Fallout Equestria: Apocalypse

by BioQuillFiction


I was due to lay my eggs any day now and I was glad for it. Feeling them grow in me has been… interesting but the weight and pressure sure as hell aren't fun…

Seeing as I'm pregnant and physically unable to actually, ya know, do field work I was given some work to do from my home office. It was mostly reviewing Prisoner Profiles and their cage status logs.

Majority came right out of eldritch nightmares. Some were funny. But most were nightmare fuel.

“How and why are they keeping these things here?” I wondered in horror.

Some on this list that as a soon to be mom sent me into panic attacks were such as The Old Man, a rotting humanoid looking elderly male who opens fucking portals of decay and rot l, can walk through walls, has his own pocket dimension and enjoys torturing people of all species and such, but has an age range he primarily targets which includes children.

I shivered, clutching my stomach in fear. The files showed very few are ever able to survive him let alone escape his pocket dimension of horrors.

He is kept in a special Reality shift cage, basically a bubble where the laws of reality can be programmed and the one law in that cage is that he is powerless. Still gives me nightmares…

“I…still have to wonder in what fucking world his true desire is to be on a farm with an old lady…” I muttered, having seen his ‘True Desire’, and while finding it wholesome I was more confused as to how someone that fucking sadistic against any and all life would rather be a humble farmer.

Theories in the file state it possibly has to do with how he was created or even who he was before becoming this monster, but it was all just theories.

That brings me to my next item. It's a fun one. A camera, old, and anything or anyone photographed with it will have their deepest desires revealed in the photograph. I wanted to try it and see my own but I lack the security clearance. It's kept in the Storage Room Safe 98.

Then there was another item I did mess around with a lot. The Clockwork's. A machine that has the still unexplainable ability to improve, evolve or disassemble/destroy whatever is placed inside and set to one of the five settings. The general rule for it was not to go above Fine and never put anything alive in there, especially yourself.

I mostly put stuff in to see what happens. I have to log each time as a test, record the outcome but I do get to keep them. Assuming security and the lead scientist in charge of the thing don't deem what it makes on the output a threat to the ship.

“Hmm…still have to wonder if I put a mask in there, put it on Fine…then give it to Shy Guy…hopefully that’ll at least calm him down?” I wondered. “If it could, than…maybe that poor guy can feel better?”

Much as I tried and argued though the lead guards on Shy Guy denied all my attempts to have a test or anything done with the creature. I hated it, and couldn't do anything about it. Even Vision was against it.

I wrapped up my work and began my small side projects. All my free time and access to scientific knowledge from across planets and basically the beginning of time I spent it learning and experimenting. Nothing massive just simple things like taking Rad Scorpion DNA and working it into whatever it was before radiation induced mutations hit.

Not bad for a historian.

“Well…if I can help make people RAD proof, that would be cool…” I muttered to myself.

Learning about DNA was fairly straightforward. The lesions thankfully went from what I understood of genetics and built up from there. The hard part was the formulas. Figuring out the right formula is the hard part but thankfully the ship and AI all do the calculations and project a real time simulation of the results. Unfortunately finding the right formula was the hard part. So far most end either in alternative mutations or death.

I wrapped up my side project and carefully got back onto the bed. Oof, felt them move a bit. Okay definitely the eggs gonna be laid soon.

“Ugh…eggs gonna be here soon…” I groaned.

I carefully rubbed them from the outside, wondering if they're boys? Girls? A boy and a girl? That would be neat.

I watched more TV and fell asleep…

It was dark everywhere. A void where nothing but a light above me showed me I was on some old concrete ground. This is… different.

“Uh…” I frowned. “The hell is going on?”

Suddenly, I heard something walking in the darkness. Whatever it was moved with wet meaty thuds and cracks and pops like bones breaking and joints dislocating and popping back into place with each step and movement. 

I backed up and eventually saw… whatever it was. A part of it is revealed by my above light. Dark skinless flesh warped and distorted bones. Broken bones pierced parts of it's flesh and jutted out of wounds bleeding like leaks in pipes yet it seemed unphased.

I wanted to scream, but as I looked up I spotted it's many, many eyes all shapes, colors and kinds staring at me, as if judging or waiting for me to act, unblinking in their unity as the many puiples all were fixed on me.

“Wh-who are you?” I asked in fear.

It did not answer, just continued to gaze down at me with an almost calculative glare. It leaned down, the smell. It was like a pungent stench of decay, mold and feces as it's largest eye, twice my body size looked down at me with that sickly grey-green color.

I wanted to run or fly but I was too terrified by the monstrosity before me.

Eventually, it leaned back and moved along back into the darkness.

By the time it was far enough away I could barely hear it… walk I collapsed onto the ground hyperventilating.

Panic. I had forgotten what that felt like. Normally that symbiote working as my heart keeps that from happening… so this is a dream? Well, a Nightmare…

“Ugh…the fuck is going on?” I groaned, wondering why I’m having a Nightmare now and wondering who or what that thing was.

After a while I began to move. My little above light followed me, thankfully. A small comfort in this… place. As I walked I noticed things. Litter, paper. Cans. Cigarette butts. Bottle caps. I then came across a bench, looking around. I think this is a bus stop? Taped to the back of the bench was a ticket, a simple pink piece of paper with the words 'admit one's printed in black ink.

I hummed, gently taking the ticket and sitting down on the bench. “Well…hopefully this takes me away from this nonsense…”

Almost on cue I saw a pair of lights in the darkness and the roar of an engine. I almost didn't believe my eyes when I spotted it up close. It was a pre-war bus. I'd only ever seen them in old photos and as rusted out frames.

The doors opened and inside was no driver, but looking in I spotted a pony, a unicorn sitting in the back. I slipped the ticket into an insert slot and it began driving off and I walked back and up to the unicorn.

They had a brown mane, and a green coat.

“Hello.” I said politely to the unicorn.

"Sup?" They asked without looking at me, rather they looked out at all the darkness outside the window. "First time?"

“Yeah…” I nodded. “Where are we? Cause I was just…sleeping, then I saw that…being, and then hey, a Pre-War Bus…”

"Right. You're on the Eternity too right?" He asked me.

“Yes…how did you know?” I inquired.

"Same." He said. "Private Sleep Deprived, Mystic Security Unit 9." He said with a salute.

Right, that Academy thing did pluck ponies and other races too so, shouldn't be too surprised.

“Ironic you're here considering your name.” I chuckled. “Junior Researcher and Field Technician Plory.”

"Ah. Surprised you're here. Guess you got swooped up by accident." He said with a shrug. "Well Plory, care to take a guess where we are?"

“Not really, I know I’m in a dream world at least.” I answered.

"Bingo." He said. "This is the realm of Dreams for all the planet Equis."

“Huh.” I said in surprise. “No wonder why I saw that…nightmare creature…” I shuddered in fear.

"Yup. Each planet has their own Realm of Dreams, and as you can see this one is still basically post-apocalyptic, monsters and shit all over the place." He said.

“And Luna had to fight all this every day? Man that had to have been terrible.”

"Psst. No, this is all basically akin to mutations. Bombs didn't just destroy the physical world, the warped minds and mass death turned this place into what it is now. It used to be more pleasant, but without Luna to keep it stable and two hundred years of insanity, well it's basically ruins. More or less. A twisted dark reflection of the world that died." Sleep explained.

“That’s horrible.” I shook my head. “So…better question is, why am I here?”

"There's a ritual that sends us here. Rather than keeping us isolated to a single dream like normal, it let's explore the realm as a whole. Unfortunately the one Equis uses brings all within a certain radius who are falling asleep into it with the caster. You just got roped in. Sorry about that."

“I’m not surprised I got roped into some nonsense.” I sighed. “But at least it’s good nonsense that I won’t get told ‘no’ to.’

"Just try not to die here. You won't die in real life but while the spell is active you'll feel everything as if It was happening physically." Sleep warned.

The bus soon came to a stop and we both got off. The darkness around us was still pitch black and I couldn't see anything… but I could hear… and smell.

Moans, groans and gurgles like the tired or dead and the smell of rot… Ghouls? Fuck!

“Oh come on, Ghouls? Here?” I complained.

"And worse." Sleep shrugged as he walked forwards.

I followed. Despite my fears… like hell I'm staying here alone!

The light above us let me see hooves, wings, talons, all kinds of limbs and silhouettes of the radiated corpses around us but thankfully not attacking.

"So…why aren't they attacking us?" I inquired.

"Look at their eyes." Sleep said.

I really didn't want too… With a gulp I slipped up and over to one of them. The rotting skin and black and yellow teeth… the smell… stars above why did I romanticize this kind of crap all my life.

I looked into it's eyes. Stories and a few still same ghouls had them all looking a white or pale grey… these ones were pitch black.

"They're Nightmares. Not actually ghouls or independent entities. Remnants of creatures who dreamed them out of fear. With no more barriers here they wander around freely. Hopping from dream to dream looking for fear."

"So…they just feed off of fear and nothing else?" I inquired. "They won't…physically harm us?"

"They will if we touch them." He warned, making me back up from it immediately as I followed Sleep closely. "Right now they're docile and dormant. Beneficial of the spell is that until we actually interact with the world we're invisible to all of them."

Sure as hell wasn't invisible to that one earlier…

"Well…there was one that literally looked right at me and then fucked off…so that's just probably random happenstance."

"Then it's likely a native. They can see us but can't touch us unless, again, we act and break the spell's protective cover."

“Fair enough.” I nodded. “So just don’t touch anything and everything will be alright.”

"Yup. Course that can't last long. My mission here is gonna have me touch stuff and if you wanna survive then you're gonna have to do the same."

“Alright, so what’s the mission?” I inquired.

"Gotta restore the dream realm to at least a semi-stable reality. That's gonna involve a lot of fighting."

“Is there anyone else here?” I inquired. “Also…restoring an entire realm seems a tad…difficult don’t you think?”

"The rest of my team is all over the place. Probably already started on their ends of the mission. Besides, if we don't stabilize it some.crap.from this place might get strong enough to escape into the physical world."

“Yeah that would not be good in the slightest.” I shook my head. “So we better hurry, don’t want to fuck up a Ritual like with Jupiter…still find that whole thing…weird.”

"First we gotta find weapons."

“Yeah…” I said, putting a talon over my stomach as I feared that if I got hurt here, my eggs would get hurt. “Let’s get some weapons…”

We walked through the hoard of ghouls thankfully without touching a single one. We managed to find the entrance to a building and the reak of rotting meat and bile was ripe and thick in the air.

As we walked I heard… cackling. A mad mindless laughter seeping violent intent as we walked through what I think is a store.

“Well that’s not terrifying at all.” I rolled my eyes.

"You sure change your tune fast." Sleep said as we reached a door. He opened it and we walked through. "Getting used to it all or?"

“Hearing some jackass laugh like a mad man is a lot better than having all five of my senses assaulted like those Nightmare Ghouls back there.” I brought up. “But part of me is also wanting to…keep myself safe for my eggs if they don’t magically get out of me during my sleep.”

"You mean you don't want to be stuck here long enough to lay them in your sleep?" He asked.

“I don’t want my eggs to get hurt if you’re right on me being physically injured.” I answered. “I…I want my chick’s to be safe…”

"Fair." He nodded. "If that's the case, stay afraid. Cause once we get some weapons and the safety cloak goes down you'll need it to avoid dying."

“That’s…fair…” I said worriedly.

Eventually we finally found something. A worn but usable sawed off double-barrelled shotgun, and a semi auto nine millimeter pistol. He gave me the shotgun. "Just remember that just because this is a dream doesn't mean we aren't bound by rules. We can be hurt, we can die, and sadly weapons can run out of ammo or break." He said, levitating me sixteen shells for the shotgun as he had another magazine for his gun and spare loose bullets.

“Cause of course…” I muttered, grabbing the shells and putting two in the double barrel.

"Believe it or not, dreams do have laws like nature and magic. The biggest thing though you'll notice is the time dilation."

“I assumed that, cause there’s always been cases of dreams feeling like someone’s been doing a thing for days or months when it’s only been eight hours.” I shrugged.

"Yeah. When the spell wears off naturally it will have only been an hour, but for us it will have been six days."

Six days?! That's a day every ten minutes in the real world!

“Oh that’s…that’s some big time dilation.” I frowned.

"Get cozy cause it will feel like we've been here a while." He said, making sure his gun was loaded and ready before we headed out. After a bit we found the next nightmare. The one making that cackling. They were dirty, covered in mange, scars, makeshift armor made of hide, rubber or whatever scrap metal was around.

A Nightmare Raider. 

"Ready?" Sleep asked me, lifting his gun to the back of the Nightmare Raider's head.

“Ready as I’ll ever be.” I nodded.

With a nod, he pulled the trigger, and fired.

What happened next I can only describe as a reverse Flash Grenade. All the darkness that had been around vanished, going up into that ball of light that had been around and once it absorbed it all, was gone.

I could see the environment around us now properly. No darkness blocking the way and… sweet stars.

We were in a ruined grocery store turned into a raider den. Corpses and dry blood was everywhere. A nearby standing freezer was on and displayed various organs raw or rotting on the shelves as a shelf of skulls sood near us.

Two more Nightmare Raider's appeared and Sleep got to shooting at them.

I froze, dropping for cover and clutching the shotgun tight. I dealt with some training courses and shooting range in the ship armory, why can't I get up?!

“Come on…” I growled. “I’m literally a researcher for horror’s beyond my imagination…how does shooting at dumbass raider scare me this badly?”

It's not even a real raider either!

I tried to lift the gun, push myself up and… it's over…

When I got up Sleep shot the two Nightmare Raider's dead already. "You alright?" He asked me.

“I…I’m sorry…” I said, not sure why I’m so shaken. “I…I shouldn’t be scared…but I’m alright.”

"It's alright." He shrugged.

No it's not… I thought to myself, picking up the shotgun and following. Looting the bodies got Sleep a .32 rifle with a makeshift scope of what looked like binoculars, a broken and taped glass bottle and scrap metal for frame. I got some saddle bags. Holding some healing potions, ammo, and some small things Sleep said we'd need.

“I…really need to get my act together…” I took a deep breath. “I’m a Griffon for crying out loud.”

"Have you ever shot anything before?" Sleep asked me as we walked through a backroom this store had.

“N-no…I normally use my talons but…never really used a gun.” I said carefully.

"Well, what have you killed with your talons before?"

“Well…some wild animals, then…my teacher when he was possessed by War…”

Actually… no, no Storm did that I just… ended up present for it…

“Wait…no…it was Storm that did the murder…I…just stood there like an idiot…”

"Then you've never killed or even been in a fight." Sleep nodded. "Makes sense."

“I…guess you're right…” I sighed. “So many things have been going on…”

"Well, let's keep going. We need to find the Collective of Nightmares to get this place at least somewhat stable."

“Alright.” I nodded. “Let’s hope for the best…” I said, trying to keep myself calm and wanting to actually help out with this nonsense instead of running away scared.

As we walked through I might as well ask questions. Gonna be here a week for an hour… not gonna think about that weirdness.

“So, how long have you been apart of…all this?” I inquired.

"I got out of the Academy around the same time as everyone else so… roughly two, going on three weeks."

Right. Same time as Grunk… 

“Right…that’s…the same time Grunk came out…” I said carefully.

"Majority of staff all came out of the Academy that first day." He informed, opening a nearby door and inside was an upside down take on the store.

"Oh goodie…" I grumbled. "Everything's going to be all fucked orientation wise…"

"Get used to it." He informed. We walked around, finding some more ammo and some food stuff. As we walked I heard something… crying? Sleep and I slowly walked towards it. I spotted a metal door, an old rusty shack kind that seemed to shimmer. "Looks like we found a sleeping person's dream."

"And…should we go in and try to help them?"

"That is part of my unit's job, yeah. Since this world no longer has a dream realm guardian Unit 9 is to take over as the guardians."

"That's good." I nodded. "Glad to know there's a chance to help those in need."

"You wanna join in?" He asked. "You are stuck here with me."

“Sure.” I nodded. “Let’s help someone out.”

“Alright. Follow me.” He said, opening the door as we went inside.

It was… disgusting. Rows and rows of cages left out in the open, faceless ponies and creatures chained, coats dirty covered in grime and filth. The stench of months of unclean bodies all cramped into metal cages was only off set by what Sleep and I saw before us. A lone foal, barely five, in a cage. Alone, her mane and tail were cut off and she cried.

Atop her cage was a sign.

Fifty caps a ride.

Three hundred buys, as is…

I felt sick. So, so sick…

"This…this is fucking awful…" I muttered.

“This appears to be a memory.” Sleep noted as he looked around, all the ponies in cages were faceless, and the few I saw with guns around were also faceless. “Must be an old timer from back when Slavers were still very prominent.”

"How can we help them?"

“We need to find the root of this Memory, then kill the fucker.”

“That’s something I can agree with.” I nodded.

“Now, where to start- That works.” He spoke, right as an all black, almost silhouette version of a stallion walked into the scene. It hoofed over a bag of caps to the faceless slaver, who nodded and opened the cage door.

The filly backed up and cried harder.

Before it got to touch her, Sleep shot it point blank.

Everything changed and suddenly we were in a rusted old shack made from scrap metal. Two old mattresses, old and stained, were on the ground and the filly sat playing with an old toy doll that was almost falling apart in the middle of this basically empty shack.

“Hello?” I asked softly to the little filly playing with her toy doll.

She looked up at me. “Hi. Who are you?” She asked.

“My names Plory, what’s your name?” I asked softly, gently laying down for the filly.

“I’m Plush.” She said. “Why are you here? Did mom send you to check on me?”

“Yes.” I smiled softly. “It’s nice to meet you Plush.”

“Do you work with Mom?”

“Yep.” I smiled softly. “And I’m here to make sure you’re doing okay.”

“I’m alright. Kinda bored though.” She frowned. “Mom spends hours looking for stuff to sell. And dad hasn’t been around for a while.”

“I understand.” I said softly. “But…I’ll be here to help make you not bored.”

Just then the shack door walked in, a mare with the same mane and coat colors as Plush walked in. “I’m back honey.” She said sweetly. On her sides hung old but still sturdy saddle bags that seemed to have little in them.

Plush ran up and hugged her mother. “Mom you’re back!” She stated happily. “Find good things?”

Plush’s mother didn’t lose her smile but I could tell, looking at her eyes said otherwise. “I did alright. Got us dinner.” She said, reaching into her saddle bags and bringing out two boxes of Crunchy Carrots Carrot Cake. 

“Awe, that again?”

“I thought you liked them?” 

“I do but it’s been a while since we’ve had anything else…”

“I know, but the store doesn’t sell anything cheaper.” Her mother said, opening the box and handing the plastic wrapped 200+ year old cake snack to Plush. “Now eat up, otherwise you’ll be small forever.”

“Okay…” Plush frowned, but ate her meal.

This… was what I romanticized? I spent my whole life thinking the pre-Gardens era was fascinating and… That past memory, and this…

This isn’t what I thought… The Book of Little Pip had some bad stuff, especially the unedited version they released, and the Security Mare’s story is bad but…

I forgot… they weren’t just a book and a story… it was history… I fell in love with the stories… 

“You alright?” Sleep asked.

“No…” I shook my head. “No…I’m not okay at all…”

I sat down. I spent my whole life learning about the Pre-Gardens world and loving each and every story… I never really realized it happened… It was horrible, and now, heh… I can’t shoot a gun at some dream world monster, I accidentally helped awaken the Captains and… unleashed War on the universe…

I chuckled. I got my wish. I got to start my adventure… And I don’t want it… I don’t want to continue it, I don’t want to be some grand hero, I don’t… I don’t want to come so close to dying over, and over…

How stupid am I?

The door burst open, several faceless ponies came in, and then that stallion silhouette walked in.

Before Plush’s mother got to say or do anything, he shot her point blank.

Plush screamed.

Sleep shot the stallion silhouette again. 

This time it looked like we were in some… better shack. Bigger, two floors.

In a foals crib was a younger, maybe two or three year old Plush pulling against the bars.

“How could you be so heartless!” I turned to see Plush’s mom yelling at a stallion with a dark green coat and brown mane.

“This was the plan from the beginning Cotton! You know they pay big caps for foals.” The stallion replied.

“I know how this started but I’ve changed my mind!”

“Damn it Cotton they’ve already invested caps into her. The diapers, the medicine when you gave birth, food you and I have been eating! If we don’t hand her over we’re in debt and I’m not ending up in one of those cages! And I know you sure as hell don’t wanna go back!”

“I don’t but she’s our daughter!”

“She’s stock and merchandise!”

Plush’s mother slapped him.

He slapped back harder, knocking her to the ground. “I’m going for a smoke. When I get back you better have your head out your ass and get back to the reason you aren’t some other slave doing worse labor.”

As he said that, his body began to change, his features leaving and becoming… the all black silhouette…

He left the room, the shack and Plush’s mom was crying.

I tried not to… throw up.

“What…all of this is…” I coughed, trying my best not to throw up at this horror show.

“This was life, back then…” I looked up, seeing a much older mare. So many wrinkles and mane long since gray. But her eyes, the coat… Plush…

“I’m so sorry Plush…” I teared up.

"Hey, why are you crying? I'm the one who lived it." She chuckled. Her smile falling to a frown as she sighed. "It was a long time ago sweetie. At least it ended well."

“I’m…glad it ended well at least.” I sniffed. “I’m just…sad…about your situation and so many other things…”

"It was so long ago." She waved off. "That bastard got what he deserved." The scene changed into the cages again. Plush in the cage looked a bit older. Suddenly there was gunfire and the slavers were being sniped. Then a mare with a gray coat and brown mane was taking shots from cover elsewhere… holy crap… is that… "She saved me. I got out. Got to grow up. Live. Find love. Had foals of my own. These memories will always haunt me, but when I wake up I know I'm not in those cages anymore."

“That…that can’t be…” I muttered in wonder. “Is…that who I think it is?”

"Lightbringer. That's what ponies called her." Plush chuckled as Littlepip came face to face with the silhouette stallion… Plush's dad, and shot him point blank. "It was terrifying, but also, so happy."

“It’s…Littlepip…” I said in awe. “That’s…wow…”

"I got to be a pony again thanks to her. For a Stable mare she sure could be a real Wasteland Pony when she needed. Heh, you youngbloods have it so good these days. I envy that, but it also makes me happy."

Right… I might have had my egg found in the Hoof wastes, but I'm not a Wasteland Griffin.

“I…I know…” I sighed. “It’s…part of why I’m sad…because I…stupidly romanticised the adventure…the many people Littlepip helped…but…seeing this…” I shook my head. “I just hate myself for thinking it was…better than it truly is…”

"I guess the blame is on my generation too. We didn't want you all to know how bad it really was. We wanted to make sure you all got to keep that innocence that we never really got to have." Plush said.

“Yeah…” I sighed. “I…used to be a historian, and I never really found anything besides the positives, how people were trying to make good on a bad situation…I just…never realized how bad the situation was.”

"I guess that was the point. Sorry to break your expectations."

“It’s…well, it’s not fine…but it’s a good reality check…” I shook my head. “Just…wish my adventure wasn’t going to be…so much worse…”

"Well, then all that means is ya gotta see it through. Whatever you are going to go though, you don't want others to end up going through the same thing do ya?"

“Yeah…” I nodded. “I…really don’t want others to go through the nonsense I’m going through at the moment.” I chuckled.

"Well, then keep that feeling close. Let it motivate ya to keep on when things get hard. And remember why, who or what you'll be fighting for." She said.


I touched my belly… I got two little ones on the way… and I'll be damned if they grow up in a world, In a universe tormented by War.

“Yeah…I’ll make sure to do the right thing…especially for my kids…”

The six dream realm days passed fairly quick. I spent it helping Sleep dealing with dream monsters and Nightmares.

It was a little disorienting being, from my perception, awake and doing stuff for six days just to wake up and see an hour from when I first entered the dream realm.

I sat up and- Shiiiiiiiit! Okay, eggs are coming out now!

It was painful but thankfully quick and after just twenty minutes of pushing my eggs are wrapped in sheets on my bed. Wow I am so glad I'm not a pony. They hold them for like, what a year then push out for hours up to a day or more? Thank stars I'm a griffin…

My eggs were large, about three pounds each and an off white color.

Okay, now to… take them to Hex.

“Ugh…can I get some help…” I panted, fearful of moving my eggs without some assistance even if my instincts didn’t want me to move them at all.

"Contacting Hex and Medbay staff." Amanda informed.

In less than ten minutes another Griffin, dressed in a white lab coat with a red cross on it came in. "Plory?" He asked.

“Yeah, that’s me.” I nodded. “Two healthy, three pound eggs…”

"Great. I'll just perform a physical for you to ensure your health and check on the eggs in a minute." He performed the physical and then checked on my eggs. He then brought out a strange metal and class floating case that he gently placed my eggs into. Once he sealed it my eggs floated in a faint white light and the glass displayed a timer, two, and some other data. "This incubator is specially built to care for and hold any egg laying members eggs and keep them in perfect conditions and calculate the expected hatch time."

“That’s good.” I nodded, glad to know they’ll be in a safe spot.

"Yes and in case you're concerned the incubator is waterproof, fireproof, the floating gives gyroscopic stability so no concern for falls or an external impact causing harm. Can handle the vacuum and cold of space and is sturdy enough to survive the impact of a gauss rifle on full auto."

So basically, my eggs are in the safest thing on Equis and this ship. Good.

“That makes me feel even better.” I sighed happily. “They’re in the safest place possible here.”

"Precisely." He nodded. "It also comes with an alert that in case something does happen the Medbay is informed immediately." He stated. He then handed me a cup of two pills. "Take these and in two hours your body will be back in top form."

“Thank you.” I nodded, taking the pills immediately.

With my eggs safe and secure and I still had a lot of maternity leave.

I ended up laying in bed more and watching TV.

“What am I going to do?” I muttered to myself, even though I had six days to process Plush’s life…it still felt so horrible that I even tried to romanticize it…even if Plush admitted that her and everyone else wanted the stories to be seen more for ‘doing good even in a terrible situation’...reality is a lot harsher than I thought it would be.

I know I need to do… something. I basically started this ball rolling and I need to do… something. Maybe I can talk with Tony and try out some shooting range stuff…

"Well…best to at least know how to use a gun better…" I muttered, getting up and heading off to the shooting range.

I grabbed my revolver and went to the Armory.

Tony set up a basic shooting range for me to experiment with and test out.

My aim is horrible.

Out of fifty targets I hit three and not even a bull's-eye, just on the corners.

Still, unlimited ammo for this and any wear my gun got, Tony repaired immediately.

I was here for hours making little progress.

"Hey, there you are." I turned to see Grunk walk up next to me. "Saw our eggs are in an incubator."

“Yeah, and I’m happy to know they are super safe.” I nodded.

"So, having fun?"

“Not really…I’m barely making any progress.” I huffed.

"Heh, guns do take time to master. Maybe your skills could also lie with a different kind of weapon?"

Never really used weapons before. A BB gun mom got me when I was twelve. A cheap .22 I got when I moved for self defense I never used save one sneaky radroach coming home from shopping some time ago.

Maybe I would be better with a different weapon?

“Hmm…you might be right.” I nodded. “Might as well try as many as I can…”

"What do you want to try?"

That is a thought. Most of the guns I know are from seeing them on local guards or seeing pictures of them and reading about them in pre-war books and The Book of Littlepip and similar pre-gardens era stories.

Pistols. Shotguns. Rifles. Heavy arms. Explosives. Magical every weapons… magic too given that inplant of mine gives me access to spells.

“Let’s start with Rifles.” I said simply.

Tony made me a few rifles. A .22, a .308, and a semi auto 5.56. 

The .22 was really easy to handle, but had little in terms of power or range. Despite being a rifle it didn't go far. The .308 was more powerful, had good range but accuracy wise I still wasn't the best. Better than with my revolver but not hitting bullseye. 

The 5.56 was interesting. It didn't have the power the .308 had but wasn't lacking either, fired long and being semi auto because I missed a shot I could try and quickly adjust and hit it quick the second shot.

“Well…this feels a bit more comfortable…” I hummed.

"Makes sense. This model of gun was actually built by a Griffin arms company." Tony said as he appeared in a flash of blue pixels next to me.

“Really? That’s pretty cool.” I said. “At least got some better accuracy than my revolver…”

"It also comes with some modifications if you'd like plus I can add and make more to it if you want."

“Really? What can you add if I may ask?”

"Well it comes with a drum mag giving it over sixty rounds, a holographic sight with a targeting assist enchantment to make you more likely to aim properly and hit your mark and lastly a recoil compressor stock to absorb more of the recoil for you."

“That’s pretty cool.” I nodded. “Might as well get it decked out to see how it works.”

Tony took the gun. His advanced technology, like magic, put all the mods onto it.

The gun now had a large round magazine sticking out under it, the stock looked like a mix of springs and air pumps that seemed to be the means of recoil absorption. The sight was amazing. Looking down it, it would zoom in, give a percentage chance of my hit and calculate where to move or when to shoot all in my hud.

“Now this is cool.” I said with an eager smile.

"Heh. Looks like you found your weapon." Grunk said with a smirk.

“Yes, yes I did.” I smiled. “And this gun is great.”

"Let's go home then. I brought pizza for dinner."

Oh, I've heard of Pizza but never had it!

Grunk and I went home, ate. I enjoyed an intimate night again. With protection this time.

The next morning Grunk went to work and I checked on the eggs. They were fine, and I began some personal interest. Ship has a whole history of Equestria on record. Time to see how things really went down.

I went to my office, floated the incubator with my eggs next to my desk, sat in my chair and opened up Equestria's file. Let's see. First, the beginning.

“Alright, let’s see the real history of Equestria, that isn’t filtered with a bunch of noble cheating crap…” I muttered.

Starting from records and analysis from before The Eternity arrived. Everything was… fascinating. Seeing live video and photos of the evolution of species and culture in these records was like what I imagine being a God watching over the planet is like. I read and watched and examined it all, stopping around the Rise of Discord and stretching while also getting something to eat.

“Who knew reading about the beginning of everything would make me so hungry.” I chuckled to myself.

The kitchen had it's own food fabrication machine. I ordered a hamburger and a large soda called a Coke. It's tasty.

Once I ate I went back to my studies.

As I was reading through these I checked foot-notes and…

Oh… my… stars!

I got up and rushed back to the Zoo immediately. Okay, section ten, section ten! Yes!

I sat and before me I saw them…


Not like the mutated ones down below, real, actual Alicorns. Mindless yes but Alicorns!

And this one! Draconici! All kinds, mindless and magically suppressed but they're here! Holy crap! This is amazing!

“Holy hell in a handbasket…” I muttered in awe. “This…this is incredible…”

"Greetings Plory." The Zoo AI, Noah, greeted me as he appeared in a flash of white pixels. "I wasn't expecting visitors today."

“Sorry about that Noah.” I said sheepishly. “But…I had to see for my own eyes what Draconici and Alicorn’s looked like…”

"Ah yes, the classic, non mutation based ones. Yes. Quite the unique species biologically. Long lives and gifted with extreme magical powers."

“I can imagine given what I just read up.” I said honestly. “But…an entire race of them? Wow.”

"It's what we do here in the Eternity Zoo. Keep the races alive and healthy in the event of mass extinction. That includes the modern day mutant versions."

“Neat.” I nodded. “So…will these people ever be brought out or will they be stuck here?”

"Given the modern mutant Alicorns upon the planet it doesn't seem relevant to place any."

“Fair enough.” I nodded.

"They will all be safe here and should a Planet Maker be appointed they might get a planet of their own."

I looked up and over at Noah.

“Planet Maker?” I inquired.

"Basically, the Planet Maker has the third highest authority on the ship. Only under First Mate Vision and the Captains. The Planet Maker has full access to the Garden, the Zoo, the historical archives and records and gets special access to use the Celestial Maker. An extremely powerful tool that can literally make planets, suns, solar systems and galaxies. A process that takes nature and the universe millions and billions of years, the Celestial Maker can accomplish in hours. It is this tool that makes The Eternity far more than just an archiving and preservation ship. It makes this ship Hope for a future no matter the catastrophe."

I blinked. “Wow…”

"Yes. To be titled the ships Planet Maker is the highest honor any of the staff could hope to achieve."

“I can imagine.” I said honestly. “Being able to just…create planets and stars?”

"Yes. It's a position rarely filled as they are appointed by the Captains and they are very critical of who they appoint to it. Last Planet Maker was appointed three hundred thousand years ago."

“And…I presume they’re long dead?” I inquired. “Cause three hundred thousand years is…a very long time even by this place's standards.”

"Yes. The Last Planet Maker passed two hundred and twenty years ago."

“Sounds about right.” I nodded.

"While you are here is there anything else you'd like to see here within the Zoo?"

“I’d…like to see some of the other races of Equis please.” I said, knowing there’s a lot on this big planet but wanting to know all of them before I have to go back and forth in my studies.

"If you wish." He said, a wave of his hand and the walls moved before me. The next window I saw was filled with barren rock and hot magma as dragons flew around or dug into the molten slag. "First up are the dragons. Evolved as a perfect immunity to the heat of even magma they thrive and seek to sustain themselves purely off raw minerals from rocks, the magic native in your planets gemstones, and while meat is applicable it is not necessary for them."

“They’re fucking huge!” I said in shock, some of those dragon’s damn near the size of literal mountains.

"Yes. They actually have a very unique life-death cycle. See, most don't actually die from old age. Rather when the dragon gets tired of living they simply sleep and never wake up, fossilizing alive and forming ore deposits of titanium and platinum and gold and silver."

“That’s…terrifying.” I blinked. “Like…Dragon’s just become so done that…they literally fall asleep and change the topography of the planet?”

"Well biologically they are basically immortal so death can only come by sleeping through fossilization. There are actually many similar species across the stars that do the same."

“Huh…that’s rather interesting.” I nodded.

Noah waved his hand again and this time I saw what looked like… centaurs?!

"This is a rare species upon Equis. Centaurs are a mixed breed made from multiple generations of pony, goat, and certain primate cross breeding to create the post-war Centaur. They were a small numbers species and sadly it seems according to scans all on the surface are dead, ghouls or mutated into monsters save one."

“And…who’s this one still living Centaur?” I inquired.

"You'd have to contact the Equis Census AI for that." Noah informed.

I'll pocket that info for now cause… a Census AI? And for Equis specifically?

“Alright…another time for that, let’s see the next race.”

Noah waved his hand. The next window showed a whole lot of darkness. "This habitat holds the Umbrum race. They're long since Extinct on Equis."

“I…think I heard something about them in my historian job…something about the Crystal Empire and someone named ‘Sombra’?” I brought up.

"They are a unique race born from wild magic. They primarily are bodiless, but are capable of obtaining physical bodies through rituals. They are of course attuned to dark magic and are immune to the side effects such magic typically has on any other who casts it. They are weak to natural light or magic rich in positive emotions. Either can be lethal to them."

“Well then.” I frowned. “That…sucks hard core.”

"That doesn't mean they are incapable of love, compassion or empathy, but such emotions can easily be weaponized on them."

Noah waved his hand again, this time showing me some kind of weird… monkey… cat… thing.

"We've called this Auize. They're native to jungles and thick forests, but are also very small in numbers. They went extinct when the bombs fell."

“A lot of thing’s went extinct when the bombs fell…” I sighed.

The next window showed me… Sphinxes! "These actually still exist but are endangered on the Planet's surface. They're a rather seclusive and isolated race."

“Holy hell I never thought I’d see actual Sphinxes!” I said in glee.

The next few hours were filled with all kinds of species I knew, heard of and didn't think were real.

When it was done I decided to go see this Census AI. After asking Amanda I learned they're in a special room in the Storage Bay.

It took a while and after some time I found the one where the Equis Sensus AI was.

Entering the room it was all… blank. The same general look and such as the armory without Tony doing anything really.

"Greetings." In a flash of yellow pixels appeared before me a book with a face on the cover. A generic smiley face with two dots for eyes and a line mouth. "I am Equis Census AI Notebook. How may I be of service?"

“Yes, I’d like to know about the last living Centaur on Equis please.” I said.

"Alright." They said, the book opening and revealing the image of a young and old red, black and grey centaur. "Name, Tirek. Location, Tartarus Prison. Crimes, magic theft, regicide, mass destruction, and mass murder. Oh my. It seems many still reside within the Tartarus Prison and all guilty of crimes. Please inform ship Security AI of this and file request to detain aboard the Eternity."

"Hear that Amanda?" I inquired.

"Understood. Submitting report." My AI replied.

Well, while I'm here might as well see just how far this Census AI bot goes in terms of what it does.

"So…what do you do here?" I asked the AI simply.

"As one of the many capable and responsible Census AI it is my job specifically to look over the population of Equis and archive every individual who has lived upon it's soil. From birth til death I scan, record and analyze them all in their daily lives. Physiology, mental scanning and even brain scans to properly archive them as living beings. I can then use that data to create a perfect replica of them as an AI or if allowed, use the genes of them stored in the Gene Banks of the Equis Census to clone and place them into a body all of their own."

… He can practically bring back the dead?!

"Hold up…you can just…bring back the dead!?" I squawked incredulously.

"Don't be silly. My process has nothing to do with necromancy or spiritual Spellcraft. I merely replicate the original biological body and use the data I obtain to craft an exact copy of a being. The soul, if they receive one and 99.9% of the time they do, is typically not the original. Can copy the mind, rebuild the body but can't clone a soul or copy that. Yet."

Just when I thought this ship couldn't be crazier…

"The fact you say 'yet' concerns me…'

"Don't fret about it. But is there anyone from the past you'd like to speak with?"

I… I literally have access to… everyone who has ever lived on Equis to talk to…wait- Professor!

Hex already is fixing his body in Medbay, if Notebook has his mind and memories on file…

"Can…can you bring back my Professor?"

"Your professor? Clockwork? Easily. I see his body is almost repaired. He seems to have suffered from War's cognitive override but I can re-imprint his memories from just before that happened and that's it."

"Thank you." I nodded. "Cause I…really need to talk to him."

"Alright. I'll send notice to Medbay to inform them of the mental imprinting. Anyone else you'd like to speak to? I could generate their AI form quickly."

"Hmm…" I hummed, trying to think of who I might want to talk to.

I could… talk to anyone really. The princesses. The ministry mares… even ponies from way before the war! Like the founders of Equestria or, or…

My… birth mom… parent…

Oh wow this feels… weird. Speaking of, I need to visit Mom-Mom…

Okay, talk to birth mom then visit mom.

"Can you bring up my…birth mother?" I asked.

"Can do. One moment please."

Notebook swirled into a vortex of pixels and then began reforming from the floor. Soon, a Griffoness… hermaphrodite… person just a bit taller than I am was standing before me.

They opened their eyes, and squacked. "Wha-how? What?!" She then looked at me, then herself. "What the? I… I was being chased by dogs… wild ones and… did I die? What kind of afterlife is this? Why do you look like me?"

"Because I'm…your daughter…so…hi mom…" I said slowly.

"You… what? But my egg still…" She moved a claw towards me, only for it to phase through me. "What? I… am I dead? What? But… You… you look… so much like me. I mean, I figured that would be the case… are you also… like me? Down there?"

“No.” I shook my head. “Full female griffon…and uh…well, it’s a long story mom.”

"How are we even talking? How old are you? Who raised you?"

“Well…I was going to be seeing my…mom-mom after this…I don’t know if you can come with me to meet her.” I said honestly.

"I… can you tell me what's going on… Gella?"


“Gella?” I asked. “Is…that the name you had for me?”

"Well, one of them. I figured if you were born like me or female only Gella would be a good name. If you were a boy or a… more masculine looking version of me, Gallow." She said. "What… do you go by?"

“Mom named me Plory.” I answered.

"Plory? Sounds nice. So… an explanation?" I nodded, starting from when mom found my egg til, well, now. After some time mom… birth mom, seemed to be processing it all. "That's all… wow. I mean… I'm still not to sure how much I believe but…" She phased her talons back through me. "Can't argue against that either… a historian turn alien space crew technician… you way surpassed what I hoped you'd do with your life."

“Well…I mean, it sucks that I accidentally caused War itself to wake up…” I said sheepishly.

"Still, you've done a lot with your life, and, hey, you're gonna be a mom… I'm gonna be a grandma… kinda surreal when I'm basically a computer ghost." She chuckled.

“I mean, we’re going to be fixing that real soon.” I answered. “Cause we can make you a new body…and I want my kids to know both their grandmothers.” I said with a smile…which then turned into a grimace. “Seriously, how the hell are you that flexible?”

"Oh sweetie I'm sure you don't want answers to questions you lack the equipment to understand." She chuckled. "So… how long until I can basically come back from the dead?"

“Uh…” I hummed. “How long will it take?” I inquired the AI of Wonders.

"Full body cloning takes three days. Mental imprinting takes one hour." Amanda informed.

“So about three days.” I shrugged.

"Well, apparently I've been dead for over twenty years so, what's three days." Mom said. "Can't wait to meet the mare who raised you."

“She’s super nice, and sweet.” I said happily. “I just know you’ll enjoy meeting her.”

"Her and your baby daddy Grunk. He sounds sexy~"

“Oi! He’s mine.” I growled. “You can have mom…wait…” I blinked at what the hell I’m saying. “Uh…”

"Well if she's into that I'd be happy to make us an official family~"

I facepalmed…

Mom laughed.

Three days later, Mom got her new body, and Professor Clockwork was back.

He was… well, first, happy to be alive again, had a minor identity crisis before then getting detracted by all the historical knowledge and was assigned to Physical Archives.

Mom was happy to have her body back. She apparently really enjoyed her post-Killing Joke two gendered Griffin body and was happy to be in it again.

Now we were flying in an auto-pilot pod ship to the Hoof.

"Feels… different." Mom said as she rubbed her feathers and fur.

"How so?" I inquired.

"I don't know. Before I still kinda felt like, well, me. Even as a new species and with extra parts I felt… normal, but I guess it's just the whole, been dead, mental copy and replicated body thing." Mom shrugged.

"It's probably something that you'll get used to soon…" I sighed. "I still don't really know this stuff but I'm getting there…"

"Hey, the fact I'm even here at all is amazing. It will take some getting used to the whole twenty years dead thing… and missing out on your life but I am able to tag along on the ship. I asked and even got a job."

"Which is good." I nodded. "What job did you get?"

"I'm officially the Residential Quarters first brothel." I choked on air. "What? You think having my egg and twenty years dead would stop me shaking what killing joke gave me."

And I thought I was a pervert… well at least I know where I get in from…

"Well…at least you'll be doing what you like…" I said sheepishly.

"I was always told to trust and follow my guts. They just didn't specify which." Mom said with a Chuckle.

"Yeah…that's one way to look at it." I chuckled.

The ride was quick and landing I took a deep breath as I took in the sight and look of my hometown.

"Well…home sweet home…" I said simply.

The town of Chapel was where I called home and seeing it again was… nice. It was here where I grew up listening to the story of Security, then The Lightbringer. I mean, this place is home to Security's Tomb so, yeah.

Another thing is that the residents here are used to weird or odd things. So I was happy few if any batted an eye when we showed up here in a mini spaceship.

"Hopefully mom is okay…" I muttered, having been gone for a while I was worried something happened.

"This place looks nice." Mom said as she looked around. 

“Yeah, it’s really nice.” I said with a smile. “Everyone’s used to nonsense, so don’t expect to truly surprise anyone.”

I walked with her through town until we came across a brick and wood house. There in the yard I saw Mom. A white unicorn mare with an orange mane, bright yellow eyes and a Target Mark for a cutie mark. My adoptive mother, Spring Flower.

She turned over to me, smiled big and rushed in and gave me a hug. "Plory! Sweetie, I wasn't expecting you home! How have you been? I heard some wild things happened around where you live. How was the expedition?"

I gave my unicorn mother a hug as well. “Mom…there is so much I have to talk to you about.” I said. “But…first thing’s first…mom, I want you to meet…my birth mother.”

Mom looked over at her, gently let go of me, walked up to my birth mom… and socked her right across the beak.

I held mom back.

"You abandon your egg in the Hoof waste and expect to jump back into her life like a-"

My adoptive mom is very, very, very protective of me. And prone to violence. Often. My bullies feared her… and I do as well.