Grogar Summons Other Villains

by Satanbrony

Welcome back to Equestria, girls

   When night came, the robot alicorn carried Cozy Glow to bed. The pegasus looked smaller on that mechanical horse than a mouse on a pony.

   Meanwhile Grogar scribbled something on the ground. His writing and lines were glowing in light blue. A dark crystal emerged from the middle of those scribbles.

   It was engulfed in black flames. Suddenly that fire grew and became a small tornado. Together with the crystal it morphed into a very tall dark grey pony with a sharp red horn.

   He was wearing armour, a red cape and something that could almost be described as a crown. The pony's black mane was moving similar to fire, although slower. His eyes were mostly green with red pupils. Purple smoke was coming out of them.

   "Welcome back, King Sombra." — said Chrysalis with a smile. She briefly kneeled before him. Then the blue ram began to speak — "I hope that you understand what mistakes were made last time."

   "Yes… I do understand." — the dark unicorn nodded. Grogar asked — "So are you ready to conquer Equestria properly this time?"

   "Oh, of course! And I have a much better plan that includes you all by my side." — said King Sombra. The blue ram sighed with relief and smiled. But before Grogar could react, the dark unicorn shot a black and purple beam at him.

   The eyes of the blue ram began to glow in green. Sombra smiled. Suddenly Grogar frowned. The green glow faded off his eyes. The horns of the blue ram began to glow in yellow. A black spiky ball of energy formed between them. Grogar huffed — "Fear gives me strength!"

   The pony sighed while lifting his head. A huge dark crystal emerged from the ground. It covered Sombra from Grogar's black and yellow magic blast. Suddenly the unicorn was lifted by an orange light. He was flown closer to Tirek.

   The centaur opened his mouth wide, as if trying to breathe in as much air as he could. Sombra shot dark magic at the brother of Scorpan. Dark crystals formed on Tirek's face and neck.

   The unicorn became a black smoke before dashing and reforming behind the centaur. Then Sombra shot at the horns of Scorpan's brother. Small dark crystals began to grow out of them. While preparing to shoot again, the dark unicorn disappeared in black and yellow flames.

   Sombra reappeared in front of Gorgar. So he tried to blast the blue ram. However, a wave of black and yellow energy obliterated the dark unicorn. Not even flames on birthday candles are blown out so fast.

   "Alright… that was a mistake…" — said the ram as he looked at the other villains. Tirek nodded. This caused the crystals to break off from the centaur. He continued to remove them from his horns. The blue ram continued to speak —  "His desire to make stupid decisions… is unnecessary."

   Suddenly the top of the big crystal began to burn in black fire. Two green eyes opened in that flame. Then it morphed into Sombra. Before the other villains could react, a purple mist entered the eyes of the changeling. Her green energy blasted Grogar to the other side of the cave. 

   "Aaagh!" — grunted the blue ram while trying to stand up. He created a black and yellow wall to cover himself from another green beam. Then Grogar began to speak — "Chrysalis, my dear, I know that you're afraid. That's how he controls you. But I can also feel your strength. And it is greater than Sombra's power."

   "Don't worry. You are not alone. Your fear is giving me the strength to help you. We will defeat it together." — he continued as his magic pushed away the green energy. The blue ram began to walk towards the changeling. The clash of their powers was also coming closer to her.

   But before the black and yellow energy could touch Chrysalis, a dark crystal tall enough to reach the ceiling emerged in front of her. It covered the changeling from Grogar's power. Both magical beams dispersed.

   Something tiny crawled on top of that crystal, but the blue ram didn't notice the insect. At least not until it shot a big bolt of green energy at him. Grogar dodged that shot and countered another one with a beam of his own.

   The insect hid behind the dark crystal before disappearing in black and yellow flames. It reappeared on the ground in front of the ram. With an explosion of green light, the tiny creature became a blue bear the size of a house.

   The big monster roared while trying to crush Grogar. But the blue ram jumped to the side before shooting at the beast. The shot morphed into energy that shut the bear's jaws. Grogar flipped his hoof and that monster was teleported further away.

   Then the ram continued to shoot at it and create bounds until the bear fell on its back. After he came close enough, yellow mist steamed out of the bear's chest and began to flow towards Grogar's mouth.

   Suddenly a wave of orange energy smashed the ram against a wall. Before Grogar could stand up, the big monster spat green webbing at him. The bodiless laughter of King Sombra echoed through the whole lair — "Ahahaha!!"

   The ram struggled and grunted but couldn't get out. When he looked up, Grogar saw that the whole ceiling was covered by black clouds. After glancing at where the shot came from, he saw a big crystal dome. There were multiple dark crystals and large stone spikes on that side of the lair.

   A bolt of lightning struck the ram's head. All those yellow and black bounds on the beast disappeared. Then the bear rushed closer while breathing green fire at the ram. That flame made the webbing grow and tighten.

   "Nuugh!" — Grogar grunted as it burned him. With a black and yellow energy blast the ram destroyed some of the bounds that held him. But the green fire restored them stronger than before. Grogar beamed the bear away.

   But then lightning landed on the blue ram's face. As Grogar shot the charging beast again, another bolt came. Lightning began to constantly land on Grogar's head, like a hammer on a nail.

   Despite that, he continued to shoot at the beast. Each black and yellow blast slammed the bear to the wall. However, her fire reached Grogar from time to time. Soon the blue ram was entirely covered in thick green webbing.

   While bound inside it, he couldn't cast magic nor move at all. Grogar was engulfed in green flames again. The ram felt as if he was drowning in molten steel. At least the lighting bolts stopped.

   Then the blue bear hit Grogar. That strike should have thrown the blue ram into the wall, but the webbing kept him in place. So the beast hit Grogar from the other side. After that, the bear began to use him as a chewing toy.

   Suddenly that dark crystal dome on the other side exploded. Tirek broke out of it and shot at the face of the big blue beast. The bear's head was turned away by the orange beam. This ripped some of the green web off Grogar.

   The blue ram waved his free left hoof. Tirek disappeared in black and yellow flames before reappearing in front of Grogar. Vorak's son immediately lunged at the bear. Then the blue ram commanded him — "Hold her!"

   Orange light engulfed and lifted the bear. It also held her jaws shut. Yellow mist came out of the beast's chest and into Grogar's mouth again. In a green flash, the bear became Chrysalis.

   Before the orange energy dispersed off her, the changeling smiled and closed her eyes. Then the former queen fell into swamp water. Many small bubbles surfaced from where her head drowned. Chrysalis emerged splashing the other villains —  "You red fool! I wasn't a fish!"

   "Hahahaha!" — they all heard King Sombra's laughter. It came from the black clouds and echoed in the whole lair.
Then several lightning bolts lunged at the trio. All of them hit Tirek who covered Grogar and Chrysalis. The Centaur grunted before asking — "Rragh! Why are you laughing? We're all more powerful than you."

   "Well that's good to know, I need strong slaves." — Sombra replied. Then came the sound of thunder. Chrysalis began to shoot at the black clouds. Each green beam made them explode and disperse. But those clouds reformed after every shot.

   Lightning bolts started striking the three villains from all sides. Pieces of the ceiling began to fall through the black clouds. Tirek and Chrysalis created energy shields and shot at whatever came close. Then Grogar waved his hoof. That whole storm disappeared in a huge yellow fire.

   Sombra appeared on the ground before being lifted by green and orange light. He struggled inside that colourful magic. Grogar shot at the unicorn's horn. A yellow and black ring formed on it. Sombra heard and saw the blue ram's bell ring at him. A big yellow spiral formed.

   Suddenly Sombra became a black must with green eyes. All those magical bounds slipped off him. A huge dark crystal emerged under the bell and raised it to the ceiling. Then Sombra covered himself with a crystal dome.

   Tirek charged at it like a flying bull. He shattered the dome and beamed orange energy at the black mist. This dispersed it. But Sombra reformed again and flew out. He rushed to the halls. A big dark crystal lunged at the centaur.

   Sombra stopped flying when he saw a big robotic hoof with dark blue plate armour step out of a corner. The black mist became a pony and shivered while talking to himself  — "No… no… no… no…"

   The unicorn walked backwards and then ran, he even kicked the ground while doing so. Sombra quickly turned back into mist and flew to the other villains. It moved so fast, he looked like black lightning.

   The dark unicorn became himself in front of the trio. And then tried to shoot them. However, a wave of green energy disembodied him. But Sombra again formed further away behind the trio. As the dark unicorn blasted magic at them, an explosion of white-blue light happened in front of him.

   Sombra backed away. He saw the big robot alicorn wearing dark blue plate armour. Because of the metallic hood and sharp teeth, from the front the robotic pony looked like a monstrous cobra. 

   Dark crystals lunged at the mechanical horse from all sides. Some, large enough to reach the ceiling from the ground, formed a wall around the robotic pony. Then Sombra rushed towards Tirek, Grogar and Chrysalis. 

   But before he could do anything, the robot alicorn erupted out of its crystal confinement. Then with a white-blue flash it appeared in front of the dark unicorn. Next to Sombra the robotic pony looked like a wolf near a rabbit. It smiled — "Hello, Sombra."

   "Blu-Blue King?! You're free?!" — replied the shivering dark unicorn while resisting the urge to step back. He kept trying to not look directly at the robot alicorn. Then Sombra turned towards Grogar and asked— "Why is he free?!"

   "For the same reason I brought you back." — answered the blue ram — "So that together we could conquer Equestria. And then divide it amongst ourselves the way we see fit, so that none of us bite more than we can chew."

   "I think that the Crystal Empire should belong to you. We know that you can conquer it on your own. But together we could defeat all our enemies and then rule for a long time." — Grogar continued — "Furthermore, Blue King doesn't want his part of Equestria… So more for us."

   "Don't worry, King Sombra. I won't harm you. Personally I haven't done that." — said Blue King while smiling — "But now we will be on the same team. So may our bygones be bygones."

   "Where did I go wrong with my life to be on the same team as Blue King?" — asked the red-horned pony. The robot alicorn replied — "It was in the moments you decided to be a threat to Equestria. And most were without a dire need."

   "But I'm not like you!" — said Sombra while shaking his head and backing away. Blue King continued to speak — "Oh, but we don't have to be the same."

   "Each of us is rather unique at being evil. Working together against Equestria, we will be a sort of rainbow of darkness." — said the blue ram — "Furthermore, I wouldn't have been able to summon you if  you weren't evil."

   "I can taste how Blue King terrifies you. So you should be very happy to be on the same side." — Grogar continued  to speak — "Just imagine how much we all could achieve by working together."

   As that conversation continued, someone else began walking outside Grogar's lair. He was a ram like Grogar, but larger and black, except for the blue mane and grey beard. There were scars on his face.

   Instead of a bell, this ram had a talisman that looked like a circle with a star inside. Each of its five corners touched the outline. Red flames were coming out of that talisman like the ray florets of a sunflower.

   The conversation was still going on when this ram entered the lair. King Sombra sighed and replied to Grogar — "Alright… This time I will join you. At least until failure… so what's the plan?"

   "Thank you for making a good decision today. This really gave me more hope in villainy." — said the blue ram — "I intend to resurrect the Sphinx. Then together we should be able to bring back the Pony of Shadows."

   "The plan can be altered. Maybe you know another great villain who could be useful? Perhaps some ideas?"  — Grogar asked. The black ram answered from further away — "Have you tried to summon the sirens, you blue baboon?"

   "How dare you insult him?!" — growled the changeling as she stomped the ground. Her horn was glowing as if it was a green bonfire at night. The rude beast replied — "Oh, a changeling? So Vorak skipped a hive? We all make mistakes I guess…"

   "Why are you in Equestria?" — Grogar frowned while gently rubbing the back of Chrysalis. Her horn stopped glowing as she looked at him. The other ram replied — "I returned to free Balaur and Tirek. After that, I was going to take your bell for myself."

   "But I see that you already have it. And Vorak's runt is also here! Ahahaha!" — the black ram laughed as he looked at Tirek. An orange energy ball appeared between the centaur's horns. Then he shot at the rude beast.

   But the dark goat dodged that orange beam. So Scorpan's brother fired another one. This time it clashed against a red and yellow blast. As their energies began to push against each other, the black ram mocked Tirek again — "A foolish cretin, aren't you?"

   Suddenly the centaur kneeled and punched the ground. A stone spike emerged under the rude beast, launching it to the ceiling. Before the black ram could reach the ground, a wave of orange energy slammed him against a wall.

   Suddenly Tirek began to glow in red and yellow. Only his face wasn't covered by magic. Similar energy came at it like a lightning bolt. The centaur should have been smashed into the ground further away. But instead he was flown closer to the black ram. And the blasts kept coming.

   Tirek began to drink the energy that held him. While doing that the centaur became bigger. After freeing himself, he shot at the rude beast. Then he lunged at it. The black ram was knocked to the wall. Another orange beam hit him.

   Orange magic threw the rude beast towards Tirek. The centaur opened his mouth wide before disappearing in black and yellow flames. The black ram fell on the ground. Grogar sighed and asked — "Alright, what do you want?"

   "I came back just a few hours ago. But upon my arrival, I was surrounded by the delicious pain of ponies. Dragons were burning ponies and destroying buildings as far as I could see." — replied the bigger caprine — "That is something that Balaur would cause."

   "Someone must have freed him. I expect it was you."  — the black continued to speak — "So I came to your lair to make Balaur into my pet. Where is he now?"

   "Oh… I didn't free Balaur. I don't even know where he is." — Grogar replied before pointing at the robotic pony — "And the dragons were manipulated by Blue King."

   "Huh, I haven't heard of him." — said the rude beast. Sombra frowned with envy. Then the dark caprine continued to speak — "Alright, so Balaur should still be in Tartarus…"

   "Then go to Tartarus!" — said the blue ram as he waved his hoof. The rude beast disappeared in yellow and black flames. Grogar sighed with relief.

   "Sombra!" — said Chrysalis as she landed in front of the dark unicorn and stomped her hooves — "Let's see how you feel being enslaved!"

   The changeling fired a green lighting bolt at Sombra's head. The pony frowned. His pupils became dark green like a leaf trying to get more sunlight.

   Suddenly Sombra became his usual self and began to laugh — "Ahahaha!. Pathetic power gained from love.."

   Chrysalis dodged a black and purple beam. As she flew upwards, two giant dark crystals lunged at her out of the ceiling. So the changeling covered herself with a green barrier.

   Then a third crystal pinned her to the ground. Grogar stomped his hoof while Chrysalis disappeared in black and yellow flames. She reappeared next to him. Then the blue ram hugged the changeling closer to himself. 

   "Alright, now you're even. My dear, I have something to show you." — said Grogar while lifting his crystal ball with the other hoof — "Look, another changeling."

   That crystal ball looked as if it was a window to a smaller version of the world. In it they saw a creature very similar to Chrysalis. But this changeling was only as big as a common stallion.

   His eyes were red with pupils as white as snow. The left eye had a cut-like scar. Because of the colour, it always looked freshly gained. His wings looked like big torn leaves made from red glass. There were also holes in the legs.

   "So the treacherous nerd became a renegade to Thorax…" — said Chrysalis as she frowned. The robot alicorn turned its head to look at the crystal ball. Grogar asked — "Should I summon him?"

   "Having at least one changeling servant would be nice. Even if he is Scar." — said the former queen. King Sombra stomped his hoof — "We don't need an infestation! There is already one more than what is needed." 

   "We need all the help we can get. Changelings are incredibly useful. You could enslave him if he fails to obey us." — replied the blue ram — "Having at least one slave should feel good for you. Even if that slave is a changeling!" 

   "Furthermore, his back blends well with your cloak." — He continued. The dark unicorn sighed. Then Grogar waved against the air. Scar the changeling appeared in front of the other villains. He kneeled in sight of Chrysalis — "Ah, my great queen, is it you?"

   "There is no love for me in your heart." — said the big changeling. Then she blasted  the smaller one. But before he could be smashed against a wall, Scar was thrown at the hooves of Chrysalis. She stepped on the smaller changeling's head.

   Scar began to sink in solid ground. He grunted before the former queen kicked him to the wall. Then pink mist came out of Scar's chest and rushed into the bigger changeling's mouth.

   "But I will take the love you managed to get for yourself." — said Chrysalis while breathing it in. Scar shot at the former queen's face. The blast shut her mouth and turned her head away. — "No you won't! There will never be love in me that you could take."

   "Not while I know what you did to my mother!" — Scar roared while shooting another green beam at the former queen. This time Chrysalis covered herself with a wing. She began to walk closer — "So you will be a good servant after I wipe your mind?"

   "No!! I will never be your drone again!!" — said the smaller changeling as covered himself with a magical shield. That barrier exploded from green lightning. Scar was thrown at an emerging dark crystal.

   "Aaagh!" — grunted the smaller changeling. In a flash of green light he transformed into a bird as big as a cart. While flying, Scar dodged several beams from the former queen. And, almost like a rampaging dragon, he began to breathe green fire at her.

   Chrysalis deflected the flames with her power. Then she spew green webbing at Scar, sticking him to the ceiling. But as a changeling he was able to slip out of it. The red-horned pony asked — "Are you sure that you want to beat him into submission?"

   "You know I can just enslave this pest…" — he said. The former queen replied — "Don't! Scar is my changeling. He needs to know that I can do whatever I want with him. And I'm doing this for fun, to mock him."

   "No! NO!! I will NOT let you do ANYTHING to me!" — yelled the smaller changeling during the fight — "You were the first to abandon the hive when the unturned needed you the most."

   But Scar was getting slower and less agile by the second. Chrysalis laughed while continuing to shoot — "Hahaha! As if you ever had a say."

   Suddenly the bigger changeling began to glow in white-blue light. Sombra looked at Blue King as Chrysalis was flown closer to it. Soon the former queen was in front of the mechanical horse's face. Standing at full height he asked — "Why would you mistreat your servants?"

   Before Chrysalis could answer,she disappeared in black and yellow flames. Same happened to Scar. Blue King saw both of them next to Grogar.

   "Scar won't be enslaved. Each of you joined me willingly. There is no reason to force him." — said the blue ram. The smaller changeling replied — "Thank you, but I'm not sure if I want to join you…"

   "Especially with Chrysalis on the same team." — he said — "Oh, I apologize for her behavior. You won't be her underling. Working together we could defeat the ponies. After that, we will divide Equestria amongst ourselves."

   "But I'm his queen!" — complained Chrysalis. The blue ram stomped on the ground and glared at her — "You WERE his queen.

   "Yes, Grogar…" — the bigger changeling bowed and backed away. Scar giggled — "Ehehehe! I think joining you is a good decision."

   "Welcome to the team then. And thank you for not being like Sombra…" — said the blue ram before looking at the dark unicorn. Then he turned back at Scar — "I've been told that you are highly intelligent. Any scientific achievements that could be useful?"

   "I managed to make a cure for what Thorax did to the hive." — replied the smaller changeling — "And I did that without any help from the "queen" here."

   "Oh, interesting. Will you need any special items to make it?" — asked Grogar. Scar explained — "Yes, the cure requires ingredients. Most importantly, I will need my laboratory."

   After the blue ram waved his hoof, Lord Tirek appeared in front of them. He was slightly bigger than last time. Scar jumped back. The horn of the smaller changeling began to glow in green — "Tirek!"

   "Another changeling?! Congratulations Chrysalis! — said the centaur — "How long would it take to spawn an army?"

   "What?! Grogar summoned him!" — yelled the former queen. Scar snickered to himself as his horn stopped glowing. Then the blue ram spoke — "Tirek, create a portal and bring Scar's laboratory here. Then put it in the cave which you think should be his new room."

   Scorpan's brother did as he was told. The smaller changeling followed. After they returned to the main hall, Grogar asked — "Alright, have any of you heard about the villain named Balaur?"

   Scar and Sombra raised a hoof each. The blue ram looked at the smaller changeling who began to speak — "A cursed pegasus with a desire to burn Equestria. He wielded a magical sword and stole the lifeforce of slain dragons."

   "Before that he was a decent warrior. The road downhill started out of a need for vengeance. By now Balaur wants to cause what he wanted revenge for…" — said King Sombra before looking at the robot alicorn — "I can relate to that, being on the same side as Blue King."

   "Are you as afraid of Balaur as much as of Blue King?" — asked Chrysalis with a smile. The dark pony answered — "Oh, no, not at all. You're comparing a mosquito to a hornet."

   "We shouldn't underestimate him. Balaur was seen as useful by someone who is very motivated to cause pain to every creature." — said the blue ram — "What's relevant to us is that I  found out why I couldn't summon the sirens. The good news is that they are all still alive…"

   Within the crystal ball, the villains could see three girls. One of those humans had curly orange hair so big, it looked like she had a whole bush on her head. The skin of this girl was as yellow as a lemon.

   The human standing next to her had dark pink skin and mostly purple hair, except for a few light blue stripes. Her hairstyle was two long tails. They were long enough to reach her hips.

   Lastly there was the light blue girl. Her hair had stripes of dark blue and light blue. It was tied in a simple ponytail behind her.

   "Humans? After we conquer Equestria, I suggest we kill them all." — said the robot alicorn. Grogar shook his head — "Let's not plan too far ahead. The conquest of Equestria is not even halfway done. And they aren't humans."

   "They're creatures similar to Waltan's windigos." — said the blue ram as the crystal ball was to the middle the other villains by black and yellow light.

   Now it showed how the three girls were three monstrous fish-ponies almost as big as dragons. Each of them had a red gem on their chest. Those monsters were swimming through the skies and terrorizing Equestrian towns.

   Often the sirens covered lands in green mist. Inside it, other creatures fought each other for as long as they could. The monstrous fish-ponies caused conflicts everywhere they went. Many ponies destroyed their own homes.

   Those monsters showed great personal power too. Similar to how dragons breathe fire, the sirens blasted bright red energy. It instantly vaporised stones. 

   After that, the first defeat of the sirens was shown. A magical vortex was opened in the sky. Then a heroic pegasus tricked the sirens into going through it. Seeing her, Blue King whispered — "Somnambula…"

   Later the villains saw how the sirens were defeated in human form. Those monsters were engulfed in rainbows. Their red gems shattered. After that, the girls ran off the stage.

   "Fixing their gems won't be hard. Here's the spell for that." — said Grogar before shooting at the floor. Glowing yellow symbols appeared there. — "Even a small amount of magic is enough to perform it. But the amount of power the sirens lost won't be restored."

   "Understood." — said the robot alicorn. Then it stood up and waved its horn. A white-blue fire as tall as the mechanical horse appeared in front of it. Soon it gained many colours and became similar to a moving painting. Blue King spoke into it — "Hello, Deerie. How is my favourite cherub?"

   "Blue King?! Your Majesty! I have missed you sooo much!"
— a voice replied — "And I have been… alright. Thank you for asking, master! Every captured human is tortured to death, as you commanded."

   "There was hesitation in your answer. Deerie, are you sure that you're alright?" — asked the robot alicorn. Deerie reassured it — "Oh, I really am! I just missed you… I would like to snuggle you."

   "Then we will cuddle when we meet. But now I have a task for you ." — said the mechanical horse. Grogar's crystal ball began to glow in white-blue light and was flown in front of the robotic pony. It was still showing the sirens as humans.

   Meanwhile, the black ram was walking in a massive cave. The walls were purple, the floor was green. Many cages were there. And he shot at the monsters inside each.

   "Ahahaha!" — laughed the rude beast while punching some of those metallic condiments off the edge. Same happened whenever he magically slammed two cages together.

   Eventually the black ram reached a certain path of stairs. He opened his jaws. Red mist came out of every monster he harmed. It rushed into the beast's mouth. Then he smiled and began to walk up those stairs.

   At the top of the stairs was another cage. Inside it stood a light black pegasus. He was wearing iron armour. But most of the body wasn't covered. It was easy to see that this pony had many scars.

   His eyes were mostly orange. The black pupils looked like stretched six-pointed star symbols.He looked at the black ram and spoke — "Greetings… Grogar? Huh, I always imagined you as a blue ram."

   "Then you always imagined him correctly. But I'm not Grogar." — said the black ram. The caged pony asked — "Have you come to free me?"

   "Ahahaha! I came to laugh at you!" — said the beast. Soon he was right next to the cage. His head was above it. With one hoof, the ram lifted it by the top. This caused the pegasus to slide down to the other side.

   The pony opened his mouth wide. Fire rushed out of it. Those flames tried to engulf the ram. But red energy kept covering him like a shield. The beast continued to laugh — "Hahaha! No wonder you haven't escaped."

   "So why are you here?" — asked the pony as he stopped exhaling fire. The black ram answered — "Well, Balaur, dragons are burning Equestria. The eastern cities are being destroyed as we speak."

   "Wonderful!" — the pegasus smiled. — "Or do you need me to stop them? Because I definitely could."

   "Hahaha! Why would I want them to stop? Balaur, I feed on pain and rage! There is no reason for me to cause goodness!" — said the beast — "You're good at causing what I need. So serve me, make others suffer. And you'll be rewarded with strength."

   "Alright." — Balaur nodded and kneeled. A ball of red and yellow energy appeared between the ram's horns. Then similar to a feather guided by wind, it flew into the pegasus. 

   For a moment the pony shone in red and yellow. After that he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Balaur exhaled a huge wave of flames. His whole prison cell was engulfed in fire. The cage melted like chocolate cards in an oven.

   Balaur clapped his wings. A gust of wind threw the metal off the edge. The black ram shot a red beam at his talisman — "Now we need to get you armed…"

  A red circle with a star symbol inside appeared on the ground. Black smoke steamed out of it, forming a dome of darkness. Then that mist morphed into a monster.

   Suddenly that demon became a black and red tornado. The beast pulled out a very light blue shard out of his stash. It looked both metallic and crystal-like. That object was glowing white, even when red magic held it. 

   "Behold, a shard of Gladrasil, the sword of Vorak!" — said the black ram before throwing it at the tornado. Both things morphed into a large sword. — "Now we are ready to get out."

   By the time that duo exited Tartarus, there was another pony in Grogar's lair. He was a slightly slim unicorn with a fancy white beard. His eyes were glowing green.

   That stallion was wearing a blue cloak and a hat. Both had yellow stars and moons on them. The horn of that pony was engulfed in white energy.

   A dark blue vortex covered the whole ceiling. A yellow monstrous fish-pony flew out of it. The siren was the largest creature in the lair. She began to swim in the air — "Yes! Yes!! Finally!"

   The robot alicorn stood up on his back legs. His frontal hooves reached forward and were engulfed in white-blue flames. The blue siren landed in those fires. Instead of burning her, they slowed her fall.

   "Nice to meet you, I am Blue King." — said the robotic pony before putting the siren on the floor. The yellow monster turned towards the mechanical horse — "Oh, you're Blue King? Thank you for sending that little creature to fix our gems."

   Suddenly, the dark pink siren fell flat on the floor — "OW! Hey! Why didn't I get a softened landing?!"

"Because you can fly on your own…" — said Grogar — "Anyways… welcome back to Equestria, girls! I am Grogar."

   "The Grogar? Your tyranny was legendary! Hopefully we can bring it back." — spoke the yellow monster before pointing at herself — "My name is Adagio Dazzle, pleasure to meet you all."

   "I'm Aria Blaze…" — said the dark pink siren — "And the last time I was here, they invented sliced bread. Has anyone managed to top that?"

   "Many things have been invented since then." — the smaller changeling answered— "But we still say "the best thing since sliced bread"."

   "So no…" — Aria sighed and frowned — "That's disappointing. But at least we're not in the human world anymore. Maybe I should try some of those new things… What's your name, little guy?"

   "Scar. Because of the scar right here." — the changeling replied as he pointed at his marked eye. — "However, I can still see how pretty you are!"

   "Awww! Thank you! Hehehe!" — the dark pink monster giggled and blushed. She began to wag her big tail — "You're a hungry changeling, aren't you? Well, I might have some love for you…"

   "My turn! My turn! My name is Sonata Dusk!" — said the light blue siren — "Can we make you fight now? Adagio, ready?"

   "Oh, you won't need to feed on us." — said the blue ram as he magically lifted his crystal ball towards those monsters. All three looked at it.

   It showed how dragons were still destroying things in the east. Then many stone spiders as big as houses emerged from the forest. They had light blue eyes. Those spiders attacked the fire-breathing monsters.

   Flames were ignored by the stone creatures. They neither burned nor melted. And dragons didn't have as many limbs as their eight-legged opponents. But they did have the strength to break them.

   Each broken part of the rock monsters became smaller spiders and continued to attack. They were attacking the fire-breathers like a wave, trying to push them out of Equestria.

   As the giants fought, light blue beams began to shoot the dragons out of the sky. That power came from a dark blue alicorn. Her mist-like mane looked similar to a night sky filled with stars.

   She beamed fire away from herself. Lightning began to strike the fire-breathers from all clouds. Water was pouring on every flame. Despite that, the dragons kept fighting. They were withstanding Equestria's defenses.

   "So much tasty conflict! Even principal, I mean PRINCESS, Luna is fighting!" — said Sonata. Grogar nodded — "Yes! And she empowered some heroes to help her. I will send you there. But it would be best if ponies didn't know that the sirens are back."

   "Oh, no worries!" — replied the yellow monster as her eyes began to glow red. Same happened to Aria and Sonata. Then three mares appeared in front of them.

   These ponies had the colours of the sirens. The manes were similar to their human hair. Each had a black necklace with a red gem. Then Adagio said — "You can send these avatars. We'll look like ponies."

   "Diamond Hoof is still alive?!" — yelled Scar while looking at something in the crystal ball. It was a yellow mare with short purple mane. Wingless and hornless, she jumped on dragons like a grasshopper. And many of those monsters were knocked out by her punches.

   "Did she bother you?" — asked Aria as she came closer. The smaller changeling explained — "Yes! Diamond Hoof wrecked my laboratories! That mare also beat me up multiple times."

    "She seems to be a strong and brave warrior. I fought against a similar pony in the past." — said Grogar — "If this "Diamond Hoof" is similar to Drahsa, she shouldn't be underestimated."

   "Aria, Adagio and Sonata, you can help the dragons in this battle. The way you shoot red energy could be relatable to them." — said the robot alicorn — "Tell these lizards that King Aether sent you."

"Sure" — Adagio nodded — "It is the least we could do."

   "Alright then, have a wonderful feast!" — said the blue ram as he waved his hoof. Those three ponies disappeared in black and yellow light. Soon there was green mist in the battle.

   Then a light orange pegasus went to the sky. His red and yellow mane was covered by a brown fedora. That pony could hold and mold fire as if it was clay or snow. He embraced the flames that rushed towards him.

   The winged hero flew through the battlefield and took every fire. Then he began striking the dragons with giant whips made from it. Occasionally throwing huge fireballs at those lizards. He also made many flames explode by hitting them with his big wrench.

   Together with him and some other flying heroes, Luna fought the dragons in the sky. After a while, the green mist reached the clouds. The sirens' avatars began to shoot red beams at Equestria's defenders. 

   "YES! Get beamed, you yellow runt!' — Scar cheered and shook his frontal hooves as he saw a ray of red energy hit Diamond Hoof. Sombra and Tirek glanced at him. The pink siren's main body was wagging its tail.

   "Thank you, Aria. I will sleep happier now." — said the smaller changeling. After that, he went to his lab and fell asleep. Meanwhile, Luna was using her power to push back a red beam. It was a struggle, but she succeeded.

   When the first morning light reached the battle, another alicorn arrived. She was white and almost as tall as Chrysalis. Her floating mane had the colours of a fading rainbow. More heroes and defensive creations joined the battle. Each of them were glowing in yellow and blue.

   The eyes of the sirens became normal. Their avatars disappeared. Those monsters curled on the ground and began their slumber. Chrysalis crawled to bed. Grogar and Sombra continued to watch as Equestria's defenders were winning the battle. The hordes of dragons were being pushed out.

   "What? No… please flee… please…" — whispered the dark unicorn. White-blue lightning bolts hit every flying hero out of the sky. Sombra saw that mechanical horse among the dragons. 

   Soon the heroes were in front of it. The red-horned pony shook his head while tears ran down his cheeks — "Please… pleas flee… some crimes of Blue King cannot be undone…"

  The defenders of Equestria were defeated. Most died painfully, barely anyone survived. The robot alicorn began to torture and cripple the two horneless alicorns. They were screaming for it to kill them, at least while their sounds made sense.

   Blue King made them blind and voiceless. It did the same to the other surviving heroes. Many fainted after the torment. Cozy Glow's friend disappeared in white-blue light. The dragons were blamed for what happened.