Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

For whom the bell tolls

Chapter 47

April 25th, 11 A.B.

Grunting, I lifted the wall up and held it against the supports lining the wall. “Okay, nail it!”

Mallogory moved quickly as she hammered a few nails into the wall, securing it in place. “Okay, you can let it go.”

I let out a relieved grunt as I leaned away from the wall and lifted up a hammer and some nails. “Whew, did we really have to go with heavy duty walls?”

“With the two of us? Yes,” she chuckled as we hammered in the rest of the nails. As we finished, I lifted a charm and held it to the wall, further reinforcing it as a light glow spread over it for a moment.

“I guess that’s fair,” I replied as I looked at the room around us. “Is this big enough for a master bedroom?”

“I’ve told you, it’s big enough,” she laughed, patting my shoulder. Then she looked a bit worried, “wait, should we be letting you do all this lifting?”

I just laugh at her concern and slug her shoulder,  “I’m fine, don’t treat me like a delicate flower.”

“What’d the doctor say though?” she pressed with concern. “Did he say you could lift?”

“I’m just a week along at this point,” I chuckle, rolling my eyes. “We’re months away from having to worry about that kind of shit.”

“Okay,” she concedes, “I’m not sure how things like this work. My species just lays the eggs and we move on, only giving them enough care to survive.”

“Yeah, well it’s a little more involved with ponies,” I say, walking out of the room. “Now, what are we doing for dinner tonight?”

She smiles and follows after me, “you know the answer to that!”

“The Mellowed Pie,” I say, licking my lips. “Lead the way, madam!”


“Hey you two,” Greg said as he wheeled himself over in his wheelchair, a wide smile on his face. “The usual?”

“You know what we like,” I responded as we took our seats at one of the booths. “Any luck on getting better?”

He just laughs as he slaps his back legs, “Nah, I gave up on that. No use feeling sorry for myself. I’m embracing the new me! Being crippled ain’t going to keep me down!”

“That’s the Greg I know and love,” I say with a large smile as I lean over and hug him tightly.

Breaking the hug, he twirls himself around in his chair and flies back to the kitchen, yelling out our order to Pinkie as he went.

“I always feel so guilty when we see him,” Mallogory admitted, a sad look on her face. But a smile slowly pushed it away, “but I’m so happy to see him able to still be himself.”

“He’s Greg,” I say, “ain’t nothing putting him down.”

“Hey guys!” Reinhardt said as she and Remi slid in on either side of the booth with us. “I heard from a little birdie that you two went to see that special doctor last week.”

“We did,” I chuckled, leaning back in the booth.

“And?” she pressed.

Remi held up her board for me to see. It was a drawing of me with a big belly with little hearts floating around me. A big question mark was next to it.

I smirk at them as they leaned towards me. Mallogory was just beaming as she watched their reactions.

“We said screw it and went for it right then and there.”

“Oh fuck yes, Scamp!” Reinhardt cheered as she pulled Mallogory into a one armed headlock. “I’m so fucking excited for you two!”

Remi was bouncing in her seat, clapping her paws in excitement as well. She pulled me into a tight hug, yanking me back and forth happily.

“Thanks, guys!” I yelped as I was thrown around a bit. She finally sat me down as Reinhardt released Mallogory.

“Any idea’s on names?” she asked, but I held up my hoof.

“Whoa there, it’s still super early. Give the two of us time to even comprehend everything,” I say, shaking my head with a massive grin on my face.

“Okay, fair fair,” she said, sitting back, relaxing her mood a bit.

Remi held up a drawing of Mallogory and I in wedding dresses, a question mark next to it as well.

“Eh, no, we’re not really those kinds of people,” Mallogory said, chuckling nervously. 

“Yeah, neither of us want to do the whole wedding thing. No dresses or shit like that. If we do the whole legal marriage thing, we’ll just do paper,” I say, getting two frowns in response.

“Come on you two! I may be a warrior, but even I love a good wedding!” Reinhardt says, flexing her muscles through her band T-shirt.

“No wedding,” I state as Greg returns with our food, stacked up on a tray attached to his wheelchair. 

“Here you go!” he said as he placed the plates before us. “As for a wedding, you two should do what you want. Not everyone wants a massive celebration to show off how much they love each other.”

“Thanks, Greg,” I say as I pull my food to myself and shove my snout into it, eating noisily.

“No problem, you heathen,” he joked as he wheeled away.

“So for sure no wedding?” she pressed, only to get a deadpan stare from myself and Mallogory. “Right, no wedding. Your loss though.”

As they started to stand up, I smirked, “you two going steady yet?”

“Shut up, pony,” Reinhardt said as she gave me a shove, a smile plastered on her face.

Mallogory and I just laughed at her in response as two two walked away.

But as we ate, Pinkie Pie slowly rose from the edge of our table, a massive smile on her face. “Did I hear, wedding?”

“No!” we both said, but this didn’t deter her as her smile only grew larger.

“We’re not doing one,” I stated defiantly. “There’s no way in hell I’m wearing a dress and standing in front of a crowd to declare my love.”

“Yeah, fuck that noise!” Mallogory said as we high-fived each other.

Pinkie Pie just leaned on the table, looking between us. “I think I hear wedding bells!”

“NO!” we both yelled in response.


June 15th, 11 A.B.

“Fucking Pinkie Pie,” I mumbled as I moved the overly complicated wedding dress around my hips, watching myself in the mirror.

“Could have been worse,” Lance said from behind me as he and Moxxi adjusted my mane. “She could have invited all of Equestria and tried to make this national news.”

“Fuck, I’d rather not think of that possibility,” I mumbled as I scowled at myself. I turned my head to look at my left side, seeing the burns had been completely covered with makeup, making me look normal. 

“At least you look smokin’ hot,” Moxxi said in encouragement.

This brought a smile to my face as I looked at her, “Thanks, Mox.”

“I mean, you two didn’t really put up much of a fight,” Lance said as he stepped back to admire his work.

“You don’t fight Pinkie Pie,” I sighed as I looked myself over. I had to admit, I at least looked good in this dress. Rarity really out did herself.

“Besides,” he continues, “I think she’s doing this for you and everyone else. Seeing you two get married will improve the moods of everyone else. These last two months have been harder than expected for some of us.”

I nodded, thinking of Mango Loco, Rarity, and her son Blaze. 

“How’s Mango doing?” I asked, looking at Moxxi. 

She blinked, then smiled, “she’s settling in. I’m not much of a caregiver, but Zorrow really takes to the whole guardian role pretty well.”

“So, is this still a fling between you two? Or something more?” I pressed.

She just chuckled, “We’re just having fun, no need to label it, right?”

“Right,” I say back, looking back to myself in the mirror. 

“I’m just surprised he was the first to volunteer to become her legal guardian,” Lance remarked from my side. “He never really seemed like the responsible type of guy.”

“He’s actually a lot better than you give him credit for, asshole,” Moxxi said, seeming to take offense to what he said.

“... I guess,” he conceded, choosing not to push the issue.

“You all ready?!” Pinkie asked as she threw open the door, wearing an amazingly designed dress of her own. 

“Nope,” I replied, but she just rushed in and grabbed me, dragging me after her.

“Good! Mallogory’s already at the altar! Time for your walk up!”

“Oh fuck me…” I mumbled as she dragged me down the hall to the sounds of music.

As we reached a set of doors, she pulled me in front of them and began to frantically readjust my dress for me. 

“Did you finally decide on who’s giving you away?!” she asked with a touch of anxiety.

“Eh… no one,” I responded, getting a strained look from her.

“You promised you’d decide before we got to this moment, Scamp!”

I just smiled sheepishly back at her, “if I’m doing this, then I’m doing this my way.”

She frowned hard, but then sprang back to her happy self. “Okay! We can work with this!” With a rushed twirl, she ran for the doors, looking back at me, “you know when to walk out?”

I gave a nod as I took up my position on the rug leading to the door.

“Good!” she said as she pushed open the door enough to walk through and slammed it behind her, leaving me alone in the walkway.

Taking a deep breath, I looked down at myself again, moving my legs around in the dress.

“This is ridiculous,” I muttered, rubbing my face. As I pulled my hoof away, I saw I’d removed a good amount of makeup with my hoof. “Ah shit!”

Looking around, I saw a mirror near me. The sight that greeted me made me cringe. My left side had a large smudge in it, revealing my burns beneath.

“Great…” I frowned, then narrowed my eyes as I looked at myself in the mirror. “What the fuck am I doing?! This isn’t me!”

Using my wing, I reached over and grabbed a curtain and pulled it to me. I dabbed it in a small fountain of water and began to rub away all of the makeup on my face. It took a little work, but I was able to get it all off, leaving just my normal face staring back at me. My cloudy eye and burns now very noticeable against the white dress.

“There we go,” I say as I return to my spot at the door.

After another minute, the doors opened and Pinkie came back in. She yelped in panic when she saw what I'd done to the makeup.

“Scamp! Why?!” 

“If I'm doing this,” I said sternly. “Then, I’m doing it exactly the way I want. Make up is not my style.”

“You and Mallogory are so difficult!” she pouted, but then sighed as she gave me a tired smile, “you two are perfect for one another, that’s for sure.”

I just smirk in response as I heard the song start playing that signifies I’m about to walk out.

“It’s time,” she says, adjusting my dress one more time. “You got makeup all over the neck and chest of this dress, Scamp.”

“Oh well,” I say, smiling brightly at her.

She gives me a quick hug as the music reached its peak. “Go get her.”

With a confident stride, I walk up to the doors as they magically opened, revealing the hall filled with all my friends and their families.

Continuing forward, I walked alone towards the alter, where Mallogory stood in a wedding dress missing it’s sleeves and had a rip down one leg allowing her to move more freely. 

I just laughed out loud at seeing her as I walked towards her at a steady pace, all eyes on me.

She returned the laugh as she saw what I’d done to myself.

No one seemed surprised or that taken aback at seeing me with makeup all over my dress, but a few laughed. Which was fine, as I had my eyes glued to Mallogory’s.

As I finally stepped up next to her, turning to face her, I laughed again as I looked her over more closely.

“Didn’t like the dress?” 

She smirked and touched my face, “what? Makeup not your thing either?”

I just winked as Celestia cleared her throat, getting everyone's attention.

As she began to speak, I couldn’t help but side eye Mallogory, the biggest smile plastered on either of our faces.


I leaned on the balcony, overlooking the dark streets of New Ponyville as the reception went full swing behind me, a small cup of punch held in my paw.

“There you are,” Beans said as he stepped out onto the balcony with me, two cups in his mandibles. 

“You found me,” I chuckled, taking a drink of my punch.

“Aren’t you going to enjoy the party? It is your wedding after all,” he said, posting up beside me.

“Eh,” I replied, shrugging, “I’m all partied out. I just want to be alone for a moment.”

“Oh, I’ll leave you too it,” he said with a click.

“No, Beans, stay, I meant I wanted to be away from all the people for a bit,” I say, giving him a reassuring smile.

“Are you happy?” he suddenly asked.

I looked out over the town, thinking for a moment. “Yeah, I am.”

“Therapy working?” he asked, nodding to my cup.

“Yes,” I say as I hold it up and shake it. “Just normal punch, don’t worry.” I leaned back and patted my belly, “No alcohol for me anyways.”

“And your house?” 

“Basically done now,” I reply as I finish off the punch. “We’re fully moved in at this point. I’m just happy to be out of Greg’s spare bedroom.”

“You should have bought a finished house like the rest of us,” he commented. “The Princesses were nice enough to buy and furnish anything we wanted after all.”

“We wanted something special,” I replied as he offered me another cup of punch. “Plus, we’re starting our Dojo up one day soon, so we wanted to not take so much from them.”

“They would have done both without question,” he said with a happy click. “They’ve helped me set up my shop after all! It’ll be up and running in a few weeks.”

“Now that’s great news!” I said as I took a long drink of punch. “If we end up getting a pet, we’ll for sure be coming to you!”

“Thank you, Scamp,” he said happily as we both stared out at the town before us.

“Hm,” he began, looking into the distance, the bright moon easily lighting up the town. “You see that building way out there? The one being built that resembles a mansion?”

I look to where he’s looking and nod, I’ve walked past it a few times as they’ve been building it. “Yeah, I heard some rich guy is moving into it once it’s finished.”

“That’s what I’ve heard,” he said, frowning, “I don’t know how I feel about it. No one knows anything about him, just that he’s suddenly decided to come to New Ponyville and set up shop.”

“Have you seen him yet?” I asked, finishing my drink.

“No one has, he hasn’t even shown himself. He’s apparently done all his communications via telephone and mail. Drax has been working himself to the bone to get everything right for the guy,” Beans said as he made a few unpleasant clicks.

“Guy already sounds like a prick,” I reply with a chuckle. “Any idea when he’ll be moving in?”

“Drax said the mansion will take a few months to build, so it could be a while. Thankfully.”

I nod as I look back at the party, “well other than talking about rich assholes, you want to rejoin the party with me?”

“Gladly,” he said as we both headed for the doors and the dancing ponies beyond it.