Because Love Conquers All

by BlackRoseRaven

Stage Four: Sattvapatti

Stage Four: Sattvapatti, the Attainment of Purity

There's a sick pun in that title, as you'll shortly see. Now, Enstasis looms, and who will dare to stand up against it? Our list of heroes grows thinner and thinner by the moment, I am sad to say, as Luna and Scrivener's greed and desire makes victims of those close to them... and worse yet, co-conspirators in their dark and terrible dance.

Sol, Titan, and Morgan, an Equestrian Folk Song

When Equestria was young and the world was wild,
There lived three adventurers, brave and young and true.
They traveled far and wide, helpin' every adult and child,
Savin' ponies from being made into monster stew.

There was Sol, she was brave, she was strong, she was fast,
It's been said not even Celestia could match her magic!
Strong and regal as all of Canterlot, any foe she could outlast,
Without her leadership our heroes' fate would have been tragic.

Then there was Titan, and no earth pony's ever been so mighty,
He could wrestle down a dragon with one hoof tied behind his back!
And he laughed, laughed, laughed, in the face of animosity,
He was determined to save everypony, even this ol' singin' hack.

And last but not least came the beautiful and deadly Morgan,
Her horn singin' through the air, fighting without any care,
She was tall and dark and dangerous, with the eyes of a gorgon,
But she loved her siblings dearly and treated everypony fair.

Oh, they were the Heroes of our old and faded Equestria,
A thousand years ago they lived and fought and sang together,
They were Heroes, loved and honored by even Celestia,
And now they roam the skies on high in Paradise forever.

They loved and were loyal to each other until the day they died,
Protecting our beloved country until the very end of their lives,
Now we sing their names together, Titan, Morgan, and Sol,
Knowin' they still watch over us from above.

Oh, they were the Heroes of our old and faded Equestria,
A thousand years ago they lived and fought and sang together,
They were Heroes, loved and honored by even Celestia,
And now they roam the skies on high in Paradise forever.