by discordjediknight

chapter 2 normal ?

Hay. Hay you. Yeah, you, reading this right now. Yeah, hi. Remember me. I'm the one in chains, right? Yeah, yeah, I know. I have the ability to break the fourth wall, alright? Have you ever seen the Emperor's new groove? Hopefully, you have, cause it's a similar situation. I plan to tell this story in both the third person and first, heh. So you're probably wondering where I come into play in all of this, right? Well, be patient, dear reader. I gotta let the story talk for itself a little bit. Tho, ill tell you this just to keep you interested. I'm the one that kills Discord. Yeah, spoilers, I know buuut. How do I do it, you may ask. You'll just have to wait to find out. Tho I can tell you this, I won't come into the story till chapter 5. Still, something to look forward to. Until then, I hope you enjoy chapter…
You know, I never even gave chapter one a title or said it was chapter one. Oh, well. Enjoy


Welp that's another one down way to go free cop. AJ said with a swing of her hoof.
It took a second for Discord to realize AJ was talking about him. "Hmm oh yeah."
He gave a smile. "Just another night, ya know." He chuckled, to which AJ returned as well as the rest of the group. All except Fluttershy, who noticed there was a look of sadness in the draconqusises eyes. But it vanished as soon as it came, as Discord waved out his arms.
"Ok, ok, shows over I think it's time we all head home don't you."
Rarity nodded in excitement. "Oh yes, most definitely. Come on spiky, you can walk me home." She pulled spike with her hoof.
"Hay Spike, next guy's night is at your place in Canterlot," Discord called after him.
Spike shrugged. "You know, we might as well just call it games night now that we invite the girls all the time two it."
"Better get home to sugar bell, then." Big Mac gave his sister, AJ, a hug and headed home to his wife.
Pinky jumped up with Dash as they headed out, leaving Fluttershy and Discord to be the last two standing. "Ummm," she said nervously. Discord smiled and turned in the opposite direction from where the others were heading.
"Yes, your house is in the opposite direction than theirs. Hmm, Even tho it's not too far. With the events of tonight, I can't let you walk home alone now, can I." He said as he ran his claw down his beard.
"Come on" he shrugged and held out his lion paw to her. She took it and walked with him towards her home.
It wasn't long before the crazy antics of pinky pie were distant sounds. Fluttershy looked at Discord. She thought about how much discord had changed over the last year or so since twilight coronation.
For one thing, discord hardly ever floated midair anymore. He used to hate gravity. And only obeyed its rules when with his friends, but now he almost never defied it. For another, he kept his shoulders back along with his back straight, as if he was a soldier in the army or something. At first, she thought he was just doing it to copy and make fun of rainbow dash. Since she was a wonder bolt. And when she was around he would, exaggerated his poster to do just that. But even when she wasn't, he rarely ever seemed to act laid back and foolish any more like he used to.
That isn't to say he wouldn't laugh and joke around, and play a prank or two. But even at their weekly tea parties, he rarely ever wasn't in this new poster. Just walking with her now, he still kept up the military attitude in the way he moved.
It wasn't just the way he walked. Discord made subtle changes to his appearance. His eyebrows, for example. They used to be just a set of fluffy white hairs scattered in all directions. Now they were trimmed. Same with the white patch of hair on his tail. It once was just a scattered mess now it was buzz cut and kept short. Which was odd considering he was the lord of chaos. The main that ran from his head and down his neck was also kept tightly cut. His goatee was shorter and not one hair out of place. A small patch of black hair ran down the middle of it.
She remembered when she first saw him with the new look. She was preparing for their tee party when he walked in. Yes walked in. something he did quite often now, almost never showing up out-of-the-blue like he uses to. He told her on his last mission the hair on his tail almost caught fire, so AJ demanded he kept his look a bit cleaner. As an officer, he had to apply
He had the same look he did now accept without his goatee. It was strange seeing her friend without the iconic look.
'You should grow it back."
" Huh?" he asked. "Your goatee. I can't get used to seeing you without it. She shook her head.
"Oh," he shrugged and snapped his fingers. Suddenly the goatee grew back, but he kept it short. "Is that better?" He asked. She nodded and returned to making the tea.
She smiled at that memory, but it quickly turned into a frown remembering the events she just went through as she turned away.
"What is it?" He asked.
She looked up and saw his head upside, staring at her bend over from his body that still displayed the stiff army tone.
"You keep staring at me, what is it."
She looked down but kept walking alongside him.
"It's just that I never heard you yell like that before." She said, looking down at the ground.
"Oh, I'm sorry, it must have been scary for you." He said as he looked away from her.
She took her hoof back from his paw. "Umm discord, how many times do you get called into situations like that?" she asked.
Discord tilted his head a bit, then brought it back up. Now he stood at his full height.
" More than you want to hear."
"You do know why I'm called free cop, right? Why I don't have a number distinction instead? "
With a nod, she answered him. "It's because you don't belong to a specific town."
" Since I can be anywhere with a snap of my fingers, I can pretty much help anypony. My walky-talky is even enchanted, so I can be called from as far as the kirin woods. However..."
discord jumped in front of her with a little hop and continued the conversation, walking backward.
"I am not entitled to respond to anything less than a code 12. Which is a creature that poses magic, typically a unicorn but not always stole something and is on the move. If it's a changeling, it's a code 8. They can be tricky to take down."
"He tilted his head to her. If the threat starts spreading dangerous magic, then the situation worsens and the code number lowers. The lower the number, the more dangerous the threat. That unicorn was throwing an incinerator blast. One hit, and it could at the very least burn you.
If he was more powerful, he could have incinerated you and have been a level 2 threat. It's situations like that, I am the best to be called in for. As the free cop, I can go anywhere as long as it is in the jurisdiction of the friendship alliance world."
Fluttershy nodded, knowing this too well.
He noticed how concerned she looked when he explained this to her. He stopped just ahead of her.
"I'm the lord of chaos. Such dangers are nothing thanks to my magical abilities. You do not have to worry." He said, giving her a friendly smile. She looked up at him. But her concern did not waver.
She remembered the time when Discord saved her from King Sombra. Sombra blaster a ray of magic and discord jumped in front of it, blasted over their head and slid across the floor.
"Dizzy!". She yelled, not thinking about the nickname. It turned out he was faking in order to give them some boosted inspiration to do what was needed. But she never wanted to see him like that, aging. It was then she noticed just how much he meant to her.
"Discord I am proud of you for being a cop, she began. But why such dangerous threats? I don't like the thought of you being in danger."
"I know, I know. My friend." he set his paw on her head.
At the word friend, an unexplainable feeling of sadness hit her.
" But you don't have to worry, I'm the lord of chaos nothing can hurt me. Now, don't think about it."
He then ran his claw from her head down to her back and gave her a slight push to get her walking again.
She did so and tried to shake the thoughts out of her mind, but it was obvious by her frown that she couldn't. The two walked quietly to Fluttershy's home. As they entered the door, there was still glass scattered across the place from the broken window. She looked at it and flinched. Discord noticed it and only smiled. As he walked further into the room. He snapped his fingers and the glass instantly floated back into the window and reformed itself, leaving not even a crack.
"There you go, easy cleanup".he nervously laughed.
She put on a smile although her eyes said anything but happiness and nodded.
Discord's own grin wavered as he slowly blinked at her. "Well, then, good night." he walked past her and was about to exit the door when her little voice stopped him.
"Ahh umm."
Discord posed his lion paw on the door handle as he turned to her.
"Can you uh." She stuttered. Barely getting the words out. "Ca... can you. Sta... stay. To Ummm."
She didn't finish, but Discord understood. The events earlier must have really scared her. He thought as He took his paw off the door handle and returned to her side.
"Sure, I don't mind. "
He saw a small smile grow on Fluttershy's face. He spent the night there a few times before. Sometime before, When she was captured by the changelings, he stayed a week with her till she stopped having nightmares about being ponynaped. Although most of the time he spent the night there by accident. Sometimes their Tuesday teas would last till late in the evening, through the night. And he would pass out on her couch.
He smiled and patted her on the head. Startling her out of her own thoughts.
"Hay, where do you want me, On the couch or the bed?" He asked.
Her eyes slightly widen.
"Haha, he laughed. I'm only kidding." He snapped his fingers and in a flash of white magic, a pillow and a blue blanket materialized out of thin air, landing on the couch. He took a step towards the couch only to be stopped by her little voice aging.
"Um, actually if you… don't mind."
His eyes widen at the realization of what she was asking. She didn't say it out right, but...
He turned his neck towards her, she was slightly embarrassed.
" It's just that. I. I would be more comfortable if…"
it wasn't the first time they fell asleep together. Usually, they'd fall asleep on the couch or sometimes on their pick nicks when she was tired after a long day of work. Being a school teacher and an animal caretaker wasn't easy, since she had her own animal sanctuary. But never had she asked for him to sleep next to her. Let alone, in her room. He gulped.
"Uhh, unless your not comfortable then," she said nervously as she took a step back.
Discord could feel his face growing redder with embarrassment. "Umm no if…."
She looked up at him.
"If that will help you get some sleep, then. Uh sure." he coughed away trying to clear his throat as well as the embarrassment on his face.
He went up the stairs, stretching with every step. He enters her room with her following him and crawled into the bed, laying with his back turned to her. He took up as little as much room as possible.
Literally. He laid on the last two inches and was flat as a cardboard box that was only two inches wide. She noticed this as she lay down and pulled up the covers.
"Umm, there's more room than that."
He nervously laughed. "Haha, yeah," he laughed nervously. "I guess there is." He then folded out to normal, but he still took up as less of the bed as he physically could. Fluttershy couldn't help but notice how unrelated he seemed to be. She gave a slight chuckle at the look of him.
"Now I know your weakness.
" Ah huh, he replied. Laying next to a pretty girl, that's definitely my weakness."
Her eyes widen a bit. "Did... did you just call me pretty?
His eyes widen as she said that. He put a claw over his mouth. "Uhh, no," he said with no confidence in his voice. He was so nervous, he just spat that out and didn't even realize it.
She giggled slightly. He growled a bit at his own stupidity.
"Just go to sleep, will you." he spat out as he dug his head further in the pillow and tried not to look at her.
She smiled at that. And threw her arms around his neck, resting her head on his neck as well. This only made Discord stiffen a bit more. With a tired voice and slight yawn, she uttered the words, "Thank you." As her breathing slowed, and she drifted off to sleep.
He could feel the warmth of her breath on his neck as she breathed in and out. Strangely, he could feel himself relaxing to it with every slow breath she took. He yawned, not releasing how tired he actually was, from the night's events. With a smile, he closed his eyes and drifted to sleep alongside her.

Discord sat across from a desk. His head rested on his lion paw, waving his eagle claw in the air as he listened to apple jack go over his report. A clock on the wall behind him ticking away. By a calendar. It was Monday morning, 9:00, judging by the calendar and the time,
"And finally you escorted Mrs. Fluttershy home before heading home yourself."
Discord's eyes dashed to the window as he nodded. Not wanting to state what he actually did that night.
"She must have been frightened huh," AJ said, setting the paper down.
Discord only nodded in agreement, eyes still at the window. Seeing his reflection among the walking crowd of the streets just outside.
"Alright, well, the guy we captured Saturday night, I got his file right here." She held out a folder, which he took and looked into it as she continued.
"Donny dandy. Age 28 was a magic professor from the crystal empire. Moved to Ponyville wanting to learn more about the world after being gone for a thousand years due to King Sombra."
"So he's a crystal pony professor, that would explain how he knows some deadly spells." discord replied as he flipped through the pages.
"Any reason why he stole that gemstone?
"Just a petty theft at the end of the day."
Discord didn't look convinced as he stared at the mug photo.
"His plan was to sell it on the market and get some food for his family."
At the sound of that discord raised his head to her.
"Yeah, it's funny. These days seem brighter than ever, don't they?"
Just as she said that, a sound of laughing children could be heard passing the window. Most likely on their field trip to the new museum just down the street from the police station.
AJ continued after they passed. "The only problem is the brighter the light, the darker the shadow. There has been a steady climb in the crime rate in Equestria. Makes sense tho, since Equestria has never seen this much growth. Our population is now almost doubled since Twilight took the throne over a year ago."
Applejack leaned back in her chair. "Donny here has been arrested several times for basic theft but was always released with warnings. However, now with him being placed under a code 4, the chances of him going to prison have skyrocketed more than the sales of my apples."
Discord set the file down. "Just kept making the same mistake over and over, aging, huh?" Discord replied back to her. He saw AJ give a nod in response in the corner of his eye.
"Until he went too far, that is."
" And what of his family?"
AJ spun her chair to look away from Discord. "He's got 2 sons and a wife and a mother. I'm ah, sure it is fine."
Discord nodded as the sound of the ticking clock became the only sound that filled the room. After a long moment of nothing, discord finally stood up and was about to head out when AJ turned her chair around and stopped him.

"Hay discord can you do me, a favor before ya go? I have to go help my brother pick apples, can ya run this personnel file over to city hall?"
Discord turned back, walked over and grabbed it from her hoof without uttering a word. The clock ticking with every step.
As he walked through town, he felt them. Their eyes. All staring at him. He rolled his head slightly but put on a fake smile and continued his path. Waving hi to anyone who was brave enough to reach his gaze. They all hated him. As he walked through the streets, several moms and dads would pull their children closer trying to protect them from him.
He pretended not to notice when a griffin mother took her young son and tried to hide him from discord. He only shook his head. What on earth could be going through their minds, he thought. I mean sure. Before, he got strange looks due to his appearance. Something he didn't really care for but could deal with. Some might of even been frightened of him or hated him. But now they treated him worse than ever before. Even tho he wore a badge of a good guy, he couldn't shake the reputation he had as a villain. They all knew he once betrayed Twilight and joined Terick. They all knew that even tho he played a role in saving them against Chrysali's take-over he was responsible for gathering up the most dangerous villains in Equestria history to attack the kingdom.
As far as anyone was concerned. They wished he was in stone with him. Or at least in prison. Maybe even Tartarus. The world's most deadly prison to exist. As he walked closer to the town hall, only more eyes watched him. Some with fear some with fright, some with pure hatred and anger in their eyes. When he did wave to anyone or say hi, the awkwardness couldn't be more obvious. He entered the town hall and walked up to the front desk.
"Oh hi, ya discord!" Shouted Pinky.
The other few ponies in the room stopped and turned at the sound of his name. Discord noticed aging how they looked at him, but like always chose to ignore it.
"Hay, pinky," he said in a cheerful voice. "AJ asked me to return these profiles to the town hall." He set them on the desk.
"Sure thing." She said and grabbed them. She was hired by the town hall because of her uncanny, unique ability to be extremely organized. She was strangely more organized than Twilight's own library in canterlot.
"Ok, anything else I can do for ya?"
" Na see ya, he waved bye to her and headed out."
" Oh, don't forget." She called after him. "We'll need you to set up the stage for the fundraiser on Friday." Discord nodded. "Ill be there." He laughed. He then stopped as a thought came to his mind.
"Umm, hay pinky".
Pinky turned back to him with a goofy grin as always.
"Donny dandy. Can you get me his address?" Pinky shrugged." Sure, what for?" she asked as she dived into the cabinets.
"Uhh, police business. Just need to question his family. "He shrugged.
"Oh, here it is", she said and handed him the paper. He looked at it.
"Thanks, pinky." He snapped his fingers and disappeared in a flash.

Discord appeared in front of an apartment building. Two kids were playing in the halls. He heard crying from one of the apartments.
"I can't believe this" a mare voice said. "How I mean how." He's gonna. Oh, I know. Maybe it's not that bad, he still has a case to be set free right."
"There is no way he'll win that trial. I mean the evidence is... It's too much." She said and threw something across the room.
Discord couldn't help but feel for them. He then snapped his fingers. A bag of bits landed in his claws. He then quickly wrote a note and set it on the floor with the bag of bits. He then knocked on the door. "Oh, who could that be?" The mare complained. He knocked aging. "I'm coming I'm coming." She said. She opened the door and the only thing that was there was a bag of bits and a note. She was a red pony with orange hair. " What is it." An old mare voice asked from inside the room. "Hmm, I don't know she said and looked at the note. All it said was sorry for the trouble. She looked in the bag, and it was full of bits. What she didn't know was standing right beside her was an invisible discord who watched her take the bag and look around for any sign of any pony who might have left it. But with no one in sight she finally just accepted the gift and went back in with it.
The bag of bits was his paycheck from being a cop. He didn't need the money being a cop and usually sent it to charities anonymously. This time he decided the whole thing needed to go to helping Donny's family. With another snap of his fingers discord was gone
Discord materialized aging in front of a jailhouse. He turned his head from side to side trying to decide if he should even do what he was about to do. The words the pony spoke to him from the other night still ranged in his head.
"You're a monster. You should be locked up like them. Everyone knows your dark deeds. It's because of you, we have to steal to put bread on the table."
That last bit caught Discord off guard the most. What did he have to do with it? Why did he blame him for it? He wanted to ask him directly. Go right to the source, but would that really help anything? He turned towards the door still unsure of his decision here. But just when he thought he was going to take a step inside a wagon rolled up.
"Come on Artie we're gonna be late." A gray unicorn said with blue hair. "Huh. oh, hay free cop".
"Arana good to see you, let me guess escorting are newly captured to the courthouse," Discord replied.
"Yep, what are you doing here."
Discord shrugged, "I was gonna have a word with him but. I'm not gonna hold you up. Good day." He snapped his talons and was instantly transported back to the police station. He entered the room and decided to take a closer look at Donny's file.
He read through it. He wasn't a detective but decided he wanted to play one this time. He stroked his beard as he thought about what to do next. His eyes ran down the file's contents. From it, he gathered what little story he could about Donny.
Donny was a magic professor from the crystal empire. He originally moved to see the world after being away for a thousand years. He met a girl in main Hatten and after a year they got married, yatta, yatta. He groaned as he flipped through the pages of the file.
"Where the heck am I involved in any of this? Is he just blaming me because I'm something to blame? I'm not responsible for his stupid actions." He thought to himself.
Then he paused as he got to the 2ed last page. His last full job was over a year ago. He was working at Celestia's school for gifted unicorns. The very same school that was destroyed when the kingdom was attacked. Truth be told, almost all of canterlot was destroyed that day. And even tho he fixed it with a snap of his fingers. It was his fault it was destroyed in the first place. Discord sighed as he read the last of the file.
Male brown coat crystal pony. Crime, robbery, resisting arrest. Free cop dispatched with a Code 4. Spell-used, incinerator. He looked down at the words' possibility of reformation. Two boxes beside it. No was marked with a check mark. Discord stared at the marked no for a long time before he closed the folder and set it back where he found it.
A call came over his radio. He picked up the walky-talky as it speak.
"Code 11 dispatch free cop."
"Code 11 huh." Discord rolled his eyes as he answered. "Free cop here, what's the situation?"
"Assailant on the run. Earth pony female in possession of a powerful spell book."
Discord shook his head at that with a little chuckle. "Location he asked. "
"Dragon lands."
Discord raised an eyebrow at that. What on earth could an earth pony be doing in the dragon lands with a spell book she couldn't even use? "Copy that." He said on the other line and snapped his finger on his lion paw.

When he materialized he was among a land of volcanoes. He looked in every direction but saw no sign of what he was there for. He carefully looked and took a few steps as he heard several footsteps approach him. He turned himself into a bolder, to not be spotted. When they came around the corner it was only the dragon officers. He revealed himself from his hiding spot.
"Oh, free cop good she came this way, we saw her but…"
" There is no pony here just a few dragons and me. Hmm," he replied as he thought to himself. "You lost her. Scatter the search party high and low for her" he demanded. "You." he pointed at the littlest dragon officer who oddly resemble an orange version of Spike. "With me. Tell me what is the book she stole." He turned around and headed in the opposite direction as the little dragon followed him.
"That's just it, she didn't steal the book she already had it in her possession. She just ended up outsmarting some dragons from their pay."
Discord stopped and turned around. "Wait she just stole some change and happened to have a spell book. Ugh, he groaned. "Do you know what a code 11 is?! Yes, she should be behind bars, but she is definitely, not a code 11!"
"Oh, but she is sir."
"Explain!" Discord yelled at him once more.
The little dragon flinched at his voice. "Uh yeah. Code 11 is a basic robbery from a magic user that has the potential of being violent. Code 11 is when they only steal or swindle purses and such. But sir she stole half a bank. All gems and crystals."
Discord was more confused now than before. How does an earth pony steal half a dragon's bank of gems and crystals? She's an earth pony. She could barely carry any more than her own weight and run, And for that matter, why steal from dragons of all creatures?
"The thing is sir." The little dragon boy continued. "That spell book she used must have had special properties. Which is why we called you in. We have no idea what that book is capable of."
Ugh, fine discord complained. Discord held out his lion paw. It glowed from his magic.
"What are you doing"
" Give me a moment," he said and focused his energy. He closed his eyes as he searched using his magic. He snapped his fingers and a pony in a gray cloak with a hood appeared out of thin air.
"Huh, what? How the…" She stuttered.
"Chaos magic," Discord told her and snapped aging. A pair of handcuffs materials on her wrist. Discord walked over and grabbed the bag she had around her waist. He emptied its contents. There were several bottles. Some are filed with gems. Others with weird labels. A vampire's tooth. Hair of a zebra. He then looked through the spell book.
"Ah, that explains it. He told the little dragon. This isn't a spell book this is a potions book. And all your crystals she stole. They're right here." he held up a bottle full of tiny gems.
"They've all been shrunk. This book has some pretty cool potions listed in it. Judging by the stitching of the cover it's from the ancient days of canterlot. But there's nothing in this book that would be harmful to anyone. She's just a smart thief."
"Give that back" she spat.
Discord turned his head to her with an amused expression. "And how did you get this"
"I bought it now hand it over," she said and tried to take it from him, but he pulled it out of her reach. She then grabbed a random bottle and smashed it on the ground. A poof of smoke filled the air. Discord blew it away with a large powerful blow of air. Suddenly she jumped out and grabbed the book from his hand. Discord tried to stop her, but she threw some liquid from another bottle she had in her cloak. As it hit his magic it dissolved along with the cuffs he had placed on her.
Discord grin only grew into a smirk. "Anti-magic potions. Heh, I haven't seen that since the good old days."
What now sir? The dragon called out.
"We got the gems I can easily turn them back to normal. She on the other hand is gonna be tricky. Grab the gems, leave her to me." Discord barked his orders.
"Yes, sir," the dragon said in a high-pitched voice a bit intimidated by discord.
She ran as fast as her hoofs could carry her through the landscape of the dragons. This was definitely not a normal situation for Discord. While he pursued her. He couldn't help but wonder who the heck she was. A normal earth pony of all things with her type of abilities. What made it even weirder is that she seemed to almost have a sense of things. She jumped over lava pools and seemed to almost shiver just before the lava burst into the air cutting Discord off from his path. It was like she had pinky since. Even odder than that was when she pulled out a lava-proof boat seemingly out of nowhere. The only other creature to ever pull that off beside him was pinky pie.
Discord count help but feel like he was chasing down Pinky. That gave him an idea. If it was pinky he was chasing. He stopped and smirked almost evilly.
"Haven't pulled this trick off in a while." He said out loud to himself. With a snap of his fingers, the clouds of smoke turned pink and chocolate rain spilled out. Along with his discord balloons filled with chocolate milk. A good old prank. It's like water balloons but filled with chocolate milk. Even better the pink clouds are all made of cotton candy and sitting this low with the heat of the lava they'll become a sticky mess. Catching her in a very sticky situation. Discord chuckled to himself at his idea.
And just as he floated to her caught in a web of cotton candy soaked in chocolate milk. She once aging pored anti-magic potion on it freeing herself. She did however take a few bites of the cotton candy and drank some chocolate rain from the sky. She whipped her mouth.
"Thanks for the meal she called back in an oddly familiar high-pitched voice."
"Grrrr" Discord growled in frustration. He flapped out his wings and quickly slithered through the air to catch up to her.
He then shot several rays of magic. Altho They were only stunned blast. She ran into a town of dragons. Discord, still in hot pursuit fires stun blast. She dodged the blast pretty easily. One of them bounced off the wall and was about to hit a baby square in the face. Discord noticed it in time and snapped his fingers making him reaper to protect the child.
He was stunned but not by the blast of his own magic hitting him. But the fact that she dived in to protect the child as well and was zapped. She fell to the ground stunned by the blast. Discord looked over his shoulder. He did end up protecting the child but even if he didn't poof himself in front of it the blast would have never of hurt it. Since she of her own free will decided to protect it instead. The mother of the baby dragon scooped up it and flew away horrified by both the scene and him.
Discord's only response was to shrug. He then looked at his own claw. It was his magic. His that almost stunned that baby. He then looked at the cloaked figure on the ground who could barely move thanks to the stun spell. Did he really lose a bit of control while he was in pursuit of her? Was he really that angry that he shot magic in the middle of a crowd? He looked around at all the horrified faces of the dragons. Some were cowing in fear due to the situation, and some he could tell were of him. He shook his head of these thoughts and decided to finish what he started.
He nealed down and was about to grab the pony But as he did, she revealed her hoof from her cloak. She was a pink pony after all. Discord thought to himself when he saw her hoof. Still being able to barely move. She had tied to her several magic potions in bottles. She pulled one off and popped it open letting it spill onto the ground. It glowed a familiar white glow and Discord stopped pursuing immediately knowing what it was gonna do. He quickly pushed away some of the dragons who were standing too close to the liquid from the bottle. In a flash of light, she disappeared. It was a transportation spell or at least a potion with similar results.
And without knowing where it was going to take him or any of the civilians he had no choice but to back off. Discord clenched his fist. She got away. He muttered.
After returning the gems to the bank and making them normal aging Discord snapped himself back to ponyvill. All the while he thought of what just transpired. Tho it was true the Earth pony got away and still had a lot of gems. He couldn't help but notice she had absolutely no intent on hurting anyone. She could have run off and not stopped to protect that baby. But she did so anyway knowing she was about to be caught. Tho she was lucky to have one trick up her sleeve that got her away from him. One thing he knew was that he was looking forward to reporting this to the world friendship alliance council. He would get an ear full from princess twilight herself most likely. Especially since he had no intentions of letting this one be called a code five or below.