Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Part 4 Act 1: Start of a new adventure

Part 4 Act 1
2 months later

"Up and at em', honey!" Twilight yelled as she walked by the bedroom door, causing Lance to groan loudly in response and flip out of bed.

"Hurry, dad! I'm starving!" Spark also yelled as he ran by the bedroom door.

"Yep yep!" Was Lance's response as he performed his morning routine and then followed the rest of his family to the kitchen.

Once in the kitchen he found his wife and two kids already at the table, eating breakfast.

"Look who's finally awake, kids," Twilight teased as she reached out with her magic and combed Lance's messy mane down.

Spark picked up a biscuit and threw it to Lance, "Heads up, dad!"

Lance caught the biscuit and took a bite, causing his two teenage kids to laugh. "Alright make way!" he yelled in an exaggerated voice as he ran around the table, ruffling their manes as he made his way to his chair.

He slammed his flank down and began to eat, shoving his son playfully. "What's the plan for today, boy?"

Spark rolled his eyes, "I'm going to go hang out with Nova at the Palace."

"Just don't get into trouble, again," Lance joked as he turned to his daughter. "What about you, Fawn?"

Fawn just shrugged, "No plans today. I'm just going to go to the Park and hang out with Jelly Beans."

"Well tell her dad to come by later, Lance and him need to clean up their mess from yesterday," Twilight said while glaring at Lance.

"Look, Greg and I didn't mean to destroy the garage." At her continued glare, he adds, "But yes, we will definitely get that done today."

"Thank you," she said with a victorious smile.

Lance takes another bite and turns to her, "Now, what are we doing today?"

Before she could answer, the kitchen door burst open and Scamp walked in, wearing combat gear and a perplexed look on her face.

"Scamp!" Lance called to her with a wave. "Good to see you! Come take a seat, we got biscuits and gravy!"

"Aunt Scamp!" the kids called out as they jumped up and ran to her, hugging her. 

Scamp didn't move as she was hugged, her confused look still on her face. The kids break the hug and step back, looking at her.

"What's wrong?" Spark asked, his head cocked to the side.

Scamp blinked a few times, then sighed. "Fuck it." She walked past the kids and sat down at the only free seat left.

"It's so good to see you again, Scamp," Twilight remarked as she passed some food to Scamp, who stared at it for a long second before shrugging and devouring it with no class. Everyone stared at her awkwardly as she made a mess of the food.

"So, what brings you to my house, Scamp?" Lance asked, trying to get past the awkwardness.

She stopped her assault on the food and looked over to him, "Uh.... Stuff?"

Lance and his family seemed to accept this as an answer. 

"Yeah...." She looked at each of them before resting her eyes on Twilight, who just smiled back. "I killed you in my timeline."

This caused her and the kids to stare at her blankly before laughing loudly. 

"Oh you kidder!" Twilight laughed as she wiped a tear from her eyes. 

"Aunt Scamp is the best at jokes!" Spark laughed loudly.

"I love Aunt Scamp!" Fawn basically yelled.

Scamp slammed her hoof into her face, looking exhausted. "Fuck I can't do this anymore." She looks to Lance, who was just smiling awkwardly while looking at his family. "Lance, this shit isn't real."

"Uh, what?" Lance asked, looking at her with raised eyebrows.

She cast her hoof around the room, "This all looks right to you?" She then pointed at his smiling family, who's smiles only grew as she did so. "Does THIS look right to you?"

He looked between her and his family, not seeing her meaning. "Uh, I guess it does?"

With a heavy sigh she stood up and walked behind Spark, "Lance, you are under the spell of the wizard we are fighting. You should have been able to break out on your own, but here we are."

Lance stares at her before chuckling and reaching over and taking Twilight's hoof, "I think the stress has finally gotten to her."

Scamp just facehoofs again, insulting him under her breath.

"I love Aunt Scamp!" Fawn yelled again.

"Lance, snap out of it. It's so damn simple; just realize this is an illusion and bang, done deal." She leans on the table between the kids, "Or we have to cause you emotional trauma to snap you out of it. I'd really like to avoid doing that, so please, help me out here."

Twilight uses her magic to lift up a biscuit and stick it in her mouth. "Just take a seat, Scamp. You're clearly having PTSD from your time in your dimension."

Scamp snapped her head at Twilight, eye twitching. 

"Scamp," Lance warned.

"I love Aunt Scamp!" Fawn yelled again, hooves shooting up in excitement and happiness.

"Oh that’s enough of that!" Scamp snapped as she raised her hoof and shot Fawn in the side of her head, causing her to fall out of her seat.

"FAWN!" Lance and Twilight yell as they jump over the table to her.

"Scamp?!?!" Lance yelled while turning to her, only to see her giving him a look that seemed to ask 'seriously?'.

Without another word, she turned her hoof and shot Spark out of his chair as well.

"SPARK! NO!" Twilight screamed as she flew over the table, but a third shot dropped her as well, causing her to fly over the table and slam face first into a wall.

Lance seemed to break as he fell to his knees among his dead family, staring up at Scamp with an incredulous stare.

"Well? Is that enough trauma?" she asked, crossing her hooves as she stared back at him.

A few moments passed before Lance's eyes seemed to unglaze, and he looked around with a new mindset.

"Huh," he slowly stood up. "I really am not good with mind altering spells."

"Really? I couldn't tell," Scamp replied with a sigh as she lifted her helmet visor and rubbed her temple. "I broke out of mine almost instantly. You've been here for like two minutes, but that's like a week in your mind. Did none of this seem off to you?"

Lance looked a bit sheepish as he realized just how off everyone had been acting, he just never put two and two together. Then he frowned, "Did you really have to literally kill my family, right in front of me?"

Scamp just rolled her eyes, "Don't be a baby. It's not like they're really your family."

"Did you have to smile when you shot Twilight?" he asked, recalling her smiling widely as she shot his wife.

"Eh, no comment," she started to fade away. "Now wake the fuck up, we got a wizard to stomp."

Lance just blinked as she disappeared. He took one last look at his dead family and shuddered. Might be fake, but watching them die while thinking they were real was a bit much for him. 


Lance groaned as he sat up from the stone floor, rubbing his head.

"Little help!" Scamp yelled to him as she danced around a man in a flowing robe, shooting magical missiles and lighting from his hands at her.

It took a moment for Lance to come to reality, but when he did he jumped up to his hooves. "Coming!" His body flashed as he transformed into his Holy Dawn form and dashed towards the dueling pair.

"Why won't you stand still, little pony creature?!" the wizard yelled as he continued to try and hit the agile mare.

Scamp dodged and weaved around his magical attacks, firing her pistol or rifle at him, only for him to block her shots with magic. She'd teleport near him to attack, but he'd just counter her by also teleporting. Stopping time didn't seem to work as he'd just counter by stopping time as well. A stalemate.

With a whoosh, Lance came out of nowhere and slammed head first into the old wizard, sending him flying across the room and slamming into a wall with a loud thud and crack. As he hit the ground, parts of the stone wall fell around him, showing how hard he hit the wall.

"Get some," Lance remarked, striking a pose.

"Nice hit," Scamp said as she appeared at his side, giving him an amused look.

"Damn straight," he stepped towards the downed wizard and struck another heroic pose, "Had enough, evil wizard?"

He received no response from the wizard, who remained on the ground where he landed.

"Eh," Lance moves closer and resumes his heroic pose. "I said, had enough, evil wizard?"

Again, no response came.

"Hey bro, you good?" Lance asked as he deflated and stared at the prone wizard.

Scamp teleported next to the wizard and leaned down, checking on him. "Huh, he's dead."

"What?!" Lance asked in shock. "But I only knocked him out of the way?! Anyone can get up from a hit like that! Plus he's like the ultimate wizard of this world, more powerful than anyone we've come across when it comes to magical prowess!"

"Yeah," she replied slowly as she rolled him onto his back, "but he was just an old frail man. I think any kind of physical damage would have done him in."

Lance fell to his flank, dumbfounded, "But, I didn't want to kill him..."

Scamp appeared next to him and patted his shoulder as she walked by. "Buck up, champ. Killing bad guys is cool."

As she walked away, he muttered, "Killing in general is bad."

He stood up and looked at the dead wizard, shaking his head. At least this world would finally be free, thanks to them.

"Come on, Lance. Let's go let Princess Slut know we killed the big bad wizard," Scamp called from the doorway to the chamber.

"Don't call her Princess Slut!" Lance scolded as he ran after her. "Her name is Princess Slobodanka."

"And she has like fifty lovers that I've seen so far," she remarked with a wave of her hoof. "So, Princess Slut fits her pretty well in my opinion."

Lance just sighed, "Just don't call her that to her face. We're the hero's of this world now."

"That depends on if she's appreciative or a dick," she said with a sweet innocent smile. 

He could only shake his head with a smile at this.


"Again, I'm so sorry," Lance apologized as he walked backwards out of the throne room, a huge crowd glaring at him. "She's just tired after fighting the evil wizard."

He stepped out and the door slammed in his face. With a sigh he turned to Scamp, who stood there with a grin on her face. 

"Couldn't help yourself?" he asked, not able to not smile back at her.

Scamp held up her hooves, "she fondled three different men while thanking us. It just slipped out."

Lance started to say something, but a hologram of Ominus suddenly appeared next to them. 

"I need you guys to finish up playing in that world, I found one of our friends."

"On our way," Scamp replied, getting a nod from Ominus as he disappeared.

"We're not 'playing in this world'," Lance muttered, "We were saving them from a great evil while he was searching for our friends."

Scamp shrugged, "I haven't taken any of this very seriously, to be honest. I was just helping them while we waited for Ominus to find one of the Bronies."

"Doesn't matter, what we did in this dimension has saved millions from slavery and torment," Lance said a bit to heroically.

"Yeah, but I don't think this world's inhabitants were really worth saving," she commented, tapping a button on her built in PDA in her right leg, causing a portal to appear near them.

"Everyone is worth saving," Lance countered.

"They eat babies born with deformities, and they do math wrong. Four plus four is not four. I don't even get the logic of this world," she rolled her eyes and jumped through the portal.

"Doing math wrong isn't a reason to..." he stopped halfway through the portal, eyes wide. "Wait?! Did you say they eat babies?!"

"Yep, I just didn't know how to tell you. You just seemed so happy when interacting with the citizens," Scamp said over her shoulder. "Besides, why do you think I never ate anything they gave us?"

"Oh God!" Lance gasped as he quickly jumped into the portal, wanting to leave that world behind for good.

Scamp only laughed as she opened the door to the portal room and stepped out. "Damn, I love multidimensional adventures!"