//------------------------------// // Prologue: Site 8 Monthly Report July 11 2013 // Story: A Spider in Canterlot High: New Town, Same old Spidey! // by NavratofWenter //------------------------------// Unknown Location July 11 2013 “Alright let’s get this thing started. Director Fury needed these reports yesterday.” Agent Hill said as she glared at the holograms of the Site 8 Staff. “We will begin with you Agent Sweetie Drops.” Hill internally cringed at the codename but did not let it show. The names did not matter only their record. And Sweetie Drops was one of the best Agents S.H.I.E.L.D. had. “So I have good news and bad news. The bad news is that I lost track of Subjects 9, 10 and 11.” Before Hill could say something Sweetie Drops continued. “Before you start yelling throwing threats of docking my pay let me assure you that the situation is under control. They did not leave the city. The riot at the mall makes that clear.” “And the good news?” Hill asked. “The good news is that Project G.A.T.E. Is entering its final phase. There was a small incident with one of the researchers going rogue but they were terminated and signed the NDA.” Sweetie Drops said as they played with their car keys. “The incident report should already be in the Databank.” The Overseer added as they poured themselves Coffee. Hill nodded and looked at the man who was trying hard to not look nervous. “Alright, it’s your turn, Doctor Connors.” “Well, I can only report what I suspected from the beginning. Whatever killed Agent Li is not connected to the Portal. No background radiation was on past Subjects.” Hill nodded again, her mind already making theories on the killer’s true identity. “Okay, at least we eliminated that possibility. But why do you look, nervous Doctor?” Connors froze for a moment but quickly recovered. “W-well it probably is nothing but...the poison that ultimately killed Li is unlike anything I’ve ever seen. I shudder to think what demented mind came up with it. It will take me months if not years to figure out how it was made.” "Well, that's worrying." The Site Overseer jokingly said as they began to drink their coffee. Hill was somewhat surprised when she first learned the Overseer's identity. When she first met the Overseer all those years ago during Operation Blackout they were nothing more than a savage beast who only worked for S.H.I.E.L.D for the pay. But now they seemed to have mellowed out considerably. "I agree Overseer," Hill replied. " Was that all Doctor Connors?" "Yes. I have nothing to add only that we need to stop this Assassin as soon as possible." "And we will Doctor. I already gave Agent Webb the order to track them down and monitor their movements." "Why not just arrest them?" Sweetie Drops asked with a raised eyebrow. "Because that would bring a lot of attention to Site 8 and that would piss off Director Fury." the Overseer replied. At that, Sweetie Drops shuddered and looked at his hands which started shaking. Seeing that no one else was going to question their decision the Overseer looked back at Hill. "Speaking of I am guessing that he approved my request." Ah yes that request. Hill knew it would come up eventually but hoped that the Overseer would save the question for later. But as always they went straight to the point. "Director Fury has indeed agreed to move an enhanced Individual to Canterlot City. No, it is not Captain Rogers or Tony Stark Agent Sweetie Drops calm down." Hill ignored the sounds of disappointment. "Instead you will be getting Spider-Man." There was silence for exactly one minute. It was broken by Connors. "Wait that Criminal?! Didn't he try to kill Fury?!" "No that was Chameleon Doctor. Spider-Man helped stop him which unfortunately led to the destruction of the reputations of both his civilian and secret identities. Poor kid got expelled from his school." "Wait, kid? How old are we talking here?" Sweetie Drops asked with a raised voice. "He is a Sixteen-year-old Junior." "Jesus Hill! He is way too young to be doing this stuff!!" "Well, we can't force him to stop. If you are so worried about his safety, you should have no problem teaching him how to fight. Right now he just swings around and does normal punches and kicks." Maria shot back. "Alright, that is enough. This meeting is about our progress here at Site 8 not about the morality of letting a teenager fight crime." The Overseer interrupted the fight that was about to break out. "Agent Hill I am guessing that S.H.I.E.L.D. knows Spider-mans's true identity since you said that Chameleon ruined both of his reputations." Hill quickly gave Sweetie Drops a glare which was returned in kind before nodding. "Yes, one Peter Benjamin Parker. Born to Richard and Mary Parker both deceased. Since their deaths, he was under the care of Benjamin and May Parker well he was until one year ago. Benjamin was killed in a robbery gone wrong." "And there is the motive," Connors muttered to himself. "Indeed Doctor." The Overseer said with a smirk. "So is he a mutant?" Sweetie Drops asked before realizing how the question came off. "I mean no one in town would mind. Well maybe those assholes at CPS but they are fucking hypocrites so who cares?!" "No, his powers are too varied to be a natural mutation. Something mutated him." Connors said. "You're the expert Doc. Anyways, how the hell will we get Parker here anyways? He lives in New Fucking York which is a whole state away!" Sweetie Drops shouted. "His Aunt is a Canterlot native. With her nephew out of school, we might be able to convince her that moving might be the best option." Hill said. "Well, that is convenient...other schools won't snatch him up right?" Sweetie Drops asked as they took out a cigarette from their pocket. "No, even though Parker was acquitted of the charges people believe the videos," Hill replied as Drops used their lighter to light the cigarette. "What videos?" The Overseer asked as they looked over from the "Here I sent you one of them. I must remind you that it isn't Parker." The Overseer nodded before starting the video. They watched it for two minutes before their stoic expression broke into that of a surprise before it quickly turned into rage. Hill couldn't blame them, what Chameleon did was messed up even to S.H.I.E.L.D. veterans. After the Video ended the Overseer's hologram suddenly turned off. Five minutes later it turned back on. "Parker will start his junior year at Canterlot when the new school year begins." They said as they pocketed their phone away. Hill raised an eyebrow. She did not know much about the Overseer outside of the time they met. She did not peg them as someone who uses blackmail and diplomacy."What did you do?" "I pulled some strings at Canterlot High. Some of the School Board may protest but with my ties to the most important members it won't matter." The Overseer simply said. "Anyways it's getting late and I know for a fact that we all have better plans than spending the rest of the night here rambling about a portal that won't open for another three months. Tomorrow Connors will send you the newest readings, Sweetie Drops will send their reports on Subject behaviours and I will handle Parker's transfer. Is everyone satisfied with this?" The overseer waited for their responses. Sweetie Drops simply nodded, and Connors simply said "Understood" as did Hill. "Good see you next month Maria." And with that, the Overseers hologram turned off. Connors soon followed. Before Hill could do the same and give the report record to Fury Sweetie Drops stopped her."Hey, Maria wait I need to tell you something." "What is it?" "It's subject 6. She has started to develop worrying behaviour." "Subject 6 is the Sunset Shimmer counterpart, right?" "Yeah. Remember how Sunset reacted to 6´s identity?" "She wanted to meet her almost immediately. The only thing that stopped her was the combined effort of Barton and Romanoff...." Hill didn't show emotions often and when she did it was mostly rage at someone's incompetence but this time a small smile entered her face at the memory of the small fight that broke out all those years ago. Unfortunately, it was quickly soured by the next memory. Blood, gunshots, an explosion and a corpse falling to the ground. Shaking her head Maria refocused on Sweetie Drops who was looking at her with sympathy. "What do you mean that she is acting strange?" Hill asked feeling some sense of dread. "She went full-on Mean Girl on the school population and I don't mean that she is being a bitch I mean that she manipulates and blackmails students into doing her bidding without anyone knowing." And Maria's sense of dread was gone just like that. "Drops that sound like subject 6 going through puberty. It will pass." "Hill I have been monitoring Subject 6 for two years now and I can tell for a fact that this is not normal teenage stuff!" Sweetie Drops threw the remains of their cigarette into the ashtray on their desk. "Look the portal is gonna open in a few months and I don't want us to be blindsided so could you please inform Fury about this?" Hill sighed. "Alright but don't expect anything special. The Director is busy right now." "Thanks, Maria. I owe you one." Drops said. "You owe me more than one," Maria said with a smirk. Sweetie Drops smirked back. "Well just put it on my tab then." And with that, the meeting ended. END OF TRANSCRIPT