Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

First to strike

Chapter 51

December 19th, 11 A.B.

(The next day)

“You ran off over half of your students?” Greg asked as he sat in his wheelchair, watching me and Mallogory eat.

“Yep, but just the weak willed ones,” I assured him as I crammed food into my mouth. 

“You know, we have a limited number of youth in this town, right?” he asked, not able to hide the smile on his face.

I shrug, “oh well. They can go join the other Dojo if they want something easier to do.”

“This is why I love you, Scamp,” he chuckled, placing the bill down before us. “I tried to convince Jelly Bean to join, but she’s not interested in fighting. Maybe Dude will join when he’s a little older…”

“I’ll take ‘em,” I chuckled. “What is he, almost two?”

“One and a half,” Greg replied, doing a little wheelie in his chair. “Young enough that our kids can be best bros!”

The thought brought a smile to my face as Mallogory smirked.

“Luckily for us,” she said, thinking to herself. “A lot of you guys have younger kids, so ours won’t be too far behind.”

“Things just worked out, didn’t they?” he asked as he popped another wheelie. He began to try and ride on two wheels back to the kitchen.

“So, have you decided you’ll be focusing more on kid classes?” she asked, picking up the bill.

“I’ll do both, but I have more kids signed up than adults. I had like, what, four not counting you?” I said as I cleaned my mouth with a napkin. “But I don’t know, I had more fun during the kids' class. They were harder to teach, but I guess that’s the fun of it.”

“I want you to do exactly what you want to do,” she said, seeming to know exactly what to say to avoid setting me off. Which just caused me to start laughing as I reached over and slugged her arm.

“You don’t gotta be so careful around me! I won’t bite your head off,” I joked.

“You say that, but you have a short temper, especially while pregnant,” she retorted, watching my reaction.

I shook my hoof at her, “Oh ha ha. When we-”

“Uh, Sensei Scamp?” Spark suddenly said as he appeared next to our booth.

“Oh, you don’t have to call me that outside of the Dojo,” I chuckled, moving over so he could sit with us. “What’s up, Spark?”

“So,” he began, sitting down carefully. “I’ve spoken with the other kids in the class, and they’re all a bit… scared of you.”

“Good,” I replied, smiling brightly. 

“And most don’t want to come to class tonight.”

“Not good,” Mallogory said, giving me a sly smirk.

I sighed and turned to Spark. “Well, I can’t really tone myself down anymore than I have been.”

“That was you toned down?!” he asked suddenly, getting a glare from me.

“Go easy on the poor kid,” Mallogory laughed, getting me to pull myself back.

“The kids are saying they won’t come back?” I asked, moving forward.

“Yeah, not unless you calmed down… a lot,” he said carefully.

I chuckle as I pat him on the back a bit roughly, “Spark, one day you’ll learn to NEVER tell a pregnant mare to calm down. But till then, I want you to tell those little shits something.”

“Okay,” he replied slowly.

“Tell them to come to class tonight, I’ll speak to everyone. If they want to go after that, they can, think that'll get them in?”

He nodded, “yeah, I think I can convince them to give it another try.”

“Perfect, get going, pass the word along.”

With a flash of his wings, he quickly jumped up and flew out the front door.

“You know,” Mallogory began, “the way you deal with kids will come in handy when our little angel comes out. Because if they’ll be like any of the kids back home, they’ll be a handful.”

“Let me worry about handling our little shit,” I replied, patting my belly. “I obviously mean little shit in an endearing kind of way.”

“Of course,” she said while rolling her eyes. “Good luck at class tonight.”

“I don’t need luck,” I said as I stood up. “I got a plan.”

“Oh goodie,” she teased as she slapped my flank as she walked by, heading for the counter.


Staring out the window, I saw the kids slowly lining up, just as I’d hoped they would. There’s hope for them yet.

Throwing the door open, I stepped out and stared at all of them. They all stared back nervously.

“I heard a lot of you wish to leave Viper Claw,” I began, walking along the front row. “Now, normally I’d say good riddance, but I’m going to try and be a bit more…” I look a random kid in the eyes, “calm.”

“Now!” I yell, walking to the front of the class. “I know a few of you are a bit scared of me. A little intimidated. So let’s try and fix that. Do any of you have any questions for me?”

A colt raised a hoof. 

It was Lightening, Rainbow Dash’s son.

“Speak, Lightening!” I yelled to him.

“Ah, can you see out of that white eye?” he asked, a few others leaning forward with interest.

“No,” I said simply, pointing to it. “Completely blind. Next!”

A younger colt held up his hoof. Flashy Flash, Alexander and Trixie’s son. 

“Speak, Flashy Flash!”

“How’d you lose your eye?” he asked innocently.

“Fire attack, scorched my entire left side. Next!”

A filly was next. Rainbow Dash’s daughter, Azure Moon.

“Speak, Azure Moon!”

“Um, how’d you get those cool legs with the claws?” she asked, a few other kids nodding their heads, wanting to know the same thing.

“Hm,” I said, rubbing my chin with a claw to show off. “Lost them in battle. Had them ripped from my body by a creature that refused to die.”

Mango Loco raised her hoof next.

“Speak, Mango Loco!” I yelled, starting to annoy even myself with that.

“I heard Zorrow say you and Lance killed his first wife. Why did you two do that?” she asked in the most innocent voice.

“Eh…” I looked at Spark as he cocked his head. How to say this without making Lance look like a psychopath… “She was a succubus! We had to defeat her to break Zorrow of his curse!”

“Cool,” Duke Venture muttered. 

More hooves shot up. 

“Okay, if your question has to do with my time on the Eternal Plains, put it down now.”

Every hoof slowly went down.

“Enough questions then, how about a demonstration?”

This seemed to excite all of them, as I knew it would.

“Alright, we have a guest today. Welcome to the mat, Malbatorus!” I yelled as I began to clap, followed by everyone else as a overly handsome pony stepped out of the back, walking to stand before me.

“Go into your dragon form!” one of the kids yelled, causing Malbatorus to chuckle.

“I don’t think Sensei Scamp here would like it if I turned into a dragon in her Dojo,” he said, giving a little wave to the excited kids.

“Yes, do not,” I reaffirmed as I turned to my students. “Alright! Malbatorus has volunteered to help me today to show you what you all can achieve with a little practice and determination.”

Turning to face him, I tightened my headband with my wings. “Square up!”

“I’ll go easy on you, since you’re pregnant,” he said, getting into an awkward fighting stance.

“Don’t,” I say as I lower myself.

He looked unsure, but edged towards me. When he was close enough to strike me, he threw a half hearted punch at my face. I just sat there and let it gently hit me.

“Hit me! Actually try, you pussy!”

“Hey, you said you wouldn’t use hurtful words,” he pouted.

“Malbatorus, come on!” I yelled, stomping towards him a bit.

“Fine!” He yelled as he spun around and bucked towards me a lot harder than I expected.

However, I still dodged his legs and grabbed one, yanking him down and pounced onto his back, yanking two of his legs behind him. “Yield!”

“I yield!” he squealed with panic.

I stood up and helped him up next. He looked to be a bit shaken up at what just happened.

“Go put some ice on it,” I say, turning to my students as he rushed out of the room. To my delight, they all looked very excited now.

“Like that?” I asked, getting a lot of nods. “Good! Because that’s just the basics! Stick with me, and I’ll make sure all of you can do what I do! Maybe even better!”

They let out a cheer and quickly formed up proper lines.

“That’s more like it!” I yelled as I took up my spot before them. “As we tried to do yesterday, one of the most important aspects of Viper Claw is agility! You need to be able to move and fight from any position! Standing on your hind legs is the bare minimum! So let’s start there, everyone up!”

They all carefully raised themselves up to their hindlegs, but were still very shaky and wobbly. Which is fine, as this part takes a while to learn. 

“Good job! Let’s start adding in some movement!”


I sat in my office, messing with my phone as the kids all left on their own. 

A knock at the door got my attention. “Enter!”

Spark stepped in, a large smile on his face.

“Yes, Spark?”

“You did it!” he said happily. “All of them want to stay now! I think we might even get a few of the ones who left back as well!”

“Yeah, I knew that’d work,” I chuckled, putting my phone away. “Thank you, Spark. Sometimes its good to have an outside party help reel you in when you’re getting a little into something.”

“Oh, it was no problem! You’re kind of my personal hero,” he said, kicking at the ground.

“Thanks, kid. But I shouldn’t be any one's hero, trust me,” I say, repressing a frown.

As he started to say something else, another kid ran in behind him. Nose Ring girl. 

“Sensei Scamp, there’s a guy here for you,” she said.

“Thanks, Nose Ring,” I said as I stood up and started to walk for the door, but I glanced out the window and stopped. “Spark, round up any kids still here and leave.”

“What? Why?” he asked, looking out the window.

“Just do it,” I said as I fixed my headband.

He looked unsure as he and the filly ran out and began gathering up kids. Once I saw them step out the front door, I stepped out of the office. 


Vicar smiled as he stood in the middle of the room, another pony with him. “Great kids you got here. Not like the ones I have though. All of yours seems to be the rejects.”

“Is that all you came to say?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. “If so, the door is right there.”

“No, I came to test you. Just a little test, nothing big.”

“Get out, Vicar,” I say simply, not planning to entertain him.

“Ollie, do it,” he said as he took a step back. 

The olive mare stepped towards me, narrowing her eyes.

“Look, Ollie,” I say to the mare as she squared up with me. “I’m not fighting you. I’m pregnant and tired, ain’t happening.”

“Then this’ll be easy. I challenge you to an official fight, right here! First to pin wins!” she yelled, pointing a hoof at me.

“Eh, no, goodbye,” I said as I waved a hoof at her. But she moved faster than I thought she could as she grabbed my hoof and suddenly threw me over her shoulder, sending me tumbling through the air.

Luckily, I caught myself midair with my wings and landed on my hooves, staring at the crazy mare with a death glare.

“Hey! Didn’t I just say pregnant!”

“You did,” she said as she dashed back to me. 

I blocked her first punch and then her second, but her third slammed into my face, knocking me back. Not giving me time to recover, she spun sideways, slamming a hoof into my face as she did so. With an agile twist, she spun again and slammed a hoof right into my chest, causing me to gasp.

Stumbling a bit, I caught myself in time to catch her next kick, grabbing her leg in my claws and throwing her sideways. She slammed into the wall and left a scuffed mark, thanks to the reinforcement magic we'd cast on the walls. As she tried to stand up, I bucked her across the face and grabbed her mane with my back paw, throwing her towards Vicar.

He simply caught her and placed her back on her hooves. “Keep going.”

“We’re done,” I said as the shaky mare tried to advance on me again. “I said!” I yelled as I dashed forward and head butted her, followed by me sweeping her legs out from under her. I then slammed my body down on top of her, twisting her leg back till she screamed in agony. “We’re done!”

“I yield!” she screamed.

I let her go and stood up, staring at Vicar as he smiled back at me. “I knew you’d win that one.”

“Leave!” I bellowed, taking a step towards him.

He just bowed as he spun on a heel and walked for the door, his lackey struggling to follow after him. As he left, I saw all the kids were at the windows, all eyes wide as they stared in at me.

“Great,” I muttered as I waved them off and walked for the office, doing my best to hold it together till I got there.

The moment I closed the door behind me, I stumbled and collapsed to the ground, wheezing in pain as I held my chest. 

That bitch broke a few ribs!

“Sensei Scamp, that was-” Spark began, but stopped as he opened the door and saw me on the ground. “Are you okay?!”

“No,” I sputtered out, a bit of blood coming out of my mouth. “Phone.”

As he retrieved my phone, I tried to sit up, but found I couldn’t. How’d she hit me so hard?! Those hits felt like they had some real power behind them!

He handed me my phone as I struggled to open it and hit the number one, set to speed dial Mallogory.

“Heyo!” she said as she picked up.

“Mal,” I coughed out as I lost my voice and began to cough violently as more blood poured out of my mouth.

“Scamp’s hurt!” Spark yelled into the phone.

“WHERE?!” I heard Mallogory yell.

“The Dojo!” Spark yelled back.

“Can’t breath,” I wheezed out, feeling a grinding pain in my chest. One of my ribs must have punctured my lung. “Bring… Doc…”

“She’s asking for Doc!” Spark yelled in a panic. 

“Press… four…” I gasped, vision starting to go dark. 

He hung up on a panicking Mallogory and pressed four, calling Doc.

“Yes, Scamp?” I heard his tired voice ask.

“Scamp needs help, at her Dojo! Please hurry!” Spark yelled, his own panic taking over.

“I’m coming!” Doc yelled, followed by the sound of his phone hitting the ground and him yelling in the background.

“Help is coming, Scamp!” Spark yelled as I slowly sank closer and closer to the ground. “Just… hang in there!”

“Hanging… in there…” I gasped, doing everything in my power to focus on breathing. 

And there we sat, for a painful five minutes before I heard the sounds of Doc barreling into the Dojo and running for the office.

“Oh you stupid idiot! What’d you do this time?!” Calypso yelled as she got ahead of him and threw her medkit down next to me.

“Some guy made a crazy mare attack her! But she kicked her ass!” Spark said from the side.

“Get him out,” Calypso said as she began to prep her tools. “He doesn’t need to see this part.”

Doc pulled him out of the room as she rolled me onto my back. 

“Looks like a few broken ribs,” she said as she listened to my breathing. “And one punctured your right lung. You probably already know that though.”

“Mmmm,” I groaned, nodding my head. 

“Yeah, this is going to hurt like a bitch. I got to get it out and back into place, then Doc can use his ability to heal it. Ready?”

“No,” I groan as I put my legs out, waiting for the pain to begin.


“This is getting out of hand! She’s just a few weeks away from giving birth! She can’t be getting into fights right now!” I heard Calypso hiss as I came to the floor.

I blinked up at the ceiling, reaching up and touching my chest were a new healed scar set. Just adding to the collection at this point.

With a groan, I rolled to the side and stood up, seeing they’d made a makeshift bed for me on the floor. Outside the office, I could hear them arguing.

“Well he attacked her, so that means we can report it!” Calypso said.

“No, let’s just kill him!” Mallogory growled, clearly pissed.

“Or,” I said as I stepped out of the office, rubbing my chest, “we let me handle this.”

“No, he attacked you,” Calypso stated.

“Technically, it was an ‘official’ duel,” I said, frowning. “Trust me, let me get this kid out of me, and I’ll handle this all on my own. This asshole wants a rival? Well now he’s got one.”

“That’s a stupid way to handle this!” Calypso retorted, but at my determined look, frowned. “Fine. But if something like this happens again, I’m getting involved.”

“Where’s Spark?” I asked, changing the subject.

“We sent him home,” Doc responded. “And that’s where you should go. You need to rest. All that movement is not good for the baby.”

“Yeah yeah,” I muttered as I walk past them, heading for the door. “Hey you guys,” I say as I turn to face them. “Thank you, for you know, being there for me.”

“That’s what friends are for,” Calypso said, sighing. “Plus, you’d find a way to kill yourself if we weren’t around.”

“Oh for sure,” Mallogory chuckled as she walked after me.

“Let me just lock up, then I’ll rest, I swear,” I say as I pull the key to the Dojo out. They all nod as they follow me out.

As I turn and reach for the light switch, I narrow my eyes. Alright, Vicar Belletor, I’ll give you exactly what you’re asking for. 

I flipped the light off and stepped out, locking the door behind me.