Equestria Ninja Girls Magical Mayhem

by Wildcard25

The Ultimate Ninja

It was a peaceful night in Canterlot, as a bright full moon lit up the sky. But then, a breeze began to pick up. The breeze turned into a wind and some leaves on a building started to swirl around. Then a small portal opened up and a figure leaped out and landed, resting on one knee and hand. Slowly, the figure stood up and looked around in silence when Scootaloo's voice pipe up.

"How awesome was that space warrior movie!" She exclaimed, in excitement.

The figure looked down in an alley where the Turtles, Allies, Fugitoid, Rainbooms, Bright Eyes, Blade Swipe, Lancer, the CMC, and even Diamond Tiara & Silver Spoon were talking about a movie they had just watched.

"I hear ya, Scoots," Mikey agreed. "Those fight scenes were EPIC!"

"Yeah!" Pinkie Pie chimed in.

"I found it quite interesting and enjoyable," Fugitoid said.

"I don't usually enjoy all that sci-fi stuff," Diamond Tiara stated. "But that movie was amazing!"

"Yeah it was!" Silver Spoon smiled excitedly.

"What I don't get is how the younger space warrior lost to the older one," Rainbow Dash said.

"Yeah, the younger dude was totally better," Casey added.

"And the older one was clearly past his prime," Donnie put in.

"Well, maybe the younger one lost because he was arrogant and only fought for fame and glory," Leo said. "And the older warrior won because he was fighting for everyone he cared about."

"Yeah, like that's even the reason," Raph scoffed. "I think the movie just needed a happy ending."

"I wouldn't be so sure, Raphael," Blade Swipe disagreed. "Sometimes the love of family and friends is what gives a warrior the strength to win a battle."

"I agree with Blade on this," Sunset Shimmer stated. "When we all took down Super Shredder, we weren't just fighting for Splinter, we were fighting for all our friends and families."

"Alright, point made," Raph admitted. "But I still doubt that's the reason the old guy won."

"You really shouldn't judge the book by it's cover, Ra-" Leo trailed off, before he suddenly dodged as kunai barely brushed past him and stuck to the wall!

Fluttershy screamed.

"Oh my stars!" Rarity gasped.

"Whoa!" Keno said.

"Where did that come from?!" Apple Bloom asked, in surprise.

"Everyone, be on guard," Leo cautioned.

The Turtles, Allies, and Rainbooms each drew their weapons and stood ready.

"Get behind us, youngins!" Applejack said, as she, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Blade got in front of the CMC, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, Bright Eyes, and Lancer.

"Who threw that?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"And what's that tassel attached to it?" Twilight Sparkle said, pointing to flag-like cloth that was tied to it.

"Hey, there's some kind message on it," Lancer noted.

"You're right," Karai said, taking the kunai and reading the message.

"What's it say?" April asked.

"It's a challenge," Karai answered.

"Correct!" Said a voice.

In a cloud of smoke the figure appeared before them. It was a young man dressed as some kind of ninja. He had short black hair, pointed ears, and wore a red oni mask. He had two swords strapped to his back and had a kekkgi hand claw on his right hand.

Raph smirked. "Nice ears. What are you? Some kind of elf prince?" He remarked, with a laugh.

In the blink of an eye, the stranger viciously struck him in the face and chest before knocking him off his feet with a powerful palm strike.

"Be silent, ignorant kappa!" He ordered. "Or I will silence you permanently!" He rises his claw.

Raph got up and raised his sais. "You just picked a fight with the wrong turtle, creep!"

"Hold up, Raph," Leo blocked him off, then tuned to the stranger. "Who are you?"

"My name is Ue Sama, but you may call me the Ultimate Ninja!" The stranger said.

"The Ultimate Ninja?" Mikey said. "I would have picked something better-" the Ultimate Ninja threw a shrunken that barely missed him.

"I won't miss a second time!" He threatened, making Mikey cower behind Shinigami.

"A bit intimidating aren't we?" The witch girl inquired.

"What do you want?" Sunset Shimmer asked.

"And why are you here?" Twilight Sparkle chimed in.

"Where do you even come from anyway?" Pinkie Pie wondered aloud.

"I come from a realm known as the Nexus," The Ultimate Ninja explained. "I am a daimyo's son and a very skilled warrior, as I demonstrated on the meat-headed kappa." He pointed directly at Raph as he said it.

Raph glared from the insult "I'll show you meat-headed!" He leaped at him only for the Ultimate Ninja to dodge and hit the nerves in his neck, making him freeze and drop on the ground with a funny look on his face.

"Indeed you have, kappa!" Ue Sama said, shoving him back, then he continued. "Being very skilled, I had longed to put my skills to a test, against a worthy opponent. So I scoured the Multiverse, looking for an adversary worthy of my time. My searches lead me to this world, where I witnessed a fight take place. A fight where the four of you were ultimately defeated by a warrior who dubbed himself the Shredder!"

"Wait," Mikey broke in. "You were there when we got our butts handed to us by Shredder?"

"Indeed, your skills were pathetic by the way," Ue Sama said, making the other turtles glare. "At last, I had found a worthy opponent. After that, I returned to the Nexus to train. I trained tirelessly for days until finally I was ready. Then I returned to challenge the Shredder only to witness the honor and glory snatched from me, by you!" He point right at Leo. "My training, all in vain. Or so I would have thought, had I not realized that I had found a much more worthy opponent! One I could fight in the Shredder's stead."

"What are you saying?" Leo asked, suspiciously.

"I am saying this, kappa: I challenge you to a mortal duel!"

Raph got up, rubbing his neck. "Okay, let's get one thing straight here," he picked up his sais. "You challenge Leo..."

"You challenge all of us!" Donnie said, reading his staff.

"Ditto, dude!" Mikey whirled his chucks.

"Heck Yeah!" Rainbow Dash said, raising her spear.

"You're not fighting Leo without fighting us too!" Pinkie Pie declared.

"And you aren't the first to underestimate our friendship!" Sunset stated.

"Mmm hmm!" Fluttershy nodded, as the others stood by Leo's side with their weapons ready.

"I admire your loyalty," Ue Sama said, crossing his arms. "But I did not challenge any of you! Fortunately, I can rectify that!" He pulled out a small paddle drum and started playing it. Then it began to glow and turned into a floating man in a robe and noh mask. "Gyoji, sorera o fukumu!"

The Gyoji waved a wooden paddle and everyone but Leo found themselves trapped inside a mystic force field.

"What the?" Raph tried to use his sais on the force field but to no avail.

"What is this?!" Casey said, in surprise.

"We're trapped!" April exclaimed.

Applejack used her geode strength to try break the shield but it didn't break. "No joke there," she said

Leo turned back to the Ultimate Ninja. "What did you do?" He demanded.

"This is a universal challenge match, kappa," Ue Sama explained. "If you refuse to duel, then the lives of you're brothers and friends are forfeit!" Fluttershy whimpered in fear at that. "But if you accept the duel and lose, then your life is forfeit!"

"Well that's a pretty cruel conjunction," Pinkie Pie commented.

"Make your choice, kappa!"

Leo looked back to the others, then he frowned back at the Ultimate Ninja. "There is no choice. I accept the challenge!" He said.

"Wise decision," Ue Sama looked at the Gyoji. "Grant the others full observance. I want an audience to witness my triumph!"

"As you request, Ue Sama," the Gyoji nodded. "As is custom, the warrior Leonardo may have a moment to prepare."

"I will be waiting, kappa," The Ultimate Ninja said. "Be wary and prepare to face your doom!" Then he vanished in a cloud of smoke.

"Boy, he's a little melodramatic," April said.

"I concur," Rarity agreed.

"Does this happen to you guys a lot?" Diamond Tiara asked.

"On a regular basis," Pinkie Pie replied.

"I think it's a little too exciting for me," Silver Spoon said.

"You're kidding, right?" Diamond Tiara asked rhetorically.

"I wish I was fighting that nutcase!" Raph said.

"Especially after he kicked your butt twice," Mikey noted, and Raph bonked him on the head.

"You know whatcha' doing, Leo?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Not a clue," Leo said.

"You must face off against Sama in this challenge," the Goyji explained. "But Sama will be relentless!"

"You can't really go along with this, Leo!" Twilight Sparkle said in worry.

"I don't have a choice guys, it's either me or you," Leo retorted.

"Just be safe, Leo."

"I will," Leo promised, then he turned to the Gyoji. "I'm ready."

The Gyoji waved his paddle and Leo vanished.

"Leo!" Twilight cried.

"Where is he?!" Raph demanded the Goyji.

"Observe," the Goyji showed them a mystic circle and they could see Leo in the park.

Leo roamed around, until he heard a sound. He whipped around in the direction but saw nothing. Then he heard another sound and barely dodged as the Ultimate Ninja tried to jump him with his swords.

The two got into a stances. "Let us begin, kappa!" Ue Sama said.

Leo drew his katanas. "Couldn't agree more!"

Then they both charge at each other and the duel began.

The two clashed at each other with their blades. Then Sama managed to disarm one of Leo's katanas with a kick. But when he swung down at him, Leo grabbed his arm and flipped him, making him lose one of his katanas. They continued to clash weapons, neither one gaining the upper hand.

Until they reached a grapple and pushed themselves back. Then Leo rushed at Sama but the ninja was ready and threw blinding powder in his face. While the turtle coughed Sama disarmed him and knocked him into a tree.

"Hey, that guy cheated!" Casey accused.

"I'd hardly call that cheating, Jones," Karai rebuffed.

"She's right," Blade Swipe added. "Such tactics are exceptional, even in officially fair duels."

"Right," agreed the Goyji. "But your complaint has been noted."

"But shouldn't you do something about it?" Lancer asked.

"Young man, such things are considered after the duel. And not during," the Goyji explained.

"After!" Rainbow Dash shouted. "There may not be an after for Leo!"

"C'mon, Leo!" Keno called. "Show elf boy who's boss!"

"You do know he can't hear us, right?" Applejack asked rhetorically.

"Hey, uh, Mr. Gyoji?" Mikey said to the masked man. "Is there any way we could get some popcorn and sodas?"

"I have no idea what you're requesting," the Goyji said.

"Excuse us," Donnie pulled Mikey away. "How could you think about snacks while our brother's fighting for his life?"

"What? It's not like we can help," Mikey said in defense. "And I'm hungry."

As Sama rushed at Leo, his sword aimed, the turtle quickly ducked and rolled before kicking him sideways. Sama stood and whipped out a manriki chain and began swinging it at Leo.

"You know," Leo said nonchalantly as he dodged the weapon. "Attacking me while I'm disarmed is hardly fair!"

"There is no fair in mortal combat!" Ue Sama rebuked. "Anything goes! As a ninja, you should know that!"

He swung the chain again. But this time, Leo caught it. "Actually, I do know that!" He said and yanked the ninja forward, kicking him into a lamp post.

Ue Sama then whipped out some kunai and threw them. Leo flipped to avoid them and threw his shurikens, deflecting the attacks. Then when Sama leaped toward him to nail him with a kick, Leo threw down a smoke bomb to escape.

"Coward!" Ue Sama shouted. "You run from combat? How can a coward like you defeated the Shredder?"

"I wouldn't call it running..." came Leo's voice, right before he jumped out of no where and kicked the Ultimate Ninja in the face. "I usually call it a heroic retreat."

"That's it, Leo! Get him!" Twilight cheered.

"You think Leo can take this guy?" Lancer wondered.

"I hope so," Bright Eyes said in concern.

Sama pulled out some nunchukus and whacked Leo in the legs. Leo howled as the Ultimate Ninja stood and whacked him three times before kicking him upward and drop kicked him into a tree, leaving a crack.

"Ouch!" The CMC winced.

"Uh wouldn’t this be considered as TV violence, Diamond Tiara?" Silver Spoon inquired to her friend.

"Please my mom isn’t even here," Diamond Tiara scoffed. "Besides, I’m actually enjoying this." They winced as Leo got slammed. "For the most part."

"Oh dear!" Fugitoid said.

Leo quickly dodged another strike before he took off running, snatching one of the kunais as he did so. When he pasted by another tree, Sama appeared running beside him. He closed in on him, but Leo jumped up and leaped from tree to tree, with Sama right behind him. Soon they left the park and landed onto the trailer of a moving semi truck.

"This Ue Sama guy is really good," Karai admitted.

"Eyup," Applejack added. "I think Leo might be cutting it close."

"Leo IS gonna win!" Twilight Sparkle said defensively.

"I meant that in a good way."

"Twilight, are you..." Spike began.

"NO I'M NOT OKAY!" Twilight broke out. "LEO NEEDS OUR SUPPORT AND YOU'RE ALL COMPLIMENTING THIS ULTIMATE SHOWOFF!" As she rambled on, the Gyoji formed an individual barrier around her.

"There will be no tolerance for such childish behavior!" He said sternly.

After a while, Twilight calmed down and the barrier around her vanished.

"I'm sorry," she said. "I'm scared for Leo! You heard what Sama said if he loses!"

"Nobody said we weren’t supporting Leo anymore, Twilight," Sunset said. "But we can’t support him if we worry too much."

"We're all scared for him, Twilight," Karai said. "We just need to keep believing Leo will win."

"Because friends never quit on friends," Spike added.

"Go for it, Leo!" Rainbow Dash cheered.

"Nail that jerk!" Keno chimed in.

"Yay," Fluttershy said.

Sama swung his chucks while Leo countered with the kunai. They clashed back and forth while also throwing in some kicks. Until Sama disarmed Leo again and threw another kick. But Leo was ready this time and caught his leg before for flipping him over his shoulder, making the ninja bounce across the roof and lose his chucks.

The Ultimate Ninja stood up. "You have not disappointed so far," he admitted. "But let's see how well you are at hand to hand!" And he got into a stance.

Leo got into a stance as well and he and the Ultimate Ninja rushed at each other and fought hand to hand, striking and kicking, while dodging and blocking the other's attacks.

Then Ue Sama managed to sweep kick Leo off his feet and the turtle nearly fell off the truck. He managed to save himself by landing on his hands at the very edge of trailer. He looked like he was doing a handstand. He looked and saw Sama rushing at him. The ninja tried to strike him, but the turtle blocked his attacks with his legs, before he hooked them around Sama's torso and threw them both off the truck.

They tumbled around across the road before landing on their feet. Then Sama leaped onto a car and Leo followed. They began leaping from car to car until they came to an arched bridge. They swung up the cables and flipped onto the top of one of the arches.

"Perhaps you do have what it takes," Ue Sama said. "But I am still not convinced that you were able to defeat the Shredder!"

"I’m not trying to prove myself," Leo said. "I’m fighting for my FAMILY!"

The two charged at each other and battle hand to hand again. But Leo started losing again and Ultimate Ninja kicked him down. Everyone in the barrier gasps.

"Leo!" His brothers cried.

"C’mon!" Casey said.

"Isn’t there anything we can do?" Diamond Tiara asked.

"We can’t just sit here and do nothing!" Silver Spoon stated. "He’s your brother!"

"If they can’t let us interfere, what can we do?" Raph said.

"One way to find out," Fugitoid walks up to Gyoji. "Isn’t there anything we can do that won’t intervene with the battle?"

"There is one thing," the Goyji said. "As friends and family members of Leonardo, you may have right of full attendance. But only if you request for it."

Everyone looked at each other and nodded.

"Then we request full attendance!" Twilight Sparkle said.

"Request, granted!" The Goyji held up his paddle and the forcefield began to glow.

"This is so metal!" Casey said, as they vanished.

Back on the bridge, Leo was blocking the Ultimate Ninja's strikes until he threw a kick that Sama caught and spun him around before throwing him to the ground. Sama leaped at Leo, his claw ready, but the turtle dodged the strike and the ninja's went into the ground just missing him. Leo grabbed hold of the claw and kicked Sama back, pulling off his claw. Right after the others had appeared.

"Whoa! This doesn’t look as bad this close up," Mikey said.

"Change is good," Fugitoid noted.

"Now this’ more like it," Apple Bloom said.

"You go, Leo!" Scootaloo cheered.

Leo and Sama continued to fight hand to hand, until Leo threw a chop Sama grabbed and twisted his hand, making the turtle drop to his knees.

"LEO!" The others cried.

"That's it! I'm putting a stop to this!" Raph said. Then he, Donnie, and Mikey tried break the force field with their weapons, but their efforts were in vain.

The Ultimate Ninja stared down at the turtle. "I will admit, you have been worthy opponent, kappa! You did not disappoint."

Leo glanced at the others, most of all Twilight.

"But you have lost!"

"Leo!" Twilight cried, right before Sama raised his palm and struck Leo in the face, knocking him over the edge and down to the waters below. "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!"

Everyone stared in horror as their leader and friend was sent plummeting to his doom.

"You monster! YOU MONSTER!" Raph shouted at the ninja. But Ue Sama just stared back with no remorse.

As Leo fell, he saw visions of his brothers, friends, and Twilight Sparkle. Both Princess and human. Then he saw vision of Splinter.

"Leonardo!" He said. "Fear nothing! And fight for your loved ones!"

Leo's eyes shot open and he remembered that he was still holding Sama's claw. He quickly put it on and jabbed it into the side of the bridge. It dragged through the wall, until he eventually slowed to a stop.

Leo breathed a sigh of relief. "I so gotta thank AJ for showing me that trick," he said to himself, as he started climbing back up.

"He is finished! I have won!" Ue Sama said with pride. "In the end, do you understand! I am THE ULTIMATE NINJA!"

"You’re just a bully!" Sweetie Belle snapped.

"Mock me all you want, child!" Ue Sama rebuked, "It will not change the outcome!

"I swear! I’ll make you pay for what you did to my brother!" Raph growled.

"We all will!" Twilight Sparkle said with tears in her eyes.

"Since you’re so eager to join him, which of you will fall next?" Ue Sama challenged.

"I'm afraid the duel is not yet finished, Ue Sama," the Goyji noted, much to everyone's surprise.

"I bested the kappa! He is finished!" Ue Sama retorted.

"Am I?!"

Ue Sama whipped around just in time to see Leo climb back over the edge.

"Leo!" Twilight Sparkle exclaimed.

"He's alive!" Pinkie Pie cheered.

"Impossible!" Ue Sama said in disbelief. "How?!"

"Next time you knock me off a bridge, make sure I didn't get a hold of this!" Leo showed Sama the claw. "Let's finish this!" He discarded the claw and got into a stance.

Growling, Sama charged at Leo, but the turtle was ready and dodged and fought him off the same way he beat Super Shredder. He kicked him in the back and chest. Then knocked him in the back of one of his legs making him drop down. And struck him across the face, knocking off his mask. Sama tried to fight back, but Leo was going all out and struck him all over face and chest areas. Then finally, Leo kicked and pinned him down on his front. Sama struggled to get up, but Leo had him.

"You were a worthy opponent," he said. "But you have lost!"

The Ultimate Ninja stopped struggling and sighed. "I yield..."

Leo got off him. "Don't feel bad, you fought a good fight, so it's okay."

"Winner: Leonardo!" The Goyji announced.

The force field faded and the others rushed over to him. Twilight Sparkle threw her arms around him.

"Oh, Leo! I was so worried! I thought you were..."

"So was I, Twilight," Leo returned the hug.

"So glad you're ok, bro," Raph said. "But don’t you ever scare us like that again!"

"If I scare myself again then okay," Leo said.

Fugitoid looked to Diamond Tiara and Silver spoon. "I hope you two weren’t traumatized by this experience," he said to them.

"Not as traumatizing as my mom’s soap operas," Diamond Tiara shuddered. "Though I admit I was on the edge, but happy Leo won."

"Same here," Silver Spoon added.

Blade Swipe walked up and shook Leo’s hand. "You never cease to amaze me, Leonardo," he said. "That is why you always have my respect."

"I bet Splinter would be proud," Sunset Shimmer chimed in.

As everyone congratulated Leo, Bright Eyes glanced over at Ue Sama. The Ultimate Ninja was starting to get up and was fixing Leo with a very heated glare. Then she saw him pull something from his robe and her eyes widened when she saw what it was.

"Oh no... Leo, look out!" She cried.

Everyone looked just as Ue Sama threw a dagger right at Leo! But then, the dagger suddenly froze in mid air, inches away from Leo's face.

"Whoa! That was a close save, April!" Donnie said.

"I... didn't do that?" April confessed.

"I did!" Said a deep voice.

The Ninjas looked up and stared in amazement. Ue Sama turned around and looked up as well. Standing behind him was a large man dressed like a shogun. He had a gold mask and carried a mystical-looking staff.

The Gyoji bowed. "Your highness!"

"Father!" Ue Sama exclaimed.

"Father?" The Turtles, Allies, Rainbooms, and kids collectively said in confusion.

"My son," the man said to the Ultimate Ninja. "I am very ashamed and disappointed in you!"

"But, father-" Ue Sama began.

"Silence!" The man cut him off. "Not only do you have the audacity to go behind by back to challenge Hamato Leonardo solely to make a name for yourself, but you also refused to accept defeat in the most disgraceful manner to you and myself."

"Father, that kappa has cheated!" Ue Sama accused, making everyone glare.

The man looked at Leo. "What I see is a young warrior who is willing to fight to his last breath to defend his loved ones with honor," he said, and looked to his son. "As for you, Sama, you are no longer allowed to travel through other worlds, engage in battle, or do anything without my permission and knowledge!"

"For how long?" Ue Sama asked.

"Until you have re-earned my trust."


"Do I make myself clear?!" The man roared, as thunder clapped and lighting struck from his staff.

"Yes, father," Ue Sama said, bowing.

"Good," the man opened a portal. "Now, you can start by cleaning the halls immediately." The Ultimate Ninja went through the portal along with the Goyji. But not before glaring at Leo. Then the man turned to the Ninjas. "I apologize for my son's actions. If there is anything I can do to make up for it, I would."

"Well, there is this one little thing," Twilight Sparkle started. "What the heck was all that about!?"

"And who are you?" Raph asked. "What was the deal with this whole fight anyway?"

"I am called The Ultimate Damiyo," the man said. "And as for your other question, I am afraid that is knowledge for you to learn in time. Now, before I go." He waved his staff and Leo's katanas appeared and floated into his hands. "I return to you, Leonardo, your katanas." Then just as he entered the portal, he turned back to the ninjas. "There will be more challenges and revelations to come, remain strong in who you are." Then he completely vanished as the portal closed.

The Turtles and Rainbooms just stood in silence for moment when Scootaloo broke the silence.

"That was awesome!" She cheered.

"I think I speak for us all when I say, what just happened?!" April exclaimed.

"No idea?" Spike answered.

"Well, hopefully we'll find out some day," Leo said.

"Uh, one more question?" Sweetie Belle asked aloud. "How are we going to get down from here?"