Blink of an Eye.

by iki


The soft white light slowly turns yellow-orange to an absorbing red-orange that rises high from all the roofs, windows and doors of the houses in the area.
Tall creatures flee and leaping over the corpses of their fellows where no one is safe from the flames consume the streets like a hungry creature, with a heat so strong it has no escape that consumes the last living creatures within reach, in the presence of the sharp glow of the flame.
Small wooden houses falling apart not only from the effects of the flames, but also from causing significant damage before they burst into flames.
Countless charred, dismembered, corpses decorate the streets like pebbles in a fireplace, while a single pony at a sufficient distance from the fire watches everything.

After a moment of shock from what she is witnessing, she begins to approach the burning village, walking along charred bodies, through the remains of stone streets burned white, lined with the ruins of buildings, without a single life, until she comes to a tall building with a bell tower, which is also burning but does not tend to crash.
Through the wide open double-winged gate, it is clear that the building is completely empty.
Without stopping, she continues and discovers that the deeper she goes, the worse the surroundings are.

With nothing more than ruins and building foundations covering the area, the pony sees a low black flame in the center of it all.
When she approaches it, she discovers that it is a burning figure holding a smaller person.

She sits down next to them and looks at the smoldering wreckage behind which the remains of the buildings are still burning.

She looks around for a moment until her gaze stops at the creature in the arms of the figure, she realizes that it is not two figures , but a flame in the shape of a figure holding an apparently dead figure.

"Who is that?" The pony asks, looking at the figure in the arms of the flame.

"What are you doing here?" The flame replies, disinterested in her.

"I was worried about you" The animal looks up at the flame.

"Why?" The flame answers confusedly, looking at the animal.

"What happened here? She indicates everything around, but the flame turns its head and looks ahead again without interest.

"Where are we, I don't recognize it here? When the pony doesn't see any reaction, she calmly continues.

" Did you know the people of this village? Still no response, but she doesn't give up.

" Why are you burning? She tries again.

"You're just as curious and talkative as I remember you, you'll tell me why you're really here"

"As I said before, I was worried about you and so......."

"I've heard that already" the flame pony interrupts his speech.

"And what do you want me to say?" Ask the pony little desperately.

"You don't even know what's going on, there's panic, fear everywhere and you're accused of treason, that you joined the side of the enemies that you're now leading against us, I don't know how much longer I can stand it" She has a downcast head, her first tears slowly begin to appear.

As soon as the first tear falls to the ground, a glow of flame surrounds her, and she lies with her head resting on his lap.
The girl with closed eyes and the pony lie with their heads in the lap of flames caressing their heads.
The stressed pony relaxed and all the sadness fell from her.

After they've been there for a while while time hasn't moved, the pony then asks.

" Where are we?

"This is, or rather was, the village of Almar, a beautiful village full of various lovely beings" The flame answers very slowly.

"What happened here" The pony purrs like a kitten as she is scratched on a sensitive spot on her neck.

"You can see for yourself what happened" The flame replies calmly.

" Is this the reason for your daily nightmares? After the pony says those words he stops with his hand still on her head.

"How do you know this?" He asks cautiously.

The pony sigh sand steps up to face the flames and says.

"I've known about your nightmares since the first day, every time you fall asleep and I see that you're having that terrible dream again, I go after you and every time I try to ask you what happened.............. .” She looks desperately at the flame who doesn't know what to think first.

"You mean to tell me that every time I saw you, you weren't just a figment of my imagination? But how could you be?" Replies the flame in disbelief.

"It doesn't matter now, tell me what happened here and I'll tell you what's going on in the real world" She sits down.

After a moment of silence, when it looks like the pony wants to make him talk again, the flame interrupts her speech.

Don't worry Glimi, you don't have to convince me to talk.

This is the memory of when I was first summoned, I wanted to tell you when we met,
because you confided what you regret the most, but I couldn't.....I'm so sorry.

He looks sadly at Glimi and continues.

All this around was caused by my desire for power, before I was very self-centered and eternally angry, I would do anything to achieve what I desire.
Once I was at the bottom after they kidnapped my friend named Noria, whom I met in this world, she was a member of my group of five that I formed to defeat the demon that was terrorizing the whole empire and at the same time after defeating him, the way home. He runs his hand through the girl's golden hair and looks at her sadly for a moment and continues.

But I underestimated his strength, without proper preparation and planning we faced him.
He killed two of my party, leaving only me and Alleyne, who was Nora's sister.
I swore to her that I would do everything to save her sister and together we set out for revenge.

And just at that moment when I ran into him again, he almost killed me, but he let me live, left me lying badly wounded, and it was only a matter of time before I died.
With my will, aggression, and hatred towards him, I summoned something that not only saved my life, but offered me a trade.

If I give him what he wants, he will give me what I desire most, But I was still blinded by the rage of hatred and revenge, I did not hesitate and immediately made a deal with him.

As soon as the flame said this, his right hand stopped burning with black flame, revealing pure smooth skin with a serenely flowing iridescent color on a deep hexagon field that looked like it was varnished and polished from the fingers to the shoulder.

This was the deal, he took my arm and gave me this, with the incredible power in it, I was able to destroy anything that came my way. The flame once again consumed the right arm.

Silence reigned again, Glimi, who is still in shock from what she just heard, stares in disbelief and doesn't know what to say.
The flame lowers its head and looks sadly at the girl in its lap again.

What happened here, what I did with these villages is what changed my whole life, the moment I realized I couldn't live like before, I became dangerous for everyone around me and I swore on my life to learn the power to control, which proved impossible.

It took me decades and I was still able to control only a part of that power, so I still have to be careful and control myself a lot so that the power doesn't control me and the next town or village doesn't end up like this one.

Now that you know the truth, I understand if you want to leave and keep a safe distance from me.

"How could you spend decades learning to control that power when you look so young? The pony asks

"Another effect of that power" The flame shows that he doesn't want to talk about it anymore.


"But that doesn't make sense, when you have so much power and you're afraid you'll lose control, so why do you fight? Glimi doesn't want to stop talking.

"Because I'm a soldier, I love fighting, when I have abilities with which I can change the outcome of the battle, I won't hide somewhere closed" Answered the flame quietly.

"I'm glad you told me" She smiles and puts her hoof on his leg for a moment before sitting down.

"Thank you for the story, but now I'll tell you.
Right now, you're lying unconscious in the room I locked you in so no one could find you, Twilight is completely insane, she's accusing you of betrayal and she wants your head, and it's all about me because we spent a lot of time together, plus attacks on our territory from the base you were in" Blurts out the pony and waits for an answer.

"Unconsciousness? What happened?" Flame says in surprise.

" Well, I don't know, you literally flew back from your mission, broke through the ceiling of the house where you were supposed to be waiting, and have been unconscious ever since. You told me a lot about your abilities, but nothing about what to do when you in unconsciousness" She trembles with impatience for an answer.

The flame stands and kneels before the Glim and utters.

"How long have I been in this state?

"Day 3" Startled by his serious voice.

"Now listen to me carefully, if I am out for this long, it can have serious consequences, it means that my body is too weak to regenerate and be able to defend itself against the power that surfaced, You have to wake me up at all costs" He holds Glimi behind her cheeks and stares sternly into her eyes.

"But how? I've already tried almost everything, treated and bandaged your bleeding wounds, I've tried healing magic, but nothing works" She whimpered.

"Well, listen, if my wounds don't heal, no one will, it means that I have some object in my body that is either poisoned or is in such a bad place that my body is not able to deal with it. Now the most important thing, I'll wake up incredibly weak and have terrible trouble controlling myself, NOBODY can come near me! Got it?'' He shakes the pony to emphasize his words.

"Now hurry, the sooner you solve this the better"

Without saying goodbye, the frightened pony slowly evaporates away, leaving only his empty hands of black flame.
She stands up and, looking at her surroundings, begins to slowly extinguish his flame at the moment when a golden-haired Tall Woman in leather armor comes to him with a beautiful smile with thick tears running down it.

I'm glad you finally opened up to someone Tropy.

As soon as starlight wakes up lying next to Tropy in the same bed, she quickly begins to throw off the bandages and look for wounds on his body while praying that he is not poisoned.

YES! She screams the moment she sees that a tiny black piece of something from his body is sticking out of one wound on his back, very close to the spine.
Carefully, using magic, she flips Tropy onto his stomach and begins to precisely remove a piece from his body.
She slowly pulls out the broken shrapnel of the Short Black Sword piece by piece, when suddenly a signal is heard from all the devices indicating that Twilight's representative should immediately come after her.

But starlight couldn't leave, if she left him like that he wouldn't heal and the risk would be even higher.
She continues to ignore the report and inch by inch she pulls out more and more pieces of the sword that already seems almost Infinite.
Luckily her magic was skilled enough to carefully pull it out without injuring him, pulling the 15 cm fragment from his back, she noticed that his wound is healing.
She happily turns him around, covers and disappears.

When she appears at the great stone table, where an upset Twilight is standing, she doesn't even have time to apologize for being late and is already being yelled at.

"Where have you been for so long?!"

"Sorry I had to..." She tries to speak but can't because of Twilight screaming.

"I bet I just distracted you from planning an attack on Equestria with your new best friend! Twilight is furious.

"No it's not like that, I..." Again she is interrupted.

"So where is he? As soon as he disappears, they start attacking us, it's not a coincidence and you know what happened"

"Let me explain" Desperate Starlight struggles to speak.

"I've heard enough of your excuses"

"Give me answers before I have you locked up for treason"

" Me?! For what? For working like a horse to arrange everything? For doing everything I can to arrange everything you need, regardless of how long I have to stay up and if I even go to sleep? That I represent you whenever you need and I'm doing everything to make sure you have as little weight on your shoulders as possible? Irritated starlight didn't let herself be interrupted

"It was, as soon as the person came, then you changed and started spending a lot of time with him and...."

" At your COMMAND!!! Starlight screamed over the princess.

" You wanted me to watch over him! You wanted me to fight him when he showed up while you watched me almost die! You wanted me to keep my eyes on him! To befriend him and know his every thought and step what will he do!! Aggrieved, Starlight stops checking herself in a fit of rage.

"but that..."

" QUIET!!!!! Mad Starlight yelled at the princess.

"Whenever you go to a meeting in Canterlot, I took care of all your duties, I arranged the needs for the running of our country all night so that I could then watch over the so-called person during the day, whom YOU ignored and did not care at all about what he needed and what's bothering him, you didn't make a single effort to keep your promise and contact his friends, whenever he came you threw him out like some stranger!

"Calm down" says the princess sternly.

"Don't interrupt me!! Yes I got close to him, maybe more than necessary and what did you do? You just ignore and get mad at him because of the misunderstanding that happened when we first met, but
I was the one who gained his trust!
I take care of him!
I'm the one listening to him!
I was the one who helped him prepare for mission!
I'm the one sleeping with him chasing away his nightmares!

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH HIM?!!! the shocked princess jumps into Starlight's sentence, when she realizes that she heard something else.

"J..." Starlight doesn't have a chance to say a single word when she jumps in again and this time aggressively.

"What mission were you talking about?! The princess begins to foam.

"Well talk, I'm listening" Enraged Twilight with her wings spread and a vein throbbing on her head with her hooves on the table and her face red.

Terrified Starlight stands like a Pillar, With a head full of remorse for what she just revealed, as she musters up the courage to stand up straight.

"SPEAK!! Twilight roared with a glowing horn.

"Alright!! You want the truth You have it, because you kept rejecting him he went on a suicide mission to prove his loyalty and get this while he is lying in the infirmary with serious injuries" A bag appears in a flash of green, which is then thrown on the table in front of the princess.

Without bothering to open the bag, the princess called the guards.

"I knew it..................................arrest her and find the human" waving at the guards.

With a scared expression of what is happening, Starlight tries to say something else to the princess but she can't anymore, with a gag in her mouth and a cover on her horn so that she can't use magic, she is forcibly dragged out of the room without the help of screams and kicking around her.

Oh my God!! I say after waking up in a body that can't possibly be mine, every centimeter of my body is covered with freshly closed wounds that burn like hell, my body in spasms and on fire.
I feel something coming to the surface, something I haven't felt in a very long time, something I must not allow.

After lying in complete darkness for a while, I manage to concentrate and while ignoring the pain, I manage to keep myself under control, when I hear the opening and slamming of the door in the corridor and loud voices.
I don't want to believe that it has anything to do with me, but the opposite is true, immediately the door bursts open, my mouth is gagged, my hands and feet are tied and I'm dragged like an wild animal through a white corridor.

With incredible pain with every impact with every movement of my body, and hypersensitive After many injuries, I feel faint.
I'm trying at all costs to stay sane and not allow my nightmare to repeat itself in this world.

Pain, sharp pain passes through me when I am thrown like an wild animal into a small room and then chained to a device to which ponies are chained so that they cannot move.
I now have all my limbs on the ground on all fours like a dog in a sharp forward bend and in incredible pain with still unhealed wounds on my back that don't stop bleeding due to the wrong position.
I feel blood running down my naked body, around my shoulder blades over my neck, around my ears through my hair to my nose and then on the ground, I see puddles forming in front of me.

That position is so painful that I managed to crush the gag in my mouth from the accumulated rage and screamed at the guards who were standing in front of the door to untie me and let me lie on the ground.

When the door opened, all I got was a quick hoof in the face and an order to shut up.

I can't handle this, I think When I see that my field of vision is narrowing.
Full of despair and fear of what will happen, I gathered the last strength I could sacrifice to break the wooden hooves in which my hands and feet are.

I fall to the ground exhausted to death, with a small relief that did not last long, as soon as the guards opened the door and saw that I was freed from the shackles, They began to beat me...............

....................................Black Mist....................................

....................................Dead Guards....................................

....................................Flashing lights....................................

....................................Black Mist....................................

....................................Thickening Darkness....................................

....................................Black Mist....................................

....................................Princess Twilight Sparkle....................................

....................................Dead Pile of Guardians....................................

..................................Sparks falling to the ground....................................

....................................Black Mist....................................

....................................Lying in a Pool of Blood Princess Twilight Sparkle....................................

....................................Black Mist....................................

....................................Bloodied Starlight Glimmer....................................
