Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

The winner takes it all

Chapter 13

With a grunt and a cough, Scamp dragged herself to her feet, turning to face the Queen after being thrown around again.

“You have far too much fight in you,” the Queen said with a smile as she trotted a circle around Scamp, using her magic to help the heavily injured mare stand back up.

This only infuriated Scamp as she stood there hunched over, breathing heavily as blood dripped from multiple cuts on her face from glass shards. Her back left leg having trouble supporting any of her weight, she just couldn’t tell if it was broken or just sprain.

Scamp hissed and teleported next to the Queen and tried to buck her but her legs gave out on her and she fell to the ground.

“Oh you poor thing,” the Queen mocked, lifting one of Scamp’s syringes and injecting it into her.

The pain receded, but just barely as the drugs were starting to lose their effectiveness.

As the pain faded she teleported up in front of the Queen’s face, performing a drop kick on top of her head.

The Queen screeched in surprise and anger as her magic flared and grabbed Scamp as she teleported away. Her magic followed her as she appeared nearby and was slammed into the ground a few times before being tossed into the throne.

Scamp landed awkwardly on the throne, laying across the arms. She tried to get up but the abuse her body had been receiving was finally catching up to her.

Her wing unfolded involuntarily, exhaustion wrecking her body.

“Oh, what’s this?” The Queen asked with a tone of a mother catching her foal with their hoof in the cookie jar. She pulled the flash bang away from the fold of Scamp’s wing and shook it at her. “Naughty naughty. You could hurt somepony with this thing, sweetie.” She flung it over her shoulder, trotting to Scamp.

“Nothing to say for yourself?” She asked in a scolding tone.

Scamp’s only response was to flash away and appear on top of the Queen, grabbing her midsection and roaring as she put all she had into lifting the large Alicorn. The Queen let out a yelp as Scamp surplexed her, sending her slamming into the ground behind her face first.

She stumbled forward, the pain flowing through her almost unbea

rable, but she couldn’t stop yet. With a grunt she flashed next to the Queen as she sat up, and bucked her straight across the face. 

This didn’t have the desired effect as the Queen just roared and her horn flashed.

A pain pulsed where her heart was and she stumbled to the ground, gasping as her heart felt like it would explode.

“You insolent, foal!” The Queen wailed as she pulled a mirror over to herself, examining the hoof prints on her head and cheek. Rage flashed across her face as she whirled on the small mare before her, who could only gasp and clench her chest in agony.

The Queen watched for a few moments before sighing, “A heart attack is too good for a monster like you.”

Her horn flashed and the pain in Scamp’s chest disappeared, leaving her still gasping and wide eyed.

But despite this, and to the Queen’s annoyance, Scamp shakily stood and turned to face the large tyrant.

“Yeah, I’m the monster,” she said in a raspy voice, blood pouring out of her mouth as she spoke. 

“I think the bodies you left in my hallways speak to that,” the Queen snapped, her loving demeanor wavering.

Scamp flicks her wing at the Queen, splattering blood across her purple face.

A snarl flashed across her lips as her horn flared, snapping Scamp’s wing at the base, causing it to hang at her side.

To her credit, she only yelped and fell to her knee and stump, not giving the Queen anymore satisfaction.

She knew she was going to die here, but she just needed to hold out as long as she could so the others could finish the mission.

“You’ve killed more innocents than I have!” Scamp hissed through her clenched teeth, trying to get the Queen talking to buy time.

“I have never taken an innocent life,” the Queen declared. “I am above those kinds of actions.”

Scamp spat out some blood and stared up at the tyrant, “You killed my mother. She was innocent and a devout follower of you!”

“Your mother,” the Queen said with a sour look on her face. “She was the lawyer who fought for that crazy pony who killed my husband. She was far from a good pony.”

“Your husband was a misogynistic asshole,” Scamp smiled through bloody cracked teeth. “Lance did the world a service killing him.”

The Queen burst into flames, rage literally exploding from her body as her stared down at the mare like a God to a fly.

“You dare?!” She exclaimed, taking a forceful step towards Scamp.

“Oh you bet I dare,” Scamp said defiantly, accepting her fate.

The Queen suddenly shoots her head down towards Scamp, impaling her on her long slender horn and lifting her up. She then threw the smaller pony across the room with such force that she left an indentation in the wall.

Scamp crumbled to the ground, but didn’t stay down as she forced herself to sit up and look down at the new hole in her gut.

“Oh crab apples,” she muttered as she looked across the room at the Queen stomping towards her, ready to go in for the kill.

“Oi, cunt!” A stallion's voice suddenly yelled out from the other side of the room.

Both Scamp and the Queen turned to the source, where a lone Greg stood in the doorway, a lazy smile on his face.

“Damn it, Greg,” Scamp muttered under her breath, hoping to have been the only one killed here.

“Stay out of this, insect!” The Queen roared as she sent a spell flying directly for Greg.

Greg’s horn flashed and the spell deflected upward into the roof, “My Twilight would have done better than that.”

The Queen stared at him wide eyed, as no one alive could rival her magic, let alone deflect it so easily.

Scamp was also stunned, but she recovered first, her mind going into overdrive as she flashed away and appeared next to the discarded flash bang.

She kicked it into the air and caught it by the pin, ripping it free. And in one fluid motion she spun and bucked it with her one good leg towards the Queen’s face.

The Queen’s horn flared as she prepared to stop the flash bang from reaching her, but Greg’s own horn flashed as well. Her horn was covered in a green glow as her magic seemed to stop working momentarily.

This was enough time for the small flash bang to hit her forehead and bounce back, going off right in front of her face. Blinding and deafening her instantly.

She roared backwards as her hooves came up to her eyes.

Scamp didn’t waste time as she appeared right in front of the Queen in midair. In one quick motion she grabbed the Queen’s horn in her remaining front foreleg and snapped her body to the side, using the Queen’s own neck as a support by wrapping her back legs around it.

A loud snap, like a large branch being ripped from a tree, sounded through the room, followed by a pain-filled scream of absolute agony from the Queen.

The Queen suddenly grabbed Scamp in her forelegs, screaming as she began to try and crush the small mare against her chest.

Scamp let out a scream of her own as the pressure was overwhelming. Then she did the only thing she could; she reared her head back and slammed it forward, clamping her teeth around the Queen’s throat.

The Queen’s scream went hoarse as Scamp’s teeth closed her airway, then punctured it. The Alicorn began to panic as she tried to pull the savage mare off of her, but Scamp only chewed harder, swallowing what she could as she kept biting and ripping with her teeth.

With staggering steps, the Queen fell forward as blood gushed and sprayed past Scamp’s face as she clamped down one final time.

A mournful gasp escaped the Queen’s lips as she collapsed sideways, the life leaving her eyes.

With a cough, Scamp shakily stood up and looked down at the large Alicorn’s body. She didn’t know how to feel in that moment, covered in both her and the Queen’s blood.

“Fuck,” Greg remarked as he neared. “That was gnarly, Scamp.” He kinda kicked at the leg of the dead Queen, looking a bit disturbed.

She didn’t respond as she leaned down and took the Queen’s dismembered horn in her mouth and walked towards her discarded things.

“Are,” Greg began, watching her limp on basically just two legs, her left wing hanging at her side. “… you okay?”

Scamp just grunts at him as she drops the horn and begins to check her belt that lay cut  in half on the floor. She lifts her IFAK and shakes her head as she just barely has enough to make a dent in her wounds. She decides the only thing she can do is stop the bleeding in her gut and the new hole.

Once that’s done, she lifts two emergency tablets from the IFAK and tosses them into her mouth, chewing them before swallowing. Those would help her body start replenishing lost blood at the cost of her energy levels. But it was necessary so she wouldn’t pass out.

“Weren’t we supposed to avoid her?” Greg asked as he watched her lift the horn back up. “Wasn’t Lance supposed to kill her?”

“Yep,” she grunted in response as she limped over to him. “Teleport us to the prison, next to Shadow Breeze.”

“But you’re hurt, dude. We need to rest or something,” Greg started to say more but Scamp only placed her hoof to his mouth to shut him up.

“Just do it.”

“I don’t like this,” Greg stated, but his horn flashed anyway, causing them to disappear from the throne room. Leaving the corpse of the Queen to be found by the first pony to come looking for her.


The Bronies broke free of their restraints as the Unicorn’s in the group started using their magic to attack the Enforcer’s and officers.

Jero’s own cuffs were released by magic and he shot forward, propelled by his wings and slammed into Strawell. He’d tried to shoot the approaching Pegasus, but Jero had knocked his hoof up as soon as he fired.

They tumbled together, coming to a stop with Jero on top. He began slamming his hooves into the ponies helmet, releasing his anger into his hits. He kept the other stallions left hoof away from him, keeping the gun pointed away as he beat him.

Realizing he wasn’t making the progress he wanted, he gripped the helmet and ripped it free, revealing the shocked face of Strawell looking back up at him.

The next few hits bloodied his face, a few teeth breaking in the onslaught of hooves. 

Strawell heaves with all his might and sent Jero off to his side where he then pounced on him. Now on top, he slammed his armored hoof into Jero’s face, but the snarl never left his face even when getting punched over and over again by the armored pony.

A white blur flew into Strawell, knocking him off of Jero. 

Calypso stood up quickly and swiped Strawell’s hooves out from under him, sending him to the floor. She jumped into the air and slammed both of her back hooves into his face, drilling him into the hard floor, his jaw breaking.

He roars as he seems to gain a second wind as he shot up like a snake about to strike and bucked Calypso in the chest.

Jero was on him in an instant, halting his attack on Calypso from continuing. The two head butted and slammed into each other over and over again, neither yielding.

Calypso joined the assault and the pair wailed on Strawell, his armor being his only saving Grace.

Suddenly he landed a solid counter on Calypso, sending her stumbling back. This gave him time to point his pistol at Jero, stopping him in his tracks.

“Stop!” He gurgled, his broken teeth and jaw making it hard to understand him. “I get why mother would marry you over dad,” he grunts as his hoof wobbles as he stares Jero down. “You’re soft, like she was.”

It was at this moment Jero realized Strawell was the son of Fluttershy and her husband in this timeline. This stunned him, just as Strawell knew it would.

“Well,” Jero said with a small smirk. “You’re nothing like mine and Fluttershy’s son. My son wouldn’t monologue at a moment like this, he’s smarter than that.”

A stripped hoof slammed into Strawell’s head and sent him flying across the room and into a wall, his armor breaking violently.

Jero watched in awe as Lance leaned back up after throwing his punch as he turned to face Jero, pushing his mane out of his eyes with a single hoof, “Nice of you to show up, Shadow.”

He couldn’t help himself as he ran to the much older Lance and hugged him, “I’m so sorry it took us so long! Time was accelerated in this dimension, we came as soon as we could!”

“I know,” Lance comforted him as he patted his back. “But you’re here, that’s all that matters.”

Calypso stood nearby, staring at the two with mixed feelings. She then moved to Dribble’s body and slumped down next to him, checking his pulse. Clenching her eyes when she doesn’t find one.

“Blasted idiot,” she cried softly. Using her hoof she closed his eyes and wiped her own. “At least you’re with your family now.”

A flash filled the room as Greg and Scamp appeared, catching everyone’s attention.

The fighting had come to a stop as the Bronies had been able to overcome the remaining Enforcer’s and officers. Magic was the great equalizer for this fight.

“Scamp!” Calypso screamed as she saw her friend in an absolutely wrecked state. 

As she ran to her, a bullet hit the ground near her.

“Not finished,” Strawell gasped, standing shakily with blood pouring out of a few broken sections of his armor.

“Yes,” Scamp muttered, appearing next to him and jamming the Queen’s horn downward into his neck and down into his chest. The top of the horn stuck up by his face as he stumbled, falling to his side. “It is finished.”

He shakily looked at the horn sticking up by his face and let out a pained whine. “My Queen…!”

“Yeah, the bitch is dead,” Scamp said in a cold voice as she stood over him, watching the life leave his eyes.

She turned to the collected ponies, some looking on in awe and others fear.

Her eyes landed on Lance, standing by Jero, a perplexed look on his face.

Scamp teleports in front of him, startling the old Brony, “Mr. Greenfield.” She holds out her stump for him, “it’s amazing to finally meet you.”