Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Task master Lance

Chapter 30

As my friends and I returned to the main group, everyone looked towards us.

Jero was the first to approach as I sat down at a table, “how’d the talk with Lance go?”

“Good, actually,” I replied with a little grin. 

Greg and Pinkie Pie walked up, both looking overjoyed to see me.

“Scamp, this is my amazing wife, Pinkie Pie. Babe, this is the badass I’ve been telling you about,” Greg said as he slapped my back with pride in his voice.

Pinkie Pie got really close to me as she looked me over, a large smile on her face. “You’ve been through the wringer, huh? Does it hurt?” She pointed to my burns.

I just blinked, then smiled, “Nah, Doc over there healed them completely. I’m good to go.”

She suddenly hugged me tightly, “welcome to the family, Scamp! We’ll celebrate once we’re all back in New Ponyville!”

“I look forward to it,” I reply, the hug catching me off guard.

“Come on, babe, I think our overbearing excitement might be a touch to much for her right now,” Greg said with surprising maturity.

Pinkie leaned back and patted my cheek, “she feels the same way.”

“Huh?” I ask in confusion.

But Pinkie just winks and hops away, following Greg.

She really is just as random as the book made her out to be.

Next up was Rainbow Dash and Rarity, who walked up cautiously.

“Dear, now that everything has calmed down, how are you feeling?” Rarity asked in a caring tone. “Need anything?”

I can’t help but smile at her kindness, I’m definitely not use to ponies being like that. “Thank you, but I’m good. I look worse than I really am.”

“But you’re burned to a crisp and missing legs!” Rainbow blurted out, getting her mouth clamped by Rarity’s magic.

“Rainbow Dash!” She turned to me with an apologetic smile, “I’m so sorry about her. She was born without a filter.”

“I prefer the bluntness,” I admit, waving my stump around. “I’ll be fine going forward.”

Rarity just smiled as she used her magic to fix my mane a bit, “Well, darling, we’ll watch out for you. When we find my husband I’ll have him sing to you, that’ll cheer you right up.”

I stared at her, realizing she didn’t know Peter was gone. Looking to Lance, who had heard what was being said, he shook his head. A begging look on his face.

Hiding this from her is going to backfire.

Turning to her, I started to tell her the truth, but her genuinely happy demeanor halted any words that were about to come out.

“… I’d love that, Rarity,” I finally said, disappointed in myself.

She beamed as she turned, “I’m going to make you something to wear. Give you that eye catching look that you deserve!”

As she walked away, Rainbow frowned at me.

“You and Lance both act weird when Peter is brought up,” she narrowed her eyes at my nervous look, then sighed. “He’s gone, isn’t he?”

“Yes,” I say softly, watching her reaction carefully.

But she just shook her head sadly, “that’s going to destroy Rarity. Peter and Jasper are her whole world.”

“Are you going to tell her?” I ask.

Rainbow Dash looked pained, but gave a nod, “I am. After this. She’ll hate us for not telling her, but honestly I prefer that to her losing it out here.”

“That’s my thoughts exactly,” I replied with a frown.

Rainbow lifted off the ground, giving me a grin, “I think I’ll leave you two alone for a moment.”

As she flew away, I raised an eyebrow. Me and who?

Turning, I saw Adry taking a seat across from me.

Oh we’re doing this talk now.

“Hi,” she said awkwardly.

“Hey,” I replied with a forced smile.

We stared at each other, neither of us knowing what to say.

“So…” I said slowly as I tapped my hoof on the table, “what’s your husband like?”

She blinked a few times, then a wide smile broke across her face, “Darkest? He’s an amazing stallion. Loving and caring, and has the most adorable snore when sleeping.”

“Huh,” I said as I rubbed the back of my head, “I’ve never heard him described that way. Usually it’s he’s a massive psycho with violent tendencies. A major prick.” My eyes widened as I looked at her, “that may have come out wrong.”

To my relief, she laughed, “oh no, that’s also spot on. He’s a very rough and tumble stallion, who is dead set on doing everything his way.” A sweet smile touched her lips, “but that’s one of the many reasons I love him. He’s never hurt me, and goes out of his way to make me happy.”

She then leaned back, looking into my eyes, “can you keep a secret?”

“I can,” I reply, my tension in the situation mostly gone.

“I don’t want the others to know, because they’ll treat me differently, but since you’re my daughter from another timeline, I feel you should know.” She rubbed her stomach, “A few days before all this happened, Darkest and I found out I am pregnant.”

“You’re pregnant?!” I yelped, but luckily not loud enough for the others to hear.

She giggled happily as she shushed me, “I am!” She reached across the table and took my hoof in hers, “the funny thing is Darkest and I agreed on the names already for if it’s a colt or a filly. Flynn for a colt,” She gave my hoof a little squeeze, “and Scamp for a filly.”

This somehow brought a tear to my eye.

“I guess we’ll have to change that one, seeing as you already have it.”

I used a wing tip to wipe the tear away, clearing my nose as I did so, “no you can make them anything you like. I’m not your real daughter.”

Adry pulled herself over the table and hugged me tightly. “I know I’m not your real mother, and I could never replace her. But I feel a deep connection to you, a bond. I’d love to consider you my daughter.”

“But I’m older than you,” I laughed as I found myself crying lightly. 

“Technicalities,” she replied, squeezing me harder. 

I then threw my leg and wings around her, hugging her just as tight as the floodgates opened. All the pain and mental suffering I’d endured pouring out of me as I began to cry messily into her shoulder.

“It’s okay,” she said softly as she rubbed my back. “We’re going to be okay.”


Lance watched Adry and Scamp embrace, the later sobbing freely.

The sight pulled at his heart strings as he had to look away to keep from crying himself. That’s when he saw the one named Mallogory slide into the bench next to him.

“Alright striped horse, what’s your story,” she asked with a wide grin. “I know some of your story, but what I really want to know is your kill count.”

“I don’t keep track of that,” Lance lied, not wanting to admit he remembers the face of everyone he’d killed.

“Boo, what kind of warrior doesn’t keep track,” she said, taking his hat from his head and putting it on her own.

“I’m not a warrior,” Lance retorted, eying her hard, “I only do what is necessary for my friends and family.”

“Sounds like a warrior to me,” she replied, flicking the tip of the hat up dramatically. “Where’s this book I keep hearing about?”

Lance frowned as he pulled out a copy of his book, “knock yourself out.”

“Sweet,” she said as she took it and stood up, placing his hat back on his head. 

As she walked away, he shook his head, and muttered, “what the hell does Scamp see in her?”

“What do you mean?” Jero asked as he sat down with Lance.

“Eh, just talking aloud,” Lance replied, changing the subject, “any idea what comes next?”

Jero shrugged, “honestly no. We can try to find the others, but I’m sure Lorenzo or the Watcher will expect that and be ready for us.”

“As much as I want to find the others, we need to think clearly about our next move.” Lance frowned, “I just hope the kids are okay.”

Jero’s eyes widened as he looked at him, realizing he hadn’t been there when they recapped with Scamp.

“Lance, the Watcher has ALL of our kids, not just Spark.”

His eye twitched as he looked to his friend, “seriously?”

At Jero’s nod, Lance cursed, “that complicates things.” He looked back to Adry and Scamp, seeing them both crying now as they seemed to be talking about Scamp’s time in her original dimension.

“We need time to think, to prepare. If Greg survives that drug, then I guess we’ll go from there.”

“Any idea when he plans to try it?” Jero asked, looking at Greg, who was laughing with Moxxi as the two shared a joint.

“He said when he’s ready,” Lance sighed. “No need to rush him right now. This group needs a breather.”

“You’ve calmed down,” Jero observed. 

“Yeah,” Lance said with a grin, “I cleared up things with Scamp, so I just feel like myself again.”

An argument drew their attention as Calypso and Doc went back and forth on proper use of their healing abilities. It wasn’t super heated, so Lance didn’t feel the need to interrupt.

“I’m going to come up with a list of tasks for everyone,” Lance announced to Jero. “There’s a few things we can do at least while we wait for our next move.”

“I’ll help,” Jero offered. 

Lance smiled as he pulled out a pen and paper.


“Gather up, guys,” Lance called out as he jumped up on a table while the others made their way towards him from all edges of the pavilion.

Once they were all gathered up, he announced, “Jero and I have prepared a list of task we need done before we can move forward.”

“What kind of task?” Rainbow Dash asked, looking displeased with being given work to do.

“They vary, but they’re important,” Jero said from the ground beside Lance.

“We’ll be in groups of two and three,” Lance continued, getting a few looks of concern. “Don’t worry, we have communication and tracking devices for all of you.”

This seemed to appease most of them. 

Lance and Jero had gone through Omnius’s pocket dimension and found a lot of useful gear and trinkets. Namely the devices they were going to hand out.

“So now I’ll call out the groups and pairs,” Lance said as he cleared his throat, lifting a piece of paper. “Calypso and Doc. Remi, Moxxi, and Rarity.” 

As he spoke the groups began to form.

“Rainbow Dash, Beans, and Jero. Greg, Pinkie Pie, and Reinhardt.”

“Fuck yeah!” Greg yelled out. “I get the badass Orc lady!”

Reinhardt laughed loudly and ran towards him, the two slamming their hoof and hand together as they reached each other. 

“Oooo! This is going to be so much fun!” Pinkie yelled out as she landed on Reinhardt’s back. 

Lance looked back to his list, “Next is Adry, Drax, and myself.” With a barely visible smirk, he finishes the list, “Mallogory and Scamp.”

Glancing towards the mare, he saw she was giving him a stoic stare, not amused at all.

“Those are the groups,” Lance says as he looks back to everyone else. “Jero will hand out your envelopes with instructions, and your communicators. We will all meet back here as we finish. No rushing, take your time.”

As the items were handed out, Lance jumped from the table and joined his group.


That little… 

I rolled my eyes as Mallogory and I stepped out of the pavilion together. The others heading off on their own task.

“So what’s our job?” Mallogory asked.

Ripping the envelope open, I pull out a piece of paper with a few tasks listed on it.

“First on the list is to find someone who can build us replacements for our missing limbs,” I said after reading the first listing.

“Awesome! I want to find someone who can build a mechanical arm,” she said in excitement. “Always wanted one of those bad boys, but was not willing to cut my own arm off for one.”

I chuckle at her as I hover beside her, wings flapping just enough to keep me up. “I’ll take anything at this point, I just want to be able to walk and fight easily.” Looking around, I see a map.

Stepping up to it, I scanned it for anything of note. To my delight I saw there was a massive market district in the park. Just a tram ride away.

With this information, we began the long walk to the tram station.

After walking in silence for a bit, she turns to me, “Now that we have a minute, tell me this; are you actually from a magical forest?”

I snorted and laughed at this, remembering how I was always introduced by the announcer. “Not exactly. I come from a dimension with magical creatures though, so close.”

“I knew it’d be some kind of magical, like a child’s story book,” she said, tapping a claw against her bone plated face. 

“Why does everyone associate me with a child’s fantasy book?” I ask, just getting a laugh I respond. “Okay, Ms feathered reptile, where are you from? A swamp?”

“Ouch, little pony can snap back,” she replied, stumbling like she’d been hit. With a chuckle she continued, “I grew up in a place called Seijern, which did have a swamp, but I did NOT grow up in it. Fun fact though, my race, the Kejtdra, are naturally just about six inches tall.”

“You look a few inches taller than six,” I say in a teasing tone.

“Haha,” she rolls her eyes. “I’m what’s considered a Wandering Kejtdra. Meaning I said screw staying in my home dimension and left to wander the Plains. Had a few hiccups, but I’m pushing through.” She patted her shoulder stump, “I mean till I joined you. Had barely ever been injured before encountering Leem.”

“Sorry about that,” I say, watching her flick her tail around. “Just so you know, you’re the only person to ever fight me and beat me into submission. Usually it’s the other way around.”

She flexed her one arm, smirking playfully, “what can I say? I’m the peak when it comes to what a warrior should be.”

“Sure, except for the fact you are untrained and only win due to a broken ability,” I point out, but she just shrugs.

“If it works, then who cares?” Then she got a bit more serious, “On a real note; you are the only being to actually fight me and make me actually try. Not counting Leem, since he’s basically just cheating.”

“I’ll admit, that ability is pretty amazing. If you’re still up to it, I’ll give you some real training that’ll turn you into a terrifying fighter.”

“Pretty sure I’m already there,” she said in a confident tone. “But I guess I wouldn’t mind letting you show me some stuff.”

“When there is time, I will,” I promise, giving her a salute.

It was at that moment my stomach growled. 

Now that I think about it, it’s been a long minute since I last ate.

“Hungry?” She asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Starving,” I replied, looking around the booths for one that sold food.

“Looking for some flowers or hay?” She asked with a slight mocking tone.

“Nah, fucking meat,” I reply back, catching her off guard.

“Ponies eat meat?” 

I laughed, “not normally. I've just always loved the taste, don’t really care for greens to be honest.”

“In that case, I think we’re going to get along just fine,” she then pointed down the rows of booths, pointing out one that had smoke pouring out of the top. “He definitely sells something good.”

We both quickly make our way over to it and are delighted to see a large beast cooking food on multiple grills and stoves, his many arms working fast as he made orders for others.

Mallogory and I took a seat at his booth, mouths watering as we looked over the menu above us.

“I can’t decide,” she said, eyes wide as she scanned the pictures of food.

“So many choices…” I said as I stared lovingly at the overly delicious pictures of food.

“Each item is of the highest quality,” the cook said as he strolled over to us happily. “What can I get you?”

Mallogory looked very conflicted as she looked over the menu frantically.

“One of everything!” I suddenly say, eye wide as I stare at him.

“Ma’am, that’s a lot of food, and expensive. May I recommend-“ 

“I’ll have the same!” Mallogory yelled, looking just as crazy as me.

“Ladies…” he started, but at our glares, he forced a smile. “One of everything, coming up!”

The two of us looked at the other, a bit stunned looking.

“Can you even put that much away?” She asked, smirking slyly.

“Me? Can you?” I countered, returning her smirk.

“Challenging me?” She raised an eyebrow.

“I am,” I reply, winking at her. 

Two plates were thrown in front of us. 

Without a word, we dove into our food, both of us being equally as messy and loud as we chewed through the first serving.

As we finished the first plate, another was pushed to us.

We smiled smugly at each other as we dove in again.