Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

All for one! Final push!

Chapter 43

I stood in a white void, with nothing around me in all directions.

“So this what it's like being dead,” I mumbled, not impressed. At least my body was back to normal, no metal bits. And I had both eyes.

“It’s not so bad, honey,” a mare said from behind me.

Tears swelled up in my eyes as I spun around, seeing my Mom standing before me.

“Mom!” I screamed as I jumped into her embrace, crying like a foal as she held me tight, stroking my mane.

“Shhh, I gotcha, sweetie. I got you,” she cooed, just holding me as I cried.

“I’m so sorry!” I wailed, snot and tears running down my face. “You died because of me and my stupid obsession with that book!”

“I died because of the evil that existed in our world,” she replied in a soothing voice. “I made my choice when I took that case to represent Lance.”

“So you always believed me?!” I asked, pulling back as I wiped my face.

She smiled as she wiped away some snot with a tissue that appeared in her hoof. “I always did, honey. But for our sake I had to pretend I did not.”

“Because my dad is Darkest Bleak?” I asked, blowing snot into the tissue.

“Yes, my dear,” a voice said from behind me. 

Turning, I saw someone who could only be Darkest Bleak standing there. 

“Hey, kiddo, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you,” he said with a little bow.

He kneeled down in front of us, an awkward look on his face. “I know we never got to know each other, but I’ve been watching you from the moment you were born. You are an amazing mare, Scamp.”

I rub my eyes, sniffling, “I don’t think so, I’ve killed so many…”

“I know,” he replied, looking at my Mom.

“Honey, we’ve all done things we’re not proud of. You have killed countless beings, but you didn’t do it for enjoyment,” my Mom said, moving my mane out of my face.

“She seemed to enjoy a lot of them,” Darkest said, getting a glare from my Mom. “What? I’m proud of her! Our daughter is a warrior! Stronger than I ever was, that’s for sure!”

“I regret it all,” I say, looking down. “I killed so many I became numb to it. I don’t like who I’ve become… I’m a terrible pony.”

“Shh! No you are not!” Mom said, shaking me roughly. 

“You are a good pony, Scamp! There are always bumps along the path that we walk in life, and while many stray from the path, you stayed true! You never lost yourself, always fighting for what you believed in!”

“And you do not regret it all,” Darkest said, patting my shoulder. “What of Mallogory?”

This brought a sad smile to my lips as I closed my eyes, remembering my time with her.

“... Yeah, I don’t regret her. I would have loved to have spent my life with her.” Tears rolled down my face as I thought of all that we wouldn’t get to do now.

Mom pulled me into a hug, squeezing hard, “she’s amazing, Scamp. You two are perfect together.”

“She was…” I choke out, starting to cry again.

“Shh, it’s okay, honey,” she said, tilting my chin up. 

I shook my head, “It’s not okay. I’m dead, she’s probably dead too, and so is everyone else. The Watcher won.”

Darkest chuckled at this, “that’s not the Scamp I’ve been watching. You should know better than to give up.”

“I’m literally dead,” I deadpanned.

“And you’re going to let that break you?” he asked roughly, getting a glare from Mom. “No, she needs this. Scamp, stand up, now.”

Wiping my nose, I slowly stood up, staring up at him as he towered above me.

“Scamp, you are my daughter,” he said bluntly. “And we do not give up in this family. You are strong, and you will buck up and push forward. This Watcher killed you and everyone you love? Then it's time to ante up! Go all in! I want you to give it all you got next time you face him! Do not hold back, fight with your entire soul!”

I sighed at him, “That’s a great speech. But again, I am dead. My story is over.”

“No, it is not!” He bellowed, causing me to wince. He pulled back, taking a deep breath. “Scamp, I know I wasn’t able to be there to be your father. But I’m happy to say that you did not need me. Look at you! You keep pushing forward no matter what happens to you, and you even were able to find love! I am proud to be your father.”

The urge hit me and I lurched forward, hugging him around his large barreled chest. “Thank you, Dad.”

He gasped at this, and wrapped his legs around me tightly, seeming to be holding back tears.

“It’s time,” Mom suddenly said, placing a hoof on my shoulder.

“Not now,” Dad said, holding me tight.

“Darkest,” she cooed, causing him to reluctantly let me go. Mom turned me to face her, wiping more tears and snot from my face.

“We are so proud of you, Scamp. Don’t ever forget that. No matter what happens, you are our daughter, and we will always love you.”

I grabbed both of them and pulled them into another hug, “I love you guys!”

“I love you too, Scamp,” Mom said, nuzzling my cheek.

“I love ya, kiddo,” Dad said as he nuzzled my other cheek.

I felt something start to tug on me, pulling me away from them. “But, I have questions!” I yelled, reaching out for them.

“Go get 'em, Scamp!” Dad cheered after me as I was pulled into a strange darkness.


I let out a panicked scream as I came too on a rocky floor, looking around but not grasping what was going on as I kicked and screamed more, pushing myself backwards.

“Scamp?!” Mallogory screamed out as she suddenly fell on top of me.

“Mallogory?!” I yelled out, finally realizing we were back in the room before the Watcher’s room.

Everyone was here, even Greg!

“What the fuck?!” Greg yelled out, grabbing at his head. “I was dead!”

“Me too!” Reinhard yelped out, looking horrified.

Mallogory squeezed me tightly against her, crying into my neck. “You died! Right in front of me!”

“... I’m sorry,” I said dumbly, getting a bite from her.

“Don’t bite me!” I yelped, then pulled her into a tight hug.

“Lance! You didn’t!” Bronwyn yelled as we all looked over and saw Lance, sitting by himself, looking absolutely defeated.

“I had to, you were all dead… and he started killing my family in front of me…” he said, staring straight ahead.

“Your Ego… it’s gone,” she said solemnly.

“It’s part of the punishment,” Castor said from above us.

“What do you mean? What just happened?” Greg asked, looking between them.

“Lance just used time travel,” Castor began, “real time travel. Not the kind you all would be familiar with in your worlds. All of reality and existence just traveled back in time at once, and everyone knows it just happened. Even the UAD. There are strict rules in place, and time travel that affects all of existence is strictly forbidden. Lance is now back to his base self, and will be locked to his home dimension the moment he returns.”

“It was worth it,” he said slowly, smiling a bit. “You’re all back after all, and so is my family. I’m just going to surrender this time around.”

“No!” Castor yelled. “We can try again! All of creation relies on us!”

“Shut up, Castor,” Lance said coldly. “You’re the reason we walked in there and died like that.”

Greg frowned as he held up the Seed of Knowledge. “This thing killed me when I ate it…”

“Yep, so we’re done. Watcher wins,” Lance says as he stands up, looking to the door.

“No, he doesn’t,” I say suddenly, catching everyone off guard, even myself. “We still have the Seed.”

“Yeah, and it killed me,” Greg pointed out, but I waved him off.

“Because you did it Castor’s way. Let’s risk it all, and let Greg do it his way.”

Lance frowned, “that’s really dumb.” Then he sighed, “but Greg always comes out on top when he’s allowed to do things his way… What do you say, Greg?”

He looked at the Seed, and smirked. “Oh, I got ya. I’m going to smoke this with some weed, and we’ll see what happens.”

“You have to eat it!” Castor yelled, frustrated. “Eating it is the only way!”

“Yeah yeah,” Greg said as he ground up the Seed of Knowledge in a bowl he pulled out of his pocket dimension. He grinded it into a powder, then tossed in some precut buds of marijuana. He grinded them into the powder, mixing the two.

Then like an expert, he lifted it all up with his magic and wrapped it in some paper. Holding the fat blunt before himself, he lit it and took a massive puff of it. Holding the smoke in for a good moment before letting it all out.

“Oh shitttt, that’s fucking tight!” he said, taking a few more hits, draining the blunt down to the stub.

“So?” I asked as he tossed it aside, looking extremely happy and high.

“Oh, I feel it,” he says, then farts. “Ah, no, just gas… OH FUCK!” he went wide eyed as it looked like stars were flying by in the whites of his eyes. 

He went slack jawed as he stood stock still, eyes flashing with all kinds of images.

“Is this… normal?” Reinhardt asked as we all looked on in both worry and awe.

“He… did it!” Castor yelled out. “He’s traversing all of time and existence right now! Seeing all possible past and futures! All knowledge is now available to him!”

Greg swayed as his eyes flashed faster and faster.

“The ultimate high…” Balgore said in awe, looking a bit jealous.

We all watched for the next few minutes as he twitched and jerked, his eyes displaying all kinds of images that made no sense.

Finally, it all came to a halt as he suddenly blinked and looked at us.

“So… what’d ya find out?” Reinhardt asked, leaning over everyone.

“I know what we need to do,” he replied, wide eyed. “It’s a slim chance of victory, but it’s the only one I can find that has a happy ending…”

“What do we do?” Lance asked, stepping in front of him.

“We need Pinkie Pie,” he suddenly said as he kicked a glyph, causing a portal to open.

“Wait, why?!” Lance yelled as Greg jumped into the portal. We all stared at the floating portal, confused.

Eventually, Greg and Pinkie Pie jumped out of it. 

“Why is she here, Greg? WHY?!” Lance yelled, not wanting to bring any more to this place.

“Trust me,” Greg said simply as he looked around. “Do you all trust and believe in me? I need honest answers.”

“Yes!” Balgore and Reinhardt yelled out, slamming fist together as they did so.

“I do,” I say, smiling at him.

“Same,” Mallogory said next.

“You’re our only hope, so of course,” Castor said, bowing.

“Yes,” Bronwyn replied.

Remi held up her board. ‘Yes!’

Calypso sighed, but nodded, “Unfortunately, I do.”

“Always,” Jero said with a sharp nod.

Lance frowned, looking unsure of his answer. But he groaned and nodded, “I have no choice, so yes.”

“Perfect,” Greg said, his horn glowing. “In we go.”

“What are we doing though?” Lance asked as we all walked to the door.

“Fusing into me,” Greg replied simply. “I will be in control, but I need all of you inside of me lending me your powers and souls.”

“And Pinkie is here because?”

“Fourth wall breaking,” Greg said simply as the doors opened for us as we stepped in yet again.

“Really? You all chose to fight again?” the Watcher called out, laughing. 

As we all lined up, Greg took the lead this time, stepping out in front of us.

“Ah, the missing one. Decided to come along this time?” the Watcher mocked, floating towards us.

Greg just clicked his tongue as his horn began to glow brighter. He lifted into the air as his magic spread around each of us.

As I was raised into the air with everyone else, I looked at Greg, grinning. 

Good luck, Greg. You have my entire being at your disposal!


The entire group turned into balls of light as they swirled around Greg, coming closer with each rotation. As they touched him, they absorbed his body.

As the last one entered him, he slowly lowered to the ground, a wide grin on his face.

“Trippy,” he said, as he looked himself over. His mane and tail were now longer, and his cutie mark was gone, now just blank. His mane fell into his face, so his horn flashed, causing a bandana to appear on his head to hold his mane back. “Perfect.”

“Well well, this is unexpected,” the Watcher said, looking surprised.

Greg chuckled as he waved his hoof, causing the scenery around them to change to a field in Equestria. 

“And now you’re able to bend reality like me? Very interesting,” the Watcher moved towards him. 

Looking up to the Watcher, Greg’s relaxed smile faded into a more serious look. “Ready?”

“Ready?” the Watcher asked, laughing loudly. “Are you asking ME if I’m ready?”

In an instant, Greg was in front of the Watcher, right hoof glowing as he slammed it into the face of the giant Virtue. The Watcher was sent flying backwards, crashing through trees and rocks as he tumbled.

Greg laughed, looking at his hoof, “Now that’s power!” He then blinked away, appearing in the air above the Watcher as he lay in a heap on the ground. “You good, bro?”

The Watcher untangled himself and slowly rose to float before Greg.

“You have untold powers, and you use them to PUNCH me?”

“Eeyup!” Greg smirked as the scene changed again to a strange location. 

They were now standing on a street, the same height as each other. A small crowd of pixelated people stood around them cheering. Above them floated two life bars with their names over them.

“Really?” The Watcher asked in an unamused voice.

Greg only flipped his mane as he dashed forward, punching the Watcher as he blocked. Jumping in the air, he performed a spinning kick, catching the Watcher on one of his rings. Then without missing a beat, he landed on the ground and jumped back up, slamming his hoof into the underside of the Watcher’s fishbowl shaped head. 

The Watcher flew up as his life bar drained a bit, and Greg began to scream as he threw punches towards the Watcher, causing little balls of energy to fly out and pelt the Watcher.

Regaining himself, the Watcher spun in the air and slammed a mechanical arm into Greg’s head, causing him to slam into the ground and bounce up. With his own spin, the Watcher slammed into Greg, sending him flying into an invisible wall.

With a twist, Greg righted himself and began to crouch and move left and right a few times, then punched and kicked the air.

“What are you doing?” the Watcher asked.

Greg only smirked as his body began to glow, “Ah hell yeah!” He dashed forwards and just slammed into the Watcher. Without even attacking him, his touch alone was damaging the Watcher as his health bar dropped. Each time he attacked the flashing pony, he’d take damage.

As his health bar neared zero, the scene changed.

Blinking, Greg looked around, finding himself in a cockpit of some ship. Looking out the window he saw the massive body of the Watcher floating in open space.

“Oh, I see what we’re doing!” he remarked as he jumped into the pilot's seat and began to fly towards the Watcher’s massive body.

As he neared, many smaller Watcher’s began to fly towards him. Flipping the triggers up, he began to unload on the approaching attackers, blowing them to pieces as he approached the massive douchebag ahead.

An arm flew towards him as beams flashed from the many eyes along the Watcher’s body, all aimed for him. He weaved the ship around and through the beams, firing away with his own weapons.

The massive health bar above the Watcher barely moved as he pelted his body with tiny energy balls.

“Well this isn’t fair!” Greg yelled as he was hit and his health dropped down near to zero instantly.

Spinning the ship, he dodged under the sweep of a mechanical arm, still firing away. 

“Alright then, my turn!” he yelled through gritted teeth as a swarm of Watcher’s descended on his ship.

Everything changed to a rainy street in a massive city.

The Watcher stood over Greg, wearing some kind of royal cloak. 

“Hmmm,” he looked down to Greg, who was wearing a yellow suit with a white cap. 

“Want to do the whole ‘to OP to hurt’ thing? Alright, I got you. I saw this universe during my drug trip!” Greg smirked as he stepped towards the Watcher.

The Watcher slammed both fist down on Greg, destroying the ground around them, but the little pony remained unhurt as he pulled his fist back and punched forward. With a pained wheeze, the Watcher flew backwards, a massive hole through the middle of his face.

A single hit!

He hit the ground and crumbled in on himself, twitching.

Greg jumped and landed beside the downed Watcher, “had enough, fuck boy?”

A mechanical arm shot out and grabbed him by the face as the scene changed, with them now standing in an open field.

Breaking free of the arm, Greg jumped back as the Watcher smiled at him.

Music started playing around them as everything darkened till it was just the two of them and a platform between them.

“Ooo, now you’re speaking my language!” Greg yelled to the Watcher as the Virtue threw out a ball, causing Lorenzo to appear between them.

“Lorenzo!” the man yelled, seemingly against his will.

Greg laughed as he threw out a pokeball of his own, causing Scamp to appear before the man.

“Scamp!” she yelled out, looking confused.

“Lorenzo, use Dice!” the Watcher yelled out, followed by Lorenzo stabbing a sword forward.

“Scamp, use Block!” Greg yelled, causing Scamp to raise her hoof claws and block the attack. “Scamp, use Bite!” 

“Scamp!” she yelled as she jumped forward and bit into Lorenzo’s neck.

The Watcher watched on with a frown as Scamp absolutely demolished Lorenzo.

“Lorenzo, return!” he yelled, pulling Lorenzo back into a ball. With a flick, he threw out another, “Jaypo, go!”

A strange snake-like horse appeared before them.


“Hm, Scamp return!” Greg yelled as he pulled her back and threw out another ball. “Lance, get em!”

“Girokon!” Lance yelled, looking more annoyed than confused.

“Jaypo, use Enter Mind!”

Jaypo let out a roar and surged forward, entering Lance’s mind.

“Lance, use Break and Dawn!” Greg yelled, followed by Lance looking very focused.

With a flash, Jaypo returned, looking scared for his life, backing away from Lance.

“Girokon!” Lance roared, stomping his hooves in victory.

The Watcher narrowed his eyes, then pulled Jaypo back as Greg did the same to Lance. 

Greg smiled as the scene changed to a different one.

He now found himself standing before the Watcher, who now towered above him. Boss music began to play as the Watcher swung his arms down towards Greg.

Rolling to the side, he barely dodged the attack as he sent a bolt of magic flying up at the Watcher, hitting him in the body. The massive health bar above him barely moved at this.

Greg rolled left and right as the Watcher attacked with both his arms and beams in quick fashion, not letting up. Only every few rolls was Greg able to let loose a single magical attack, but it wasn’t going to be enough as the Watcher kept up his assault.

As the Watcher hit Greg with a beam, knocking his health down quickly, he dashed back. 

“Stop picking OP boss’s!” Greg yelled as he changed the scene to a new one.

They both now stood in a courtroom, staring across the court at each other as a judge sat at the front of the room.

Greg smirked as the Judge began to speak.

“Watcher, you are accused of murder and general douchebaggery, how do you plead?” the judge yelled out, pointing a gavel at the Watcher.

With a raised eyebrow, he turned to face Greg, “Really?”

“Yep, how do you plead?” Greg asked, smirking as he crossed his arms.

The Watcher just laughed, “Guilty as charged!”

The courtroom exploded in anger as the Judge slammed his gavel down over and over again. “ORDER! ORDER!”

“Having pleaded guilty, I sentence you to life in prison!” The judge yelled.

“Yo, no! Sentence him to death!” Greg yelled, but just got a gavel slam in response.

“Do you want to be held in contempt of court?!”

“Oh fuck this,” Greg groaned as he changed their scene again.

They appeared in a 2D landscape, facing each other again.

Greg navigated a menu as he selected ‘ATTACK’ and picked ‘WEED BLAST’ he shot a stream of marijuana powered energy at the Watcher.

The attack smashed into the Watcher, doing nothing but pissing him off as he retaliated with a beam of his own.

Greg selected ‘DEFENSE’ and picked ‘SHIELD’, causing a wall of magic to form in front of him, barely blocking the attack. As he prepared for his turn, the scene changed yet again.

Before he could react, the Watcher slammed a mechanical hand into Greg, sending him flying back. He slammed into a wall and smashed through it, falling onto the ground on the other side.

As the Watcher blew through the wall as he chased after him, Greg smirked as he stood up and held a massive cannon on his shoulder.

“Get a load of this dubstep cannon, fucker!” He yelled as he pulled the trigger, hitting the Watcher with the beat drops of the future! Roaring in anger and pain, the Watcher held up his arms, blocking the beats as he continued floating towards Greg.

Turning up the volume, the beats dropped even harder as they slammed into the Watcher’s arms, finally breaking through them and slamming into his face.

“Yeah!” Greg yelled as he held the trigger, pelting the Watcher’s face with sick beats.

Then the Watcher broke free and slid sideways, face looking cracked as he glared at Greg with hate filled eyes.


The scene fell away, being replaced with a rocky field.

Greg stood up straight on his hindlegs, smirking as he stared defiantly at the Watcher.

“Let’s get serious,” the Watcher said, raising his hand and pointing it at Greg.

“Bring it, bro,” Greg said, getting ready to block whatever came his way. 

“Soul Break,” the Watcher said calmly as a simple, thin beam shot towards Greg. He raised a powerful shield, but the tiny beam slipped through it and hit him in the forehead.

Then everything inside of him shattered. He screamed in agony as he felt his soul shatter, then Scamps, Lance’s, Remi’s, Reinhardt’s, Castor’s, Jero’s, Balgore’s, Calypso’s, Mallogory’s, and Bronwyn’s. As it tried to shatter Pinkie Pie’s, Greg’s own soul moved in front of it and took the hit, breaking twice.

On the outside, he fell to his knees, looking extremely strained as he fought against the pain of every soul inside of him taking massive damage.

“Hurts, doesn’t it?” The Watcher laughed, raising his hand. “Now, let me break you more. Try and dodge this!”

Greg flinched as he felt his entire being begin to be condensed down into a smaller form and get yanked forward.



With a pained yell, Greg flew out of the strange dimension he’d been pulled into and slammed into the ground. He had no idea what that was, but whatever it was, it just tore his soul to pieces when it hit him!

“This is the end,” The Watcher said from across the way, staring at him. “You’re too broken to face me any longer.”

Greg breathed heavily as he struggled to stand back up. Inside of him, he felt the souls of his friends surrounding his own broken and battered soul, comforting it.

“Thanks guys,” he coughed, finding the strength to stand up.

The Watcher seemed to be charging up an attack, smiling widely at Greg as he did so. “Goodbye. I will rip Lance from your corpse!”

Spitting onto the ground, Greg looked up into the sky, looking both angry and frustrated, “YO! Why don’t you stop tormenting me and give me something to beat this fucker with?!”

A smile formed on his face as something washed over his body, “Ah, shit, that’ll work. Thanks, bro!”

He stood up fully, smirking at the Watcher as he raised his hoof and braced it with the other, pointing it directly at the Watcher.

 Energy started to form on his hoof as his body began to glow brightly.

“Oh, is that a gift from beyond?!” The Watcher asked, recognizing the energy pouring from the small pony. “It does not matter! You don’t know how to use it properly! NOW DIE!”

A massive beam of energy exploded out of his face, flying towards Greg.

Gritting his teeth, he fired his own, just as large, beam of energy. “Story Eraser Cannon!”

The two beams hit each other, coming to a stalemate as they pushed back and forth.

“Impressive, for a mortal!” The Watcher yelled as he began to glow brighter, his energy slowly overtaking Greg’s.

Pushing as hard as he could, his energy began to push back against the Watcher’s, coming back to a stalemate.

“Come on! Make this final showdown worth it!” The Watcher yelled over the whooshing air as the landscape around them began to shatter and fall away.

As the energy began to push towards him, Greg yelled as he put everything he had into it, just barely holding it back.

“I can’t!” he said through his gritted teeth. “FUCK!”

“YES!” the Watcher laughed, watching him struggle.

He dug deeper, taking all of his emotions and strength and threw it forward into his attack, actually starting to push the Watcher’s beam back.

“Ooo! There you go!” he yelled back as he watched Greg struggle to hold his own. “But not enough!”

The beam grew in size and quickly pushed Greg’s all the way back to himself, only a few feet away from him now.

His body and soul strained as he fought against the building pressure, but his horn started to crack as it suddenly exploded. He yelled in pain as blood poured down his face, covering his left eye and obscuring half of his vision.

The beam only drew closer to him as his power began to fade away.

Then, every soul within him gathered around him again, lending themselves to him.

“Guys, no! If I use you, you could die!” he yelled, reluctant to lose his friends.

But they pushed on, pressing into his soul eagerly.

As the beam was inches from his hoof, he cried out, “Okay!”

All of the souls within him attached themselves to his energy, and began to pour themselves into him. The beam began to get pushed back as his own energy began to grow in size and power.

“A last hoorah?” The Watcher laughed, pushing even harder with his own energy.

But Greg’s only grew larger and larger, pushing back against the Watcher’s energy at a steady pace.

“Stop!” The Watcher demanded as he poured all of his power and soul into the attack, pushing back against Greg’s yet again.

“Guys!” Greg yelled as he struggled to keep up the attack, “I’m sorry, but I need everything you got!”

The souls within him seemed to hesitate, as this could erase them from existence if it failed. But, one by one, they began to dedicate all of their being to Greg, allowing him full use of their souls.

With an amazing flash, Greg’s own beam began to over take the Watcher’s beam as they both began to scream. Their attacks grow to their peaks, the world around them exploding and being completely washed away by the energy exploding off of their clash.

Everything fell into a dark void as they floated in nothing as all of reality seemed to collapse around them. 

The clashing energy between them pushed back and forth, as they fought for dominance. The dark void around them began to warp, showing glimpses of a world beyond. One both similar and unlike the one they know. Not as colorful, more dull.

“If you do not give up, we will shatter everything!” The Watcher yelled out desperately.

“Good!” Greg screamed, every soul in him giving it all they had. But they needed more!

Searching himself, he found one of the souls had not full committed to him. “Lance!” He called out, desperation in his voice. “Please, just trust in me! PLEASE!”

Lance’s soul held back, seeming to be unable to commit itself fully to Greg.

“Just this once, Lance! For our families! PLEASE, LANCE!” he screamed, not wanting to lose his momentum.

With a flicker, Lance’s soul slammed into Greg’s, fully giving himself to him.

He closed his eyes as he felt Lance’s energy join his own, causing the beam to begin to quickly overtake the Watcher.

“STOP!” he yelled, the void around them shattering more and more.

The energy was now at the Watcher’s hand, just barely being held back.

With a final push, the beam touched his hand and exploded past him, breaking through his own energy beam.

The Watcher let out a wail of agony as parts of his body began to flake away from his body. He fought to do something, anything to break away. To change the scene, to swap to another location. But he was trapped in the beam of energy from the pony that was supposed to be inferior to him!

Greg kept screaming as he pressed the attack, watching the arms flake off of the Watcher first, then his wings. Next were the rings that surrounded his body, which left just his fishbowl shaped head.

He didn’t relent as he continued the assault, the Watcher wailing and begging for mercy as his head began to flake away.

Finally, Greg dropped his hoof, causing the attack to cease. The Watcher, or what remained of him, floated in the empty void, damaged and barely hanging on. His soul was so weak, he couldn’t muster anything other than a few groans.

“Fuck you,” Greg spat out, flicking his hoof as the scene changed back to the Watcher’s domain.

The Watcher’s head hit the ground and rolled towards him, one of his eyes shattered and most of his fishbowl shaped head was gone, like it’d been erased crudely. But he still seemed to be alive, somewhat.

Waving his hoof again, the door to the room returned, opening to reveal the teleport platform beyond.

Coughing loudly as he began to feel faint, he looked up, seeing all the jars that sat at the top of the room. With a simple wave of his hoof, all of them lifted up and shattered. He lowered all of the creatures within to the ground. Using his powers, he sent the majority of the creatures away, sending them to a random location back on the Eternal Plains. The remaining ones turned his way and began sprinting towards him.

A smile spread across his face as he recognized his friends and family.

“Greg!” Twilight yelled, rushing towards him as he stumbled back and fell to the ground.

“Daddy!” he heard his daughter yell as she ran to him holding his infant son.

“We did it,” he said weakly as he jerked his hoof, causing all the souls inside of him to split from him, returning to their normal forms.