Coming Back Home

by Starlight Fan

Rekindling Past Wounds

Once again, all eyes were on Starlight, not much of a surprise considering Sugarcube Corner is a pretty public place and the sudden appearance of her was likely to attract attention. The fact that the Lord Of Chaos was very noticeable didn’t really help matters.

Currently she, Sunburst, Discord, Fluttershy, and Spike were all taking cupcakes from a box and eating at one of the tables outside.

“So you left because a unicorn named Iggy was stealing cutie marks to gain their talents and become the most talented pony in Equestria?” Spike asked curiously.

“Yeah. Me and Luna didn’t want to put the rest of you in danger so we agreed it would be best if I just wrote a note explaining that I left. I felt it was at least better than saying goodbye but now I realize I should’ve told you all in person.” Starlight sighed sadly.

“Honestly yeah, you should have.” Discord shrugged.

“Discord.” Fluttershy said sternly.

“Hey. She said it, not me.” Discord said defensively.

“Well I’m just glad your home now.” Spike said with a smile, “I was mad at you earlier and I do kinda still have some annoyance towards you but I can see why you felt you needed to do this.”

“Thanks Spike.” Starlight smiled at the dragon.

Suddenly a pink blur zipped by and embraced Starlight from behind her, she didn’t even need to take a guess on who this was.

“OMG Starlight!” Pinkie Pie hopped up and down excitedly, “I knew you’d come back one day! They all told me that it was unlikely we’d ever see you again but now I can safely say that I was right!” She then squealed as she let go of Starlight.

“Glad to see you too Pinkie.” Starlight rubbed her back a bit to recover from Pinkie’s tight squeeze but she was happy to see the party pony nonetheless.

“I totally have to tell the others you’re here. Luckily they’re behind me as we speak!” Pinkie Pie jumped up and down before calling out from behind her, “Hey girls! I found Starlight! And she’s with Fluttershy and Spike too!”

A rainbow flash immediately sped towards the group and Rainbow Dash flew by, she looked at Starlight with a raised eyebrow and narrowed her eyes, “Starlight. Is that really you?”

“Uh… yeah. It’s me.” Starlight gulped nervously, worried of how this was going to go.

Soon Applejack and Rarity headed over and we’re both shocked to see Starlight too. She was unsure how their reactions would be, she just hoped they would not be too negative.

“Starlight? You’re really here?” Applejack asked in shock.

“Hey girls. I’m back.” Starlight said awkwardly, “And for good this time. I’m so sorry I left but I had to because…”

“Oh sure you did.” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes angrily, “What was so important that you couldn’t even stop to say goodbye to us?”

“I have to agree with Rainbow Dash here. You totally threw us off the loop darling.” Rarity said sternly, “And while I am most happy that you have returned safe and sound, you’ve really caused a ruckus with your disappearance. Twilight especially didn’t take it well.”

“So I’ve heard.” Starlight looked away sadly.

“Yeah. She’s been upset for months now, and it’s all your fault. She really cares about you Starlight and for you to just take off like that is just hurtful!” Rainbow Dash said furiously.

“Girls, I know this is all quite shocking and there are a lot of stuff we should unravel but please calm down.” Sunburst stepped in to defend Starlight.

Applejack also got in between Rainbow Dash and Starlight and added, “He has a point Dash. We gotta at least let Starlight explain what’s going on.”

She then turned to Starlight and spoke up, “Alright Starlight. We’re all ears.”

Starlight took a breath and sighed, “Okay. So here’s what was going on.”

Meanwhile Twilight and Celestia were walking across the castle halls as Celestia spoke up with a concerned frown, “I’m glad we were able to make a decision how to improve our relations with the dragons Twilight but it is clear something is ailing you.”

Twilight sighed and spoke up, “I’ll admit, this is gonna make me sound pathetic but… I’m still upset Starlight’s gone. I know it’s been two months but I still feel I lost something important to me. It feels like losing a loved one, except it’s not by death, but… well you know.”

Celestia looked away in sadness, she had known about Starlight’s mission to trace down Iggy, Luna had told her of it and she wanted to tell Twilight that Starlight was finally home but it was not her place.

“Twilight. It is perfectly natural to feel that way. Starlight may not have been an Element Of Harmony but she clearly means a lot to you. It’s only natural you’ll feel like something is missing from your life.” Celestia told her former pupil.

“I guess that makes sense.” Twilight sighed sadly, “I just hope she’s happy wherever she is. Even if I can’t be there to do so, I just hope wherever she is that she’ll be safe.”

“I have a feeling she will be soon enough.” Celestia smiled reassuringly to which Twilight smiled back at.

Meanwhile Starlight had finished telling Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie everything about her mission and they looked in shock at what they just heard.

“So that explains why you left so suddenly.” Rainbow Dash said awkwardly, “Great. Now I kinda feel bad for getting upset with you.”

“Well don’t. I deserved it.” Starlight argued, “I shouldn’t have left without saying goodbye and I caused you all to be hurt by what I did. I just hope we’ll still be friends.”

“Of course we’re still friends Starlight.” Rarity smiled.

“Yeah. You may have left for a long time but that doesn’t mean you don’t have a place in our hearts.” Pinkie Pie reassured the unicorn.

“Thanks girls. I’m just glad I have understanding friends like you.” Starlight sighed happily.

“No problem Starlight. Despite your mistake in not telling us goodbye, it wasn’t completely your fault given you were in a mission and all.” Rainbow Dash smiled reassuringly.

Suddenly a familiar voice was heard, “Starlight?!”

Starlight knew exactly who that voice belonged to and looked on in shock to see a familiar blue unicorn with a wand cutie mark and a silver mane and tail, “Trixie…” she said with a gasp.