Tales of Interest!

by Pascoite

Function Follows Form

Some emotions are delicious. Hate, fear, jealousy. I could eat them endlessly.

Some emotions are bland. Happiness, joy, elation. My amulet can’t do anything with them.

But this one. It should taste wonderful. Why can’t I stomach it? This girl, humming to herself, away from everyone. She’s good, and it hurts, and I can’t take it.

“You alright?”

Her eyes, wide, surprised anyone would bother with her. “Yeah.”

But I can read her. That response makes people go away, keeps her alone, and she knows how to deal with that, so nothing changes.

“What’s your name?” She doesn’t answer. “Your voice is great. Better than mine these days. The Dazzlings could use a singer.” I hold out my hand.

“Wallflower Blush.”

“Who?” Her face clouds. The perfect jab, my amulet says, but I hate myself for it, so I smile. “I’m Adagio. C’mon.”

She hesitates. Finally, she takes my hand.