Princess Twilight's Guide to Reforming Villains

by bookhorse125

The Evil Bug Queen Returns Again

No new information here, except that the communist leader from the last chapter steps up and saves you and your friends and the most powerful ponies in all of the land from the evil bug queen, all while convincing all of the evil queen's subjects to revolt against her and chose a better path, which causes the queen to harbor some very negative feelings that will inspire more evil quests against you and the communist leader. But the good news is that all of the reformed bug creatures become your friends and help you save the world later, so they technically also get reformed!

Just show them a better way, and a creature who chose the better path, and how much happier they are. Then help them rebel against their evil bug queen, kind of like the communist leader. Makes sense that she would be the one leading this, since she probably knows exactly how to do it.

Oh, and the nuclear child turned out okay. Remains one of the biggest mysteries in the world, but ah, well, we can't do much about that, can we?