Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

We'll all get along, one way or another

Chapter 6

“Where do we start?” Lance asked, examining his gauntlets as he flew beside us.

“We’ll be starting with you two getting to know your Ego weapons and the soul inside of them,” Bronwyn stated, glancing around us as we walked.

I also looked around, cautious as always. We had teleported to a hub that was surrounded by nothing; no hills, trees, or even rocks. It was just hard flat dirt in all directions as far as the eye could see. 

“Why here?” I questioned, getting side-eyed from Bronwyn.

“Privacy,” was her simple answer as she finally came to a stop, the teleport hub at least a mile away from us now.

She stepped ahead of us and turned to face us. “This entire process is very simple; you two will enter your mindscape and meet the soul inside your Ego weapon’s.”

“Why?” Lance asked, removing his goggles.

“To fully form a bond with your Ego weapon, you’ll need to meet the soul that resides within. It was created using half of your soul, so it’ll look exactly like you and be just like you in most ways.. The only difference will be personality, as they are their own separate being now and will want to create their own identity.”

“I’ve already met mine,” Lance suddenly announced, causing Bronwyn and me to look at him.

“How could you?” Bronwyn asked, looking confused.

He smiled sheepishly, “Well you see, I can already talk to my consciousness, and when I got my weapon a third one appeared in my head. So I’ve been kind of talking to him this whole time.”

At our stares, he adds, “His name is Eclipse, and he’s a pretty chill guy. Break and Dawn get along with him, not to mention he’s been appearing out here in the real world just like they can.”

“You are a very special guy,” Bronwyn said, nodding her head in approval. “You’re already way ahead of anyone else in your position.”

Her eyes darted to me as she said that. I rolled my eyes at her.

“So we can move ahead to teaching you how to use your Ego, I’ll share some of my excess Ego so you can practice.” She then looked to me, “While we’re doing that, you’ll need to go inside your mindscape and speak with your Ego weapon. I’m sure you two will have a riveting conversation.”

I chose not to engage this time. “How do I get inside my own mind?”

She rolled her eyes at me, acting like I should already know all of this. “The first time entering you’ll need to use a rune, after that you’ll be able to do it on a whim.”

Before I could ask, she tossed a small rune covered stone to me. I caught it, staring daggers at her as she and Lance walked away to train.

Shaking my head, I sat down and looked at the ruin. It only took me a few moments before I realized how to use it.

Everything started to fade away, the brown landscape being replaced by a dark void.

I blinked as I stood up, looking around. Where Lance’s mind was a blank void, mine had what looked to be stars all around me. 

Turning, I jumped a bit in surprise as another pony stood not too far away from me, smiling widely at me.

“Oh shit, I didn’t mean to startle you!” the pony said, looking apologetic.

This mare did not resemble me at all. The only thing we had in common was cutie marks and eye colors. Her coat was darker, and her mane was blue with what looked to be stars floating around inside of it. To top it off, she more resembled an alicorn in body shape, and had eyeliner on. I definitely never wear make up.

“Uh, I thought Bronwyn said you’d look like me?” I questioned, stepping up to her so I was looking up at her, as she stood a head above me.

The mare smiled awkwardly and rubbed the back of her head, “Yeah, I guess if I was made of just you and only you I would.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I said, narrowing my eyes at the mare.

She rubbed her chin with a wing tip, looking to be thinking. “How do I explain this to you?” She sat down on her flank, running a hoof through her mane. “I’ll just come out and say it. Just don’t over react, okay?”

I have a feeling I’m not going to be happy with whatever this is. “Just tell me.”

“As you know, our father is Darkest Bleak and we know of his past thanks to Lance’s book,” at my nod, she continued, “Darkest Bleak then went on to become mates with Nightmare Moon, had a kid, then lost her when she was banished to the moon. Then he went on to meet our mom, who had us. We then grew up to join the army, then the police, and finally Echo.”

“What’s the point here?” I interrupted, not following anymore.

“We then went on the operation to kill the Nightmare that had returned for the fifth time. The Queen gave us a spell that could help us kill the Nightmare, and after a long battle we were able to use the spell to finally kill it.” At my raised eyebrow, looking more annoyed than anything else, she adds. “Except we didn’t kill the Nightmare that day.”

“Yes we did, we cast the spell and it died instantly,” I said, recalling that day. “Even the Queen confirmed it was dead.”

“She lied to us,” the mare said, standing back up. “The spell she gave us did not kill the Nightmare, just split it into six parts and caused it to lay dormant.”

“Six parts?” I mouthed, starting to realize what they were saying.

“Each member of Echo had a part of the Nightmare placed inside of them, where it was supposed to slowly die. Instead, in our case, it just became a part of us.” She smiled sheepishly, seeing my wide eyes. “But don’t worry! Your soul overpowered the Nightmare long ago, leaving it on the sidelines.”

“You’re saying that I’ve been under the influence of the Nightmare for the last few years?!” I asked, things starting to make sense.

“Kinda, but only a little bit. The Nightmare is why you’ve been able to fight as well as you’ve had. It hasn’t affected our personality or anything, so we’re still the same as we’ve always been. Just in my case,” she said, gesturing to myself, “I have half of you and half of the Nightmare inside of me, so I have qualities of both.”

“That explains why my Ego is colored differently,” I muttered, frowning. 

She nodded, “Yes. We’ve been mildly corrupted by the Nightmare, but thanks to our father we’ve overcome its influence and taken advantage of it. I don’t know how the rest of Echo has fared, but Calypso seems to be okay.”

“So you’re not entirely me, which is why we look so different and you don’t exactly act like me. Does that mean we can’t bond?”

She rolled her eyes and messed up my mane, “Always jumping to the worst conclusions. We can still form a bond, just as long as you can accept me as I am.”

I fixed my mane in annoyance, but let out a sigh, looking up at the tall slender pony, “So I still have part of the Nightmare in me right now?”

“Yes,” she replied simply.

“But I still have full control over my actions and thoughts? Does it not affect me?” I pressed.

“You still have full control of yourself,” She assured. “It doesn’t affect you much, just dulls your morals a bit. Which, to be fair, has really helped us out in the past. Hasn’t it?”

I thought about that. Before the operation to hunt the Nightmare, I was a bit more reserved at killing. But afterwards, I was able to get past those reservations, which saved my life on more than one occasion. Plus, it helped me in the Palace.

“I guess it has, but I’m really not sure how I feel about having part of the Nightmare inside of me. And, if you’re both me and the Nightmare, does that mean you have memories or thoughts from it?”

She sighed at this, “I do. I’m equal parts you and Nightmare. While you are more you. I’m two souls mixed together. So to be honest, I’m neither you nor Nightmare. I’m something completely different. I’m my own pony.”

“I can accept that,” I finally said, rubbing my chin. “What is your name?”

A bright smile appeared on her face, “I’m Ayla! I want us to be best friends!”

I couldn’t help but return her smile, “Well, Ayla, I’m open to being friends. Are you willing to spill the blood of our enemies?”

“Born ready!” She cheered, clapping her hooves in delightment. “Just you watch, I’ll be the best weapon you’ve ever wielded! Together, we’ll become a blender, making our enemies into protein shakes!”

I chuckle heartily, “Oh I really like you!” I hold up my hoof, and she grins as she slams hooves with me.

“We’re going to be best friends, aren’t we?!” she asked in excitement.

“Looks like it,” I wink at her, causing her to laugh happily. “Let’s get out there and get to know each other more.”

She nodded, suddenly lifting me up into a large hug, spinning us around. 

As we spun everything faded away, the dirt landscape returning. I blinked a few times, the bright sun a great contrast to the dark void that is my mind.

Slowly standing up, I looked around and saw Bronwyn and Lance. They were not too far away, with Bronwyn standing on the ground watching Lance fly above her, casting all kinds of abilities around himself.

“I see you’re finally out,” Bronwyn commented as I stepped up beside her.

“Yeah,” I replied, not engaging. “How’s Lance doing?”

“He’s actually doing pretty amazing, he’s already figured out how to use his Ego. And he’s very imaginative, which helps him come up with cards for his Ego.” She seemed to be very proud of him, which only served to irk me further.

“Scamp!” Lance called out as he waved to me. “Watch this!” 

He held out a hoof and a cyan colored card appeared in it. “God Flame!” A massive ball of fire flew out in front of himself. He clapped his hooves and looked back at us. “You see?!”

“I did,” I called up to him, causing him to fly in circles happily. “Does he have to yell the name of the card for it to work?” I asked, looking at Bronwyn.

“He doesn’t, but he just seems to love calling out his attacks. I’ve tried warning him that it's a bad idea for actual combat, but he just said his hero calls out his attacks and then he blasted a blue beam from his hooves. So I’m just letting him be himself.”

I nodded, “It’s best to just let him do whatever he wants, within reason.”

“How’d your meeting go?” She asked, seeming to genuinely be curious.

“It was weird, the soul inside of my Ego weapon is actually two different souls. One being me and the other being an evil being from my world.” At the sudden snap of her head as she stared at me, I add, “But I’m still in full control, and the soul inside my weapon is also the dominant soul.”

She shook her head at me, disapproving, “More and more surprise from you. What’s next? Going to find out you’re a god or something?”

“Har har,” I frown at her. “What’s your problem? Mad at the outcome of our fight? Since you were losing?”

Bronwyn took the bait and spun on me, staring down on me. “If you think you were on the winning side of that fight, then you are clearly not ready to face me.”

I smile, flicking my mane with my hoof. “I may have seemed to be losing, but that’s because you had an advantage and knowledge I did not possess at that time.”

“You think having your Ego and weapon now will make a difference? I have more experience and skills than you could ever hope to have.” At my smirk, she put her hand on her sword's sheath, pushing on the pommel with her thumb. The blade peeked out at me. “Don’t let your new toys trick you into thinking you are on my level.”

Raising my hoof up, the talons sliding out of my skin, I smile up at her. “Don’t let your overconfidence blind you into underestimating me. It’ll get you killed.”

Her sword flashed as it left its sheath and flew for my throat, but my own talons met it. I deflect her blade away and swipe at her with my wing blades, but she in turn deflected them with her sword.

With a swift movement, I teleported to her side while swinging my talons at her. She pulled her leg back and brought her sword around to block my attack. Then in one quick motion, her blade dove for my face. Instead of teleporting away, I caught the blade between the blades over my teeth.

She glared down at me as I clamped her sword between my teeth, wiggling my eyebrows up at her as my wings flared and dove towards her, blades ready to sink into her flesh.

Without warning, Lance appeared between us, a wave of energy blowing away from his body and sending Bronwyn and me away from each other.

“What is your problem?!” He yelled, flames seeming to dance around his eyes as he stared at each of us. “I thought we were getting along?! Why the hell are you two still fighting?!”

I stood up, wiping dirt from my face from where I landed. “You don’t understand, Lance. Her and I just do not mesh well together. Plus she’s an asshole.”

“Say’s the horse who started our current fight, and the first one,” Bronwyn said as she dusted herself off.

“Me? Starting it? Learn to take responsibility for your actions, miss I’ve been alive forever!” I snapped, taking a step towards her, but Lance’s flared wing blocked my path.

“I don’t care who started it, I’m going to end it!” He yelled, looking to Bronwyn. “Give me more Ego, and I’ll fix all of this right here, right now.”

She didn’t look like she wanted to go along with his plan, but he held his gaze on her. She finally sighed and pulled out a strange glowing stone like object, tossing it to Lance. He caught it and seemed to absorb Ego from it. 

Sitting down on his flank, he began to hold a card in front of himself as he seemed to be putting Ego into it. He muttered, glancing at each of us as he did so, seeming to be deep in thought as he tried to craft some kind of effect into the card.

After a few minutes of Bronwyn and I taking turns staring daggers at each other and looking at Lance, he finally sighed and stood up. 

“Got it,” he said as he held up the card. 

“What effect did you create?” Bronwyn asked, crossing her arms.

He smirked as he walked backwards away from us. “A way that will definitely make you two get along.”

“Don’t you dare cast a spell on me that forces me into liking her!” I yelled, getting angry at the prospect of being forced by a spell to be friends with this woman.

“It’s not that kinda thing,” Lance assured, slightly calming me down. “I’m just going to send you two into a pocket dimension and keep you there till you are able to get along.”

“Whoa there, Lance, don’t even think of doing that,” Bronwyn warned, eyes wide.

“I agree with her, do not even try it,” I also warned, taking a step towards him.

He looked at me and suddenly flicked a card up into the air. It flashed as an effect was cast, but I couldn’t tell what kind. “This is for your own good!”

I went to stop time and teleport to him to stop him, but quickly realized neither of my abilities worked. That card he used must have shut them down. That’s way too overpowered! What the hell!

“Good luck!” He yelled as he threw the card forward, causing a portal to open and suck myself and Bronwyn towards it.

“You fucking bastard!” I screamed as I flew into the portal, unable to stop myself. Bronwyn flew in after me, landed on top of me.

I quickly threw her off of me and ran for the portal as it closed, with Lance standing on the other side waving. It slammed shut just as I reached it, causing me to slam into the ground and slide across the ground.

“Damn it!” I yelled as I slammed my hoof onto the ground.

“This is just great,” Bronwyn said from behind me. 

Turning around, I saw she didn’t have her sword on her. Which meant I now had the advantage!


I couldn’t use my Ego weapons! They either won’t extend or are no longer there. Same for my pocket dimension, as I couldn’t open it. I also seemed to not be able to teleport. He must have done all this with his effect.

That is just so damn unfair!

Behind Bronwyn was a small campsite, complete with a fire in the middle. Other than that, there was nothing around us

Lance can’t be serious.

“I’m not playing along,” Bronwyn said as she walked away, towards the campsite. “He’ll pull us out eventually.”

“At least we’re on the same page,” I groan as I walk over to the campsite and take some of the supplies.

“What are you doing?” She asked, watching me gather gear and supplies.

I rolled my eyes at her, “I’m making my own camp. I’m not waiting here with you.”

“Good,” she said with a nod, falling back on a chair she’d made out of sleeping bags. “Be gone with you then.”

“Gladly,” I mutter, dragging the supplies away. “Bitch.”

Screw you, Lance. Sticking me in here with this woman. I guarantee I can outlast him. He’ll pull us out of here in a day at least, two at the most. His attention span isn’t high enough for the task he’s trying to accomplish here.

I glanced over at Bronwyn as she laid in her makeshift chair, arms behind her head, humming to herself.

Lance should have just let her leave and never told her our plans, which would have saved us a lot of trouble.

With a heave, I continue to drag my gathered supplies away.