Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

A hopeless battle

Chapter 27

I almost fell out of my chair as the ship rocked with the second explosion, our speed decreasing further. 

“That hit our side! Living quarters are gone!” Mallogory yelled out as she watched her screen. 

“I guess it’s a good thing we’re up here then!” Reinhardt called back over the groaning of the ship's hull.

The only good thing we had going was any second now Lance would hit the accept, and we’d be pulled out of this mess!

Except, as the ship continued to pitch and roll as Drake struggled to keep us alive, my hope for a fast rescue wanned.

Two more explosions rocked the ship.

“That’s it!” Drake yelled as we came to a stop. “Engines gone, we’re dead in the freaking water!”

“Moxxi?!” I yelled into the mic, getting nothing but coughs and wheezes as a response. “Moxxi?! Remi?!” but no further response came.

“That last one hit the engines directly,” Mallogory said grimly. “The gravity field is still active, so we’re not going to fall to the ground below, but we’re not going anywhere.”

I slammed my hooves into my face, waiting for us to be blasted out of the air at any second.

“They stopped firing,” Reinhardt said as she looked out the window.

“They have?” I asked as I ran over, looking out and seeing two fairly large warships not that far away from us, their broadsides facing us but no longer firing.

“But why? They can easily kill us now,” Drake said as he unbuckled himself from the pilots seat.

I looked at the two ships, working my jaw. “They’re going to board us.”

“Good, that’s the kind of fighting I’m able to do,” Reinhardt said, leaning on her greatsword.

The doors to the bridge burst open and Remi slithered in, Moxxi in her arms.

“You’re alive!” I yelled, rushing over to them as she layed Moxxi down. Moxxi coughed violently, bloody and bruised.

“Sorry, Scamp, I couldn’t get the engines working again,” she wheezed.

I couldn’t help but laugh lightly as I patted her shoulder, “You did good, Mox.” I then looked to Remi, “Get her to Doc, now!”

She gave a nod and scooped the little goblin up, rushing out of the bridge.

“Now, will it just be Leem? Or a whole boarding party?” Reinhardt asked aloud, looking ready to fight.

Drake leaned against the window, looking up at the ships. “If I had to wager, I’d say his whole crew. He said he wasn’t playing around anymore after all.”

“We’ll handle them,” I said, looking at my friends. “Beans and Drake, go to Doc and wait. We’ll handle the boarding party.”

Beans gave a nod, hitting a few buttons on the consol before leaving and rushing past us.

Drake did not move as he looked out the window again. “I think they shot something at us.”

“What?” I asked, starting to walk over to him.

Then his eyes widened, “Oh shi-” 

The window in front of him exploded violently as Leem blew through it. He crashed through a few stations and panels, landing in the middle of the bridge, covered in gore.

My eyes widened as I realized Drake was no longer there. My eyes traced the walls and blood trail to Leem, the realization causing a pit to form in my stomach. 

I’d lost another friend.

“This ends here!” Leem roared, wielding nothing but his fist. 

I shook slightly, either from the sight of Leem or the loss of Drake, but a cold calm soon took over.

Eyeing the sheathing Lizard with hatred, the three of us squared up with him yet again.

“Careful,” Mallogory warned, feeling the same dread we all were.

Leem didn’t wait for us, he charged straight for us, plowing through anything in his path. As he reached us, I spun forward violently, shredding his legs out from under him. But as soon as I cut through them, they reappeared, and did not even slow him as he continued towards the other two.

Reinhardt dodged right, swinging her sword at him. It cleaved through his torso, but he continued forward and slammed into her, sending her flying into the wall. He spun around, ignoring the blades ripping into him, and grabbed at Mallogory. 

She flickered, causing him to miss her as she flickered like mad; removing limbs and heads like crazy. But he was in overhaul mode or something as any damage was recovered immediately.

I came in from the left, attaching my Ego to him and slicing through his neck, trying to get his attention away from Mallogory.

And it worked as three hands shot out of his back and grabbed me, one on my midsection, prosthetic, and back right leg.

He roared furiously as he ripped his hands away from himself, taking my prosthetic and back right leg with them. Despite myself, I let out a scream of pain as I was sent flying into the captain's chair, now missing my prosthetic and leg.

Reinhardt was on him in an instant, slicing and pushing, trying to push him towards the shattered window. But he just spun around on her and grabbed her by the neck. 

She turned to liquid again, getting out of his grip easily.

Mallogory flickered as she appeared in the air, kicking him hard towards the window. He stumbled a bit, but grabbed her leg and slammed her into the ground, golden yellow blood splattering out of her mouth as she gasped. He then threw her hard into the ceiling and turned, snapping forwards with his mouth and catching Reinhardt as she reformed. 

She let out a pained grunt as he chomped down on her left arm, then yanked hard as he removed it at the elbow.

Before he could do any more damage, I slammed into him, ripping into his neck with my own teeth, my two remaining hooves and wing blades shredding his body as I flapped and pushed hard, aiming for the window.

A hand came out and knocked me back as he snapped forward, mouth going for my neck. 

A pair of blades penetrated through his skull as Mallogory came to my rescue, barely making it in time. The hand holding my throat extended fast, slamming me into a wall as he roared in anger.

As he slammed a fist towards her, she flickered, dodging it. But she didn’t dodge the second one that suddenly blew through her stomach, coming out her back. Her eyes went wide as his head struck forward like a snake, removing her entire left arm at the shoulder.

“No!” I screamed, slicing the hand holding me and rocketed back towards him. Reinhardt grabbed him with her remaining arm and bellowed as she tried to lift him. Two arms shot from his back and penetrated out her back, one through her chest and the other through her gut.

That’s when I slammed into him, with everything I had. My impact helped Reinhardt finish her surplex, and she flung him over herself. Both he and I went out the window.

He tried to grab for the ship, but I did everything I could to slice away at his arms and appendages as he tried to stop from falling. Instead, he grabbed hold of me, taking me with him.

Ayla appeared next to me as we fell, looking sad as she held out her hoof to me. I grimaced, not wanting to, I REALLY did not want to.

But, I did. I grabbed her hoof.


“I’m back!” I yelled in glee as I saw I had my full body. “FUCK YES!”

Ego flared from my body, turning all of Leem’s limbs into a pink mist. I soared straight at him and sent a force field into him, sending him flying away violently.

He didn’t relent as he grabbed the ship and used his momentum to swing right back at me. He slammed into my Ego tendrils as I grabbed every inch of him, squeezing hard as I entered his body and began to attack every inch of him.

Leem roared, and to my surprise, broke out of my Ego and pulled himself into me. He grabbed an antler and bit into my snout. Two tendrils saved me from losing my face as I held his jaws open.

Throwing him back, I had a realization. I’ve seen how Scamp fights this monster, and nothing works. But what if…

As he came back, my body flared as I prepared a spell.

When he reached me, I slammed forward, butting heads with him. My spell flashed right then.


“What is this?!” Leem roared as we stood in a white void.

“Your mind,” I say with a smirk. “And boy is it empty!”

He rushed towards me, but I appeared behind him. “Good luck with that here. This might be your mind, but this is my domain!”

With a snarl, he wheeled on me and charged again. Instead of dodging, I just raised my hoof and pointed it at him.

“Enough!” I slammed my hoof down, causing him to fall to the ground, unable to move as if something was holding him down. “Better.”

With a wave of my wing, a console appeared before us.

“What is that?!” He yelled in anger, still fighting.

“Your memory bank,” I said as I ran a wing over it. “All of your memories are stored here, very delicate stuff.”

A second lizard appeared, similar to Leem. I just did the same thing to him. 

“You and your Ego weapon get to watch you lose yourself.”

I smiled as I remembered something that happened to Lance in his book. If that worked on him, then it should work here. I don’t know if it’ll be permanent, but it doesn’t matter. 

Without a word, I began to smash the large console, not stopping till it was nothing but rubble. 

Leem and his Ego weapon screamed in agony. I wanted to stay and watch, but reluctantly, I pulled myself out of his mind.


I watched as a tame and confused Leem fell away, giving him a little wave as he disappeared into the clouds below.

Flying back to the ship, I landed in the destroyed window, seeing Scamp’s friends laying there, unmoving.

Before I could say anything, I felt that little asshole forcing me away. But I just got out!


With a grunt, I hit the ground after unfusing, shaking in both fear and pain. Leem may be gone for now, but he did so much damage to us!

Unable to stand, I pulled myself to Reinhardt, checking on her. She grimaced in pain, putting a hand on my shoulder.

“Get him?” she asked painfully.

“I got him,” I replied, getting a weak smile from her. 

“Good, fuck ‘em,” she coughed, the two holes in her body, and missing arm, draining a lot of blood. She winked at me, and turned to liquid. 

I don’t know if that’s a good thing, but I don’t have time to think on it.

Frantically, I pulled myself over to Mallogory, horrified she wasn’t moving. 

A trail of blood followed me as I got to her and raised her cloak, examining her wound. It was bad.

“DOC!” I screamed at the top of my lungs, praying someone heard me.

Using my wings, I tried to stop the bleeding on her left shoulder where her arm use to be. I wasn’t enough to save her, not like this!

“DOC!” I screamed again, thankful when I heard something large running my way.

I looked up as he burst into the room, eyes wide in horror at the sight.

“Please!” I yelled in a hoarse voice, not liking the amount of blood pouring out of her wounds.

“Scamp, we need to-”

“Save her!” I yelled, nodding to Mallogory. “Then Reinhardt, then me! That’s a fucking order!”

He flinched then ran to Mallogory, his hands glowing.

I coughed, realizing something was broken inside me, and then fell backwards, darkness taking me.


“You fucker!” Lance roared as he jumped forward, a card flashing beside him. 

Lorenzo jumped back as the air where he’d been standing sucked inward and exploded. Lance blew through the smoke and slammed a hoof into Lorenzo, who blocked it with his sword. Thanks to his Ego gauntlets, he was not wounded and instead sent the suave man flying backwards.

But a portal opened behind him and he reappeared beside Lance, slamming the hilt of his sword into the side of Lance’s face. This hit had more power behind it than it should as Lance was sent straight into the ground and left a crater the size of his body.

Jero engaged with Lorenzo, swinging his blade wildly, as he had no training.

“This is the new Traveler? Hero of Good?” Lorenzo laughed. “It’s almost a pity to kill you right now.”

A vine wrapped around his neck and yanked him down hard, more vines wrapping around him.

“How annoying!” He coughed as he suddenly cut his way out of the vines and spun towards Vinetion’s surprised face.

But Lance appeared between them, deflecting the blade as a card flashed. A massive beam of energy shot out of his mouth, catching Lorenzo off guard. As the beam subsided, he stood there, clothes shredded and burned, but he remained standing.

“Whew, if that’d had just a tad more Ego to it, I’d be gone!” He laughed, slamming his fist into a portal and smashing Lance in the top of the head again. “Stay down! I need you alive.”

“No,” Lance replied simply as he stayed up and flew into Lorenzo, pounding away at his defense with his hooves. 

His eyes went wide as he dodged back as a bullet flew past the space his head had just been.

He looked to Calypso as she fired again, this time he deflected it with his sword. With a twirl, he stabbed his blade into a portal, the tip coming out beside her head. 

But a glyph appeared, blocking the attack.

“This asshole,” Greg growled as he joined the fight. He nodded to Lance as he hit two more glyphs, causing a box to appear around Lorenzo.

Lance flashed another card, a large cyan sword made of Ego appeared above him, with a twist of his body, the blade cut through the box.

With a yell of annoyance, Lorenzo had blocked the attack with his sword, sliding along the ground with the force of the hit.

Greg jumped forward, dancing around as he kicked glyphs all around his body.

All kinds of attacks began to hit Lorenzo as he blocked most, but a few got through. A spear of energy pierced his gut, but he just kept fighting.

Vines grabbed his legs, holding him in place as Lance flew forward, tackling him to the ground. He began to wail on the man, the ground around them cracking and exploding from his rage filled hits. A portal opened in front of Lorenzo’s face, causing Lance’s own fist to slam into his face. 

This sent him flying as Lorenzo twisted to his feet and sprinted towards Jero, determined to at least kill him.

Jero’s eyes went wide, not sure how to defend himself here. But as he was seconds from death, a loud explosion was heard as Rainbow Dash slammed into Lorenzo’s side, sending him rag dolling across the ground.

“Nice!” Greg yelled to the rainbow colored mare as she flew high into the sky again. Greg twisted and kicked a glyph, causing a massive amount of lava to pour out of a glyph and fall towards the downed Lorenzo.

But he wasn’t done yet as he rolled into a portal and appeared next to Greg, blade already at his throat. “Everyone stop! Or I kill this idiot!”

Everyone stopped moving. That is, except Lance as he suddenly appeared next to them, his back leg slamming into the man's head, sending him rocketing away again.

“Jesus, thanks Lance!” Greg said, pale as a ghost after almost losing his head.

Lance only nodded as he took off after Lorenzo.

“Okay,” Lorenzo said as he stood up. “I’m throwing out the ‘don’t kill these ones’ order. I’m killing you all!”

As Lance neared, his eyes went wide as he saw the blade flash towards him. He stopped and spun to the right, but the blade sliced through his right wing, causing him to slam into the ground.

“Lance!” Greg yelled as he teleported next to Lance and punched a glyph, sending a shower of spears towards Lorenzo.

The man just stared at them, eyes ablaze. He looked like a completely different person now.

A portal appeared before him, catching all the spears and sending them towards every single person around him.

Screams were heard as everyone not paying attention was impaled with a spear.

Greg’s eyes went wide as he saw his wife take a spear to the flank.

Lance roared as he shot back up and cards began to flash all around him.

A beam of energy shot at him, but Lorenzo redirected it towards Rainbow Dash, who barely dodged the sudden attack.

Anything that came at him, he just sent towards one of their friends. 

Drax was hit with a massive wave of energy, almost killing him instantly.

“Lance, we need to focus!” Greg said, his eyes unable to stop darting to his screaming lover.

“FUCK HIM!” Lance bellowed, not wanting to let up.

Lorenzo sidestepped into a portal and appeared behind two others.

“NO!” Jero screamed as he ran towards them, not caring he didn’t know how to fight or use his powers.

Vinetion spun around and kicked Octavia away as Lorenzo sliced the air where they’d both been standing. She stumbled back, eyes wide as she felt her neck open.

Lorenzo blocked a bullet from Calypso as he pushed his attack, finishing off the large green mare.

“Vine!” Octavia yelled from the ground. Without a look, Lorenzo sliced a portal in front of himself, silencing the gray mare.

Lance slammed into him, but his attack was blocked by the man's sword as he sidestepped. He jammed his sword into Lance’s side, and with a twist, forced him out of his Apollyon form. With a crash, Lance slammed into a table and flew over it.

Greg began to punch for a glyph, but Lorenzo’s blade swiped the air suddenly between him and his glyph. Looking at the man, he saw his wide, insane eyes staring back at him.

He growled in anger at the man as Jero stepped up to his side.

“What do we do?” he asked as Greg stomped a hoof in anger.

“Fuck, I don’t know,” Greg admitted, not taking his eyes off the man.

Lorenzo cocked his head, his bare chest showing through his destroyed clothes, “All you had to do was surrender the striped horse. That’s all you had to do.”

With a flick of his hoof, Greg hit a glyph, causing the ground below Lorenzo to open up. But the man countered with a portal of his own and landed behind Rarity.

The mare screamed in horror, but as he went for an attack, Rainbow Dash swept by, snatching up Rarity at the last possible second.

“Annoying,” he said as he pointed and went to open a portal, but nothing happened.

“Gotcha,” Lance gasped, using a card to shut off his Ego temporarily. Lance grabbed the man from behind, putting him in a full nelson. “GREG! NOW!”

Greg looked unsure of himself, but gave a nod as he jumped forward, almost dancing as he punched many different glyphs, causing his horn to glow brighter and brighter.

“Special FUCK YOU Cannon!” Greg screamed as he landed on all fours, horn pointed at Lance and Lorenzo.

“Hey, no no no!” Lorenzo yelled in a panic as a small, powerful beam shot from Greg’s horn and flew towards them. “STOP!” 

The beam penetrated his chest, and out Lance’s back. 

Lorenzo’s already wide eyes went even wider as he fell forward, with Lance falling behind him.

“Oh shit, Lance!” Jero yelled as he rushed towards them.

But Lorenzo wasn’t dead. He rolled, slapped the ground as a portal appeared, and slithered in like a wounded snake. But he did not reappear anywhere near them.

“Calypso!” Greg yelled. The white mare was already running forward, her Ego reaching out and latching on to everyone. She pulled it from the ones she knew were already gone.

Greg slid up next to Pinkie, holding her close as she cried into his chest. 

Lance, with Calypso’s ego attached, began to cry. Deep, heavy sobs as he rolled over, having trouble breathing as he looked at his dead friends.

Drax cried out in pain as he was healed slowly, his burned flesh slowly healing back to normal.

“What was that guy?!” Calypso asked as she tended to Pinkie’s wound herself, her Ego already working its magic on everyone.

“A goddamn monster,” Jero said, falling to his ass, looking at his hands in shock. 

Rainbow Dash landed, placing Rarity down. She then saw the little beacon beeping, cocking her head at it.