Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Unneeded conflicts

Chapter 54

January 5th 12 A.B.

“Whew, fuck this,” I gasped as I struggled to do a sit up, the baby definitely not liking that course of action. Pushing myself, I did a few more, but only was able to get up halfway before hitting a barrier.

Flopping back on my back, I let out an exhausted gasp as I looked up at the ceiling of the Dojo. 

The ding of the door opening got my attention as I rolled over to see who had entered, as the kids' class did not start for another hour.

To my relief, it was just Kelmoon, Drax’s and Dali’s young daughter.

“Well hey Kelmoon, finally coming around to see the Dojo?” I asked as I heaved myself to my hooves.

“Um… yes,” she said in a small voice, not making eye contact with me.

“If you’re going to be a Viper Claw, you’ll need to speak up and make eye contact,” I say, causing her to squeak a bit.

“Oh, I’m sorry… I’ll leave then,” she said softly as she turned for the door.

“Kelmoon,” I say in a kinder voice, getting her to look my way. “Stay. If you want to join, then I’ll help you become Viper Claw material. Not everyone starts from the same starting point.”

“Thank you,” she mumbled, still not looking me in the eye.

“Now tell me, what caused you to decide to come here today?” I asked as I stepped over to an energy drink I had put aside, chugging from it greedily.

“Bullies,” she mumbled so softly I barely heard her.

“What?” I asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

“I’m getting bullied in school by some other fillies…” she said a bit louder, looking straight at the ground.

“Hm,” I say as I put the drink down and walk over to her, standing above her. “Why are you getting bullied? Because of your size? Timid attitude?”

“Because I look funny,” she mumbled, causing me to frown. She lifted her mane to reveal a small birthmark that covered her entire right cheek, going up to her ear. It was just a little blotch of discolored fur, nothing to gawk at.

“They’re bullying you, because of this?” I asked, getting a little head nod from her. “That’s fucking dumb. I mean, look at me,” I say, pointing to my burns. “Don’t see anyone bullying me. It’s all about how you carry yourself.”

She didn’t look up, just put her mane back over her right side to hide the birthmark. 

“Look, stick with Viper Claw and I’ll build up your self confidence to the point they won’t be able to bully you,” I assured her as I stepped over to a large cabinet and pulled out a uniform for her. “Now, consider yourself part of the crew. Let your parents worry about payment.”

She kind of smiles as she takes it and hugs it to her body. “Thank you, Mrs. Scamp.”

“Sensei Scamp,” I corrected her, giving her an award winning smile. “Class starts in an hour if you want to hang around and wait for it. I’m going to go back to my preworkout.”

With a little nod, she began to try and pull on the uniform, the sleeves a bit long for her. She looked up at me, “Um… they’re long. Can I cut them like yours?”

“No,” I reply as I help her roll them up till they fit her better. “Do not cut up your Gi. The sleeveless look must be earned. Till then, just roll them up. You’ll grow into it.”

A little smile appeared on her face as she looked up at me with half her face hidden in her mane.

Giving her a nod, I turned and headed back to my spot in the middle of the mat, flopping back and trying to resume my sit ups. But after only a few attempts, I quickly gave up on that idea.

Rolling over, I began to do push ups, but as usual, they were hindered by my belly. Making it so I couldn’t fully lower myself to the ground.

This pregnancy has made keeping in shape nearly impossible!

As I rotated through workout exercises, Kelmoon just sat there, trying to mimic what I was doing, with varying success.

After I finished the last of my routine, I stood up, groaning as I stretched my back. Looking at Kelmoon, I nod to the little white star on the mat. “Go ahead and stand there while I go to the back, the other kids will be showing up here soon.”

She gave an enthusiastic nod and rushed to the spot, standing at attention. 

“Relax, otherwise you’ll pass out,” I chuckle as I disappear into my office.


“Alright class!” I yell as I step out of the office, all the students lined up as usual. “Two announcements; first up, we have a new student!” With a wave of my paw, I pointed to the little filly. “Kelmoon! She’s joining us, so welcome her to the family!”

All the kids leaned towards her, giving her words of encouragement, giving her a warm welcome. This brought a smile to my face.

“Second! As you all know, I’m very close to my due date, so I will be having Spark here run the class based on my notes starting in two days. You all will not be learning anything new, just reviewing the basics and your current techniques. When I return, we’ll resume normal classes. Understood?!”

“HAI!” they all shout back.

“Excellent!” I say as I walk along the line, looking them all over. “Today will be a fun day! I’m going to introduce you all to running and jumping from your hindlegs! This will be the main thing I want you to work on while I’m away. It is a core element of Viper Claw!”

I returned to the front, standing on my hindlegs. “Up!”

Everyone stood up, now appearing a bit more adept at it, except for Kelmoon, who fell back. But she’d get there.


Pulling the Dojo’s doors closed, locking them as I went, I gave them a shake to make sure they were locked. Satisfied, I put the keys away and began walking down the street, heading for the Mellowed Pie. I was starving!

Walking down the dark streets, I was pleased to see I was one of the only ones out. I did not have it in me to get sucked into a conversation before eating.

As I walked, I could hear the sounds of kids yelling up around the corner. This brought a frown to my face, as if it was some of my students, they’d want to speak with me. Damn it.

But upon coming around the corner, I saw a group of kids dressed in Wolverine Kamea Gi’s pushing around two of my students.

Duke Venture and Flashy Flash. They were way younger than the group messing with them, by at least five or more years.

“Come on, pussy! Show us what that crazy mare has been teaching you!” One laughed as he shoved Duke Venture hard. 

Before I could move, Spark suddenly landed between them, blocking the other kids from reaching the two younger ponies.

“Why are you picking on them?! They’re barely half your age!” Spark yelled. I could feel his fury from way over here. I decided to hold back, see if he could end this on his own without fighting.

“Oh Sparky! I was hoping we’d eventually run into you!” the colt laughed as he bumped chest with Spark.

Spark growled, but did not retaliate, “there is literally no need for this, Blitz!”

Blitz chuckled as he leaned back and bumped his hoof against one of his friends, “he’s scared of us, Butch.”

“He’s always been scared of us,” the one named Butch laughed.

“Let’s just go our separate ways,” Spark said, shaking from apparent anger instead of fear. 

“You’re shaking!” Blitz mocked as he suddenly slammed a hoof into Spark’s face. But Spark didn’t go down, nor did he retaliate, just held his ground and stared them down. “Ooo! So scary!”

Blitz grabbed him by the collar of his Gi and started to pull him towards him, but Spark was yanked back hard as I came out of nowhere and slammed a shoulder into the little asshole, sending him tumbling to the ground.

“Hey you little shits!” I yelled, putting myself between the two groups. “What the fuck is your problem?! You learn a few moves at your fancy Dojo and you go out looking for fights?!”

“They started it!” one of the other colts yelled, drawing my glare. 

“I highly doubt that! But I’m finishing it!” I yelled, slamming my mechanical paw down, cracking the cobblestone ground.

“What do you think you’re doing to our students?!” I heard a gruff voice yell from behind the colts.

Looking up, I saw two adult ponies quickly moving towards us. They wore the same Gi’s as the kids, and looked to be two of the teachers. I hadn’t met these two yet.

“Your students are out here picking fights,” I say, eyeing the group in front of me.

“From what I saw, you slammed one of our students to the ground,” the mare said in a dangerous voice.

“Obviously you’re missing out on some key story elements,” I retorted, the kids taking a step back as the two adults squared up before me. One on either side of me.

“You think we’re just going to let you bully our pupils?!” the stallion growled.

I looked between them, seeing what was about to happen. “Look, you two, let’s drop this here before it gets out of hoof. I’m dangerously pregnant, and you two don’t need to get hurt. So, sound like a plan?”

The two looked at each other, wide smirks forming on their faces.

Before I could react, a hoof slammed into my face, causing me to stumble back as I took a second hit from the left. 

Dashing back, I dodged the next two attacks they threw my way. 

These psychos! 

As they moved towards me to continue their attacks, I blocked the first attack from the left, and dodged hard left to dodge the next. I grabbed the mare by the face with my paw and slammed her straight down into the ground, then launched myself forward off of her and slammed my back legs into the face of the stallion.

He flew back a few feet, quickly righting himself and dashed back towards me. I bucked my back leg back, catching the mare as she started to rise. I then moved my head out of the way as the stallion tried to make a grab for me. With a sharp jab of my paw, I slammed him in the side, breaking a few ribs for sure.

With a loud gasp, he slammed into the ground as the mare began to move my way again.

Spark suddenly jumped between us, standing on his hindlegs as he performed a jump kick and hit her face. But it had no effect as she roared in anger and made a move for him.

But he was yanked away again as I pulled him out of her range and slammed my head into hers. We both growled viciously at each other as we pushed our heads together, our eyes locked.

She grabbed my face, but I broke her grip by throwing my two legs between hers and pushed them away as I slammed my head into her again.

I then found myself getting tackled as I skidded across the ground a few times, having trouble righting myself as the stallion, wheezing painfully, fell on me, slamming a hoof into my face over and over again.

With a loud bang, his head snapped sideways as Spark slammed into him suddenly, causing him to loosen his grip on me. Taking advantage of the moment, I pulled my back legs up under him and bucked him as hard as I could in the chest, sending him straight into the air.

Twisting hard, I jumped to my hooves, hissing as I felt a strange crunching feeling shoot through my midsection, causing me to grip my belly. That can’t be good.

The crazed mare was sprinting towards me, but Spark was standing between us, seeming to want to stop her from reaching me.

With a groan, I knocked him aside just as the mare plowed right into me. I stayed up though as she pushed me backwards across the ground. 

She shifted her body and got a grip on my shoulder and neck. With a roar, she slid under me and threw me over her shoulder, slamming me onto my back hard.

A pained gasp escaped my lips as she fell onto me, getting my leg into a lock as she pulled hard, trying to break my leg.

But to her dismay, I began to pull my hoof away from her, and with a roar of my own, I rolled and lifted her high above me as I slammed her into the ground, causing her to lose her grip on me and bounce off the cobblestone road.

As she tried to get up again, I grabbed her back leg with my paw and began to slam her around, not stopping till she went limp. 

The stallion at this point was running back to me, but he was caught off guard as I slammed the now unconscious mare into him, sending both of them through a window on the other side of the street.

I watched for a moment, making sure they were down before turning my attention to the little shits that started this.

“Go!” I screamed, blood spraying out of my mouth.

They quickly took off, running away down the street, just leaving me and my three students.

“Sensei Scamp?” Spark asked as he looked at me with worry.

I winced in pain as I grabbed my stomach, a very uncomfortable tightening feeling caused me to almost double over. 

Taking a step, I realized I was soaking wet. Looking down, I was relieved to see it wasn’t blood…. Oh shit!

I reached for my phone, but found it was shattered. “Great.”

“Thank you, Sensei,” Duke Venture said as he and Flashy Flash looked at me with awe.

“No problem, kids,” I grunted, the feeling getting worse with each new cramping feeling. “Now I need a little help. Run to the Mellowed Pie and tell Mallogory where I am and that it’s apparently time. She’ll know what you mean.”

“Yes, Sensei!” the two young ponies yelled as they took off in the direction of the dinner, leaving me and Spark alone.

“Did they hurt you?!” he asked in a panic. 

I forced a chuckle as sweat began to pour from my face. “Them? Nah, this is-” I gasped out in pain as I stumbled a bit, going to my knees. “... The baby’s coming.”

“THE BABY’S COMING?!” Spark screamed, starting to jump around in an absolute panic.

“Yes! Now calm yourself!” I yelled, struggling to stay up as I waited for the next contraption. “When Mallogory gets here, I’m going to need you to help us. She’ll do the lifting, you do the talking, can you do that?!”

“I HOPE!” He yelled back.

“You got this, kid,” I say, giving him a thumbs up as I let out a loud gasp of pain. “YEP! Should have listened to the doctors! Physical activity while pregnant was a terrible idea!”

“Are you kidding me?!” Mallogory yelled as she sprinted towards me and slid on her knees up next to me. “Fighting?! AGAIN?!”

“Yeah yeah, hospital please,” I groaned, reaching a hoof towards her.

“You… tsk!” she hissed as she picked me up gently and began to look around in a panic.

“This way!” Spark yelled, waving for her to follow.

As she sprinted down the road, and I let out pained yells, I came to a decision; no more kids! I’m a one and done kinda mare! Screw doing all this again!