Coming Back Home

by Starlight Fan

Return To Ponyville

Starlight felt like all eyes were on her.

Well, to be fair, pretty much everypony was looking at her, clearly shocked to see that she had returned. Starlight never really knew she was such a public phenomenon.

Once she got off the train with Sunburst, pretty much every pony in Ponyville was looking at her in shock. Twilight probably made her disappearance public if it warranted this much attention.

“I never knew that ponies would be so mystified to see me.” Starlight admitted sheepishly to Sunburst.

“Well you did save Equestria once and you were the guidance counselor at the School Of Friendship so I think that’s enough for ponies to recognize you suddenly disappearing.” Sunburst chuckled.

“Let’s just head over to Twilight’s and not draw any attention.” Starlight instructed with a whisper.

Suddenly a flash appeared behind her and she turned to see the Lord Of Chaos himself, Discord.

“Starlight Glimmer!” Discord said excitedly, “Oh what a nice surprise! This is certainly a shocking spectacle indeed!”

“Discord.” Starlight said with a hushed tone, “What are you doing here?”

“Greeting an old friend.” Discord smirked, “Isn’t that what you do when one suddenly disappears into your life than reappears just like that?”

Starlight looked guiltily to the ground when hearing that, Discord may have been teasing but all it did was remind her of how she ran off and left everyone she cared for behind.

“Discord!” A familiar meek voice was heard as Starlight looked in shock to see Fluttershy was flying over, “There you are. You shouldn’t just randomly disappear on me like that. You know I get concerned about what you…”

She immediately stopped her lecture when she noticed Starlight and rubbed her eyes in shock, “Discord. Is Starlight here right now?”

“Oh trust me Fluttershy. I’d never joke about her returning. I’m not THAT bad.” Discord smiled reassuringly.

“Yep. It’s me Fluttershy.” Starlight said with a nervous smile, “I’m back… and for good. I’m sorry I left you and the others for so long but I had to leave.”

Fluttershy just said nothing and embraced the unicorn much to her shock, “I’m so happy you’re back. We’ve all really missed you.”

“I can tell.” Starlight said guiltily, “How have our friends been since I was gone?”

“They all took your disappearance pretty hard. Pinkie Pie had hope you’d come back but everypony else is trying to move on.” Fluttershy said sadly.

Starlight lowered her head sadly, to which Discord and Sunburst glanced sympathetically at.

“Starlight, I just want to know why you left. I’m not mad but I have to know.” Fluttershy said softly.

“Luna came to me in my dreams and told me there was a villain stealing cutie marks and we both know I have experience with that type of magic so she called on me to help.” Starlight explained with a sigh, “We both agreed that it would be best to not put you all in danger so I wrote a note about my disappearance but I never told anypony why I was doing this.”

“That explains your sudden disappearance. I’m glad you’re back Starlight, and I’m sure everypony will be glad to see you too… well I can’t promise they’ll be happy with you leaving so suddenly but you know what I mean.” Fluttershy said happily.

“I’m glad to hear it. Now, I need to go see Twilight, I heard my leaving caused her a whirlwind of pain.” Starlight said in a hurry before Fluttershy’s stopped her, “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“Why not?” Starlight asked curiously.

“Twilight’s at a meeting with Celestia on how to improve relations with the dragons.” Fluttershy explained, “The only one home is Spike and I feel he isn’t the happiest with you. I mean, neither are Applejack and Rainbow Dash but he took it to the next level. He’s held more of a grudge since you left and blames you for Twilight’s unhappiness.”

Starlight sighed, she figured at least some of her friends would be upset with her, “I need to talk with him either way. I’m better off letting him know I’m here now.”

“Are you sure Starlight?” Sunburst asked curiously, “I know you want to rekindle with your old friends but maybe we can wait to confront Spike.”

“No. He’s clearly hurt and I need to be there for him.” Starlight said in determination, “It’s the least I could do after all I caused.”

We then see Spike sweeping the castle floors sadly, he still felt empty, Starlight was gone and Twilight was practically a shell of her former self. She was off at a meeting with Celestia right now but he could still tell she was hurt.

Suddenly he heard a knock at the door and decided to answer, “Who is it?” Spike asked before looking wide eyed at what he saw. Discord, Sunburst, and Fluttershy being there wasn’t what was strange to him, but it was somepony who he thought he would never see again, Starlight.

“Starlight?” Spike asked in shock.

“Yep. It’s me. I’m back.” Starlight smiled sheepishly at the dragon.

“So you are.” Spike said neutrally, “You can all come in.” He said with a smile, which Starlight found a good sign.

Once the group all went inside, Spike’s eye twitched and his fists clenched and he began shouting, “You have some nerve!”

“Wait what?” Starlight asked, shocked at this outburst.

“You heard me. You suddenly leave for two months unexplained, and instead of saying goodbye in person, you just waltzed off and left all of us in the dust!” Spike flew up to Starlight and glared venomously at the unicorn.

“Spike please. Let Starlight explain herself.” Sunburst began speaking.

“No! I’m going to talk first!” Spike declined the request before pointing at Starlight, “Because of you Starlight, Twilight’s been in a depressed state, and she’s definitely doing better but when you left, she was a complete wreck because you didn’t have the honor to tell us why you left or even give us as much as a goodbye!” Spike began ranting, “You just gave us a stupid vague note and expected us to be okay! Newsflash Starlight, I haven’t been okay! Ever since you left there has a been a hole in our lives!”

Starlight looked away in shame, Spike was right, she shouldn’t have left so suddenly.

“I really mean a lot to you guys don’t I?” Starlight asked sadly.

“Just because you have a crummy past doesn’t mean we’re not going to care a lot when you suddenly disappear on us! You mean as much to me as all my other friends!” Spike glared at the unicorn before tearing up, “M-Maybe that’s why I’m so upset.”

“Oh Spike.” Starlight embraced the dragon who hugged her back.

“I missed you so much. It just hasn’t been the same without you.” Spike said sadly, tears brimming from his eyes.

“But I’m here now. I’m sorry I ran off but hopefully I can make it up to you now by being here.” Starlight said comfortingly.

“I’m sorry I yelled.” Spike apologized.

“No. You had every right to be mad. You’ve clearly been keeping this in for a while now.” Starlight told the dragon, “How about I tell you why I left. Maybe that’ll help.”

“Yeah, I think it would.” Spike said as he wiped his eyes.