Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Foal time

Chapter 55

Spark paced through all the adults, chewing his lip as he listened to all of them talk in low voices to each other.

“These Wolverine Kamae guys are nothing but thugs!” Calypso whispered to a few others. “This is the second time they’ve attacked her!”

“From the story I got from the kids, they were being bullied by some of the students of that place. Scamp stepped in to stop it and those two thugs attacked her in return!” Rarity scoffed, clearly upset as she shook with anger.

“Thank Celestia she got both of them, I’d hate to think of the outcome otherwise…” Adry remarked as she held her newborn foal, having just given birth two weeks ago.

The doors opened as two New Ponyville Sheriff Deputies stepped into the lobby and walked towards the group.

“Excuse us, but where is the kid who witnessed the attack earlier?” one asked.

Spark quickly made his way over to them, “that’s me!”

“Mind telling us what happened tonight? We got two heavily injured ponies on the way to surgery, and we have another here apparently giving birth. Start from the beginning,” he said, pulling out a notepad.

Spark gave a nod as he collected himself. “I saw two of my friends being bulled by some kids from Wolverine Kamae, and I tried to step in to stop them. But instead they started hitting me, but Sensei Scamp jumped between us and stopped the fight.”

“I have reports saying she hit a child?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Uh.. yes, she knocked him down with her shoulder. But only because he was about to hit me again!” Spark said, staring at them in slight disbelief.

“Alright, then what?” the Deputy asked.

“Well, two teachers from Wolverine Kamae came at us and were mad about her knocking Blitz down. She tried to calm them down, but they attacked her first! So she defended herself!”

“My report says she swung first,” the Deputy remarked, getting a nod from the other one.

“Yeah, eight ponies agree she swung first,” the other said.

“Are those eight ponies from Wolverine Kamae?” Calypso asked as she stepped up to us.

“I can’t reveal that,” the deputy said, looking back at Spark. “Please, continue young colt.”

“They ganged up on her!” Spark exclaimed, fuming as he stood there. “She was pregnant and they attacked her! They threw her around and slammed into her! If she wasn’t so bad ass, then they’d have really hurt her!”

“How’d the store glass get broken?” he asked sternly.

“She threw them through it,” Spark stated, looking between them. “Are you going to arrest them?”

They looked at each other, then back to everyone staring at them. “As of right now, no one is being arrested. But you’ll be happy to know the two injured ponies and their employer have declined to press charges. So the only thing Mrs. Scamp is on the line for the broken window, which the shop owner is pressing charges for.”

“That’s unfair!” Spark yelled, but was pulled back by Lance.

Twilight stepped forward, “I’ll speak with the shop owner. They may drop the charges if I offer to pay for it.”

“This is basically over unless Scamp presses charges,” the Deputy said as they began to leave. “Have a good day, folks.”

“She will be pressing charges,” Calypso muttered angrily. “I’ll make sure of that.”


Some time later that night

The double doors leading into the delivery rooms blew open and Mallogory stepped out with a wide grin on her face.

Everyone in the room instantly jumped up and rushed towards her, flooding her with questions about Scamp and the baby.

Mallogory just let them pelt her with questions as her smile just grew larger and larger. 

“SILENCE!” Spark suddenly yelled out, causing everyone to go silent and look at him. “Let her speak.”

Everyone looked back to Mallogory as she rubbed her hands together.

“It’s a girl!” she exclaimed, causing everyone to let out excited cheers.

“A baby girl!” Adry laughed, holding her own daughter close. “They’re going to be little princesses together!”

“Ah hell yeah, Dude’s gonna have a bad ass little playmate now!” Greg said as he held his two kids in his lap, both asleep due to how late it was.

“How’s Scamp?” Spark asked in a worried tone.

“She’s doing good. A bit pissy and grouchy, but otherwise, she’s alright,” Mallogory said, getting sighs of relief from everyone. “The baby was delivered without any complications, which as we all know is a miracle with how she’s been conducting herself recently.”

A few of the adults chuckled at this, nodding in agreement.

“I need someone to take over for a moment, I have to go deal with something… urgent,” Mallogory said, a dark look flashing across her face for a moment. Everyone volunteered, but she pointed to Spark. “I’m sure she’d appreciate your company right now, if you don’t mind.”

Spark blinked, then smiled, “Uh, yeah, I’ll stay with her till you get back.”

“Thanks, Spark,” Mallogory said as she walked through everyone, heading for the doors.

As she left, Spark quickly walked through the double doors and walked down the hallway. He knew what room she was in since they were all told earlier in the night by a nurse.

Upon stepping into the room, he was greeted with the sight of Scamp laid up in bed, looking absolutely wrecked, with her mane a mess and her fur slightly pale.

“Hey, kiddo,” she chuckled weakly as he stepped into the room. “Thanks for everything tonight, ya been a real help.”

“Of course, Sensei Scamp,” he said as he stepped up next to the bed, looking around for the baby.

“Sorry if I act weird, really high on pain meds and hormones right now,” she mumbled, chuckling to herself.

“Where’s the baby?” he asked, excited to see it.

She lazily waved a hoof at the door. “They’re doing their doctor thing with her right now. She’ll be back soon.”

“What’s her name?”

Scamp giggled then looked a bit sad, “we’ve named her Shayla after a dear friend of mine who died to save me.”

“Oh,” Spark replied, a bit taken back by this.

“Yeah, Spark, we lost a lot of friends to the Watcher… And I lost a lot of friends to save your dad…” Scamp said, her eyes glossing over as she lost herself in thought. “I did things I’m not proud of…”

“Sensei Scamp!” Spark yelled, snapping her out of her stupor.

“Oh! I’m sorry! I lost myself there for a moment!” she said, eye wide as she came to her senses. “Wow, I’m so sorry, Spark. You don’t need to hear about any of that.”

“I wish you’d all tell me more,” he muttered. “I’m not a baby anymore.”

“I know you’re not a baby,” Scamp says, getting him to look at her. “I kind of rely on you at the Dojo, Spark. You are a lot like your father, just not as… useless.” 

She laughs a bit at this, shaking her head.

“Sorry, not bad mouthing your father, he’s a good man. Just… well you know how he is!”

“Yeah, I know,” Spark chuckled, knowing exactly what she was getting at.

The door to the room opened and a nurse wheeled in a bassinet.

“Look who's back!” she announced as she pushed the bassinet up next to Scamp on the bed.

“Oh my little baby girl!” Scamp exclaimed as the nurse picked up the blanket wrapped bundle and placed it in Scamp’s legs, where she gently began to rock the bundle.

The nurse looked at Spark, raising an eyebrow, but said nothing as she left the room.

“Alright Spark, meet Shayla,” Scamp said as she pulled back the blanket, revealing a cute little face with a bone plated face similar to Mallogory’s, just not the same shape. Two little combs hung down either side of her face plate while a messy dark brown mane sat atop her head. Solid green eyes stared back at him as the newborn laid there calmly, not crying or fussing.

As she pulled the blanket back more, it revealed she had claws similar to Mallogory’s on both her front and back legs, and instead of a mane, a little solid tail with a tuft of hair slithered out of the bottom of the blanket. Her coat was a very light yellow, very pale looking.

He could just make out a bit of scales that seemed to run down the foal's front, starting at the base of her neck and going to the edge of her tail, making it look like she had scaled armor running down her front. And to top it all off, she had wings.

“Whoa…” Spark said, amazed at the strange foal before him. “She looks… so cool!”

“I know right?” Scamp asked, beaming with the proudest smile she’d ever had. “She’s going to grow up and be just like her moms… just hopefully not as crazy.”

Spark reached out to touch her, and her little eyes followed his hoof.

“Actually, probably shouldn’t do that,” Scamp warned as she raised her mechanical leg and put a metal finger near her face. “She’s a little-”

The baby leaned forward and clamped down on her finger with what looked to be razor sharp teeth.

“-Bitey right now,” Scamp said, smiling at her foal as it chewed aggressively on her finger, but was unable to do any damage to it. Probably due to it being Ego infused.

“Noted,” Spark said as she leaned back, smiling at the two.

“Mallo said she’ll grow out of the biting phase eventually, just that we need to keep her away from valuables or anything we want to keep in tact,” Scamp said as she rocked the foal in her arms, causing it to slowly stop chewing on her and go back to looking innocent. “Aww, those innocent eyes are like a little trap, just begging for someone to put an appendage near her little maw.”

Spark chuckled at Scamp, not used to seeing her so loving and caring. He was a bit more used to the rough and tumble Scamp. 

She let out a relaxed sigh as she laid back a bit, still holding the foal closely.

“They’re so fucked,” she muttered suddenly, her eyes closed.

“What?” Spark asked, leaning towards her. 

“I’m not pregnant anymore,” she said, a devilish look falling across her face, her eyes still closed. “I don’t have to hold back anymore. Next time they play this stupid game with me, I’m going to wreck their shit.”

“Actually, a Sheriff Deputy said you can press charges against them for the attack,” Spark said, a bit excited.

“Nah,” Scamp said, catching him off guard. “I’ll handle this. They made it personal for no reason, so I’m going to return the favor.”

“I think everyone else wants you to press charges,” Spark said slowly, causing her to chuckle.

“Yeah, I knew they would. Let me worry about them, kiddo. In the meantime, the Dojo is under your watch. Make sure the kids keep up their practice, and if those Wolverine Kamae assholes give you any trouble, tell me immediately. I’m trusting you here, Spark.”

“I’ll do my best, Sensei,” Spark assured her.

“I know you will, now call the nurse please,” Scamp said suddenly. “My epidural has not worn off yet and I can’t move my back legs. And I’m sorry to be so crude,  but I think the catheter is faulty.” At Spark’s confused expression, she chuckles. “I’m pissing myself, get a nurse, kid.”

“OH!” Spark yelped as he ran for the door, leaving a laughing Scamp behind.


The sounds of a door being kicked open filled the Training Hall, followed by the heavy stomps of a heavy person as they made their way through the room and up the stairs.

The door to the office blew open and in walked a fuming Mallogory as she stepped further into the room, glaring death at the pony behind the desk at the end of the long room.

“Ah, Mallogory Beltosh! I knew I’d be seeing you today!” Vicar exclaimed as the angry woman stomped up to his desk and slammed her claws down on his desk.

“You psycho fucker! Twice! You’ve attacked my wife TWICE! WHILE PREGNANT!” she roared, the desk cracking under her weight as she pushed down on it.

“Actually, tonight was just a misunderstanding,” he said with a grin, his sunglasses reflecting her angry face back at herself.

“Bullshit!” she growled as she slammed her fist down on the desk, splitting it in half. “You done fucked with the wrong people, asshole!”

He smiled as he looked at the two halves of his desk, then back to her, “you’re paying for the desk, just so you know.”

She roared and stomped forward as she grabbed him back the collar and raised him up to her level, “get this through your thick head! This is over! If you come near my family again, I will kill you. Scamp may be up to playing this stupid game with you, but not ME!”

Vicar just simply reached up and patted her shoulder, “Mrs. Beltosh, there’s no need for the threats and dramatic show of force. I know you are willing to kill me, the only thing I have to say to that is; can you?”

She narrowed her eyes as she grabbed him by the throat, her claws drawing blood as she squeezed. “I don’t know, can I?!”

“No,” he choked out as his hooves shot up and somehow broke her hold on him as he dropped and swept her legs out from under her. Then he bucked her through the window next to them, sending her flying through it. This all happened in under a second.

She crashed through the window, a shocked look on her face as she righted herself and landed on her feet, staring up at him with a bit of surprise.

“Has your Thorn not fully healed yet?” he asked as he stepped to the shattered window, staring down at her. 

“How do you know about that?!” she snarled up at him, as that was one of the few things that has not been revealed to anyone outside of their friends. And none of them would talk about that with any one.

Vicar just laughs at her as he flashes her a knowing smile, “I have my ways. Now, unless you think you can beat me on your own, I think you should leave.”

“You caught me off guard?!” she growled as she prepared to jump back up there. “That won’t happen twice!”

He just laughs in response, “goodbye, Mrs. Beltosh.”

She glared as she watched him step out of sight. Glancing around, she saw no one else was in the area, so she could do what needed to be done.

With a growl, she jumped up there, but he was gone. In his place was one of his lackeys, who just stared at her with hate filled eyes.

“Where is he?!” she screamed at the pony, who just rolled their eyes.

“I think you should go, we’ve called the police for an attempted robbery,” the pony said through gritted teeth. “And unless you want to be the one to blame, you should go, now.”

She screams in anger and points a claw at the pony’s face, “You tell your asshole boss he’s mine if he pulls any more stunts!” 

With an angry spin, she walked away, looking back at the pony, noticing something weird about them as they glared at her. But the sounds of a police siren got her moving.