Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom


Chapter 45
April 4th, 11 A.B. 
(One day after defeating the Watcher)

“You don’t have to do this,” Lance said from behind me.

“I want to,” I respond as I look at myself in the mirror, carefully applying eye shadow to both eyes, even the cloudy one. 

“You sure though? You said you'd never do that again,” he said carefully, peaking over my shoulder to look in the mirror.

"I know," I said as I put on black lipstick and started adding edges and lines to my eyeliner, making it look more dramatic and eye catching. "I want to make a good first impression on all of them. All they know we for is being the mare who kicked ass all the way to the Watcher. But I want them to know ME."

"... And this is the YOU you want them to see?" he said in a worried tone.

"Lance, just let me be me, 'kay?" I say over my shoulder, giving him a crooked smile. Looking back to the mirror, I pulled my ponytail holder out and let my mane fall. Shaking it out and using a brush to untangle it, I smirked into the mirror. It'd been a LONG time since I'd just let loose and enjoyed myself. 

Lifting up a mane straightener with my wing, I began to straighten my mane.

As he watched, he cringed a bit, "oh God, you're going all in aren't you?"

"Yep," I chuckled as I finished and stood up, stepping over to the clothing rack where my clothes were hanging. With ease I pulled on a tattered jean jacket and black half skirt the only covered my good leg.

"Really going all in," he chuckled as he stepped over and helped get my mane out of the neck of the jacket.

"Thanks," I say as I look at myself in the mirror and smile. 

He gives me a shove, "Good luck. I'll be with my wife and kids, just... keep it kid friendly?"

"Sure thing," I replied with a wink.

As he left, I looked myself over once more, my nerves starting to come back to bite me as I thought about what I was about to do. But, with a stomp and flare of my wings, I flashed myself a confident smile.

"Time to go all in, Scamp," I say to myself, "ante up, as Dad said."

Twirling around, I walk for the door, heading for the stage.


"Alrighty everyone!" Pinkie Pie yelled out at the crowd consisting of mainly our friends. "Before we start this party, we have a special treat for all of you!" She threw her hoof back, pointing at me behind the curtains, "Scamp wants to sing for all of us! Isn't that awesome?! I knew she was a really cool flank kicking mare, but a singer as well?! Gosh!" With a twirl, she turned and threw the mic towards me, "Take it away, Scamp!"

I stepped out from behind the curtain and caught the mic with my wing, as my paw and hoof were preoccupied holding a guitar.

"Singing and playing a guitar!" Pinkie cheered as she jumped from the stage and landed in Greg's lap as he sat in his wheelchair.

Gulping, I walked to the center of the stage and put the mic on its stand, fumbling a bit as I went.

"So... eh, I wanted to... sing for you guys?" I sputtered, my nerves killing me now as the lights above me seemed to be melting me.

"You got this, Scamp!" Mallogory yelled from the middle of the room, causing me to smile and relax a bit.

"I'm going to warn you," I began as I stood up on my hind legs and adjusted the strap on the guitar, "I haven't played in a while, and I haven't actually sang in years, so I'm sorry if this is bad."

"Woooooo!" Greg cheered, clapping his hooves in encouragement.

I cracked a smirk at his antics as I cleared my throat. "I'm not much of a song writer, but I threw together a song about friendship and shit..." I looked to Lance as he frowned at me. "Eh, sorry; friendship and stuff."

Shaking my head, I strummed the guitar and began to play it in a steady rhythm. Everyone began to nod along, seeming to enjoy it. I increased the speed and rhythm, then I leaned forward and let loose a scream as I began to sing in my death metal voice. 

Singing in a almost demonic voice, I sang about all the hardships we'd gone through because of the Watcher, and about how no matter what happened, we all kept pushing for a win. About the loss of our friends and how much we'd given just to be here right now. 

As I sang, guitar riffing heavily and my heavy growling voice roaring through the building, I saw everyone staring back with shocked faces, mouths agape. But I pushed on.

I finished by singing about the final battle, and how Greg ended up being the hero we needed.

With a final strum, I held my hoof high into the air, breathing heavily as I stared out at my friends, all of them looking back in disbelief.

I held my hoof up, unsure of what to do now, as they weren't even reacting.

"OH FUCK YES!" Greg suddenly screamed out, cheering clapping and cheering from his seat. "THAT IS FUCKING AMAZING! YES!!!!"

Then everyone else followed and began to cheer and clap.

Standing there awkwardly, I gave a small bow and rushed off stage, running straight to Mallogory's table and sliding up next to her. The entire time everyone kept clapping and cheering, keeping their eyes on me as I tried to shrink out of sight.

But Mallogory, being my eternal other half and loving to torment me, suddenly grabbed me and lifted me above her head.

"Cheer for her!" she yelled as I squirmed and tried to get away from her. But she held tight as everyone continued to cheer for me.

Finally, with no where else to go, I stopped fighting and started waving at everyone. "Eh... thank you all, for real, we can stop now!"

They eventually did, slowing dying down and returning to their seats, allowing me to die of embarrassment in peace as Mallogory put me back down in my chair.

"Scamp, I did not know such a sound could come out of such a little pony," Rarity said from her chair a few seats away. "I'm just blown away with it! Such an amazing talent!"

"Thanks, Rarity," I muttered to her with a blush, not liking the attention as much as I thought I would. 

Mallogory leaned down and whispered into my ear, "so that's where that voice comes from. I thought it was a bedroom only kind of thing."

"Shut up!" I hissed, blushing harder as I threw myself under the table.

"That was amazing!" Pinkie Pie yelled as her face suddenly appeared in front of my while under the table. "I didn't understand half of what you were saying! But it sounded amazingly awesome! Will you teach me how to sing like that? I want my kids to learn to as well!"

"Sure, Pinkie," I said sheepishly as I patted her forehead. "Do me a favor and get the attention off of me? Please?"

She blinked at me, then smiled, "Ah, I gotcha. Leave it to me, Scamp!"

With a twist, she pulled herself out form under the table and jumped up on stage. "Alright! You all ready for this party to start!" 

As everyone cheered back, four party cannons went off, shooting confetti out onto the crowd.

"Then lets get to dancing! DJ's!" she screamed as Aaron and Vinyl Scratch began to work the keys on their turntables. 

Fast dance music began to pour out of all the speakers around the room, causing those who were interested to jump up and start dancing.

"A little overconfident?" Mallogory asked as she lifted the table cloth and looked at me under the table.

"A bit," I admit as I slowly climb out of my hiding spot and return to my chair.

"Scamp! That was so fucking impressive!" Reinhardt yelled as she moved through the dancers, heading straight for me.

"Oh geez," I cringe as I slowly start to go back under the table, only to be stopped by Mallogory as she smirked at me and waved for Reinhardt to hurry.


Lance stepped up to the bar, tapping it twice to get the bar pony's attention. "Two light ciders."

As the bar pony nodded, he looked to his side and saw Zorrow, drinking a hard cider.

"Hey, Zorrow, still upset?" 

Zorrow mumbled and took a large swig of his cider. 

A bark was heard on the other side of him as Louie leaned forward, standing in the seat as he leaned on the bar, a little dog bowl of cider before him. He growled at Lance and began to lap at the cider vigorously.

"Oh, hey, Lou," Lance said, giving the angry little dog a wave. "So, still upset, but getting better?"

"Lance," Zorrow finally said, staring at his drink. "You killed my financee, and then kidnapped me from the only place I've ever been happy and successful."

Louie began to bark like crazy, jumping up on the bar as he looked at Lance, letting him have it. His barks were filled with anger as he stomped his little paws.

"I'm sorry, Louie, I got no idea what you're barking about," Lance chuckled, then looked to Zorrow. "She was a gold digger, bro. Sure, I wasn't in the right state of mind when I delivered justice upon her, but I stand by it. She was definitely out for your money... you had money right?"

Zorrow hissed as he drank more, "tsk! Yes I had money, and so what if she was only with me because I was successful? At least someone wanted me!"

Lance just patted his back, shaking his head, "you can do better." He grabbed his two ciders and tipped his hat at the two. "Enjoy the party you two."

Louie growled and barked at the bar pony, pointing at his dog bowl. 

"You've had enough," the bar pony said as he took a marker and put a purple X on Louie's head. This just caused the little dog to go crazy as he barked and yelped.

Zorrow slammed down his cider and turned to face Lance as he walked away. "I can do better?! There's no one in Equestria that wants anything to do with me!"

"Yo," Moxxi said from his side as she leaned up against the bar, smirking at the furious Zorrow. 

"Uh... hey?" he said as he looked at the little Goblin woman.

She looked him over and winked at him, "wanna try something better? Something, bite sized?"

"Lance!" Zorrow yelled as Lance disappeared into the crowd. "This horny Goblin chick is coming on to me!"

Moxxi laughed as she turned, giving her hips a pop. "Damn straight, I'm heading to my room if you're interested."

Zorrow watched her walk away, then looked to Louie, who just shrugged at him. He then grinned at the little dog, "you're right! We only live once!" He then sprinted after the Goblin, "Hey, wait up!"

Louie frowned as he looked around, seeing no one for him. He decided to turn his attention back to the bar pony, resuming his angry barking.


I sat at the bar, sipping something that definitely wasn't strong enough for me, and watched everyone else enjoying themselves.

Pinkie Pie slide up next to me, smiling widely, "I heard you asked for me?"

Nodding, I turn to her as I wipe my mouth, "Yeah, know anyone who can get Mallogory and me a house?"

She exploded with happiness as she jumped around me, "I do! Two seconds!"

The pink mare shot off into the ground and came flying back carrying a very confused Drax. She plopped him down before me and patted his head. "One realtor, as promised!" With a twirl, she jumped back into the crowd.

Drax blinked at me in confusion.

I smiled sheepishly as I held out a pint of cider for him, "Eh... sorry, I didn't ask her to do that."

A relaxed smile appeared on his face as he took a seat next to me and took the drink, "I'm use to her antics at this point."

"So, you're a realtor?" I asked him as we took a drink at the same time.

"Yep, didn't I mention that when we were in the training dimension?" he said, raising an eyebrow at me.

I chuckled as I rubbed the back of my head, "we didn't really get to talk a lot, and when we did group stuff I was kinda lost in thought..."

"No worries," he assured me as he put the drink down. "I'm assuming you need help buying a house?"

I nod in response, "And I've been thinking about something else as well. Can you help with buying or renting buildings for business use?"

He looked at me strangely, cocking his head, "you're wanting to start a business?" 

"Kinda, yeah. Mallogory and I have spoken, and we decided we don't want to do any more adventuring right now. So we're going to settle down here for a while."

"Good for you two," he said with a smile. "I can help, but it'll take a bit on the business part. There's no free space at the moment, but new buildings are always being built around here."

"Thank you, I'll get with you tomorrow to talk about homes, sound good?"

He gives me a nod and jumps up, "Sounds like a plan, Scamp! My wife and I will be in the office tomorrow... I'll give you my card later so you know where that is."

As he walked into the crowd, I let out a content sigh as I turned to the bar pony. "Got anything stronger?"

He gave a nod as he walked away.

"Sweet," I mumbled as I adjusted the half skirt I was still wearing.

"Any reason for getting drunk? Outside of celebrating that is," Calypso asked as she sat down in the seat next to me.

I look at her, giving her a small smile, "hey, Cal." I then frowned as I watched for the return of the bar pony. "You know the things I've done. I know this is a party and all, but I'm having trouble relaxing. Just need a little help is all."

"This is a very unhealthy way to deal with trauma," she said in her normal stern tone. "You need to come and talk with me about it, or someone at least."

"I'll be fine, Cally," I mumbled as the bar pony returned with a bottle and shot glass. He sat the glass down and poured some for me, then started to walk away. "Leave the bottle."

He kind of frowned as he nodded and left the bottle.

I drank the shot glass in one go, letting out a satisfied sound as I felt the strong liquor hit my throat.

"Scamp," Calypso said in a stern tone. "Please, for me. Talk to someone."

"I will," I sigh, taking the bottle and taking a swig from it. 

She took the bottle and put it on the table. "Please. I do not want you to become an asshole alcoholic like my father!"

I blinked at her, seeing hot tears threatening to pour down her face. Her white fur turning red as she tried not to cry in front of me.

"Okay," I say softly, reaching forward and pushing the bottle away. "I'll come talk with you tomorrow, when I'm fully sober."

She lurched forward and hugged me tightly, "thank you, Scamp! I've lost everyone else, I can't lose you too!"

"Geez, Cally," I say awkwardly as I return her hug, squeezing her tightly. "I'm not going anywhere. Kinda stuck with me."

"Idiot," she mumbled with a smile as she wiped a few tears off of her face. "Just keep your promise, first thing tomorrow. We're going to sit down and talk about your problems."

"Can't wait," I say with a chuckle.

From the side, Doc walked up and kinda just stood there, like he was waiting.

I looked between the two, and smirked, "I knew it."

"Knew what?" she asked, looking over and seeing him waiting. Then she just laughed as she shook her head, "I guess hiding it is kinda childish, isn't it?"

"Yep," I say with a wink.

"Just so you know, it happened out of nowhere, we didn't plan it!" she said, turning red in embarrassment.

"You don't need to explain yourself to me," I say, giving her a playful shove. "Go be happy."

She gave me a quick hug and jumped up, running to Doc as they disappeared into the crowd.

I smiled as I turned back to the bar. The smile, however, slowly faded as I looked at the bottle before me. It taunted me.

A few faces flashed before me, causing me to groan as I stared longingly at the bottle. The only relief I could find from the voices and faces.

My hoof trembled as I reached out for it.

Then Mallogory's hand came over me and snatched it. "Nope! I heard what you told Calypso, and you're sticking to it."

I frowned as I turned to her, but her smiling face was my weakness, causing me to relax. "Thank you, Mallo."

She smiled back and leaned down, giving me a kiss.

Maybe there were two things that gave me relief from the horrors of my past.