A Collection of my Unfinished Stories

by Fluskie

[T] Bad Ending [OC, Tragedy, Old Story]

A terrible pain circulated across Flusk’s body as a few tears fell from eyes, clenching them shut. She could feel herself falling through the air and the piercing pain of Solar Dot’s blast course through her body. She felt the small pieces of broken glass impact her back and slice through her skin like tiny knives. The pain was unbearable and she felt like screaming but for some reason something held her back. She didn’t want to see what was happening to her..She just knew that she was about to die..Die to the one who once carried her and made her feel appreciated as a pony..It was all over now.

She slammed into the ground hard and let out a small scream in both pain and surprise. His blast seemed to have sent her flying through a window and right into the grass below which barely cushioned her fall. She had to have broken something but..She couldn’t feel it..Was she supposed to feel it?..She didn’t want to feel it..She didn’t want to feel anymore pain..Both mentally and physically.

“Aww..Poor Fluskie doesn’t look so good.” 

She heard his voice suddenly as the fire maned unicorn teleported in front of her. She felt his hoof place itself under her chin and raise her head to look up at him. He still wore that evil smirk on his face even though he most likely was just about to kill his best friend. Drizzle was far gone by now..

“Poor thing..If only you had just listened to me when I said you couldn’t have your little friend back..And was I really wrong? No..I wasn’t. You really thought if you fought me he’d come back and heal all your pretty little wounds and say everything was fine..Didn’t you?..” Solar spoke in a bit of a mocking tone.

A few tears fell down Flusk’s face yet she remained silent. The only thing that seemed to be depicted on her face at the moment was anger and sadness. 

“Still nothing to say, hm? That’s quite alright. I’m sure you wouldn’t have anything intelligent to say anyways. You already know that I have won and there’s nothing you can do about it. And well, if you did, you’d get yourself killed. You’re in quite the rough shape right now and I’m sure that’s not what you want..”

Solar now let go of her chin and merely laughed, trotting away from her as he stopped to look at the sky which was full of dark clouds of smoke and orangey colors of fire. The air stunk of burned trees as ashes slowly fell like snow through the air. It was like being in literal hell.

“I have already done what I’ve wanted and claimed what was rightfully mine. Regalia and Aphrodite have already kneeled down to me. The only pony who hasn’t done so is you..” Solar said, turning around to face Flusk now. “You have such a fighting spirit that it's allowed you to endure so much pain and suffering..And for what outcome?..Nothing..It was all..For nothing..”

“I-It was..Not for..Nothing!” Flusk struggled to speak.

“Oh? And what exactly did you accomplish by being a stubborn little foal?..You rebelling has got so many ponies killed and for what..Your pride? Ridiculous..”

“N-Not pride...F-For Drizzle and S-Spirit...I will always d-do it..For Drizzle and my son..” 

“Drizzle is gone you insufferable child! And you know what he would say to you for pulling such a stunt?..”

Solar trotted over to her, lowering his head and looking down at her with utter disgust.

“That you were nothing..But a failure..”

Flusk’s eyes widened as tears filled them. Her mouth hung open as he simply smiled and laughed at her. The mare hung her head low as her mane covered half her face. Tears fell into the grass below as not even a sob came out from her throat..Just..Silence..

“Aww..You just finally realized didn’t you? That he always thought you were a failure? You were that one unicorn who was never able to truly harness her magic..Isn’t that pathetic? He thought so too. He tried and tried so many times with you but you just didn’t get it. He felt so sorry for you that he was only friends because you were alone. You even fell in love with him..Poor little Fluskie Wuskie will never be loved by anypony.”

A sudden burst of bright light blinded Solar as he covered his eyes, only squinting to try and see its source. He uncovered his eyes when he noticed where that bright light was coming from as his jaw dropped.

Flusk was now standing on her hooves as a brilliant purple light swarmed around her horn and her eyes glowed white. All her wounds seemed to heal within seconds as her white feather on her flank seemed to shine as well like a spotlight. Her cutie mark seemed to have taken on a whole new meaning now. A small feather once all alone now a feather that gained its strength and true power that it had within it all along..Flusk always was a strong unicorn.

“W-What is this..This isn’t right. You can’t do anything!” Solar shouted.

“You’re wrong, Solar! Drizzle would have never said anything like that and neither would anypony else. There are ponies who love me and Drizzle was always proud of me when I tried. The only pathetic pony here is you!” Flusk shouted, her voice echoing sounding like a bunch of copies of her were speaking at once.

“This is impossible!”

“The only thing impossible here is your control on me and everypony else!”

Solar growled, sending a wave of fire at Flusk. It circled around her, trapping her in a fire circle. A simple blast of her magic though and it was already put out. Solar began blasting even more powerful spells at her but Flusk either shielded herself or destroyed them with her own magic. Solar blasted a powerful spell at her when she suddenly blasted back as their two magic began to fight against each other, pushing at each other and moving back and forth.

Solar laughed as he noticed his fire magic began to win against Flusk but she narrowed her eyes. Her purple magic began to push back and inch rather close to Solar’s horn. His smirk turned into a look of worry as his eyes darted toward Flusk and the battling magic.

“One more thing..I..Am not..A FAILURE!” 

Flusk shouted at the top of lungs as her magic won against him. Solar shouted in agony as her magic began encasing him in a coating of stone. It started from the tip of his horn, moving down his neck, to his torso, his legs, and stopping his fiery mane from being in motion. All that was left was his face as the stone began to creep over his cheeks, getting closer to his eyes and mouth. He looked generally scared as something seemed to flit through his eyes.

“Thank you..Flusk..”


“Don’t blame yourself..You tried..Keep Honeysuckle and Sea Biscuit safe for me..Okay?..”

He closed his eyes as a small smile appeared on his face as the stone creeped over his face and fully encased him in stone…

Flusk dropped to the ground as her magic see to wear off. She quickly galloped up to his statue and dropped to the ground, sobbing hard…

It was softly raining in a small little forest as Drizzle’s statue stood there, little droplets of water falling down his muzzle and horn. A little bouquet of red roses was placed at his statue as Flusk stood in front of it with her family. Her son Spirit who was fully an adult now, her daughter Shimmer Hope who was a filly, her husband Swift, and the two children who were also grown up now that she took care of for Drizzle, Honeysuckle and Sea Biscuit.

Flusk dabbed at a few tears coming from her eyes with a tissue as Swift wrapped his wing around her back, comforting her. Honeysuckle and Sea Biscuit got a bit closer to their father who was encased in stone and dropped their own little roses at his statue. Although their land was at peace now..They still were missing somepony who was very close and important to them..Drizzle Dots.