Supernatural: Day, Night, and Shadows

by BioQuillFiction

Chapter 12 Night: A Little Helper

"I don't know what it is." Bobby said as he looked at the gem fragment.

“Uh…wow.” Sam said in surprise. “Even you don’t know what the hell that is?”

"It's totally new to me." Bobby said. "It doesn't match any gemstone I can identify and the magic it has is, as far as I can tell, unlike any I have ever seen… save, Luna."

"So it relates to me somehow?" Luna asked.

“Well…that would make sense all things considered.” Dean shrugged.

"It didn't react when I grabbed it with my magic though." Luna added.

"Whatever it is, it's definitely just a part of something bigger." Sam added. "The cut is consistent until it gets to here." He pointed out the jagged end. "That indicates shattering."

"So there's more of it." Luna sighed.

"I might be able to whip up a tracking spell…" Bobby offered. "No clue if or how well it will work."

“Do your best Bobby.” Sam answered. “We’re walking into unknown territory so best to take your time with this new crap.”

"Maybe we should take a break?" Luna offered.

“Maybe…” Dean sighed. “There’s…a lot to take stock on just from this one adventure, we need to take some time off to think.”

"What about the demon that killed Jess?" Sam asked.

"Sam, there are no leads and you've had non-stop nightmares since then. You need some real rest." Luna said.

“Yes, that is a growing problem that needs to be solved.” Dean frowned. “You’re better off well rested and prepared, not wound up, exhausted, and focusing on one prick that is probably becoming less of an issue as we learn more about whatever brought Luna here.”

The silence was deafening. Sam stood up and went to the room Bobby kept for him.

Luna whacked Dean across the head. "Idiot…" She growled.

“Yes, I know…” Dean sighed. “But am I wrong?” Dean asked pointedly to Luna. “When we’re dealing with things that don’t exist in this world? Where creatures are capable of doing things they shouldn’t because of a shard of something much bigger?” He asked carefully. “I know I’m an idiot for saying that, but there’s more going on here, and hey, would you look at that, Revenge tends to be a bad thing in our line of work.”

"Ten beers says that Demon is gonna be sided with whatever the hell is going on or, worse, find more of these shards." Bobby offered.

"Nothing we can do about it now. Sam needs time to cool off. I'm gonna play some games, and Dean… what will you be doing?"

Dean rubbed his temple lightly. “I need to make a few calls…hopefully get something dug up about the Gem fragment and see what the hell’s been going on around the world.” He said. “Then…try and figure out how to apologize to Sam.”

"Guess I'll get dinner started. Tofu barbecue ribs." Bobby said.

Dean groaned. Luna smirked.

“Fuckin…whatever, I have important shit to do…” He grumbled.

Dean got up and headed for the car, going to check on the trunk armory. Luna hopped off to her gaming room and Bobby got to cooking.

A few days passed before the siblings began hitting the road again.

It seemed that a house in a nearby town had some large reptile appear a while ago. It was described as a purple alligator.

"So, purple alligator?" Sam asked again.

"We're too far from Florida for us to dismiss it." Luna said.

“Only problem is that…there’s other thing’s cropping up.” Dean frowned. “So let’s just go in with as much caution as we can.”

"Well, if it's not really native like me then it could be anything."

“Let’s hope it’s friendly at least.” Dean said.

The ride was short and once Luna put her disguise necklace on, they walked up to the house where the resident said they saw some odd purple and green reptile digging through their trash. It then ran off on two legs.

"Okay so it ran off into the nearby woods… two leg walking reptile." Luna said with a click of her tongue.

"The colors are definitely not normal, not many reptile species have such vibrant colors." Sam added.

“So it’s either highly poisonous, or we have another visitor.” Dean brought up.

"Or both." Luna added with a shrug. "At this point after the whole Applejack thing I'm not sure what to expect."

"True." Dean nodded. "Let's go find us a dumpster diver."

The siblings searched around. Looking for clues. Wrappers, trash, partly eaten food items. There was little bit what was plentiful were tracks. The feet were definitely reptilian, and it seemed it left claw marks in the bottom of the trees. 

Whatever the creature was, it was small, probably no bigger than an infant, but was smart and resourceful. Berry bushes were picked as cleanly as it could reach and there was even signs it gathered dry wood.

"Smart enough to forage and leave marking to indicate direction. Gathers wood for fire. Or maybe even tools…" Luna hummed.

"Still can't get over how small it must be." Sam said as he looked at the small footprint in the dirt. It was barely as long as his fingers and a little over half his palms length wide.

"Might be a child or even an infant?"

"So we have a pretty smart kid on our hands, considering it hasn't tried hunting the locals, either it doesn't feast on humans or it's too young to do so." Dean brought up. "Another question would be…where's it's mother?

"Odds are if it arrives here similar to how I or Applejack did then odds are it appeared here alone." Luna said.

"That does appear to be a pattern. Young, no memories prior to appearing, just a name…" Sam thought aloud.

"Hmm…" Dean hummed. "I do have to wonder what is causing you all to get transferred here under such…strange conditions."

"Whatever it is, it's speeding up I think." Sam commented. "We found Luna when we were kids. Apparently Applejack is from early settlement years of the area. Now we have to soft through what might be these other world types and what's our run of the mill monster. Plus Bobby did say he and dad found a few ponies dead long time ago and never told us."

"Explaining that book he made to gauge my health and such. Sucks I do need to take regular hoarse medicine but I guess I shouldn't have been surprised." Luna shrugged.

"Well, whatever the case maybe, we might be finding another being from your world if it's possible they appeared like you or Applejack." Dean added.

As the trip looked for a nest or a burrow. They then spotted a tree with sharply cut nics in the wood, making a makeshift small ladder up to a higher up hollow section.

“Well…that’s an interesting way to make a treehouse.” Dean said simply.

"It's pretty high up. Clever. Now how do we get up there?" Sam asked.

"Ahem?" Luna coughed, taking off her Illusion pendent and reverting to her true form. She spread her wings and flew up.

"I always forget she can fly…" Sam said.

“Yeah…” Dean agreed. “But when she does…boy is it ever helpful.”

"There's not much in here!" Luna called down. "A pillow, a dirty cloth, some candy, and a bottle of water!" She said, flying back down and putting the pendant back on. "Not home so they must be out looking for more food."

"So we wait. They gotta come back some time." Sam offered.

“True.” Dean nodded. “So we wait for the little thing to come back, and hope their friendly.”

"Just hope we don't scare them." Luna added.

Just as the sun began to set in the night sky, a small purple reptile, green spines and eyes walked towards his tree house. With him, an old lunch box packed with foraged, tossed but still edible, and admittedly a few stolen food items.

He looked up to his place of rest and sighed. "At least I got enough to last me a bit." He commented, patting the dented, rusty metal box. It was an early find when he woke up in this strange world and had been a big help.

Before he began the climb up he took a sniff of the area and stopped. The scent. People. Humans, he remembered learning, tall ape like things. Much taller than him. He barely reached the adults knees. It wasn't too strange. He learned some of them walked into the woods to explore or hike for fun. But this scent was much more fresh.

There was also something else… not human, but also covered in the smell of them… it was familiar yet out of his reach to recall.

He turned, suddenly seeing three humans behind him. The tree behind him, the three of them in front of him. He was trapped.

"Don't hurt me!" He yelled, flinching and dropping his lunch box. It's contents, a can of soda, a small bag of chips, a single stick of beef jerky and a half eaten hamburger, all revealed as the old metal box popped open on the impact.

“Whoa there, we’re not going to hurt you.” Dean said softly.

"It's alright." Luna added, removing her pendant and revealing her true form to the small reptile. "See, we're… similar." She said, almost saying 'the same' only to remember she's a winged, horned pony and this was a tiny reptile.

"You… you aren't trying to hurt me?" He asked.

"No, no. You are actually the second… creature we've met. Third if you count Luna here." Sam informed. "I'm Sam, this is my brother Dean, and she's Luna. Do you have or remember a name?"

"Uh… Spike. Yeah, Spike." He spoke.

“It’s nice to meet you Spike.” Dean nodded. “How long have you been out here?”

"Uh… four months." Spike answered.

"Do you remember… anything before you arrived?" Luna asked.

Spike looked down. "No. I remember my name… my age… and… what I am… I can't remember anything else. I feel like I'm… like I was with someone before I arrived here but I can't remember."

"Well, tell us what you do remember them." Sam said.

"I'm eleven, and I'm a dragon." Spike said.

That made the Winchester siblings all look at one another.

“A…dragon?” Dean asked slowly.

"You're rather small for a dragon." Sam added.

"I'm still a baby dragon." Spike said.

"Makes sense. Dragons are supposed to be extremely long lived but no one on this world has seen a dragon in… well, hundreds of years." Luna said. 

"So, I'm the only one here? No others like me at all?"

"None we've seen or heard about." 

"So, do you wanna come with us kid?" Sam offered. "We know a place you can probably stay. It's a little dusty and the guy living there can be kinda cranky but he practically raised Dean, Luna and I so, he's not bad."

"What's his name?" Spike asked.

Sam smiled. "Bobby."

The road trip back to Bobby's was rather quiet. Spike was enthralled with Luna's games and she let Spike play for a while and the brothers bought him and themselves a meal before they all arrived at the old hunters home.

Bobby was surprised to see Spike, more so when he found out he was a dragon.

"Ya know I wasn't expecting to become the resident nanny for you kids." Bobby said with a sigh. "That said there really isn't anywhere else the kid can go. Y'all don't have a real house and if a different hunter finds him well…" Bobby didn't need to finish that sentence.

“We know, that’s why we’re mostly hoping that you’ll take care of him while we’re away.” Dean said honestly.

"Well don't expect it to be free." Bobby said. "I don't even know how much or what a dragon, baby or otherwise, eats."

"He seemed to be surviving off of forest foragables and local garbage." Luna added. "From what I saw he seems to eat the same things normal humans do."

"We'll try and see if we can scrounge up some extra cash for you to help out." Sam added.

"You better." Bobby said.

With that, the siblings left to investigate a ghost sighting.

That left Bobby with Spike.

“So…uh…hi?” Spike said sheepishly to Bobby.

"So, you're eleven and still considered a baby?" Bobby asked.

“Yes…I think.” Spike said, scratching his chin. “I’m a dragon, and I know we’re long lived…but I don’t know how long…”

"Well, most dragons in myth and legends here on earth seem to have supposedly lived for hundreds to possibly thousands of years. But I don't know if that's true or not given they don't seem to be around anymore." Bobby shrugged. "I gotta say, you're a heck of a lot older than Luna was when she showed up."

“How old was she when she got here?” Spike inquired.

"If I had to guess, five maybe? She didn't talk til later but once she did she was quick to pick up stuff. Languages, tech, reading. But when she joined Sam, Dean and John in on Hunting she wasn't shy about getting into those fights. She's a good middle ground between her brothers."

“That’s really cool.” Spike said with a smile. “Just…wish I was that lucky…had to forage for food for four months straight…”

"Been there. Got dragged to a Wendigo Den a long time ago, was deep in the mountains. Snow and cold was bad enough but on top of that even after I killed the thing it took me two months to find civilization. Hunting for food with nothing but a pocket knife and making fires with pine Sap to keep warm."

“That’s awful.” Spike shuddered at hearing that. “But…what are Wendigo’s?”

"Well, they're sort of a mix between a spirit and a zombie I guess. See, if a man is freezing, starving and willing to act and cannibalize their fellow man, living or dead, the longer they survive like that the more they transform. Becoming something far gone from human. Insanely fast, smart, with deadly sharp claws and the ability to mimic voices to lure it's prey towards it." Bobby said. "They thrive in the cold, hunting only for a while every so many years, stockpiling before they need to go out and hunt again. They're only weak to fire. Only way to kill them."

“Wow…” Spike said, having somehow grabbed a pencil and a pad of paper and was writing all that down very fast. “That’s really interesting. Also, only fire? And not just heat in general due to the climate it normally lives in?”

"Well, they usually hibernate for years at a time but often have active periods in the fall and winter months. But, yes fire is the only way to kill one. Bullets just make em mad and anything else, might as well be trying to break a bolder with a limp stick." Bobby said. "Save that one. While ago Sam, Dean and Luna found a Wendigo, a pony, like Luna but not horns or wings. She and the one that was there were apparently cursed by a witch and her own unicorn pony. Somehow the pony one kept her sanity and didn't even need to eat to survive, just stayed up in that cave looking over her now resting brothers body."

Spike was furiously writing thing’s down, carefully paying attention to each and every word. “Well, I guess that would make sense. Me and Luna aren’t…really from here if what I was told is correct.”

"Yeah. Luna appeared back when those boys were kids. Sam found her when playing hide and seek with Dean. Hid in a burrow out back and she was just in there." Bobby said.

“That’s cool.” Spike nodded. “Being found and brought into a family…that sounds nice…”

"Well, it's basically what just happened to you. Sorry it took a while but better we found you late than some other Hunter ground found you early. Trust me, any other Hunter would have… not, been so nice."

“W-well…yeah…” Spike said nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. “Not many people were…happy to see me, especially when they panicked and thought I was an ‘alligator’...whatever that is.”

"Want some advice?" Bobby asked. Spike nodded. "People are stupid. Prone to panic and act irrationally when they encounter what they don't or can't understand. Hunters like me, like Sam, Dean and Luna work risking our lives so those same idiots can keep that thin veil of normal they live in, we get no thanks, no rewards, no nothing. Heck most of us end up being wanted criminals, law thinks we killed the victims of the monsters we hunt. People might not appreciate a good thing, whether they know it or not, but that doesn't mean we stop trying. Besides, there are a few perks to the job."

“What perks?” Spike inquired.

"Connections. Resources. And enough illegally obtained guns to take on these monsters." He chuckled. "That's what I do these days. I'm old, not much good in the field. In fact most Hunters don't even get to live half as long as I do, but I use the connections and resources and knowledge I've gathered over the years to keep the youngbloods and such equipped to stay alive."

“I’ve heard ‘respect your elders’ said the few times I’ve had to…stray close.” Spike said carefully. “And…well I suppose that applies to you Bobby.”

"Damn straight." Bobby said with a laugh. "Say how come you were writing all that down?"

Spike looked at the pen and paper in his claws. He didn't know why, didn't even realize he picked them up. The action just felt… natural.

“I…don’t know.” Spike frowned. “It just…felt natural…” He said, looking down at everything he wrote. “Uh…Bobby? Did I write…at all correctly?” He asked nervously, bringing his paper up to Bobby…like a child wanting to show a project to their parent.

Bobby took the paper and looked it over. To his surprise, it was written word for word in cursive, the young drake's calligraphy was beyond that of any he had seen aside from old scrolls and books. Every word was as he said it. Down to punctuation and spelling. "Y-yeah. You did amazing." Bobby said, handing it back to Spike. "You have a talent for writing notes and people's words."

“Yeah…I don’t know why though, I always kinda…knew I was good at it.” Spike shrugged.

Bobby hummed in thought, looking back over at a pile of old books on various cultures and their monsters. "Say, mind if we put that talent to some use? Been something I've been wanting to do but I haven't had the time and my handwriting is crap."

“Yeah?” He asked, his green frills perking up a bit like a dog’s ears. “What do you have in mind?”

"First, can you write in any none Cursive way?"

By the time the siblings returned to Bobby's, it had been almost a month. The siblings got a call from an old friend of their father's. Apparently a demon caused a plane crash and was systematically targeting each of the survivors.

It wasn't fun. 

On the bright side they were able to exercise the demon and save most of the survivors.

What the siblings found when they got home were piles and piles of composition notebooks and various snacks and drinks. In the center of the mess Bobby was reading aloud translated phrases from books and Spike was copying them down in plane English.

“The hell did we miss?” Dean asked in surprise.

“Oh, hey guys!” Spike said happily, the trio seeing Spike’s pencil holding hand was still going for each word Bobby was saying even though he was now paying attention to them. “Who knew I was actually a secret Stenographer.”

"Uh?" Luna asked.

"Kid's got a talent for putting spoken word to paper. So he's helping me print out translated versions of all the books I use to help your sorry butts when you're in the field. On top of that, rituals for summoning or ingredients for spells and potions. Small pocket bestiaries about all the monsters we deal with in a night." Bobby said.

"Well, that would be helpful…" Sam said.

"Have you two been at this all month?" Luna asked.

"We take breaks for food, sleep, and TV." Bobby said.

“My favorite shows are Ben 10 and Avatar the Last Airbender.” Spike said happily.

"Cool… so, need us to do anything?" Sam asked.

"Did ya bring the money you promised?" Bobby asked.

Luna levitated out a rolled was of fifties into the air. "Is two grand alright?"

"Yes, now go buy some food. And actual groceries."

"Since when do you cook?" Sam asked.

"I don't. He does." Bobby motioned at Spike.

The siblings all looked at the small purple dragon.

“What?” Spike asked innocently.

“How?” Dean asked.

“I don’t know…” Spike shook his head. “Like how I’m this good at writing…or just good at a lot of things in general.” He shook his head.

"From the skills you seem to have it's almost like you were someone's servant?" Luna commented.

"Well now he's my Assistant." Bobby said.

The word Assistant, hit Spike. It triggered such… happy feelings. Pride, joy, happiness. 

"You alright?" Sam asked.

Spike didn't even notice the tear that fell from his eye.

“O-oh…sorry.” Spike said, whipping away the tear. “I…don’t know why, but that word…Assistant, it fills me with such…happiness and I don’t know why…”

"Well, maybe you were an Assistant." Bobby said. "Who's though… that might be hard to find out. But since you associate it with positive feelings it was probably someone you cared for."

"An eleven year old assistant is strange, but this is all unknown territory with all kinds of other unknowns." Luna sighed.

"Either way, we'll be back. Getting food cooked by a dragon just sounds awesome." Dean said.

“You should also try my Coffee, Bobby won’t stop making weird noises about it.” Spike said, startling laughter from the siblings at Bobby’s expense.

The next week the siblings stuck around, Spike being an unexpected light in the otherwise dreary and stale household of Bobby's. 

When the last of the books Bobby had were translated, Spike helped organize them based on era, then culture.

Luna let Spike play her games, but told him only the ones with an E rating. He was still a child under thirteen after all.

It was by accident one of these days that they learned Spike's unique dragon fire seemed to alter some weapons. A dull and flimsy kitchen knife once heated by his flames and cooled under water was now as tough as stone and even sharp as his claws, which, they learned, can slice open the steel frames of cars easy.

This led to the next unexpected discovery about the tiny drake. He could eat metal. And gemstones. The metal he discovered he could eat when he bit onto a stuck pipe in the ground out of frustration and his teeth bit through the metal like melted butter. The taste, seemed to vary on the metal and the purity/quality.

Gemstones came when he found a quartz rock in the yard, and ate it on a dare from Dean. Quartz, apparently, tastes like a peach.

“You’re just fully of surprises aren’t ya?” Dean asked, gently patting Spike’s head affectionately.

“Y-yeah, it’s…a lot to take in.” Spike said sheepishly. “Who knew?”

"Well, we do now." Bobby said, having written all the new information down.

"I'm kinda curious on what your… droppings, will come out as." Luna admitted. "Digesting whole metals and gemstones has to have a unique… output."

“I’d rather not know thank you.” Spike shuddered, putting his tail down covering his bits.

"Well if it clogs the toilet let me know." Bobby said plainly.

Spike unfortunately did clog the toilet. The answer to Luna's question. Pure Sulfur.

Bobby plans to sell it to some Hunters he knows who can make explosives out of it.

Dean laughed his ass off at the discovery.

While Spike stayed with Bobby he kept a routine. Wake up, make coffee, breakfast, wake up Bobby.

After that, he tried to clean what he could reach, which wasn't much without moving some chairs around.

Next was reviewing the translated books he and Bobby made. He knew Bobby planned on gathering more, and he couldn't wait.

When the self study was done he watched TV with Bobby or played some of the games Luna said he was allowed to.

Sam, Dean and Luna were away a lot but it made him happy when they were around.

"Hey Bobby where the heck are you?!" Yelled an older voice that seems to have entered with the loud bang of a door being thrown open. "I got a real piece of work in the trunk and I could use some help- What the?!" The voice entered the kitchen where Spike was and the owner of it froze.

He was an older, African man. He looked at Spike with a mix of caution, curiosity and confusion. "Bobby why the hell is there a purple alligator in your kitchen?!"

"God damn it Rufus I told you to call ahead first!" Bobby yelled as he came downstairs and into the kitchen. "First of all Rufus, thanks for not shooting them. Second, call first!" Bobby yelled. He then turned to Spike. "Spike, this is Rufus, an old friend and Hunting partner." He then turned to Rufus. "Rufus, this is Spike. He's similar to Luna only rather than being an Alicorn he's a baby dragon."

"Oh shit!" The man, Rufus said. "Damn Bobby you attract all the odd ones don't ya."

“Hi there…” Spike said nervously to the man.

"Don't worry about him Spike, he's mostly just a loud mouth and a lousy Hunter." Bobby said.

"Oh, oh I'm Lousy? Alright then who was it that taught you about Hunting and all the tricks of the trade?" Rufus asked.

"You. For the better part of five minutes." Bobby said.

"Oh I'd like to see your old ass try and handle the shit I just bagged and it in my trunk right now."

"Why the hell did you bring a monster in your trunk here?" 

"I can't identify it. Figured your hoard of dusty old-" Rufas stopped, seeing the piles of notebooks. He picked one up and opened it. "Shit, these the books?"

"Translated into plain English. Spike wrote down the words as I translated." Bobby said with a smirk.

Rufus looked the pages over, then looked over at Spike. "You have amazing penmanship." Rufus said.

“Thanks!” Spike said, puffing out his chest in pride. “One of my many talents.”

"One of huh? Cool."

Suddenly there was a loud metallic tear and grinding noise from outside, followed by a guttural roar of something mindless, and angry.

"The hell was that?!" Bobby said, grabbing a shotgun from it's hidden spot in the umbrella holder.

"I don't know! That's why I came here!" Rufus called as he pulled out a handgun as he and Bobby stood by the door.

"Spike, upstairs, Safe Room!" Bobby called out.

Spike didn't need to be told twice as he ran up the stairs as fast as his short legs allowed. He ran into Bobby's bedroom, poured the salt along the door bottom and hid under the mattress.

He could still hear the two old Hunters bicker and yell, only stopped by the occasional roar of whatever was outside.

“Darn it…” Spike muttered. “I’ve studied all these monsters, I’ve studied all these potions…but I immediately have to hide? I’m a dragon darn it…” The small drake grumbled, wishing he could help but knowing he was still a baby and…probably couldn’t.

For minutes there was silence. Then a crash. Then gunshots. A yelp. A thud. More gunshots. A weak roar of pain. Silence. Then some more gunshots.

"It's safe now Spike, come on down!" Bobby called.

Spike got out from under the bed. Downstairs was… not too bad. The walls were stained with the blood of the monster and the back door was broken down entirely. The monster itself was an odd sight. Two large legs holding up a single orb like body consisting of a large mouth, many sharp teeth, a wide fat nose and no eyes.

Out of all the monsters in the books he helped Bobby translate… this one was new.

“Uh…what the heck is that?” Spike blinked at the weird ball monster.

"I… have no idea." Bobby said.

"Whatever it is regular bullets killed it so, Maybe it's from the same place Luna and him are from?" Rufus offered.

"I doubt that." Bobby said. "It bypassed the runes and salt without issue. That's not good… how did you even get it into your trunk?"

"I hit it with my car." Rufus said. "Oh shit my car!" He then ran outside. Various loud swears and curses were heard before he stormed back inside and kicked the beast. "Fucker totaled it…"

“Um…” Spike lightly poked the thing. “Seriously, this thing looks…strange…”

"Looks like something out of a nerd's fantasy story." Rufus said, giving the corpse another kick.

"Well seeing as your ride is wrecked, mind helping me drag it outside to dispose of it?"

"Fine." Rufus said.

It took a while but eventually the creatures body was burned to just charred bones as proved difficult to burn.

The blood was easy to clean up and Bobby was jury rigging the door back into one piece.

As Spike cleaned up the blood he found something. It was small, clear and shimmered like a diamond and was barely the size of a pencil tip. Spike sniffed it. Aside from that monster's blood, it smelled like… energy. That was the best way to describe it.

“Hey Bobby! I found something!” Spike called out.

Bobby walked inside and looked at the odd smelling gem in his claws. "Huh. Where'd you find it."

“I just found it while cleaning up here.” Spike shrugged. “It…smells like Energy.”

"Energy?" Bobby asked as he carefully took it from the small drake. "Hmm… doesn't look any different from a typical gem."

"Yeah, it's…strange." Spike said, sniffing at it again to see what kind of energy it gave off, like trying to see if it has the flickering burn smell of fire or the scent of oncoming rain.

It didn't seem to have a specific scent. 

Bobby placed the small gemstone in a glass cup. "I'll examine it later. Pretty sure I have an old gem testing and examination kit around here somewhere."

"I know where it is!" Spike said readily, scampering off to find it.

Bobby sat late at night downstairs. Spike had long since gone to bed and Rufus left after begrudgingly buying a scrap car from Bobby and heading off.

Under the magnifying glass the gem seemed to unnaturally shimmer when no light touched it. He sighed as he placed it down, bringing up a wattage tester he kept getting an error message.

He figured it was putting out some kind of power but not like any battery or magic equivalent he knew of. With a tired sigh he decided to do one last test.

He managed to wrap it up tight in a coil of copper and covered in electrical tape. He then took two strands of the wires and touched them to a light bulb. It lit up then exploded.

"Shit!" He yelped. "Damn… well, kid was right. It's got energy. No idea how much but… it's definitely more than it's small size suggests." With that, Bobby took the small makeshift battery and took it up to his room, placed it into a safe in his closet and went to bed.

The next morning, Spike woke up and began his normal morning routine.

As the eggs were cooking the front door opened. "Hey Bobby!" Luna's voice called out. "We got a surprise for ya. Hey Spike." Luna said as she walked into the kitchen, her amulet off and true form revealed as she was followed by Sam and Dean.

“Hey guys.” Spike called out. “Breakfast is almost ready, be glad I made you extra.”

“Oh sweet mercy thank you.” Sam and Dean both said at the same time to hear Spike was cooking.

"Bobby still asleep?" Luna asked.

“Yeah, he was up all night doing some research on a brand new gem we found after Rufus brought home an unknown monster.” Spike explained.

"Rufus brought a Monster here?" Sam asked.

"What did it look like?" Luna asked.

“Some weird ball monster.” Spike said. “Had big legs, a giant mouth with a lot of teeth, and a really big nose.”

"And no eyes?" Sam added. Spike and the siblings all shared a look.

By the time Bobby got up they were all at the back of the Impala, where upon opening it was the dead corpse of a second one of the odd monster Rufus brought.

"God damn, two in two days?" Bobby said as he looked at the second dead unknown monster.

"So Rufus brought this same ugly son-of-a-bitch yesterday?" Dean asked.

"Yeah. Broke out the back of his car and busted down the warded backdoor like nothing. Didn't seem phased by salt or holy water but thankfully regular bullets did the job."

“Did you find anything around where it’s corpse was?” Spike asked. “Like a weird gem?”

"No but we did find this." Sean said as he reached behind the creature and pulled up what appeared to be a bundle of short crossbow bolts. They glowed a faint blue and seemed to be giving off fog. "Right after Sam shot it point blank it fell out of it's non-existent asshole. Yes I checked."

"Ironic considering it was eating some poor kids dog. Why eat with no means to… release?" Luna asked.

"Dunno, don't care, monsters are weird." Dean shrugged.

"This is definitely new." Sam said.

"No kidding." Bobby said, taking the bundle of crossbow bolts. "Hm. I have an old crossbow. Might as well see what the heck these things do."

“So things are getting much weirder around here.” Spike frowned. “But first, breakfast.”

After the meal the group was in the backyard. Bobby loaded one of the odd bolts and shot it at a tree. A large chunk of the tree then froze entirely in ice and inch thick.

"Jesus Christ!" Bobby yelped in shock.

"Oh hell the Fuck yes!" Dean yelled. "Monsters dropping loot now?! About time they made it worth while!"

"That's… basically Video Game Logic…" Luna commented.

“That’s…very weird.” Spike frowned. “Who in the world decided that kinda logic for these…weird monsters?”

"Maybe God is having a midlife crisis?" Dean shrugged.

"Whatever the case I feel like this is only gonna get much, much weirder." Sam said.

"As if we needed more of that…" Luna huffed.

“How weird can it get?” Spike inquired.

"Well, since you asked… probably very." Bobby said. "Here." He handed the crossbow and remaining bolts to Sam. "Best you kids keep and make use of it while on the road."

"Thanks Bobby." Sam replied.

"So, any clues where you'll be headed next?"

"Got work of a heck of a whole lot of ghosts in an old Asylum and recently two teens went missing in there." Dean said.

“Ah, yes, the age old ‘two teens messing around in places they shouldn’t’.” Spike shook his head. “Either through just normal teenage shenanigans, or whatever those slasher movie cliche’s I’ve heard complained about.”

"Thought I told you no horror movies." Bobby said.

“I’ve literally rewrote ancient dead languages to help you Bobby.” Spike frowned. “I know how to speak Angelic and Demonic because of it.”

“Fucking what?” Dean asked in surprise.

"That doesn't mean you need to watch some cheap horror movies and end up with nightmares. Had enough of them with Luna when she was growing up." Bobby replied.

"The ducks were everywhere and they wanted my bread but it was mine~!" Luna said with that specific nightmare fresh in her mind all these years later.

“I’m a dragon! I’m tough!” Spike said, putting his fists on his hips with a chest puff of pride.

“Hold on…” Dean said, turning around and rummaging for something. “OOGA BOOGA BOOGA!” Dean proceeded to explain as he turned back around with a giant cartoonish ‘scary’ face.

“AHHH!” Spike panicked, launching up into the air and digging his claws into a tree branch it like a scared cat. “Not cool dude!” Spike whined as Dean was laughing his ass off at that.

Bobby and Sam both kicked Dean for the prank.

Luna bucked him, sending him rolling down clutching his guts. Still laughing.