Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Hide the critters

Chapter 56

January 9th 12 A.B.

I walked through the house on my hindlegs, holding a calm and for now not fussy Shayla as I held a bottle in her mouth. We had to have some special ones made that were indestructible, because she kept eating through the nipples on the bottles.

As I stepped into our room and collapsed onto a chair, I groaned, as I was dreading when she started crawling around. This house would not survive her.

I chuckled at the thought of her going on a little ramage through the house, eating all the metal, then I frowned as I realized that could be a reality we have to face one day.

“Okay! I got as many diapers as they’d allow me to buy!” Mallogory yelled as I heard her burst through the front door. “Scamp?!”

“Bedroom,” I called out to her, rolling my eyes. 

She eventually made her way to us, stopping in the doorway to look at us. 

“Having fun you two?” she asked with a wide grin.

“Eeyup,” I said in a tired voice. “She is at least,” I said as she let out a happy sound as she gurgled around the bottle nipple.

“Well, she is a baby, so she’s having the time of her life right now,” she said as she walked in and offered to take the baby.

I held Shayla up to her and allowed her to take her for now.

“Take a nap, you need it,” she said as I laid in the chair.

Shaking my head, I closed my eyes for a moment, “I don’t need a nap.”


I let out a shocked gasp as I sat up, glancing around and realizing it was now close to night time. It was morning when I sat down!

Getting up quickly, I moved through the house, not finding Mallogory or Shayla. But before I could panic, I pulled out my phone, seeing a text from her saying she and Shayla were at Adry’s to give me a break for the night.

“Aww,” I said, a smile on my face. Then I saw the time. Class will be starting here soon.

A smile graced my face as I looked at my closet to see my Gi hanging up, waiting for me.


Stepping up to the doors to my Dojo, I saw the kids were already lined up, with Spark in front of them.

I held back for a moment, wanting to see how it goes.

Inside, Spark was standing on his hindlegs, leading class in jumping exercises, just as I had instructed.

Watching from the outside, I felt a sense of pride watching all of them working so hard. 

Deciding that was enough watching, I stepped up to the door and kicked it open, stepping in with authority.

“Sensei Scamp!” they all yelled as they rushed to me as I stepped through the door.

“Hey guys!” I say, giving them all a wide grin as I walk through them. “Keeping up practice in my absence?”

“Hai!” they all yell, much to my delight.

“Have you recovered from giving birth?” Mango Loco asked.

“Of course!” I announced as I took my spot at the front of class. “LINES!”

They all quickly took up their positions, smiling faces staring back at me.

“Alright! As you can see, I am no longer pregnant. And going forward, my daughter will be with me at classes, so a few rules! No touching her right now, as she is a biter and will remove whatever you put near her! Two; if she is sleeping, no yelling! Three; if she gets in your way, move to another part of the room. She will one day be a member of Viper Claw, so treat her as family!”

“Hai!” they all shouted back.

“Good, now that I’m back, let’s get serious!” I say, flexing my wings, “as I’m sure you all know, Wolverine Kamae has been a lot more active recently. I’ve heard they’ve been bullying a few of you at school?”

A few of them nodded back to me. 

“Well, I think it’s time we start learning to defend ourselves a little bit!” I yelled, getting excited looks from the kids. “BUT! If I find out one of you started a fight, then you’re out of Viper Claw! This is for self defense only! Not being little aggressive assholes! But if you do fight, I want you to be safe and come out on top!”


“Alright, everyone up! Let’s start adding in some sparring!”


“You know, I knew you’d be here,” Mallogory chuckled as she walked into the office as I sat at my desk eating my dinner. Shayla sat in her arms, looking around in awe.

“Shayla!” I exclaimed, jumping up from my chair and flying over to them, taking my baby girl in my legs and hovering in place as I cooed at her.

Mallogory smiled as she walked over to the couch and sat down. “We had a fun day at Adry’s. Shayla and Roxxy seem to be getting along. At least, Shayla isn’t aggressive towards her, so that’s a plus!”

“That’s mommy’s good girl,” I said as I rocked her back and forth. I then looked to Mallogory, “heading back to work tomorrow?”

“Yep, Greg said I could take all the time I wanted, but with you wanting to do most of the work, I kinda have nothing to do.”

I nuzzle Shayla’s little face, “not my fault I love her so much!”

She just smiles as she watches me, then frowns, “I want you to keep all this rivalry shit away from our daughter.”

“Obviously,” I replied, playing with my daughter by wiggling my metal finger over her face as she reached out for it.

“Scamp,” Mallogory said sternly, causing me to look at her.

“I’m serious. Keep Vicar and his Dojo away from our daughter,” she said with such force, my ears actually flattened themselves against my head.

“Er… sure, I promise, Mallo… is everything okay?”

“I went to Wolverine Kamae the night Shayla was born,” she admitted, causing my eye to go wide. “And that asshole Vicar knew my last name, and that I had a Thorn! Scamp, I’ve never told anyone but you my last name! And that was back when we were on the Eternal Plains!”

“That’s… worrying,” I remarked, not quite sure what it meant for us, but it made him more of a threat than I was giving him credit for. “I’ll keep our daughter out of this mess, don’t worry, Mallo.”

She eyed me hard, but then relaxed as I heard someone walk in behind me.

“Oh, sorry, I thought you were along, Sensei,” Spark said as she started to back up and leave.

“No no, come in, Spark,” I say as I land on my hindlegs, still holding my daughter. “What do you need?”

“Well,” he starts, kicking at the ground, “things are getting pretty bad at school for some of the other kids here. The bullying is picking up, and we’re so far behind them in training, that we can’t really do anything against them.”

“Is that so?” I say as Shayla bites my metal finger with a loud clang. “You know my view on training.”

“Yes, no shortcuts, we’ll get there eventually,” he said as he hung his head.

“Yep, no shortcuts. But we can’t let this bullying continue,” I say as I pace in front of him, my daughter going to town on my finger.

“How?” he asked, raising his head to face me.

“The other kids will take some time to train, but you, Spark, you’re learning very quickly,” I say as I hoof my daughter to Mallogory and open my pocket dimension and pull out my copy of Lance’s book. “Know what this is?”

“Uh… my dad's book? He won’t let me read it though,” he says, eyeing the book with a bit of excitement.

“Hmmm,” I open the book and flip to the desired page. “Let me read you a part that’s always interested me.” I leaned back on my desk, clearing my throat as I began to read directly from the book, “Lance, you are very special in the way your body is made up. Now, Spark's mother is Twilight Sparkle, the most powerful mortal unicorn alive. I can not really explain this, but somehow, Spark has taken some, if not all, of yours and Twilight's traits. He is very unique, a one of a kind. He will grow up to be something special, I can promise you that Lance.”

He looked at me in confusion.

“That was a conversation between Mr. Bleak and your father,” I say as he still looked confused. “Now, I’m still not sure what he meant, but I can say this; you learn shit super fast. I can show you something, and you’ll know how to do it almost instantly.”

“I mean, I guess I’ve always been like that,” he chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his head. 

“Hmm,” I tap my chin, then smile, “alright, Spark, here’s what we’re going to do. I’m going to be giving you private lessons after class. I’m going to start teaching you the advanced techniques I have to offer, and we’ll see if we can get you in fighting order. Are you up for it?”

A wide smile crossed his face as he gave me a sharp nod, “Hai, Sensei Scamp!”

“Sweet! That starts today, and I’m not going easy on you!” I yell as he jumps with excitement.

“Scamp, now would be a great time to tell him,” Mallogory suddenly said from the couch as she rocked Shayla.

“Tell me what?” he asked, now looking confused again, but also worried.

I just laugh as I point a hoof at him, “Spark! We have decided we want you to be Shayla’s Godfather! Do you accept!”

He blinked then looked at her, then back to me, giving a sharp nod, “yes, Sensei!”

“No! Answer me, not Sensei Scamp!”

“I accept the role of Godfather, Scamp!” he yelled, followed by all three of us breaking down into a laughing fit.

Then I slam my hoof into my paw, “Alright! Get out on that mat! We’re moving on to some tough shit!”



“He’s a good kid,” Mallogory commented as we watched Spark fly away into the sky, leaving us standing in front of the Dojo.

“Believe me, I know,” I chuckled as we began walking to our house. “So back to work starting tomorrow?”

“Yep! But I’m a phone call away if you need me, you know Greg will let me leave if you need something,” she assured me.

“I’m not helpless,” I say as I slug her arm. 

“I know,” she replies as she reaches over and wiggles her metal claw over Shayla’s face. 

Over my shoulder, I thought I heard something, but looking revealed nothing but a dark street.

I swear, if that asshole has someone following us…

With a sigh, I return my eyes to the front, keeping my attention on the area around us. Just in case.


April 12th 12 A.B.

“Oh, Shayla no!” I yelped as she clawed at the front door, trying to get it open. “Foal’s are not allowed outside unsupervised!”

She let out a little cry of annoyance as she reached for the door with her little claws.

“No. We’ll go for a walk here soon, but mommy needs to make din din for us,” I said as she flailed a bit and clawed my face a bit. “OUCH! You little…” I sigh and let out a chuckle. 

Glancing in the mirror I saw she only gave me a superficial scratch, so no harm done.

“You, little missy, need to control your little deadly claws,” I say, nuzzling her face as she grunted in annoyance.

I placed her down into her bouncer and buckled her in, “Alright, stay here while I get your bottle ready.”

She seemed to glare up at me as I stepped back and into the kitchen.

Working quickly, I mixed the formula into the bottle, adding in the required amount of iron supplement. Shaking the bottle, I moved back to the living room where I left Shayla.

“Alright, sweetie, here’s your… fuck,” I stopped as I saw the bouncer had been knocked over, the restraints chewed through. Then my eyes moved to the window and I saw it had been pushed open a bit. “... SHE’S LOOSE!”

I sprinted out the door, looking around frantically.

“Hey, Scamp,” Jero said as he and Fluttershy walked by my house with their two kids on their backs. 

“Fluttershy! Shayla’s loose again! HIDE THE ANIMALS!” I screamed as I took off down the street, yelling for my daughter.

“Oh no! NOT AGAIN!” Fluttershy yelled as she took off running for the forest.

“Come out, sweetie!” I yelled as I shook her bottle, “I have din din!”

As I ran down the street, I heard a can get knocked over behind a fence.

Flapping my wings, I jumped and soared over the fence, landing in the middle of someone's backyard.

“Shayla!” I hissed as I saw her little tail wagging out of a bush. I rushed over and pulled her out of the bush.

She just smiled up at me as she held a dead rat in her mouth.

“Oh thank God, it’s just a rat this time,” I sigh in relief as I turn around and see a cat's collar sitting on the ground, a little blood around it. “Ah shit.”

“Muffin!” a little voice called out as a filly walked out into the backyard. She looked around, only seeing the end of my mane as I jumped over the fence before she saw me.

“You ate Muffin?!” I hissed, holding my daughter out in front of myself. She blinked back at me and burped a bit, a little fur ball hitting me in the face. “You little devil.”

“Muffin! I found your collar! Where are you!” the filly yelled from the other side of the fence.

“You ate Muffin,” I repeated, now more in disbelief. She just smiled innocently back at me. 

As quickly as I could, I ran back towards my house, slamming the window from the outside and getting inside, closing the door. 

“We need to figure something out,” I muttered as she squirmed around in my grasp, trying to get free.

I put her down on the ground and put the foal backpack on her that had a leash attached to it. I attached it to the banister and put her down. She immediately fell on her side and began chewing on the straps on the backpack.

“Good luck, ya little shit,” I said proudly as I walked to the kitchen, putting the bottle down for now. “Those restraints are a lot tougher than your little teeth, so you’re stuck!”

She growled in annoyance as she kept chewing at the straps.

I went back to the stove where my food was cooking and resumed stirring it.

Once I finished cooking, I made a plate and walked back to the living room, grabbing her bottle as I went. 

Shayla was still on the ground, doing her damnedest to chew through the straps that kept her from roaming free.

“Pretty strong, huh?” I asked as I put my food down and picked her up, undoing the straps.

I held the bottle in front of her, and she immediately latched onto it, drinking quickly as she seemed to glare at me. 

“You ate a cat, a rat, and are still hungry? You really are my daughter,” I chuckled as she drained the bottle very quickly. As she finished it, she pushed it away and went back to struggling to get away from me again.

“Geez kid, want to watch TV?” I asked as I sat down while holding her and flipped on the TV. Flipping through the channels, nothing hit me as interesting, or Shayla as she kept fighting to be free of my grasp.

Then I flipped to a channel displaying a human show that I hadn’t seen before. Shayla stopped fighting me as she looked at the screen, eyes glued to it.

“Oh! You like this one?” I asked in relief, as this was the first time she’d shown interest in anything outside of hunting tiny creatures.

Looking at the screen, I hit the menu to see the title. “What the fuck is Dragon Ball Z?” I asked aloud, the title kind of familiar, like I’ve heard someone mention it before. I think it was Lance at some point.

These humans using their memories to bring their media to this world, just amazing. And weird with some of the shit, but still amazing.

“Well, whatever works,” I mutter as I begin to eat my food, my daughter’s eyes stuck on the screen as the guy on the screen screamed like a maniac as his hair turned yellow.

“Weird shit,” I muttered, shoving more food into my mouth.