the shuddering of death and our joy was so immense, nopony thought of the many deaths we would cause. Prying open the mighty lips of the beast, the ocean blew inwards. Sea salt was sorely missed, and cheers echoed throughout the cavernous mouth. Out we went, carried by the eddies of the undersea currents and out towards freedom.

With a great pop, our ship broke out and sailed onto the surface of the water. With great elation we set sail once again, our grins wide at the sight of the true sun and sky. The wind breezed through our manes and our eyes stinging from the salt. Our sails caught the wind and off we went, off into the distance.