Changing The ColorOf Apples

by apple short

Chapter 2

Then everything became a wonder of the most unshocked bewilderement. "Ihave come to see what i can show you my friends because their is a problem here with your farm and it will bring you down!" There was a magic voice and Applejack could tell that just from its screeched anguish of believable mass understanding that it meant serious issue with them all.
"Yall i think we are in a horrible state of badness!" Spike squeezed her once and planted a lip upon her heavy hearted chest and weaved an ok speech with his tongue. "We can weather it because i am a dragon." applejack nodded but still kept a little reserve of deep seated fear that trembled her in squeshy excitement.
"THERE IS GOING TO BE SEVER MISCALCULATIONS IF YOU DO NOT MAKE THE LOVE TO SPIKE RIGHT NOW!" the voice boomed with the authority of love driven by its wisdom and granny smith gave the thumbs up sign for it to be a true non speaker of the past.
So spike smacked applejack down and they made it all the way with the most fruity abundance.
suddenly it was all black. And they were in FREAKING agreement of the situation. they were in a blinking pony eye.
Spike looked through to the glass and sighed with a most realized chest that fulfilled its satisfied loneliness with misdirected nguish. "We are truly stuck within the eye of another."
"YES." Granny smith whispered with the ways of the old and licked her tongue feebly. sometimes we are trapped in this world of miscreated guidleins when in fact it is the most of us that can do. This world we know is fake but to us it is real so it is not fake. We are the eye of what we behold and we are to be beholded by the eye that is around us. To see outside through to the world is not within our knowledge to be achieved at ease! We are to be directed to the understanding that we fortell. Even being in the eye of another tiny pony somewhere does not mean we are meaningless because until she blinks we are real. So live the world you know and exist in love." she fell asleep.
(Also i added a better accepted moral since the last one was tragically misrevealed to be not quite loved.)
Applejack sipped the cider and plot bumped her granny with the most real inversion of acceptance. "We are indeed to be making love for happiness." With magnitude of happy brief all thre of them thumbs up each other.
So spike and her created applesauce with their great love of diligence. squishing the apples between themselves and allowing the slickness of scrunch it created to become a fulfilling sight within their breif moment of belief that carried a role of the world in the blinking pony eye of smallness.
(PS the tiny eye they are in is appletinis eye. Because when applejack went to everfree again the blue flower created a second applejack but small as a lol. and this world of aquestria that spike and applejack are in togertheness for brief moments to be stretched into forever with their uber soft love resides of course. In the flower joke in the world of ponyville in the everfree in appletinis eye in a blink in time.)