Meet OliveDrab

by OliveDrab


Cantarlot. The shining capital of all Equestria. By day a beautiful city run by unicorns, by night a breeding ground of crime and corruption. Heck, I got tangled up in a couple gangs myself but thats a different story.
So there I was, tied up and bleeding, unable to move the pain was so severe, scared because of my new surroundings when who should find me but Princess Celestia, the ruler of all Equestria. Thats right the princess herself found me on an early morning walk to relieve herself of some royal stress. At the moment I saw her I was so overcome by fear, pain, hatred, and joy that I passed out.
When I awoke I was on something very soft it felt almost like a cloud but it was inside and on the ground. A BED I couldnt believe it a real bed but how, where, why... and then the pain hit me and I remembered the previous night and earlier morning, or at least i think it was then how long had I been out? and thats when I saw her a purple filly... a unicorn looking at me. I thought back to the last details I could remember the princess was there but there was another... I only caught a glimpse but I saw a purple horn significantly lower than Celestia would have. "Hello?" I called timidly then with a litle strength "who are you." As if in reply celestia walked in and with a voice of tender kindness asked "what is your name? how badly do you hurt?" I was dumbfounded the princess not only had a filly but also cared for me on a personal level I could barely say "your highness" before I passed out again.
The next morning I woke again and the unicorn was watching me. I spoke up "wh- who are you?" she didn't reply she just blushed smiled and backed off. At that moment I noticed Celestia was in the room "your highness!" I exclaimed as I sat up the best I could. The pain was agonizing but I managed. Celestia simply placed her hoof on my back and cast a healing spell. "thank you" is all I could think to say. That evening I decided to try to talk to this purple unicorn who watched over me ever since i was brought into the castle. "Hello" I called as she peeked into my room. she said nothing but walked in with a smile that I had welcomed her. "My name is-" I began, "Olive Drab" she finished for me. "How did you know?" I asked. "You mumbled in your sleep" said the unicorn. "My name is Twilight Sparkle I'm the princesses private student." So that's who she was I've heard of her being very talented in magic and very book smart, but I would never of thought she would be this beautiful. She quickly looked around and then stated "you're welcome to stay here but be careful one of the guards seems to have something against you." I started to inquire, but Twilight simply placed her hoof on my mouth. "Follow me" she said. In that moment I decided to listen to her at all times.
She led me to a room full of books. "Stand on top of that hour glass" she ordered and so I did. She seemed serious and focused on what she was doing. I noticed her horn was glowing and I was watching the events of my life. "I recognize your father he's a officer for the royal guard" Twilight gasped. "Well that explains his strength" I stated sarcastically as Twilight pulled me out of the trance. "Don't tell anypony about what I just did. The princess doesn't even know." I nodded my head slowly. "Twilight?" I started. "Why are you helping me?" The only response I got was a blush and a smile. I knew then that I would regret having to leave.