//------------------------------// // 7: Seeking Sunset // Story: The Disappearance of Sacred Records // by Lillup //------------------------------// Twilight legs collapsed pretty soon after making it through the portal. As expected, the sudden change of limbs after so long made her lose control. "Twilight, you good?“ "Yes Spike, just grazed my hind legs a little, I'm okay.“ "Thankfully four legs are easier than two, which ain't too bad. Being a dog feels weird though, pretty demeaning.“ "We have no time Spike, we need to figure out how we're gonna do this. According to that clock, it's 14:00, so Sunset should be in class, right?“ "I guess. Twilight, don't you have a 'you' in this reality too?“ "Sunset told me she went to a different school, so it shouldn't be a problem. As for you... It's kind of strange we've never seen another you. I'm not complaining, less stress to deal with.“ "What's *that* supposed to mean?“ "It means we don't have to worry about bumping into another you, Spike.“ "Well sometimes I don't feel you appreciate me enough Twilight.“ "Can we talk about this another time, Spike? We're kinda busy right now.“ "If you say so.“ "Now, I don't think there's a back entrance and we're not likely to find an open window, so I guess we'll have no choice but to go through the front.“ "What'll we do if we get caught?“ "I don't know, we used to be a student here so we could say we moved back into town.“ "That's as good as cover as we can manage. Let's go for it.“ The two entered the oddly empty corridors of the school. "Where is everyone, Twilight?“ "It's strange, I don't even see any faces in the classrooms.“ They wandered through, trying to be careful, but they managed to avoid any encounters, until finally after entering the second floor, they see two faces standing in the hallway. There was a janitor and Princess Celestia, but it was hard to tell from look alone which Celestia it was. "Ah, Principal. I hope you're having a wonderful day today.“ "Oh er quite, young human.“ "Excuse me, but aren't you supposed to be at the Gymnasium with the other students?“ "Oh er yes, of course! I er... My dear sister Luna was watching over for them while I nipped out quickly, I'll be heading there.“ "You two are sisters? Wow, I never even thought to ask to be honest. If you'll excuse me...“ The man carried on toward Twilight and Spike, who hid quickly in a classroom nearby, keeping the door slightly ajar to not attract noise. They heard the man's foosteps go past, before he grunts and the footsteps get closer again. Twilight tries to hold her breath before the door gets shoved shut. "Those darn kids again.“ The sound of footsteps went quiet again. "Whew, that was close Spike. Let's not cut it that close again.“ "Yeah let's get outta here.“ "Wait Spike, what in Equestria is that?“ Spike let out a good gasp. Twilight was shook by what she saw. The wooden desk had a small symbol carved into it with a sharp object and it resembled the Equestrian Flag, quite finely detailed. "Who would do this? The only one who's been to Equestria is us or-“ "Sunset Shimmer.“ "But she wouldn't do that, surely?“ "It literally is not important Twilight, get your head in gear.“ "Spike, where is all this coming from?“ "Forget it. Let's get this done.“ Twilight's lengthy lexicon felt like a garble of sounds, she could not speak so she tried to calm down, to make sure Celestia did not get too ahead of them. "Hello Tw- I mean, hello student. How may I help you?“ "Does 'Winter Wrap Up' mean anything to you?“ "Oh wonderful, It is you Twilight.“ "Yeah it's me, are you doing okay Celestia? Your legs are quaking.“ "Ah yes, it's these legs, still not used to them. Just standing is quite exhausting.“ "It took me time too. Has anyone else spotted you?“ "Other than that pony, err...“ "Person.“ "Yes, that par son, nopony else.“ "Nobody else.“ "Ah, blast this strange language.“ "You get used to it. Saying words like anybody and somebod- wait, didn't I hear-“ "Twilight, perhaps we should hasten. How long until the end of school?“ "About... fifteen minutes?! Yeah, let's get to this gymnasium.“ "Do you know its location?“ "Absolutely, some things you just don't forget.“ Still airing some caution, they found their way outside the gymnasium where Celestia and Luna are speaking through a microphone. There was a pair of windows in the door so they could look through carefully, trying not to draw attention. "So that is Luna as a human, hm?“ Celestia noted. "It's a cute look for her, I will have to seek out an artist to recreate it.“ "I see Sunset.“ She was sat on the top row, they tried to watch for her eyes straying while trying to make sure the other kids were not looking. Their lucky break soon came. Her eyes glanced over towards the door and she recognised Twilight's hand and soon got a shot of her face. Once Twilight knew, she hid her face and used her hand, pointing down repeatedly, trying to indicate for her to stay there after it finishes. "Do you think it worked?“ Spike asked. "I don't know, but there's no more we can do. Let's hide in one of these rooms. But where could we go“ "Hm, they might go to their classrooms to pick up their bags, so...“ "I've got it, the storage closet.“ Twilight and Celestia took to Spike's idea, cramping themselves into the enclosed space. "Hey Twilight, I have an idea.“ Spike said. "I could sneak my way in since I'm small and all, then I can tell her where we are.“ "Let's stick to the plan Spike.“ The door swung open, the brooms around them falling out. Fearing they had been spotted by the students or worse, Twilight cowered down. The caretaker from earlier stood outside the door, a bewildered look on their face. "Erm principal, I thought you were going to the gynasium. What are you doing in there with a stu-“ The indoor lighting felt particularly loud. "Oh uh you see I was just asking my student Twilight for help getting some brooms.“ "Uhhh huh.“ "And well, we struggled to find what we were looking for.“ "A broom?“ "Yes.“ "In a *broom closet*?“ "Yep.“ "Yeah, we'll see what the school board has to say about this when I take this pic- Ah the battery's dead, I knew I shouldn't have been browsing Insta so much, just wait there, I need a picture of you all.“ He took off jogging down the corridor. Soon after, the bell for the end of school rung and students were about to burst out the door, so Twilight hurriedly closed the door again, hoping they all left before they came back. "I think we need a new hiding place huh Spike? Spike?! Uh, I told him not to sneak off.“ Celestia and Twilight waited for the noise to die down when the door swung open once more. "I'm not photogenic, let's not,“ Twilight yelled, expecting the janitor again, but instead Sunset's beaming smile was on the other side with Spike in hand. "Long time no see, Twi.“ "Sunset!“ Twilight gleamed. "So good to see you.“ "Yeah, a journal's nice and all, but face-to-face is the best. Hey, is that Celestia?“ "Long time no see my student. I'm sorry, but can we get out of this par-son box post-haste?“ "We've uh... been misunderstood by the school janitor.“ "Which way did we go?“ "He said something about a dead battery and Insta, whatever those may be.“ "He must've gone to the office to charge his phone. Let's go the long way out, we should be able to totally avoid him that way.“ The three scampered off to the exit, trying to not cause too much attention, though Celestia walking with the students seemed odd since Principal Celestia looked to be staying behind. -------- ---------- Sometime later, the Principal made his way back to the broom closet. "Alright Celestia, say hello to 39 followers.“ Alas, Principal and the student had fled already. He ran into the gymnasium, where Celestia and Luna were packing away the supplies being used for the school presentation. "Principal, I must know what you were doing with your student in the broom closet ten minutes ago.“ "Excuse me?“ Luna answered for her sister. "What exactly do you mean by that?“ "I saw her and Twilight in the broom closet just a few minutes ago. You can't deny it, I saw you.“ "That's clearly impossible, Celestia and I have been in this gymnasium for the hour; we hadn't even stepped out for a break.“ "But that can't be right, I saw you clear as day.“ "Well I was witness to Princess Celestia as well as every single student who was here today.“ "Do you have a twin Celestia? She looked exactly like you, plus that girl Twilight-“ "Was here, front row.“ "Well I suppose her hair was very different, she didn't tie it up like she normally does.“ "Hm, well I don't know what you think you saw Principal, but I imagine you have something to prove this, right? Perhaps a photo or something?“ "About that... Uh, my phone may have ran out of battery.“ "I think we're done here.“ -------- ---------- "So Twilight, what did you come all this way out for?“ Sunset sat opposite to Twilight in a diner they liked to frequent on the infrequent visits. Spike was sat beside Twilight; Spike was light drooling and shaking, but Twilight was too pre-occupied to notice. Rarity sat on Twilight's side at the edge of the seats. Sunset continued. "I can't imagine it's just a casual visit if you have to risk bringing Celestia of all ponies here at school time.“ "Unfortunately, it's true. I have questions I need to ask. Obviously Celestia wanted to stay here, but I think she underestimated how much attention being a principal brings to you.“ "Yeah, you didn't cause any trouble for the Principal, did you?“ "I didn't stay to find out, butttttt we may have caused some confusion for the poor janitor.“ "Well I'm sorry for intruding upon this,“ Rarity sighed "but Celestia stuck out too much, but I found out we're all friends in this world so I would blend in fabulously. And may I say, this form is so cute! What kind of fashion is in this world? Am I a designer here too?! Ooh, it all excites me, I look great in this world too!“ "Rarity, I know the feeling, but we need focus right now.“ "Yes yes very good, let's begin with questions. I'll have my partner, Junior Investigator Twilight Sparkle begin.“ "Right, so I have some questions about an incident in Equestria.“ "Oh that's right,“ Sunset said, lowering her head. "'Oh that's right?‘“ "Oh uh I mean, obviously it had to do with Equestria right? Haha.“ BARK Spike suddenly barked loudly, drawing the attention of everyone, causing Sunset to hide him quickly in her bag. Rarity stood up and made a scene. "Oh, that dog is *so* noisy outside! Hm!“ Rarity's louder exclamation to deflect eventually worked, everyone returning to their conversations or work. "That was close Spike,“ Twilight muttered in an annoyed tone. "Please be careful.“ "Hm.“ "Oh right. Sunset, we just need to clear some things okay?“ Rarity said. "I don't believe it is you, but we need information.“ "Sure, let's... er do this.“ "First, where were you at about 5PM yesterday?“ "Oh well school was over so I went home to relax a bit. Ow.“ "Are you okay Sunset?“ "Yeah sorry, just felt a pain in my leg. It's nothing.“ "Okay, continue when able.“ "Oh sorry, I forgot to mention, I didn't go home at first, not right away. I went to the portal in the statue.“ "Yes, Spike told me you tried to visit“, Twilight added. "Tell me more please.“ "Well, not much to tell to be honest. I went through, Spike was there and told me you were celebrating the Summer Sun festival, so I said I'd come back another time.“ "That matches what Spike said, but please tell me, why were you coming here in the first place?“ "Oh that, well you know I wanted to see my favourite pony.“ "I mean I understand that, but it's just odd, you normally write to me in the journal before we meet up.“ "I suppose, I was just lonely you know?“ Rarity, watching over Sunset's expressions carefully, took over as Detective again. "Well, I suppose you don't fit as someone who would want to steal forbidden books from Canterlot's collection.“ "What? From the restricted section? Wow that's really serious.“ "I would agree Darling, but if I may say, you suddenly look like you have something to say.“ "What, me?“ Sunset spoke through grated teeth, sweat dripping down her face. "No no, I wouldn't. As you said, I weren't even there or had any reason to want to take any books.“ "But if you have any info, no matter how small, you can talk to us. You won't be in trouble you know. We honestly just want the books back and anything that brings us to that conclusion.“ "Well if that's the case, I wish you luck. I'm sure you'll find them soon. Say, I need to head home soon. We've been warned to be careful.“ "What do you mean darling?“ "A student has been missing from Canterlot High, so they brought us to the Gymnasium to warn us to take care on our way home.“ "That's horrible, I hope they find them soon Sunset.“ "Me too, well I need to go along, best of luck Twilight and nice to meet you other Rarity.“ "It's a pleasure, take care!“ Sunset soon left the cafe, leaving the others. The waitress came round to their table. "Here's your bill!“ Rarity and Twilight suddenly panicked. "I'll go fetch Sunset real quick.“ "Be a dear.“ Rainbow Dash (Her evidence was planted?) Gray Tank Little to offer, never made it past Reception, backed up by Amethyst Amethyst Maresbury Seems emotionally incapable and tricked herself Love Joyful Has a reasonable alibi, but she's kind of an oddball. Discord Starlight Glimmer Far from bulletproof, but seemed busy and had nothing to add. Twilight Sparkle Library staff No suspicious or helpful people Sunset Shimmer, seems to be hiding something, but according to Spike, she went back home. Spike (Even more suspicious) Changeling (A changeling seems to be almost certainly involved) What is the motive?